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01x02 - Mind Your Mummy Mommy, Mario; The Beauty of Kootie

Posted: 07/05/23 07:51
by bunniefuu
It is a legend no

one will forget.

Everyone thought King Koopa

had left the mushroom kingdom.

and then...

His Doom Ship att*cked!

King Koopa was back!

With the greatest

danger ever known:

His Koopa Kids!

With their new super powers,

The Super Mario Bros. rescued

Princess Toadstool and beat

back the evil Koopa Family.

King Koopa:

I'll get those plumbers!

This Mummy Tomb sure is...


We found it! And King Dad


...we'd mess up this heist.

Old pop's gonna have to... his words.




Ooh... Ahh. .

Yikes... Umph...


Wha -- what was...that?

I'm not waiting to find


Let's grab Prince

Mushroomkhamen's gold Mummy


and hightail it outta here!

My son! They stole my son!

Where's my son!

Whoah... Oh oh.


Hey, Hip! Does this old Prince

Mummy guy...

...look familiar?

Sure is nice to relax after a

rough adventure.

Yeah. I'm so tired, nothing

could drag me outta this bed.

There's a mad Mummy loose in

Desert land!

We better get that Mummy back

where it belongs,

before it scares the pasta outta


Where's my son?

Oof... Ow... Umph.

Wow! That Mummy really throws

her weight around.

We'd better be careful.

Don't worry. I'll calm her down.

As soon as I get out from under

this tent.

Here's our chance to sneak off.

without anyone seeing us.

wonder why the Mummy's so upset?

it has something to do with that

golden Mummy Case....

...those bratty Koopa Twins are

sneaking off with.

We gotta get that case.

Luigi, Toad, follow me.

Mario keep the Mummy from

hurting anyone until we get


No problem, Princess.

Excuse me, Ms. Mummy...

may I have a word with you?

My little Prince! At last I've

found you!

Her "little Prince"?! What's she

talking about?

Come, my little Prince

Mushroomkhamen, give mommy a


Yuck! A hug from her could be

bad for my health.

I better scram!

Now for my giant getaway leap.

Great leap...lousy landing!

Luigi! Princess!


Give up, Koopas! You're



Even my youngest Koopalings can

outsmart you do-good dodos!

I dare you to come back here and

say that!

Oh no he's been captured by the

Marauding Mummy!

I'll take you home to our tomb,

my son.

And I'll never let anyone take

you away again!

Poor Mario!

He's been doomed to some tomb

and we'll never find him!

If we only had a map of the


If it's maps you want, I got a

cousin who can help.

I got Maps to the Pyramids.

Maps to Tombs of the Mummies,

Maps to the Houses of the

Mushroom Stars.

You name it, I got it.

I'll take a Map to the Mummy


Good choice, your royal


Look! Huh?

Hey! That map's a phoney.

It's got a picture of Mario on


No, don't you see? The Prince

looks like Mario.

Yeah. I get it!

That's why the Mad Mummy

shanghaied him.

The only way we're going to get

Mario back,

is to break into Kastle Koopa...

...get the Mummy Case and trade

the real Mummy Prince for Mario!

Ah give your Mummy mommy a big


Lady, if you weren't so wrapped

up in yourself,

you could see I'm not your

little boy.

All that running around has made

you grouchy.

It's time for a nice

ten-thousand-year nap.

Yeowww! I like long naps, but

not that long!



You'll feel better after your


Somehow I doubt it.

This steam cloud balloon was a

brilliant idea, Luigi.

Yeah. Nothing stops Raccoon


Yikes! Except maybe that.

...Mushroom Kingdom Twister!

My beautiful balloon. It's


At least Koopa's guards haven't

spotted us.

Until now!

Invaders... Get King Koopa!

Quick! Into the Tower! Maybe

there's another way out.

Hey, look! The real Prince's

Mummy Case.

Oh great.

Now if we only had a way to get

it past King Koopa.

Times like this I ask one


"What would Mario do if he were


Well how do you like my Special

Steam-powered Mummy Sled?

Compared to what?

We got them trapped in the

tower, your Royal Meanness.

Good. I'm gonna Koopitate 'em


C'mon, Hip and Hop, watch how

King Dad handles things.

We're all eyes, oh meanest.

of mean Dads, We got you

trapped, Princess Toadstool!

Get down here right now!

Oof... Yaa...

♪[rock music] ♪

♪[rock music] ♪

I can't sleep for ten thousand

years. I'll get too hungry!

Mario! You're safe!

Aw lighten up, Luigi!

I've had more hugging today than

I can stand.

What happened to the Queen


I left her in the tomb. No way

she can get to us.

Except by crashing through that


What are you doing with my son?

Eh you made a mistake,

Queen Mushroomkhamen.

This is our friend, Mario.

There's your real son.

You imposter! How dare you

pretend to be my son!

You don't look anything

like him.

But you look exactly like my


Come to me, my Darling!

Uh! Excuse me. But I gotta find

that map salesman

and buy a map to

someplace else!

Help!!! I've struck oil!

Sultan, what should I do?

What would anyone do when their

bath water turns crude?


Well, as long as these camels

keep their big mouths shut...

We should be A-okay!

Yeah, but where'd the oil come


My palace is built over an oil


And somehow, the oil pipes

leading up from my well...

Must have gotten crossed with

the water pipes from the oasis!

In that case, your Royal


we've got to re-plumb your


Before the oil pressure builds

and your palace blows sky high!

Cheatsy! Help me! These yucky

pipes won't stay switched!

I told you this was no job for a

Beauty Queen!

Tell that to the Mario Brothers,

Kootie Pie!

They'll be here any second!

Daddy! Do something!

We're about to be infested by

those pesky plumbers!

I hear you whining loud and

clear, my darlingly detestable


The Doom Ship's fuel tanks are

nearly filled...

And you can't let the Mario

Brothers discover...

...that we're stealing the

Sultan's oil through his water


Until we've drained his oil well


So stop the Mario Brothers!

That's an order!

Oh sometimes he gets so bossy,

I could spit in his soup!

"Stop the Mario Brothers!" How?!

Relax, sis! I've got a scheme so

sneaky that Dad will wish he

thought of it!

Ah what happened to my usual

beautiful self?

I turned you into Mario's Dream

Girl. It's the perfect way to

stall him.

So long, Sis, I've gotta split!

Cheatsy Koopa, get back here!

You forgot to do my tail!

Well, hello, handsome! Aren't

you the famous Super Mario?

A super guess, my super

beautiful lady!

Pleased to meet you!

I am Lady Fetuccini Alfredo, a

little bit saucy, but very, very


Eh I don't wanna to be rude,

but wasn't that a tail I just


A tail? Me? Why, I've never been

so insulted in all my life!

Here I am,

lost in these dungeons for days,

without a thing to eat...

And now you're accusing me of

having a tail?


Ouf! Shu!

Please forgive my little brother

for being so rude!

Perhaps you'd like a gourmet


You know, Mario sweetie, I'm an

amateur plumber myself...

Her, a plumber?

Hey speakin' of plumbing, Mario,

we've got a job to do!

Luigi's right!

And now that we've eaten...

I think you should bring the

Sultan and all his guests down


Where they'll be safe, in case

the castle explodes! Heh heh.

Isn't she wonderful, Luigi?

Always looking out for other


Lady Fetuccini says this is the

safest place to be.

You'd take the word of an

amateur plumber...?

Whose dress doesn't even match

her tail?!!

Maybe not, but it certainly

matches the rest of me!

Cheatsy, restore me to my

natural loveliness!

You mean... I fell for Kootie

Pie Koopa?

Congratulations, my dastardly


I have seldom seen badness done


And as for you, you fun-spoiling

goody-goodies, you're finally my



I'll be upstairs gloating while

the Doom Ship sucks your oil

well dry! Ha ha!

Come on, Luigi!

We gotta put a clog in Koopa's


You'll never see the Mario

Brothers again!

Just watch this!

I dare you to come over here and

say that!

The Mario Brothers are finished!

You want to bet?

I think it's time Lady Fetuccini

met her Dream Reptile...

Kassanova Koopa!

But Mario.

Ah wrong voice,

But Mario, what am I supposed to


Sweep Kootie Pie off her feet

while I take care of plumbing

matters upstairs!

Ha w-who... are you?

My friends call me Kassanova

Koopa, but you can call me...

sweet lips!

Wow, you've got some kisser!

Yeah, who is this guy, anyway?

Kootie Pie, can we get some


What do you say we clear out the

riff raff and redecorate in


You, get out of here and leave

us in peace!

I'm not sure King Dad would like


Daddy only wants me to be happy!

And believe me, Cheatsy,

Kassanova is the only reptile

for me!





I'll tie your lips behind your

head and you'll never kiss


Ahh! We're all set!

Princess, when I give the

signal, turn the wheel!

EEK! The Koopa Kids are right

behind me!

Luigi, this way!

Princess, NOW!!!

♪[rock music] ♪

♪[rock music] ♪

I need the Doom Ship.

Kootie Pie, Cheatsy, follow me!

Now they'll see the true

creepiness of the Koopa Klan!

Ha ha!

Mario! Luigi!

You must stop King Koopa before

my palace is destroyed!

We've only got one chance!

Let 'er rip, Luigi!




Yee Ha!

Doom ship, here I come!!!

Ride 'em, plumber-boy!



Thank you, thank you!

But what are we going to do

about my palace? It's ruined!

Hey since the Koopas left their

wand behind,

we might as well give it a shot!

Oh no! The wand's melted!

But my palace is perfect!

In that case, I've got first

dibs on the Jacuzzi!

Oh no you don't! I fixed it!

Well, I rode it!

Well, I had to kiss Kootie Pie!