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04x26 - Strikeback (Shadow Moth's Final Attack - Part 2)

Posted: 07/04/23 12:22
by bunniefuu
::. --] ::. line:%,start

In the daytime, I'm Marinette. ::. --] ::. line:%,start

Just a normal girl,


with a normal life. ::. --] ::. line:%,start

But there's something about me


that no one knows yet. ::. --] ::. line:%,start

Because I've got a secret. ::. --] ::. line:%,start

♪ Miraculous, simply the best

♪ Up to the test

when things go wrong

♪ Miraculous, the luckiest ::. --] ::. line:%,start

♪ The power of love


always so strong

♪ Miraculous ::. --] ::. line:%,start

♪ Miraculous ♪ ::. --] ::. line:%,start


- (Thud)

- Huh?

I'll have to talk

to my father later.

Plagg, claws out!

Spots off.

- It's all over, Tikki.

- He'll be back.

He's just going on a voyage.

Of course, "voyage"!

Ladybug may have failed,

but Pegabug will bring him back!

We'll go talk to his father!

You want to use the Miraculous

of the Horse just for that?

I'm ready to risk everything

to not lose Adrien!

Tikki, spots on!

Tikki, Kaalki, unif --

OK. I guess I have to deal with

this small problem first.

But I'll be back

to save you soon, Adrien!

Try to make the most

out of this trip, Adrien.

You're about to discover

the world.

Then you'll return

to your friends and father

with fantastic memories

to share.

You're right.

One must seize opportunities.

We'll end up being best friends,

since we'll see it all together!

I hope so with all my heart.

Please excuse me for a moment.

Ah, here we go.

"Attach the brooch."

OK, that's done.

"The kwami

comes out of the jewel."

"Say the magic words...

Duusu, spread my feathers!"

Duusu, spread my feathers!

Grr! It's a fake!

OK, Milady,

let's wrap this one up quickly!

- I've got... a full schedule!

- Fine by me, kitty-cat,

I've got some urgent stuff

to attend to!

My dear akumatized friend,

sing as much as you can.

We must ensure

that Ladybug and Cat Noir

will take countless risks today!

♪ I'm Froggy, here I come

♪ I'm not afraid of anyone ♪

Hey, if we wait, we should see

Ladybug and Cat Noir!

I'll get so many likes for this!

Unleash your power, Strikeback!


Ho, ho, ho! Check that out!

What's wrong with you?

It's dangerous here! Shoo!

Hey, little buddy,

ol' pal, over here!

Don't stay here! Or you risk

getting hurt by the bad guy!

♪ I'm Froggy, here I come

♪ I'm not afraid of anyone ♪

Come on, no time to waste!

- Catac --

- What are you doing?

I'll use my power,

you get the akuma and bam!

- We can do our thing!

- Who knows the consequences?

A cataclysm would send

a Sentimonster out of control!

Well, brilliant! That's control?

- What's the difference?

- No way, it's too risky!

Argh! That's the problem.

You never wanna take any risks!

Of course I do!

I take risks all the time!

Oh, yeah? Would you risk knowing

who I really am, behind my mask?

You know very well that...


Our identities

have to remain secret, I know!

So why do you know

the identities of the others?

- Why not me?

- I already told you.

If I knew who you were,

Shadow Moth could akumatize me

to get to you.

I'm doing this to protect you!

I don't need you to protect me.

We'll never get akumatized!

You don't know

what you're talking about.

'Cause you never talk to me

about anything!

Ladybug, watch out!

- Nice one, Rena!

- Huh? Rena Rouge? Where is she?

Uh... Rena who?

Fine. She's hidden.

It's best you don't know where.

- It's too --

- Risky. I think I get it.

♪ I'm Froggy, here I come ♪

- Oh, come on! Not this again!

Finally, something more exciting

than power or money!

The magic of cinema!

This is no time

for a film sh**t, Mr Mayor!

- It's pretty risky, OK?

- (Helicopter)

Head straight for him!

If he att*cks us,

that'll make

for some great footage!


Think this villain's the reason

people are acting unusual?

Maybe. But we can't defeat him

if we keep having

to save people.

I'll go for reinforcements.

Stall him!

Fighting villains isn't fun

and games! Go find your parents!

Keep it up! Taking risks

always pays off in the end!

♪ I'm Froggy, here I come

♪ I'm not afraid of anyone ♪

Ladybug, that froggy kid

still isn't getting it!

Not again! Quick! Come with me!


immobilise the villain!


- It's not working!

- Clout!



Strike back!

Strike back!

- He can copy our powers.

- Don't attack them!

Don't hit 'em any more!

It'll make them more powerful!

Retreat to City Hall, now!

Wind Dragon!



- Rena?

- She's still active?

I'm sorry.

I couldn't keep it from him.

We'll talk about it later.

OK, you, that's enough now!

- You're putting us in danger!

- ♪ I'm Froggy, here I come

♪ I'm not afraid of anyone

♪ Come shine or come rain

♪ I ain't scared,

'cause you're all lame ♪

I'm good with kids!

I've got this!

Ladybug! Everyone's got

a frog's mark on their necks!

- What?

- You, Cat Noir, the others,

all the people of Paris,

we've all got it!

♪ When Froggy is near,

there's nothing to fear

♪ Risk is my name,

you're all are so -- ♪

Blind! We were blind! We're

dealing with a Sentimonster,

but also an akumatized villain.

That's why we were being

careless. He made us take risks!

- Gna, gna!

- (Laughter)

Now that Ladybug knows

they've all been hit,

she will doubt everything,

and above all... herself!

Cat Noir, de-transform!

- What?

- Till he's de-akumatized,

I can't leave you with

a cataclysm. It's too risky!

Minotaurox, Purple Tigress,

Polymouse with me.

We can't beat the Sentimonsters

until we defeat Risk!

Everyone else,

try to limit the damages!

♪ I'm Froggy, here I come

♪ I'm not afraid of anyone ♪

But I can help.

- Nothing! No akuma!

- I tricked you!

You'll never find it, 'cause

my object's hidden from you!


OK! Let's split up!

Keep looking!


- No!

- Strike back!

Cat Noir! No! I told him!

This is a nightmare!


Lucky charm!

A ticket

for the Jardin des Plantes?

It's from yesterday. Oh! I know!

I've gotta put an end

to this madness, ASAP!

OK. I need someone

who hasn't been hit.

Farewell, Ladybug.


But I've been hit by Risk!

Maybe my idea

is way too risky!

Or is it a risk

not to take a risk?

Am I doing this for the love

of risk or the risk of love?

No, it's Adrien, and he doesn't

have the mark. It's a good idea!

Tikki, Fluff, Kaalki, unify!


- Aaah!

- Who are you?

Oh! It's me, Ladybug. Or rather,

Ladybug with a few extra powers.

Pennybug! Wait!

Phew! You're all right!

Adrien, I need your help.

I have to find an object!

Your yoyo gives you direct

access to all the Miraculous?

The ones in my Miracle Box, yes.

It's a magic shortcut!

- Wow!

- Adrien Agreste,

here is

the Miraculous of the Dog,

which will grant you

the power to fetch

whatever your ball has touched.

You'll use it for the greater

good, then return it to me.

Can I trust you?

If you doubt yourself,

trying is the only way

you can gain

the confidence you need.

Hi! I'm Barkk,

the kwami of Adoration!

So happy to have a new holder!

You and I can play ball!

Just say, "Barkk, on the hunt!"

With pleasure!

Barkk, on the hunt!


Thanks to your superpower,

you can locate any object

- you've touched before.

- Oh! Uh... Like this?

No. With the ball!

A light touch will be enough.

OK, I get it. What about

the object I'm meant to find?

- Where is it?

- In the past! Burrow!

We have to find that little boy

before he was akumatized.

- You can travel through time?

- Yes.

And even though time travel

is always risky,

- today we must take that risk!

- Froggy! Come back!

Found it!

As soon as we know which object

will be akumatized,

you must hit it,

without anyone seeing,

so you don't interfere

with events.

Froggy! Come back!

It's time to go home!

His fluffy! Of course!


Will it work on my parents too?

Let's go! Come on!


We don't know

where he'll hide his bag!

Thanks to your power

we don't need too!

Fluff, Kaalki, divide!

Come on! Bring it!

I'm not scared of you!

Hurry! He won't last long!


No more evildoing for you,


Miraculous Ladybug!

Yeah, uh, how about

we continue this later?

You guys stay right there, OK?

Awesome! Well done!

You did what needed

to be done on your first try!

I knew you were the right one!

You are the best, Adr --

- I mean...

- Flairmidable.

- Call me Flairmidable.

- It really suits you!

BOTH: Pound it!

Here you go, buddy.

Even though you're so brave

you're not scared

of Shadow Moth, with this

you'll remember

to always be careful.

Thank you, Ladybug!

Let's recharge before dealing

with these Sentimonsters!

Risk has been defeated,

but Ladybug must have made

a mistake of some kind.

And I can't wait

to see what it is.

The battle is not over,


- Lay down!

- Spots off!

Thanks again.

I'll take you back to the train.

I don't want

to get back on that train.

I wanna stay and fight with you.

What about your trip? Will you

stand up to your father?

Yes. You've given me

the courage I needed, Ladybug.

I feel like, from now on,

nothing can stop me!

Hey, everyone!

Meet Flairmidable,

the new holder

of the Dog Miraculous!

Oh, Cat Noir! Miraculous of

the Dog, Miraculous of the Cat!

Dog and cat!

Funny, isn't it? Ha, ha!

- Hilarious.

- Nice working with you.

Come on, shake paws!

I knew you two would get along.

That's the magic! Even dogs

and cats can exist in harmony!

You'll spend

a lot of time together

now that he's joined the team!

(Giggles) Forever!

Ready, Miraculous Team?

Lucky charm!

We can't attack them,

so we'll trap them!

We'll be cunning.

No needless risks!

Rooster Bold, give yourself

the power to multiply objects.

- We'll need more sunglasses.

- Sublimation!

Next, we'll lure all the

Sentimonsters to the same place.

Carapace, create a shield

so they can't escape.

I'll turn into Pegabug and

open a portal they'll fall into.

- A portal where?

- To someplace where they can

never hurt anyone again.

It's show time, guys!


LADYBUG: Voyage!

I'm sorry.

Miraculous Ladybug!

I don't understand. Ladybug

should have made a mistake!

She should have taken

one too many risks and lost!

Let's rest!

I'm sorry.

I... I couldn't lie to Nino.

We share everything, you know.

I get it. I share everything

with my best friend.

And I wasn't able to lie to her,


Don't trust me with it again.

It's too risky,

now that Shadow Moth knows.

But I needn't be a superhero

to be your friend.

You know that, right?

Trixx, I renounce you.

Get the other Miraculous back,

before you detransform!

Adrien? Adrien!

This can't be possible!

How could the plan fail?

Ladybug had to make a mistake!

There's no point

in going on any longer.

Come back home with Adrien.

This is all futile, now.

- The thing is...

- Ladybug did indeed

- make a mistake, Uncle!

- I've lost Adrien, sir.

- He's no longer on the train!

- Felix?

- Sir?

- Hmm?


Phew! There you are! Sorry,

I thought I'd told you

- we were meant to meet up!

- Meet up?

Yeah, so you could give it back.

- Give what back?

- The Miraculous of the Dog!

- You didn't give me anything!

- 'Course I did. On the train.

The train? Felix!

What do you want, Felix?

I want the real

Peacock Miraculous.

And you're

going to give it to me.

I don't know

what you're talking about.

Want me to tell Adrien about

the secret code on the painting?

Then give me what I ask for,

and I'll give you

something better in exchange.

Ladybug and Cat Noir's


No. All the other Miraculous.

And this.

I won't be needing it any more.

As long as Ladybug

hasn't de-transformed,

I only have to say one word,

and her yoyo,

the magic portal will be yours.

Make up your mind.

Time is ticking.

How do I know that you won't use

the Peacock against us?

If I wanted to harm you, Uncle,

I'd have done it

a long time ago.

Duusu, I renounce you!



You've lost, Ladybug! Finally!

The ball... of the dog...

Felix! He has the yoyo!

And that means...

he has the Miraculous!

(Evil laugh)

My greatest wish

will finally come true!


Ladybug, try to keep calm!

Think! There must be a way

to get your yoyo back!


maybe if I transform back --

- Go ahead! You'll be safe here!

- I don't know any more.

What if you're Felix?

If you'll trust me once,

please let it be this time!

Spots off!

Please hurry. Don't let them

take all the Miraculous.

Please let there be some left.

There has to be some left!

(Evil laugh)

Lay down!

Barkk, I renounce you.

(Evil laugh)

- I'm done!

- Tikki, spots on!

No! There's nothing left!

- Ladybug?

- (Sobbing)

I lost.


(Evil laugh)

People of Paris, Ladybug

had promised to protect you?

Well, she lied to you.

Behold her defeat!

I took

all the Miraculous from her.

Now I am more powerful

than ever!

From now on, I will be

attacking you relentlessly.

I will be everywhere,

probing your thoughts,

stealing your dreams,

harnessing your deepest fears.

Whatever damage I can cause,

I will not stop,

unless someone brings me Ladybug

and Cat Noir's Miraculous!

I've lost everything!

You haven't lost me.

Why don't you

just give up on me?

I have lost all the Miraculous.

I'm the worst Guardian ever.

I wanted to control everything.

I didn't listen to you.

I lied to you.

I kept you at a distance.

Every time you offered me

a helping hand, I never took it.

I really made of mess

of everything.


We're gonna get them back,

one by one, until the very last.

And we'll make sure

this never happens again.

You... and me?

You, the best superhero

there ever was.

- Them, the people of Paris.

- (Chanting) Ladybug! Ladybug!

And me, your loyal partner.

(Chanting continues)

Ladybug! Ladybug!

Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug!

Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug!

Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug!