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01x11 - High Stakes Sonic

Posted: 07/05/23 11:28
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





Please, double or nothing!

All right, Lewis.

But remember, if youse lose this time you'll owe me

ten years of hard labour!

I beat ya, Lewis!

Now get on the bus with the other losers.

You got work to do!

[Engine revving]


[Evil laugh]




Gee, that's the-- one, two, third bus we've seen.

What's goin' on?


Gee, I dunno, keed.

Let's find out where they're comin' from.

Up, over and catch that bus!



Keep the engine runnin'.

I'll have another load of suckers for ya in half a tick!


Don't like the sound of this, Tails, c'mon!

Here's what I'm gonna do, since' you've already lost

everything you own.

I'm gonna let ya raise the stakes a bit.

Win, an' ya get everything back!


We'll get everything back?

But what if we lose?

Well, then you'll come with me and do a little bit of work,

that's all.

For the rest of their lives, that is!


Follow the pea, win a spree!

[robot ] Lose the pea and you owe me!

That doesn't look fair!

It's not!

That high-voltage flim-flammer will fleece those guys!

He needs a lesson!

[Smiley] Give it a try!

Is the hand quicker than the eye?

[Sonic] Not hedgehog eyes!


Oh boy, we can get our stuff back!


Okay, but this time how 'bout trying to make it a challenge?




That pea must be under the middle one.

Eh, robo-chump?

I'm not programmed to lose!

Time you got with the program, then.



I hate a sore loser!


Here's yer stuff back!

And from now on, don't risk what you can't afford to lose.

This is Smiley, put Doctor Robotnik on the line.

[Robotnik] Work, you losers!

You owe me!

[Grounder] Paging Doctor Robotnik!

Robo-ComCall for Doctor Robotnik!

How dare you interrupt me now!

[Robotnik] I want my monument finished in time for 'Robotnik Day'!

Ooh, I didn't know there was a Robotnik Day.

Of course there's a 'Robotnik Day'

I just declared it one minute ago in honour of myself!

Smiley, how dare you interrupt the great Doctor Robotnik

on Robotnik Day!

It's Smiley!?

Why didn't you say so, demented dumbot?



Sometimes just don't have the stomach for this job.

Smiley, where's my next busload of monument workers?

One more bet and I would have had 'em but they won!

It was all because of--

No excuses!

You know how to cheat, so do it!

I need workers to build my statue!

Okay, sir, but we're gonna to need better facilities.

Then you'll get better facilities!

Is my new Casino Night Zone ready?

Um, no.

No? I spent a billion mobiums!

I made it a top priority.

How could my magnificent new Casino Night Zone not be ready?

Because it's locked and I have the key.

Then go open it!

You nincombut!

You stoopo!

You miserable mess of micro-chips!

I'm doing better.

He didn't call me "A hopeless hunk of junk"!

[Robotnik] And make it fast, you hopeless hunk of junk!

Oh, you saved us!

We'll never get suckered again!

[Smiley] Attention!

Come enjoy the fabulous new Casino Night Zone!

One free bet to the first one thousand gamblers!

[Excited bleating]


He did say 'free' didn't he?


[Engine revving]

Gee, I'm glad they learned their lesson.

I smell a hustle brewin', so let's hustle!

[Grounder] No doubt about it, Scratch.

Dr. Robotnik's new Casino Night Zone is a really great place!

[Scratch] Yeah!

We'll have so many losers His Dementedness will have more

monument workers than he'll know what to do with!


[Sheep's bleating]


Here's your suckers, as ordered. Sign here.

[Evil laugh]

[Engine revving]

I hope we're not too late.

What am I saying?

Me? Late?

Could never happen!

[Sheep's bleating]

Boy, those guys sure are in a hurry... get fleeced!

We've got everything they own!

One more bet and they'll owe their lives to Dr. Robotnik.


I hope they lose!

I hope they lose!

Oh, you lead-head, of course they'll lose,

everything's rigged!


Uh, what's rigged?

Every game in the casino is electronically set

in Dr. Robotnik's favour!


-We're cheating? -Yes, we're cheating!


Then don't just sit there.

Cheat, cheat, cheat!

[Sheep's bleating]


[Tails] How'd that happen?

That ball had a mind of its own.

What are we gonna do?

Beat 'em, of course!

Save the day, corne to the rescue,

assure the freedom of all Mobians!

And now for the big spin, folks!

If your number comes up, it's gonna rain money!

[Smiley] What will it be?

Freedom and Fortune or Broke and In Bondage?

Only the wheel knows!

[Excited bleats]

'Scuse me, boys. I'm from Con Fred.

Gotta check yer juice.

We're robots.

We don't enjoy beverages.

Har-har, yer funny.

I mean the casino's power supply. I gotta read the meter.

Gimme the keys.

Here ya go, it's in the basement.

The basement, huh?

Next to the computer control box that rigs the games, right?

Two control boxes over.

Catch ya later!

In your dreams, ya clankin' cluck!


Now for a little reprogramming.

That oughta reverse Robotnik's cheating.


Thanks, you've been a big help.

[Bell ringing]

Just like he promised!

It's raining money!


Uh, they won!

How could they win?

Is this real money?

Well, we couldn't welch on a bet, could we?

Yes we could have!

Now we're ruined!

Oh, and tell Dr. Robotnik that he's got a crummy casino.

No chili dogs!


Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog!

-Sonic! -Get him!


[Sonic] Look, it's the casino nursery!

You hide here while I give those digitized dorks the run-around.

Yeah, you'll be faster without me.

It'll be safer.

See, there's a babysitter on duty.

Hiya, honey.

I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail

or one shake of your two tails!

Whichever comes first!



Oh, play nice now.



Those robo-runts are in for a windfall

or should I say, 'waterfall'?


See a hedgehog come this way?


Gentlemen, gentlemen!

I can see that you are burdened by great responsibilities!

It's true, we're under a lot of pressure!

Yer in luck!

Have some fun and take some pressure off!

It looks like a slot machine.

Yes, a simple game of chance, please, take a free pull!

Who knows, maybe you'll hit the jackpot!

Ooh, that would be nice.

Yeah, I could go on a cruise!


You don't wanna go on the cruise all alone, do ya?


[Bell ringing]

Oh look, jackpot!

We won!


-Huh?! -Huh?!


Havin' a good time, honey?

Kind of.

That's nice.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention

this ain't free, ya know.

It's not?

One million Mobians, please.

But I've only been here ten minutes!

If you wanna complain, take it up with the management.

I will!

The management is Doctor Robotnik.

Oh, I won't!

I'm sure he'll be happy to work out some form of payment!

[Evil laugh]


Sonic, help!

So your hasty hedgehog cohort doesn't approve of my little

gambling establishment, eh?

It's a rip off!

Well, you double dorsal-led dope,

Sonic's going to help me win one big bet.

He'd never help you, you-- you-- you crumb-bum!!


You better hope that he does!

I've got the perfect plan to get my monument workers back!


You two-tailed two-timer!

If you weren't doomed already you'd be doomed!


Tails, Tails?

Where are ya?

Tails, Tails!

This is no time for hide and seek!

[Smiley] Ah, Hedgehog, good to see you again.

Doctor Robotnik is challenging you to a race!

He wants to give the suckers something big to bet on!

Forget about it!

If you'd like to see your little friend again,

you'll cooperate.


I'm gonna make sushi outta you,

if you don't tell me where Tails is!

[Smiley] And what's more you'd better lose the race.


All right, I'll go along.

But there's just one thing.


If anything happens to Tails, you're sunk!

[Scratch] Welcome to the great Grounder-Sonic Grudge Match!

It's a great day for a Big Race, folks!

And this is your favourite sports announcer,

your old friend,

silver-tongued Scratch!

Get on with it,

you prefabricated piece of poultry!

Who will be the first to retrieve the trophy

from the peak of Mount Robotnik?

Place your bets, folks!

Place your bets!

I'd bet my life on Sonic!


You are!

You'll be happy to know that a thousand Mobians

have staked their freedom on your victory.

It's a safe bet, Egg-belly.

Not for your little sldekick.

Remember, if you win he's doomed.

You don't honestly expect your scumbot to beat me,

do you?


Of course not I never do anything honestly!

You must throw the race!

Then those Mobians will be my slaves!

I can't do that!

It's the Mobians or Tails!

You decide!

[Wicked laughter]


[Crowd booing]

You know the rules 'cause there ain't any!

Take your places and may the best and only robot win!


Once around the stadium track and then across country

and up the mountain.




Hey, Sonic!

Don't forget your sidekick, Sucker!

[Crowd booing]

This is gonna be hard.

I've never had any practice at losin' races!


That hedgehog hero's throwin' the race!

Say it ain't so, Sonic!

Say it ain't so!

You must throw the race-- throw the race--

throw the race-- throw the race--

The Mobians or Tails or Tails or Tail or Tails--



Hah, I always knew I was the fastest!

What was I supposed to do next!?

Oh yeah, I remember.

Dr. Robotnik said this would slow him down even more.

How do people stand goin' this slow!





This losin' business is really getting on my nerves!

You're the slowest slo-mo I've ever seen!

That does it!

When I get through with you you'll be lucky to get a job

as a garbage can!

Remember, if you don't let me win,

you'll never see your little sidekick again!

He'll be trapped forever in that secret prison cell

under the stadium!

Har, har har!!

That robo-rube just put the odds back in my favour!

And now, entering the stadium is the winner,

with one lap to go, that fast-tracker,

that robot-racer who learned everything he knows from me

my little brother, Grounder!


[Crowd booing]

All right, start putting everybody in chains.

They've got a monument to build!

But don't you want to see Grounder cross the finish line?

I'll finish you if you don't do what I say!

Yes, Your Rotten-ness!

Right away!

Time for a little of the ol' Triple Spin!

Sonic, you found me!

Sorry I took so long, keed.

Time to Triple Spin, I've still got a race to win!


Way to go Sonic!

Hey, what gives?

[Sonic] Where'd everybody go?


Don't be a sore winner, but Doctor Robotnik took 'em

prisoner anyway!

Why, that rotten scrambled egghead!

Nobody welches on a bet with me!


[Robotnik] Pick up the slack, you slackers!

Imagine, my head twenty stories tall.

My momma would be so proud!

What do you think the odds are of us ever getting out of this?

[Sonic] Oh, I'd say even money or better.

[Happy bleating]

In fact, I'd bet that Egg-O-maniac Robotnik

is about to crack!


What on Mobius is that about?

I think the monument could use a facelift!


Now that's a face!



Hey, Sonic!

You think we could make good Freedom Fighters, too?

I dunno.

It's pretty risky business and the stakes are pretty high.

What are the stakes!

A Mobius free of Robotnik, of course!

Yeah, now that's worth taking some risk for!

You bet!

Race you across!

Ready, set--


Did you feel that?


There's a train coming!

Come on, you big coward! Go!



I call it a tie, but I'd hate to see any of my friends

wiped out over some dumb dare.

Play it safe.

Use your head, don't end up dead!

