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01x20 - Trail of the Missing Tails

Posted: 07/05/23 11:31
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





[Warpnik] Five years.


It has been five long years since my crackshell cousin

Robotnik banished me here to the Warp of Confusion.

[Sinister laugh]

But I shall have my revenge!

[Sinister laugh]

All I need now...

[Sinister laugh] the bait!

[Coconuts] Oh yeah, oh yeah!

When that hedgehog shows, it's showtime!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!



Get it offa me!

[Grounder chuckles]

What's the matter, Coconuts?

Pressure getting to you?

[Scratch cackles]

[Scratch] Why bother?

Once I get my Sonic Snatcher locked and loaded,

it'll be Hedgehog Harvest time!




Don't bet on it, beakface!

Dr. Robotnik's counting on me to bring that high-speed hedgehog

a crushing defeat!

Ow, oucharoonies!


[Blowing air]


Don't go to pieces on us now!



Oh, yeah!

When speed's of the essence I'm the essence of speed!

[Fire crackling]

What'd we stop for, Sonic?

[Deep sniff]


That! Can't you smell it?

A succulent sausage.


Smothered in sauce.


Anointed with onions and garnished with grated cheese.



A chili dog?

Out here?

Not just a chili dog, Tails. A Robotnik chili dog!



He's improved his chili.

I've just gotta get that recipe.


[Tails] It has to be a trap!

Well, of course it's a trap, Tails!

That's half the fun!

I like my chili dogs well spiced with danger!

Yeah, let's do it Sonic!



Hang-on a micro-second, micro-buddy.

This is a solo flight.

You stay here.

Aw, gee, Sonic...

[Sonic] I'll save you half a dog!




He's coming!

Get ready!


Why look!

A chili dog!

All alone out here in the middle of nowhere!

How incredibly fortunate!

Because I'm so hungry!

He's falling for it!

Just stay there one more second, hedgehog,

and you'll be my ticket to a rich reward from Dr. Robotnik!

[Chicken laugh]

Oh, I wouldn't count on that.










Sonic, Sonic!


Sonic, where are you?


Whoo, I didn't get the chili dog,

but I sure got the roll!


So how was the show, Little Bro'?

Hope you had a good seat!

Even saved you half the refreshments!

Tails? Tails?

Where are you?

[Tails] HeLp, Sonic!

That's Tails!

Up, over, and gonnnnnnnnnnnne!

Hold him, hold him!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sonic's little tag-along! We got him!

[Insane laugh]

Lemme go, you losers!

Wrap him up tight!

A present for our glorious leader!

Dr. Robotnik will be so proud of me!

Of you!?

Hey, I'm the one who caught the little creep first!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Who's tyin' him up here, huh? huh?


You slo-mo's are gonna be sorry!

[Sonic] That's not quite right, Tails.

Those slo-mo's are already sorry.

What they're about to be is pathetic!

Oh yeah?

That's what you think, you puny blue pincushion!

Yeah, don't come any closer!

We got your shrimpy sidekick here!

Who said anything about coming closer?

You lead-bottoms smell bad enough from here!

Then what are you gonna do?

Huh, huh?

Just gonna take ya' windbags for a little whirl!

Up, over and gone!


Yay, I'm free!

Great job, Sonic!

Time to pull the plug on these drain-brains!



Didn't I tell you to wait back there?

Yeah but--

But you didn't do it.

Sorry, Sonic.

Hey, just keep it in mind next time, alright?

You're important to me.

Come on, let's get out of here!

[Warpnik] So! Robotnik wants the hedgehog, eh?

Then so do I!

And I think I know just how to reel him in!

Oh, what a great day.

Eh, little bro?

Whaddaya say you and me go make this day rotten for Robotnik?

Sound like a plan?

Tails? You awake?

Huh? Tails!? Tails?


[Robotnik] Three separate traps and none of them WORKED!?

Well, not exactly, Your Esteemed Egginess.

-They worked just fine! -Yeah!

[Grounder] Just not on Sonic.

-[Grounder] It was his fault! -[Scratch] It was his fault!

[Coconuts] Yeah, their fault!

Shut up, all of you!

You're all incompetent!

And you stink of fish!

I haven't seen such lunacy since I banned my crazy cousin Warpnik

to the Warp of Confusion!

No more excuses!

I want that heinous hedgehog hammered!

And I mean now!

What in Mobius is that!?

[Angry grunt]

Battle stations, you simpletons!

[Robotnik] It's that sickening little high speed hedgehog!

Main weapons power bank activated!

Egg-blaster ready to fire!

Laser cannons ready to cook!

Yeah, Hedgehog hamburger time!


On my command, fire!

Ready, aim--


Oh, hold your fire.

My dear Sonic.

If I'd known you were coming, I'd have poisoned a cake.

Never mind the cheesy jokes, Ro-bum-nik!

What have ya' done with Tails?



Quickly, you fools!

Sneak down and grab him!

I'll keep him occupied!

To be truthful, you horrible hedgehog,

I have no idea where your feckless friend is.

And why should I believe you?

Use your spikey head!

If I'd captured your companion, I'd be torturing him right now!

But if you didn't take him, where'd he go?

Perhaps he left of his own accord.

Did you two have a... ...falling out recently?

Uh, yeah.

Well, yeah, maybe, I guess.

But I never, I mean.

I didn't mean to--

Oh, where are you, Tails?

If you've run away because of me,

I'll never forgive myself!

I gotta find him!

And fast!

So, invade my very fortress!

I'll show you!


-Yes, your Evil Excellence! -Yes, your Evil Excellence!

This could be the chance I've been waiting for!

While that Hedgehog hunts for his helpmate,

We shall be hunting the hedgehog!

He'll be too distracted to lookout for us!

And when he least expects it-- Wham!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!


Sonic souffle!

Exactly, I'll be rid of that forever!

[Evil laugh]

[Distant evil laugh]

[Sonic] Tails? Oh, Tails?

Where are you!?

He couldn't just vanish.

There must be some clue...


My foxy-friend made tracks this-a-way!

Ah! There he goes!

Where's he going?

Who cares where he's going!?

The point is, he's distracted!

Off his guard!

Easy to capture!


Even for you three.

Now get that Hedgehog!

And don't fail me this time!

He came this way!


[Sonic] And there was a struggle!

Poor Tails!




He didn't even notice!

-No! -No!


Doctor Robotnik was right!

Sonic's off his guard, easy to capture!

-Yeah! -Yeah!

Of course he's right, Monkey-Bot!

He's our leader!

So let's go!



I'm getting warmer!

He's getting warmer, all right!

And we're about to make things hot for him!

Yeah, yeah!


Let's go cook that turkey!


Man, now this is one totally twisted tunnel!



But there's something fishy about it.

Whoa, and no wonder!

This looks like a nightmare I had once after scarfing out

on bad seafood!



[Warpnik] Welcome to the Warp Of Confusion,

my prickly pal!



We've been expecting you!


How could you idiots have lost him already!?

We don't know!

When we came in, the hedgehog was gone!

-It's his fault! -It's his fault!

[Angry grunt]


Your Supremeness!

Over here!

Look, look!

What is it, Dr. Robotnik?

It's a dimensional tunnel!

And if I'm not mistaken, which I never am.



My crazy cousin Dr. Warpnik is behind this!



It was I, who lured your fuzzy-tailed friend into a trap!

All part of my plan to escape, you see!

[Warpnik] My own dear cousin Robotnik banished me here years ago!


He said I was a looney!


Me, can you imagine?


Besides, he didn't like all my sweet little fishiewishies.


Fishy-wishy! Mmm!


Oh, get on with it, will ya?

I still gotta scorch yer scales and rescue Tails.



[Warpnik] You're not going anywhere!

You're my prisoner!

And when my cousin Robotnik follows you in here, I'll--

[Robotnik] You'll what?

I thought I was rid of you, you fish-fondling fruitcake!



It is I who will be rid of you, you egg-sucking eccentric!



-[Grounder] Fish fight! -[Scratch] Fish fight!

-[Grounder] Fish fight! -[Scratch] Fish fight!

-Wow! -Fish fight!

-Wow! -Fish fight!

I guess Robotnik made us more like him than I thought!

Hey, Tails, I missed ya'!

Sonic, you're the greatest!

Glad you're okay, keed!

I was worried you'd run off!

I'd never do that, Sonic!

You're my best friend!

And you're mine.

Let's never forget it.

Look, your Excellence!

[Grounder] They're escaping!



[Robotnik] Get them!

Hey, those are my prisoners!

Follow my trails, Tails!

Yeah, sizzle 'em, Sonic!

Let's speed, keed!

-I got him! -I got him!


Nope, nope, nope.

He got us.

[Fainting moan]

No hedgehog will escape the warped will of Warpnik!





Yeow, I'll never eat seafood again!

This is turning into one heck of a fish story!

Yeah! But I sure wish we weren't the bait!

You're doing it wrong, you worthless wimp!

Let me!

It's my machine!



No, it's mine!


We have to get out of here!

I'm tryin'!

But this is like being trapped in a pinball machine!



I think Dr. Robotnik has everything under control here.

Yeah, what say we, uh-- just go home.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!


Like now!



On da' udder hand.

Yeah, Dr. Robotnik's pretty mean ta' us sometimes.

Yeah, yeah!

Let's us go teach him some manners!

-Yeah! -Yeah!

[Both grunting]

[Footsteps approaching]




No, get back!

I, Robotnik, command you!

Sorry, Doc.

But youse has had dis comin' a long time!



[Both screaming]


Uh, oh.

I think we laid an egg.

Sonic, the whole place is going supernova or somethin'!

No kiddin', kid!

We gotta bail, Tails!

But how're we gonna get out?!

Those creepazoids are in the way!

Only one way, Jose!

My fabulous Triple Spin Rolling Thunder Bowling Ball!

[Snaps fingers]

Hang tight, little buddy.

'Cause we're goin' for a strike!


[Robotnik] You and your wacko warp weapons!

No wonder I banished you!

How could things possibly be worse!?

I'll tell you how, you crack-shelled crackpot!







You did it, Sonic!

You saved me!

Buddies forever, right, Sonic?

You got that right!

Buddies forever!


It's good to know Doc Botnik and his fishfaced cousin

are gonna be stuck with each other for a while!


[Sonic] And speaking of buddies.

Now dis is my kinda entertainments!

Yeah, yeah!


Uh oh, I think I'm lost!


I gotta find a phone fast!

Operator, I want to call home!

Uh, the number?! Uh--


Got it, thanks, Sonic!

Okay, that's area code--

You can't call home unless you know your area code

and phone number by heart.

Memorize it now!

Don't wait till it's too late!

