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01x14 - Big Daddy

Posted: 07/05/23 11:36
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]






Hey, Monkey-bucket!

How'd you get Robotnik to let you use his ride?

I'll tell ya when I catch ya, hedgehog!

You're mine, mine, mine!

Dream on, circuit-head!





I even hold the speed record for runnin' backwards!


Hey, where'd the cliffs go?

Happy laaannnddiinnngs!


[Coconuts] Oh, there they are!


Major fender-bender!

Robotnik is not gonna be happy!

[Robotnik] You did what with my Egg-O-Matic!?!

[Coconuts] I sorta borrowed it.

Borrowed it!?!

You stole it, you pseudo-simian sop!

Give it back at once!

Oh, right.

Give it back, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll give it back.

I uh--uh, I can't.

You can't?

-We can! -We can!

My Egg-O-Matic! Oh no!

Coconuts totalled it, Your Supreme Slimeyness!

I had a little accident, uh just a little accident,

[Nervous chuckle]

You ruined my baby!

Oh, I need to sit down.

No, Coconuts, you need to sit down!

It's over, monkey-bot!

I'm sorry I ever made you.


Am I goin' somewhere?

You're going on vacation!

A permanent vacation!



Hey, how come we never get a vacation?

You'll get a vacation when I finish the secret project

I've been working on.

Which secret project is that?

Which secret project?

Why, the one.

That's a secret!


Oh, do you s'pose he means

the big monster in the basement?

Beats me.

Soon you'll be completely in my power!

And I'll use you--

[Big roar] control the entire universe!

And lots of other stuff, too!




[Coconuts] Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Stop blubbering and help me down from here, would ya?!

Who talk?

[Coconuts] Up here, ya big ape!

Could ya help me up here?!

Huh, could ya?!

Boomboom help.

Dr. Robotnik sure gets upset over a little thing like

wrecking his Egg-O-Matic!

Are you my daddy?


Your daddy?

Do look like your daddy?

Uh huh! Feed me, daddy!

Uh, look, kid, I got my own problems.

Chomp on a banana or sumpin.

Uh, Boomboom like banana!


Daddy like banana?

Aw, stop callin' me that, wouldja!

I gotta get this bananaslop offa me and figure out how to get

back in good with Robotnik!

Boomboom sorry.

Sorry, huh?

My life's fallin' apart, and he's sorry.

Hah, Boomboom make bath time!

Clean you up!


Oh, no!




Haha, there.

Boomboom's daddy all clean.

Stop callin' me daddy!

What would I want with a two ton baby ape

who can lift giant rocks, fire bananas like a shotgun, huh?

And can help me capture that pesky hedgehog

so Robotnik will take me back!


My long-lost son!





Say, why're ya called Boomboom, anyway?

Boom, boom, boom, boom!


Okay, I get it, get it!

Put me down!

Okay, daddy.

Okay, now, here's your first lesson:

Daddy is always right.

And Sonic the hedgehog is wrong.

Who's he?

Daddy's worst enemy.

And together, we're gonna make Mobius a Sonic-free zone!

Ready to help daddy get rid of that nasty hedgehog?

Uh huh.

First, a detour!

Yeah, yeah!

Move that road, so it runs into the cliff!

Okay, daddy!


Dead end!

No outlet!

Not a through street!

Now, put that banana peel here.


Perfect, do ya see the plan?

Do ya? Huh?



Sonic comes zoomin' down the road.

He slips on the banana peel, and then smashes into the cliff.

[Coconuts] Then when I say 'drop the boulder',

you bean him with that rock!

Now do ya got it?

Uh, nope.

Oh, look, I'll show ya.

Sonic comes zoomin' down the road...

Slips on the banana peel.

...smashes into the cliff.

And then you drop the boulder on him.



Boomboom learn fast!

[Coconuts] Now I get it, daddy!

And when I catch Sonic, you'll really get it.

Hear that, Tails?

The robot's fiendishly wicked plan spells curtains

for Sonic the hedgehog!

-Not! -Not!

Somehow ol' coconerd's got himself a jumbosized friend.

What're ya gonna do, Sonic?

Throw a monkey wrench into the works!

Check it out.


Now remember: drop the rock the second you hear Sonic

crash into the cliff!

The second I hear crash?

Yeah, yeah!

The second you hear the crash.

[Sonic] Hey, you. Yo, Bolt-brain!


[Blows raspberry]

The second you hear the crash, bean him!

The second I hear crash. Uh--

Uh, what's 'bean him'?


Who was winning?

Think the blue one was a little ahead.

[man ] You're one to talk!

You're history, hedgehog!

History's not my best subject.

How 'bout physics?



Ya think you can fool me again, huh?

Well, I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid!

Sonic's ahead a' me, runnin' backwards so it looks like

I'm goin' forwards.

Oooh, you're so smart, it smarts!



That crash means you can drop the rock.

Oh, bean him.


Hey, Boomboom?

Remember what I said about droppin' the rock?

You can--

[Coconuts] Forget it.

Coconuts is definitely between a rock and a hard place.

Slick trick, Sonic!


Bad hedgehog hurt daddy!


Look, diaper-drawers, I hate to break this to ya:

That's not your daddy.

He is daddy!

He say so.

Daddy always right, Sonic always wrong!

If he's your daddy, I'm a slomo.

He's a robot, kid.

Nuts n' bolts from top to toe!

But if he not my daddy.

Then who is?

Good question.

When did ya see your daddy last?

Long time.

Bad man come take daddy away in cage.


Boomboom never find daddy!

Don't sweat it, kid.

We'll find your pops.

[Tails] We will?

[Sonic] Sure.

It'll just take a little detective work.


Whattaya think, Tails?

Who do we know that's sleazy enough to kidnap the daddy

of our bouncing baby buddy here?

Dr. Robotnik!

But why?

At last I've finished the control device

for my ultimate w*apon!

And here it is!

Gee, it's small for an ultimate w*apon.


That's not the wepon, dimdim!

That's just the remote control!

I knew that.

He is the w*apon!

Now walk!

[Device beeping]

Smash that bridge!

Break that dam!


It works!

And now I'm ready to conquer every inch of the planet Mobius!

Do you two realize what an evil genius I am?

You were evil geniusy enough to make me,

Your Maliciousness.

And eviller and geniuser to realize you could

do better and make me.

And now, in my wicked wisdom, I'm about to make you both


Hey, didja hear that?


Yeah, great!

We got promoted from useless!

With this creature in my power,

we can conquer Mobius once and for all!

How're you gonna do that, Your Putridity?

I'm so glad you asked.

Activate the computerized simulation screen!

Oh, boy!

We get to see what's gonna happen!

Yeah, but do we have to feel it, too?

[Robotnik] Mount Mobius.

No one's ever climbed it until now!

My gorilla grande will climb to the top

and install the most powerful laser cannon ever built!

From that spot, it will be capable of blasting any

city on the planet!


Mobius will be forced to surrender to me!

Come, you simian simpleton.

It's time to display your monstrous talents!


The ape and I are going to conquer Mobius.

I'll deal with you dumbots later.

Hey, hey you guys!

Hey. over here!

It's Coconuts!

What's he doing here?


Hiya guys! Hiya!

I thought maybe we could make a little deal, maybe.

Deal with you?

No way!

Wait, wait, wait!

I gotta plan that'll get us all back in good with Robotnik.

We're listening.

That big ape has a little kid.

Yep! He does! I met him.


So the little kid is lookin' for his daddy.

And Sonic is helpin' him!

Yep, yep, yep! The hedgehog himself!

What does that have to do with us?

So we disguise ourselves as the kid's daddy

and capture Sonic.

We do?

Yeah, we do!

And when we hand Sonic over to Dr. Robotnik,

he'll love us, love us!

That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard.

Completely stupid, hopeless.

But it might just work!

-[Grounder] Loads of potential! -[Scratch] We'll do it!

How come I' hafta be on the bottom?

'Cuz your scrawny legs fit the costume!

And I'm the brains ' this operation.

[Coconuts] Brains to body...

Forward march!



[Scratch] Grounder, I think I'm sitting on our brains!

We're gonna storm Robotnik's fortress?


Robotnik's not gonna bring Boomboom's daddy to us,

so we gotta go get him.

What's that?!

Guess we don't need to attack.

If that's an ape, I'm a monkey's uncle!

You my uncle?

Boomboom, my long lost son!


Time for a visit from the S.P.C.A.

The who?


This is an official inspection by the society for the

prevention of cruelty to apes!

Now come down here, little baby!

Do you have the proper qualifications to take care

of this child?

[Coconuts] What do I do? What do I do?

[Scratch] Play along!

[Grounder] Yeah, never mess with the S.P.C.A!

Erm, yes, ma'am.

Well, you'll have to prove to me you're a fit parent.

Can you burp him?

Show him how you like to be burped, Boomboom.

Pat on back, like this!


And you must always call him by name!

What's your name, sonny?

Boom, boom!


And most important, you must know his favourite lullaby!

What's your favourite lullaby, Boomboom?

♪ Rockabye baby, on a treetop ♪

♪ When the wind blows, the cradle will rock ♪


[Blowing air]



♪ When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall ♪


♪ And down will come baby ♪


♪ Cradle and all! ♪


Bein' a daddy ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Sorry, Boomboom.

That wasn't your daddy either.

Just a cheap imitation.


But if that not daddy, where is he?

-Huh? -What?

What was that?

[Sonic] Sounded like it came from mount Mobius!


Get your own binoculars!

[Sonic] Uh oh!

Does that big guy look familiar?


[Excited grunt]

They can attack half of Mobius from up there!

We gotta stop 'em!

Come on, Boomboom!

We gotta follow him!

Big climb.


Where's Sonic?

Sonic down there.


Just waitin' for you guys...

[Whooshing] get out of the way!

[Robotnik] They'll be out of the way, alright...

...and so will you, you perpetual pest of a hedgehog!



Forget it, you simpering little simian!

Your daddy is under my control now!

[Device beeping]


[Evil laugh]

As soon as I take care of you, hedgehog,

Mobius will be mine!

Fire, you ape monster!



Look out, Sonic!

He almost got ya!

I know.

That thing can't be plugged in up here.

It must be runnin' on a battery.

And batteries don't just keep goin' an' goin' an' goin'!

Here I am, hit me!

Over here!

Now over here!

I figure that battery should run outta juice right about...


I still have the ape under my control, hedgehog!




Keep talkin' to him!


It's me, Boomboom!



[Device beeping]

Boomboom, Boomboom!

Boomboom, Boomboom!

You know!







Family reunions always get ta me.


Me, too!


What's the matter, Boomboom?


Boomboom lost his rattle!

There, there.

Daddy get you a new toy.

Oh, no!


[Rattling & grunting]


I hate that hedgehog!

[Robotnik's voice echoes]


I'll Boomboom you, you Musclebound-ape!

What's the big idea?

Boomboom gone.

No problem!

I'll find him for you.


The next time, don't wander off without letting your daddy

know where you're gonna be!

That goes for you too, pals.

Always tell your folks where you're going

and when you'll be back.

Bad things can happen if you don't.

