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01x08 - Lovesick Sonic

Posted: 07/05/23 11:25
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]








It's nasty ideas like this that make Dr. Robotnik love me best!

Fool, you couldn't catch a cold!

Watch a real pro!


Robot attack!

Save me!


Sounds like Robotnik's badniks are stirin' up more trouble!

We have ways of making you talk, hedgehog.

We do? What ways?


Wha? Oh, yeah! Right!

We got stupid ways to make you talk!

So start blabbin', missy!


Tell us where we can find Sonic!

I don't know where he is!

I've never even met Sonic!

Ya have now!

Pickin' on a pretty lady!

Don't you 'bots have any chivalry?

No, but Grounder's got a great trick up his sleeve.

GROUNDER: My new glue g*n!

It'll paste your sneakers right to the pavement!

Yeah, hedgehog!

Stick around!


Hey, fast-draw!

Ya missed!

Wait'll Dr. Robotnik hears about this!


GROUNDER: Not from you!

I'll glue your yap shut!

SONIC: Hold it!

Official photographer!

Dr. Robotnik wants this historic moment preserved

for his museum of villainry and rotten-ness!

SONIC: Okay, okay!

Put your arm on each other's shoulders and say, cheese!

-Cheese! -Cheese!

SONIC: Great, great, great!

Now this time, take two steps backward

and say, glue!

-Glue! -Glue!

-Glue? -Glue?



My hero!

I heard you were speedy,

I heard you were brave.

I didn't know you'd be so handsome!


Ya really think so?

BREEZIE: And strong!

And clever!

And daring!

How can I ever thank you?


I know!



Ah, it was nothin'.

Any heroic warp-speed hedgehog who wants to help people

in trouble coulda done it.

Not so dashingly as you!

Not so gallantly!

Hi, my name is Tails.

And Sonic and I gotta go now!

My name is Breezie.

Nice to have met ya. Bye!

Oh look, chili dogs!

My favourite-favourite food!

Hey, mine, too!

Would ya like to stay for lunch?

Unfortunately, I hate dining outdoors.


The sun can be ruinous to a girl's complexion.

Like I said, it was nice to meet ya. Bye!

Of course, Sonic sweetie, if you had an umbrella.

One shade gettin' made!


How's that?


Great, Sonic shoulda quit while we were ahead!

All it needs is flowers.




Yeah, awesome!

Like somebody I just met!

Too bad they're not mobisia marvelosa marigoldias.

Mobisia what?

BREEZIE: My favourite-favourite-favourite flowers!


They grow , miles away down at the equator.

How could I possibly expect you bring me some?!

Silly me!

Tails, little buddy! Look after Breezie!

This may take a few minutes!


I just came , miles, I want a map.

Naw, no way!

You don't want a map to the mobisia marvelosa marigoldias!!

I'm waaaiiitttttingggggg!

Okay, okay!

But remember...

Avoid the angry alligators

don't provoke the python

and keep your eyes peeled for cannibals!

SONIC: Avoid the angry alligators.

Okay, don't provoke the python



Sorry, big guy, shoulda warned you about my quills!


And keep your eyes, peeled for--



Would you like to hear our specials for the day?

Honey-baked hedgehog, hedgehog hollandaise

and hedgehog hash.

Hey, talk to the python!

I taste terrible!

Au contraire!

You look delicisioso!

Perfect for ze barbecue!

You guys don't get it, do ya?

I'm no barbecue, I'm fast food!

You guys can chase me, if ya can!


You have reached the garden of the mobisia marvelosa


Whoah, finally!

I'm gettin' pooped!

Unfortunately, no one ever returns from here!

And why not?


The fire dragon won't let 'em!




Think you're hot stuff, huh?

Okay, cover your tootsies with this!






I hope this wasn't too much trouble, Sonic sweetie.




Then what took ya so long?

Tailsey is right.

I waited and waited.

And got, famished-er and famished-er.

Well, why didn't ya offer Breezie a chili dog?

She won't eat our chili dogs.

I only eat chef charlemagne's choice chili dogs.

He has the cutest little cafe,

just , miles from here.

In the ice territory.


Ch--Chef Charlemagne's Choice Ch--chili dogs?!

Straight ahead to the big glacier,

then turn left at the second iceberg.

[Teeth chattering]

Th-- Thanks!

Get me Dr. Robotnik!

SCRATCH: his royal maliciousness Robotnik's laboratory,

Scratch squawking.

It's for you, Your maliciousness!

Fresh off the receiver!

Who is this? I can't talk now.

I'm waiting for important news from the ice territory.

Then listen up, Your rottenness.

Sonic was just here!


It's working!

My sneaky, devious, underhanded scheme is working!

Any sneaky, devious, underhanded scheme in particular?


My secret agent Breezie has got Sonic running in circles

all over Mobius!

Breezie is your secret agent?

Of course.

Then why did you send us to capture her?

That was the brilliantly sneaky part of my devious

and underhanded scheme.

-It was? -It was?

Yes, you dumbots!

How else could I get Sonic to think Breezie is on his side?

I knew it all the time.

I knew it before-you did.

Great acting job I did when we captured her, huh?

Yeah, great acting job.

You almost had me thinkin' Robotnik

put a brain in your head.


Yeth, Your mitherbleneth!

Now that Breezie has diverted Sonic

to the far reaches of the planet,

it's time to launch the second part

of my terrible plan!

Well, gentlemen?

How do you like it?


Uh, we love it!

Yeah, it's the best one we've ever seen.

SCRATCH: If we were going to build one ourselves,

we'd make it exactly like that!

GROUNDER: Exactly!

SCRATCH: One question?


-SCRATCH: What is it? -GROUNDER: What is it?

It's my new Egg-O-Matic tunnelizer and town terrorizer.

See that ugly empty space in front of my fortress?

SCRATCH: it's not exactly empty, your maliciousness.

GROUNDER: that is that whole village right there.

In six hours that village will be gone!


Vanished! Destroyed! Obliterated!

I'm flooding it!

I'm going to tunnel to the main Mobius reservoir,

steal all its water, and turn that town into Lake Robotnik!

[Evil laugh]

Need any help?


I want you two to go help Breezie eliminate Sonic.

This is one time I'm going to do some rotten-ness

and that hedgehog won't stop me!

GROUNDER: but what will happen to all the people?

In a word?

They'll all be all sunk.

[Evil cackle]




I'll tunnel!

ROBBOTNIK: I'll steal the reservoir water!

I'll flood that innocent village right off the map!


And best of all, Sonic is being kept too busy to even notice!

[Evil laughter]

Does Sonic always take this long to go someplace?



Huh? Look! Here comes a snowman!

TAILS: No, wait! It's no snowman!

It's Sonic!

Sorry, Breezie.

Your chef charlemagne's choice chili dog got a little chilly!

Yeah, I've seen popcicles that looked warmer than that.

Here, Tails.

Heat it up.

I can't.

You put out the fire.

It doesn't matter.

You're so brave and thoughtful to bring it to me!

Oh, no big deal.

Besides, I know just the place you can go to get it heated up!

No, not again!

Can't you see how tired he is?

Even if he's tired, a great hero like Sonic is not going to let

his greatest admirer starve to death!

Nope, no way!

Where is this heating-up place?

It's called rent-a-stove.

Down that road.

Just six hundred miles.

I'm already there!


Why are you so mean to Sonic?

Why don't you float down a river and get lost at sea?

[Grunting & screaming]

Help. help!

Nice work, agent Breezie!

Yeah, very nice.

That little brat is a real pain in the--

-Hey-- Transmission.

You must be the guys Dr. Robotnik said

would help me set the final trap for Sonic.

That's us!

My name's Scratch and I'm the boss of the

Super special Sonic Search and Smash Squad.


my name's Grounder and I'm the boss!

Well, on this job, you two bosses are taking orders

from me!

Oh, I knew that!

I knew it first!

Stop blabbin' and get to work.

TAILS: Help!

Oh no!

What's the matter?

Can't you swim?

Not very well.

But I can fly!

That Breezie is more trouble than I even thought.

I gotta find out what's goin' on!

Is the foolproof, speed-proof, escape-proof, ground level

trap ready?

All set!

Then prove it!

When Sonic steps on that piece of ground in front of you,

I activate my remote control trap zapper!

SCRATCH: The carpet-coated treadmill rises up and Sonic starts

running on it. The faster it goes,

the more static electricity develops

in the hedgehog's quills.

So when I activate the giant magnet the electrified Sonic

is pulled into its force field and magnetically immobolized!

It'll get 'im!



In case it doesn't, is the ingenious backup

tree trap ready?


If Sonic escapes the first trap, I saw down this tree which falls

to the ground bonking the hedgehog right on his noggin!

You bonked my noggin!

I told ya it would work.

You were supposed to say it was ready.

Not show it was ready!

Oh, well.

Maybe we can skip to the next foolproof trap.

Is the double-insurance extra duty when-all-else-fails

special surprise-smasher from the sky ready?


One hedgehog!



Nothin' can escape the smash stamper!


then I guess we can call Dr. Robotnik and tell him that

Sonic the hedgehog is about to be captured!

I'll do it!

Oh my robocom phone is dead.

We'll use mine.

Wait a sec, she's a robot!

So as soon as Sonic gets back, you'll be rid of him forever,

your maliciousness!

Good work, agent Breezie!

I'm glad I built you!

Any further instructions?

Just get that hedgehog!

I'll be reaching the reservoir in minutes.

And before you know it, the village will be washed away!

I've gotta find Sonic and warn him!



Stop, Sonic! Stop!


Can't stop, Little Bro'!

Breezie's waitin'!

Wait! She's not what you think!

I know.

You know?!


I think she's perfect.

But she's even better'n that!

Sonic, come back!

Ya gotta listen to me!



Hedgehog approaching!

Prepare the traps!

Your chili dog, m'lady!

He's not standing on the treadmill trap!

Breezie'll take care of it.

Thank you, Sonic sweetie.

Could you walk right over there and put it on the table?


He's fallin' for it!

But first, I wanta give ya somethin'.

I had a little time while I was waitin'

for your chili dog to get heated.

So I bought ya a present.

A real present?

One I didn't send you for?

And I wrote ya a poem.

A poem?


So ya'll know how I feel.

You can read it while I put this on the table.

Ha, you've had it, hedgehog!




The carpetcoating is starting to build up the static electricity!

Zap the magnet!



We got 'm, we got 'm!

Breezie, we got Sonic!

No one ever wrote me a poem before.

BREEZIE: 'Robotnik is rotten, Alfalfa is sneezy.

The minute I met her I loved my Breezie!


It's beautiful!


She's not even payin' attention.

-Good! -Good?

Yeah, don't ya get it?

While she's readin' that mushy stuff,

we'll get rid of the hedgehog and Dr. Robotnik will have

to give us all the credit!

Exactly what I was thinkin'!


Uh, how we gonna do that?


I'll just activate the double-insurance-extra-duty

when-all-else-fails special surprise

smash-from-the-sky trap!


GROUNDER: Yeah, we'll cancel that hedgehog!



Sonic, are you all right?

Speak to me!



Save me!

-No! -Help!


You saved my life!

You saved mine!

I know, I can't believe it!

I wasn't designed to do that.


I'm a robot, Sonic.

My job was to trick you!

Call Dr. Robotnik and he'll tell you.


Dr. Robotnik! He's going to steal

all the water from the Mobius reservoir

and flood a whole village!

BREEZIE: You've got to stop him!



Ten more seconds and I'll reach the reservoir!

Hey, what'd you do?

No big deal, ro-nut-nik.

I just hooked ya up to Mobius's longest bungee cord!


I hate that hedgehog!



What's this?

Breezie told me to give this to ya.

If I'm just a robot..

Why am I cryin'?

Maybe some day we'll meet down the line.

And then Sonic you'll be mine.

Come on, Tails!

Where we goin'?

On down the line!.

Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged

by someone you like.

But if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way

that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good.

It's your body.

No one has the right to touch you if you don't want them to.

So what you do?

First you say, no!

Then you get out of there!

Most important, you gotta tell someone you trust,

like your parent, your teach, a police officer.

