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01x42 - Sonic Breakout

Posted: 07/05/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





[Tails] There's the delivery truck, Sonic!

Let's go!

You kiddin', kid?

The truck's still light years away!

Where's the fun in that!

It's my favourite comic book!

Come on, we gotta be first in line!

-Crack-Ups, Crack-Ups! -Crack-Ups, Crack-Ups!

-Crack-Ups, Crack-Ups! -Crack-Ups, Crack-Ups!

Go if ya wanna, short stuff, if you're worried!

I'm not worried!



Okay, I'm worried!!


But the truck's only doin' eighty!


Now it's fun!



The new issue of The Crack-Up Animated Talking

Comic Book, please.


I've been waitin' a whole month for this!

Me too!

The only problem with "Crack-Ups" is...

...that it doesn't get here fast enough!

Grounder, look!

I got this months Crack Ups!


...this could well be the culmination of my unbelievably

evil and brilliant career!

I have succeeded in building the most inescapable prison ever!

Equipped with a foolproof security system!

Every detail is so perfect.

I've modestly named it after myself!

I call it, Robotnik's Rot-Your-Life-Away Dungeons!

[Both laughing]

[Grounder] Hey, push the talk-and-move button!


[comic voice] Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

But the people of Mobius just stood 'round and giggled,

while that rotten egg just laid there and wiggled!!

[Guffawing wildly]

[Both laughing]

What is so funny?!

I see...

...You've been chortling at a comic book?!

Is something in here so much more entertaining

than my instructive and brilliant discourse?!!

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

[Laughing like crazy]

How dare anyone on Mobius laugh at the great Dr. Robotnik!

No one makes fun of me!

No one!

Whoever's responsible for this outrage

will be my first prisoner.

Bring me the vile creature who drew this' cartoon!!

[Goofy laughs]

That's funny, yes, that's funny.


Cracks me up.


As I always say, if it cracks me up,

it oughta be in Crack-Ups.



Sketch Lampoon?


that's my name, don't wear it out,


In the name of Dr. Robotnik, you're under arrest!

What's the matter, he can't take a yolk?


That's funny, get it?

he looks like an egg!


[Muffled speech]


Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

I love this comic book!


Hey, Sonic, look!

There's a free poster of you in this issue!

Hey, aren't I taller than that?

[radio announcer] Just a minute, I'm being handed a bulletin!

Sketch Lampoon, cartoonist and publisher of "Crack-Ups"

has just been kidnapped!



Somebody kidnapped the guy who draws this comic book?!

[radio announcer] Yes, now where was I?

Oh, oh yeah.

Dr. Robotnik unveiled a new prison complex today--

Well, I've got a pretty good idea who did it.


If he thinks he can lock people up just for making fun of him,

he's got another think comin'!

What are we gonna do?

The Jailbreak Jam!

Up, over and gone!



Up Humpty's wall we go!


That crumbum kidnapper!

It's just as I thought!

Try publishing your wretched little comic book now, jailbird!


Tails, it's gonna make my day, spoilin' Robotnik's day!

Prepare to engage the security system.

[voice] Yes, your viciousness.

And I order you to tell me of any and all breaches

of security, the second they come up!

[voice] As you wish, your evilness.

Yes, it's a cinch, kid!


With my supersonic speed, I'll have Mr. Lampoon outa his cell

before that hunka junk computer can even tell Robotnik

that I've gotten in!

Oh, you're the best, Sonic!

How are ya gonna get in?

I'm gonna let 'em catch me.

You're gonna let 'em catch you?!!

It's the easiest way, squirt!

But don't worry, I'm gonna have a little fun with 'em first!


Do ya windas, Mac?

Make it snappy!


All done.


Pretty good likeness, huh?

The Hedgehog's right outside my window!!

S.S.S.S.S. Squad, arrest him!!

[Scratch] Get your gears in gear, slow poke!

I'm gettin', I'm gettin'!

I'm gettin' sick of you!

[Sonic] La la la, stalling for time, la la la, stalling for time.

La, la, la--

Hold it right there, Hedgehog!

Boy, you guys are fast!

Ya' must have taken your vitamins today!

Shut your yap!

Okay, I will.

Feet apart!

Hands on top of your head!


I was hopin' he'd say that.




Why I oughta--

See ya, Slow-mo's!

He went this way!

And don't do anything stupid this time!

Aw, gimme a break!

It's not like I try to be stupid!

Are you dudes lookin' fer that speed-burnin' blue dude?

Yeah, have you seen him?

Dude, he just ripped off my bud's hang glider

and caught a gust! Right?


But here, borrow mine and go after 'im.




[Water splash]

Whoa, wipe out, dude.


Thanks, Tails!

But now ya better keep clear over here!

I'll handle this one, hop on!

It's showtime!


Oh, this sand is so hard for me to run in!

There he is!


You're history now, Hedgehog!


I'm going to roll right over you!

Oh, they're going to catch me, what shall I do?!

I'll trick 'em!

They'll surely fall for this one!

Who does he think we are, nitwits?!

That's not a cannon, it's only sand!


Well then, they'll definitely fall for this one!

Ha! And that's not a bear, it's only sand!

Yoo hoo!

And that's only a sand castle!



Anchors aweigh!

Well, got an award winnin' actin' job to finish!


'I'll handle this one, hop on.'

You mutant chicken!


Oh, I give up, you guys wore me out.

I can't take another step.

-I did it! -No, I did it!

I tired him out!

-But I grabbed him! -So?

I sure hope Sonic knows what he's doin'!

[Robotnik] What an evilicious day!!

First, I open my magnificent escape-proof prison,

then I fill it with my most hated enemy!

[Triumphant laughter]

And I tired him out!

And I grabbed him!


'Bout time you came 'round.


The lining of my cell needs changing.

Hey, it's Sketch Lampoon!

Sonic the Hedgehog?!

Mr. Lampoon, I'm your biggest fan!

That Humpty-Dumpty thing was hilarious!


Well thanks, kid.

Whadya think of the Sonic poster?

Aren't I a little taller?


Everyone's a critic!

But I'm here to spring you outa this joint!

Yeah, Mr. Lampoon, that, fat, stupid,

Robotnik-Humpty was a scream!

[Train whistles]

Get a move on!

Visiting time is over!!

And this cell must be mine?

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no!

I have a special cell for you.

In fact, I have a special wing for you!

A wing that even you, my supersonic pest,

cannot escape from!!



That's one fast-talk trick that just backfired!

Sonic, ol' bud, you're in trouble!

Welcome to your final resting spot, Hedgehog!


It's an all nuclear-forged steel building..


And an all nuclear-forged steel cell!

So you know that clever little buzzsaw thing you do

that I hate so much?

Well, it won't work here.

You can't saw this steel!

[Evil laugh]

Now, if you do somehow get lucky and manage to escape

this cell, my Fuel-Injected, Turbo-Charged,

Swivelling Spear sh**t...

[Robotnik] And my Triple-Action, Beryllium-Powered,

Lickety-Split Laser Launcher...

Are programmed and ready to fire on anything that's blue.

Hedgehog-blue, that is!

The coolest colour on the planet, Ro-Bumnik!

And to make sure there's not one speck of your blue hide left,

my Extra-Large, Super-Nasty Swinging Spike Ball

will obliterate you!

Aww, ya shouldn't have gone to all this trouble

for little ol' me.


[Angry grumbling]

You've interfered with my plans for the last time!

Guards, ta your posts!

I have piles of evil to perform now that Sonic's out of the way!

Starting with...

...Your new issue of "Crack-Ups" will be all about me!

I'll show Mobius how I really am!

Start drawing!

No, no, thinner!

More muscles!

More handsome!

[Robotnik] Yes, that's it!

My eyes are like pools, my teeth like polished ivory!

That's what look like!

[Clucks & whistles]

In your dreams.

Oh well, supersonic intelligence is gonna hafta get me outa here!

[Grounder] Hey, it's my turn to hold it, hen-head!

[Scratch] But you always turn the pages too slow!

And you always turn them too fast!

And you spit oil when you laugh, gross-face!

[Sonic] Oh, ho! This is rich, this is a riot!

This is the best Crack-Ups ever!

[Sonic laughing]

Man, the one that came out today's nothin' compared

to this new one!


-Huh? -Huh?

-What new Crack-Ups!? -What new Crack-Ups!?

Oh, Sketch just gave me an advance copy

of next month's issue just before you guys kidnapped him.



Wanna see it?

[Grounder] Wait a minute, we can't do that!

Why not?!

Because uh-- I forget!

Sonic, why can't we open the door?!

Because I'm a prisoner and I might run away?

Oh yeah!

That's it!

Because he's a prisoner and he might run away!


But I can't run away cuz my legs are in chains.

But he can't run away cuz his legs are in chains, stupid.

Not to mention the spears and lasers.

[Scratch] Those too!

So, I'll just put the comic on the floor,

sit back here, you guys open the door and pick it up.


That'll work!!

[Cheering & laughing]

Well, I may be taller than this, but I think they got my

hedgehog-blue colour just right.

I don't think the spears and lasers are gonna notice

any difference!

[Both laughing]

Hey, this is as funny as the last one.

Hey, this is the last one!


What gives, Sonic?!

It's a triiiick!





Time for the keys, please!


Sonic, you're alright!

Sure am, ready to finish the Jailbreak Jam?


Can you trip all the outside gate sensors?


And then there was the time I restructured the DNA

of our class' pet hamster.

Turned it into a tapeworm.

That was especially evil, uh--draw that next.

[Alarm barring]


You haven't escaped, I would have noticed that.

The Hedgehog!

Yoo hoo!

Dr. Dumpty!

[voice] Unauthorized entry on C level.

It can't be?!!

Where are Scratch and Grounder?!!

What happened??!!

[voice] Gate Sensor A activated.

Ah, forget it!

Just gem them!

Yo, Mr. Computer!

Time to play Wheel of Hedgehog!

Always wanted to be on TV.

[voice] Unauthorized entry, corridor twenty three,

sector A, uh-- I mean corridor fifty two, sector G.

No, no, uh-- Gate Sensor B.

No, no, I mean D level, device E-Six.

Keep up with him!!

An' here, an' here, an' here!

[Scratch clucking]

Those guys never learn, do they?


[voice] I quit, I give up.

I want a nice quiet job--

As a cash register.

I hate that Hedgehog!




Oops, I think this party's over!

Oh, no!


[Sonic] Tell ya what, I'll give ya a fair shot.

I'll wait right here so you can try and catch me.

-Let's get him! -Let's get him!


Sorry, to smash and run, boys

but I gotta snatch Sketch and split!

Cuz this place is gonna blow!!

Boy, am I glad to see you.

[Clucks & whistles]

Cuz your cell's crumblin' all around ya?

No, cuz if I had to draw one more panel of Robotnik's

life story, I'd have gone cuckoo!

[Clucks & whistles]

But now I'm free to work on Humpty Dumpty II!


And I'm gonna make Robotnik look really stupid!

[Clucks & whistles]

Now that's funny!



Actually, Mr. Lampoon, I don't think you can make Robotnik

look any stupider than he already is.


[Robotnik] Help me, help!

Help me!

I've fallen and I can't get uuuuuppp!!!


I hate that Hedgehog!

Hold it, Little Buddy.

Art is way past cool, Tails, but don't use a building

for a canvas, cuz that's graffiti.

Well, let's see it.

Now that's art.

I'm Waaaaiiiiiting!

Now that's way past art.

