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01x33 - Close Encounter of the Sonic Kind

Posted: 07/05/23 11:32
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





[Scratch] Yessiree, Dr. Robotnik's really outdone himself this time!

[Scratch cackles]

Yeah, this new Electro-Suction Plate is gonna stop

that hyperactive hedgehog for good!

Here, this is perfect!

Sonic will be coming any second!

Electro-Suction Plate positioned!

And activated!

[Grounder chuckles]

Sonic, won't even be able to move his tiniest little toe

once he gets stuck in this suction beam!

[Both laughing]

[Prince Charnok] I say, isn't that Mobius down there?

We must pop in for a visit!

No, no, no Prince Charnok.

Your vacation is over.

We must return home!

You're going to be crowned King in just two hours!

But I've always wanted to see Mobius.

It's one of those planets my baby brother

wants so much to blow up so much!

[Prince Charnok] It'll just be a quick visit, Splorg!


I say, extraordinary gravity on this planet!!

Hold it!

Time out!

Hey, Tails, does that map say anything about a UFO

crossing here?

What's a UFO?

That white thing, zoomin' in for a landin'.


What's that?



Uh oh, a crash landing.

We better check it out, sprout!

I say, what a jolly good ride!

Ooh, I like this planet already!

Oh, Your Princeliness, just look at this mess!

Pieces of our spaceship are everywhere!

[Prince Charnok] Let's take a little tour, Splorg.

I want to snap a few photos for the Royal Vacation Scrapbook!

What are they?

I don't know, but we're never gonna catch Sonic

with them blocking the Electro-Suction Plate!

Whatever you are, if you don't wanna get hurt,

get off this road right now!

[Gasps in fright]

Oh, look!

Native Mobius People!

[Camera snapshots]

We said get off the road!



[Chains rattling]

[Sonic] Well, lookee here, Tails!

It's those robotic rejects, Scratch and Grounder,

up to no good again!

-The Hedgehog! -The Hedgehog!

[Chain rattling]

Ya missed, guys!

But tell ya what.

I'll give ya another try!


Aww, too bad.

You lose again!

Now ya gotta forfeit all the extraterrestrials

you've collected so far!

But I got a consolation prize for ya!

An all expense paid trip all the way down

this thousand foot cliff!

-No! -No!



That'll teach 'em to treat visitors with a little

more respect!

Ohoo, jolly good show!

Well done!

Is Mobius always this exciting?

Your highness, you're not paying attention!

I am Prince Charnok, soon to be King Charnok

of the planet Rhombus!

Nice to meet ya.

My name's Sonic!

This is my best bud, Tails!


My liege, I implore you to look at our spaceship!

We're in very great danger here!

Could the two of you perhaps lead us on a short tour

of your marvellous planet?

I'd be absolutely thrilled!

Prince Charnok!

Unless we think of something right now,

your baby brother will blow up this marvellous planet

with us still on it!!

-What? -What?

-Mobius blown up?! -Mobius blown up?!

Oh, don't worry.

As long as we're home in two hours for my coronation,

no one's going to blow anybody up.

And we'll get there on time.

Our trusty spaceship is sitting right here!


Splorg, our ship is in pieces!

Why didn't you tell me about this!!

Oh, there must be an easier way for a flying amoeba

to earn a living.

Sonic, we're done for!

My baby brother legally becomes King

if I'm not there for my coronation!

And he can blow up Mobius then?

Yes, he'll have the power to do it!

What are we going to do!?!

There's only one thing to do, Prince.

We gotta shift it into high gear

and get you outta here!


Good show.

-How? -How?

Can ya repair the ship if ya got all the pieces together?

Oh, yes.

But we'll never be able to gather them all in time!

Oh, yeah?

Care to guess why they call me Sonic?


Ooh, now this is good!


[Camera snapshots]

There ya go, one pile o' parts for a Prince!


Reconstitute, Splorg!

a*t*matic Reconstitution commencing!


Oh, no, Your Princeliness!

There are still pieces missing!

The Cockpit's Pressurizing Canopy!

And, oh no!

The Navigational Nosecone with Embedded Miniaturized

Steering Chip!


We'll never find Rhombus without it!

Alright, folks, take a chill pill!

There's still loads of time left!

Only an hour and forty minutes now!

And we're gonna find 'em and get ya back to Rhombus

before ya can say, E.T., go home!

Are ya with me?


Oh, jolly good!

We get to tour Mobius after all!


That Hedgehog!

He thinks he's so smart!

Oh, put yer nose back on, doofus,

and let's get the Electro-Suction Plate

and go after 'em!


Keep your eyes peeled, g*ng!

I say!

These trees are treemendously, strikingly boss!

We've nothing like this on Rhombus!

[Camera snapshots]



[Camera snapshots]

It's called a Curly-Cue Tree, Prince.

Jolly good!

[Splorg] Prince Charnok!

And oh, Prince Charnok, we've found the Cockpit's

Pressurizing Canopy!

Prince Charnok!

I say!

This fish is fantastically super!

We have nothing like this on Rhombus!


Its called a sunfish, Prince.

Jolly good!

[Grounder] Now, Scratch!

Say bye-bye, spineball!


It's backwards, you imbecile!

[Both screaming]

I got it, Sonic!

Way to go, bro.



I really miss my nose!

Oh, Grounder, you and your snout are drivin' me bonkers!

Now shove it back on or I'll do it for ya!!

Just keep your wings offa my nose, poultry-face!

Gimme that!

[Water splash]


Keep yer eyes spyin', g*ng.

That nosecone could be anywhere!

[Prince Charnok] Well, well, well.

Oh, this certainly looks like fun!!


Only one hour left til the coronation!


It looks like a bunch of dominoes!


But no nosecone between 'em!

Keep lookin', kid!

[Prince Charnok] Oh joy, oh joy, oh joy!

The Navigational Nosecone with Embedded Miniaturized

Steering Chip!

Alright, Splorg-Meister!

Yo, Prince!

I say!

These rocks are remarkable!

And you have nothing like it on Rhombus, right?

Yes, how'd you know?

Lucky guess. Here.

Jolly good!

[Scratch] Now, Grounder!

And I'm not gonna miss!


Look out!



Prince Charnok!

Ooh, I say, what smashing fun this is!

I do wish we could stay longer!

Well, after ya stop your baby brother from blowin' us up,

come on back!

Jolly good idea!

Got the nosecone?

Hmm. oh, here it is!

Let's race, then, ace!

[Grounder groans]

Oh, no you don't, noseless!



But this isn't my nose.


I'm telling you, Prince Charnok, this is not the nosecone!

What is it, then?

I don't know!!

Well, our nosecone must still be out there somewhere!

And there's only twenty five minutes left

'til the coronation!


We're doomed!


My baby brother is actually going to become King

and Mobius will be blown to bitsies!

Oh, we're doomed.

Wanna bet, Splorg!

-We're not doomed?! -We're not doomed?!


Cuz' I figured out what this is.

It's Mr. Always-Outa-Order's nose!


Correctamundo, kid!

The badbots must have the nosecone!

And it's all yours, hedgehog!

You'll never move again in your whole life,

but it's all yours!


I'm gonna call Dr. Robotnik and tell him the good nose.

Er, I mean good news!

[Robotnik] Yes, my Electro-Suction Plate is truly a marvel

of evil engineering..

But nothing will ever compare to my belovedly exquisite

Egg-O-Matic Hovercraft!


[Phone rings]

Whaddaya want!

I'm on my way, Scratch!

[Evil laugh]

You're mine now,

you glorified porcupine!

[Engine sputters]

Ooh, I forgot to have it tuned up.

Oh well, I'll do it when I get back.

[Engine revving]

[Loud blast]

There's the nosecone!

Sonic, it's stuck in the suction Beam!

Well, sprout, we're just gonna hafta get 'em to turn if off!

What, what?

Oh, I can't make out a word you're sayin'!


Okay, Splorg, if you think it'll work,

it's alright with me!

Well, lookee here, Grounder.

Come for your nosecone, spineball?

Yeah, we were gonna trick ya into giving it to us,

but we don't need it anymore.

You don't need it anymore?

Nah, Splorgie here says they can make it back to their planet

with Grounder's nose on the spaceship!

See ya!

My nose?!

Going to another planet?!

I'll never see it again!

Wait, wait!!

No, Grounder, wait! It's gotta be a trap!

Ya want it? Ya can't have it!

Keep away!

This isn't funny!







I want my nose!


But it's right here, old chap, it's right here!


[Angry grunting]



Give it back!!






You dingdong, I knew it!

I knew this was a trap!

Now get outa there before Sonic--

Zips in and grabs the real nosecone?

You t*nk-treaded twerp!

Now look what you and your stupid schnozz have done!

[Angry muttering]


Quick, Li'l Bro'!

Take this and get the g*ng back to the spaceship!

I'll meet ya there in a splitsec!


We woulda had him! We woulda had Sonic!!

My nose!

Oh well, I was gonna do somethin' really clever and

funny, then trash the Electro suction Plate,

but it looks like Scratch and Grounder are already

takin' care of it.


I can almost taste that chili dog,

I'm gonna have after we get the aliens back to Rhombus!


And I can almost taste those pork rinds I'm going to have

now that I have you, Hedgehog!


I wouldn't try it!

Unless you'd like to see my Zirconium Ray turn your favourite

fox into molecular particles!

I'll pass.

Excellent choice!

I also now possess this nosecone that your alien amigos seem

to think is so vastly important.

But, sir, the Prince's baby brother will blow Mobius up

unless you give it to us!

What kind of idiot do you think I am?

I'll answer that!


Do you really expect me, the infinitely intelligent

Dr. Robotnik, to fall for such an obvious trick?!!

Get out of my face!

[Robotnik] However, since I am such a good egg.

I'll let them have their nosecone!

But only if you, you supersonic pincushion,

give yourself up to me.

[Chortles viciously]

How much time, Splorgie?

Only fifteen minutes!

Give 'em the nosecone, Rotnik, and lock me up.

I'll save Mobius if you won't.

[Chortling gleefully]

[Muffled grunt]

Now scram, you slimy space creeps!

Oh, thank you!

Thank you so much!

Let's fly, Your Princeliness!

But we can't just leave Sonic and his little friend Tails

here, like this!

My liege, thirteen minutes!

But they helped us so much, we must help them!

Now I wouldn't be much of a King if I didn't do that!

My liege, you'll help them most by leaving!

Splorg, there's one more snapshot I need to take.



I say, this w*apon is wonderful!


[Prince Charnok] I said this w*apon is wonderful!

We've nothing like this on Rhombus!

Do you mind terribly if I snap a photo of it?

If that's how you get your jollies, go ahead!

Just one little step backward to get the whole thing in the shot.

Oh dear!

What have I done!

My precious Egg-O-Matic Hovercraft!

[Engine spluttering]


[Robotnik] I hate that hedgehog!

Thanks for the assist, Prince!

Ooh, the coronation's in nine minutes!

Afterburners, g*ng!


Five minutes!

Can ya make it?

We'll have to go at hyper-speed, but yes!

And we'll see ya for another visit soon, right?

Ooh, it's a certainty, old chaps!

I've got to show you how the pictures turned out!





Hey Prince, you never told us.

Why does your baby brother hate Mobius so much that

he'd wanna blow it up?

Oh, no reason really!

He hates eating his vegetables too!

He's only two years old, you know!

-Huh?! -Huh?!

Two years old?!!

He really is your baby brother!


-So long! -Bye!

[Prince Charnok] I say, That little Sonic and his friend Tails chappies

are jolly good fellows!

I want a great looking tan like the sunfish over there!

But, I'll never get it sitting under this umbrella.

Patience, Tails, you'll get your tan the right way.


This'll take all day.

[Sonic] The damage caused by one bad sunburn can last

the rest of your life!

Getting burned is bad news.


Use sunscreen, and don't stay out too long.

Your tan may take a little longer,

but it's a zillion times safer!

