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04x14 - Wishmaker

Posted: 07/04/23 12:15
by bunniefuu
In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl,

with a normal life.

But there's something about me

that no one knows yet.

Because I've got a secret.

♪ Miraculous, simply the best ♪

♪ Up to the test

when things go wrong ♪

♪ Miraculous, the luckiest ♪

♪ The power of love

always so strong ♪

♪ Miraculous ♪

Oh... She's coming closer!

Manon! Ha, ha!

How about we do some drawing?

You like drawing, right?

Aaah! Let's play

hide-and-seek instead! OK?



Oh! Wait! I know! I know! Beads!

We'll make beaded necklaces!

Yeah! Ella! Etta!

sh**t, you didn't tell me

you were baby-sitting Manon!

- I'll cancel my date with Nino.

- Oh, no! Don't!

The more, the m... more

pretty necklaces we can make!

- You sure?

- Come on, just go!

- Enjoy your movie!

- OK! Buzz me if you need me!

- [laughter]

- [gasps]


Not the sewing box!

[laughter] Don't!

That's not fair!

Oh! You didn't tell me you were

already baby-sitting them.

One more kid won't make

a difference! Go to the movies.

Wow! Thank you, Marinette!

You really are the best!

- [gasps]

- Woohoo!

No! Not the kwa... kwashies!


Did you make them yourself?

Oh! Yes, they're

my most recent sewing project.

But it's a secret,

so put them back in the drawer.

I'm gonna call this one, Sock!

Fly, Sock! Fly!

- Throw it to me!

- I saw the bunny first!

- No, I did! No, me!

- No, me!

A movie! How about we all watch

a fun movie together instead?

[altogether] Yeah!

Ladybug and Cat Noir!

- Argh!

- Don't you like it?

Yes, I do! I love it so much

that I've seen it

maybe one too many times!

- [sigh of relief]

- [phone rings]

Adrien? Woohoo! Adrien!

Oh! Adrien! Adrien!

- Aren't you gonna answer it?

- Of course I am! I'm answering!

And speaking to him!

Very normally!


Uh! Adrien, how are you?

You need me to do you a...


There's no one here

to repair it.

I know how talented you are

with sewing, so I was hoping

- you could come give me a hand.

- In marriage? I'd love to!

I didn't mean that first part.

Or the second part.

I mean I'd love to help you,

not marry you! Heh, heh!

Operation Adrien's Rescue

is a go. I'm jumping

from level , "talking to him",

to level ,

"doing Adrien a favor!"

And once I've helped him out,

since he's so nice, polite,

and grateful...

He'll ask me, "How can I

ever thank you, Marinette?"

"Well, I'd love it if you'd go

to the movies with me

to see

The Umbrellas of Deauville!"

"How amazing, Marinette!

That's my favorite film!"

"Then we'll go

to the :pm screening

because there's an .% chance

we'll pass André on the way.

We'll share an ice-cream,

which will make us miss

the movie and -- "

Wouldn't it be more simple

to just give him your drawing?

No, no! Telling a boy you like

him is way more complicated

- than a drawing!

- [laughter]

It's gonna be so cool

to see you do it!

Wait a second. Sorry!

You're not gonna see anything.

You're gonna be good and stay...

Ha, ha! Not here at all!

You guys are gonna go...

Uh-oh! Oh...

We're off to the Chocolate

Convention. See you tonight.

I'm learning kung fu in China,

sweetie, remember?

Oh, and I met a little girl

who reminds me so much of you.

- Nope.

- Why would I want to go out?

- I like it just fine at home!

- That's perfect!

No, no, no, and no again!

Babysitting is too complicated!

- I got Brioche to bake and --

- Brioche!


Wow! Wow!

What's this Frisbee made of?

- No, it's fragile!

- Yeah, yeah!

Chris, no!

- Give me that!

- First, a game of darts,

then we'll make a potato cannon!

- Yeah!

- No!

Forget cannons and darts!

Too dangerous!

Just keep it simple!

Let them watch a cartoon!


You call that simple?

What are all these buttons?

- Where do you put the video?

- This is a laptop computer,

and this is the keyboard.

You don't need a cassette.

The film is on the hard drive!

Now you want me

to drive somewhere?

- But that's not how it's done!

- Don't worry, Grandpa.

You don't have to drive.

The kids know how to use it.


I'll be back as soon as I can!

Thank you!

- Be quiet kids, goodbye!

- Hmm.

And now let's go save Adrien!


Hang on, I don't get it.

The villain is that cat girl?

- Of course not! He's a boy!

- And Cat Noir's a good guy!

Since when do good guys

break everything?

He's not breaking stuff,

he's doing the cataclysm thing

- to help Ladybug win!

- Oh, OK.

So this mime guy,

he's the bad guy?

No, Hawk Moth is the bad guy.

He waits till the mime gets mad

so he can akumatize him.

Then he makes him think Ladybug

and Cat Noir are the bad guys!

Argh! In my day, telling good

guys from bad guys was simpler!

They'd fight each other and

whoever was the strongest won!

But Ladybug never hits anybody,

'cause she has her lucky charm!

What with this thingalucky now?

It's a thing she uses

to catch the akuma!

- And then she wins!

- Stop! Stop!

This is way too complicated!

Let's just watch my VHS copy

of the ' World Cup finals.

At least that's simple!

[gasp] No!

- Perfect!

- I'm so glad

I thought to call you.

How can I ever thank you?

How would you like to be

.% late for a movie?

- Hmm?

- I meant,

sing under the umbrellas

of ice cream. Aaah!

I'm so pleased

that you're thanking me,

and now I can't thank you enough

for thanking me.

- No, what I meant to say was --

- You don't need to thank me.

I'm the one thanking you!

I have to go now. See you later!

Uh, well, uh,

thanks for saying thanks.


I messed it all up, as usual.

Don't you think you made it

harder than it needed to be?

You're right, Tikki!

I need a second chance.


I know! I'll just have to

break the wing again!

I'll set up a fishing rod

and drop a hook to rip it.

Adrien will call me, so

I'll come repair his wing again

and he'll say thank you again,

and --

- But that's so complicated!

- Love is always complicated.

- [phone rings]

- I'm completely lost!

Great, Grandpa,

but I can't talk now.

I have to borrow a fishing rod!

Have fun, I'll be back soon!

- Hey! Nice fishing rod!

- Uh... You think?

- Marinette?

- [excited chatter]

Miraculous Ladybug!

What is wrong

with the world these days?

Why has everything become

so complicated?


Ah! The overwhelming confusion

of a grandfather

faced with the complexities

of our modern world!

How difficult it is to adapt,


when one is trapped in the past!

Fly away, my little akuma,

and help him simplify

this all-too-complicated world!

Unravelder, I am Shadow Moth.

Unravelder? What kind

of complicated name is that?

- Well, uh... Doctor Obsolete?

- I'm not a Doctor!

How about Simpleman?

Will that do?

- There! Now that's simple!

- Well, then, Simpleman,

Ladybug and Cat Noir

are also complicating my life.

That's why I'm giving you the

power to simplify everything.

Ah! Now that I understand!

Oh, no! Grandpa Roland!

You got akumatized

'cause of us?

Don't worry, kids.

You're not a problem at all.

The problem

is the world around you!

I'll show you

how much better life can be

when everything is simpler!

Oh! Argh!

And don't forget

the simplest mission of all.

Bring me back Ladybug

and Cat Noir's Miraculous!

Piece of cake!

One blow from this baker's peel

and everyone will be hit,

superhero or not.

- No! Wait!

- Simplification!

Oh, no!

Foolish villain! You hit me!

I'm taking back your power!

Make up your mind already,

do want your Miraculous or not?

Hmm... Yes. Go ahead.

See how simple life can be

when nothing is complicated?


Why did you drive right into me?

Turning is too complicated!

All you had to do was back up!

Backing up

is even more complicated!

I'd rather go straight,

it's simpler!

Since you're not letting

me through, I prohibit all cars!

It'll be simpler this way!

Car prohibited!

Prohibited! Prohibited!

And prohibited again!

I, Nadja,

the reporter inside the TV,

tell you about

what's happening around us.

And, today, things

are going pretty badly! Right?

Yes, I'm Clara and

I'm a reporter in a helicopter!

There are many problems

in Paris!

People are not happy,


their cars are immobilized!

Can't see anything.

Helicopter's going too fast!

Stop, pilot, we can't see

the cars any more.

Stop? Ah! There!


Mah! This photo session

is too complicated.

We just gotta take photos

of Adrien smiling.

It will be more simple!

Why am I complicating my life

with this fishing rod?

I'm just gonna tell Adrien

that I love him!

- Adrien!

- Marinette?

- Adrien!

- [screaming]

Oh! A falling helicopter!

What should I do?

Oh! I know! I have to transform!

Careful! It's a secret.

You should hide first!

Oh! right!

But where can I hide?

Hmm... Hmm...

In the elevator?

Behind a metal pillar?

Hmm. It's a very hard choice.

Oh! Oh, no!

It took me too long to think and

now the helicopter's crashed!

Help! Ladybug! Cat Noir!

Come save us!

Come on, Tikki! Spots on!

- Help! Ladybug! Cat Noir!

- OK, guys!

That's enough for today.

I got all I need!

[altogether] Cat Noir!

Come save us! Help!

I'm supposed to smile, but I'm

also supposed to save people.

This is a complicated choice.

The simplest thing to do would

be to stay here and eat cheese.

No, Plagg, the simplest thing

is to do as Ladybug does!

She's always right

and I love her,

so I'll just do what she does!

Plagg, claws out!

- Thank you, Cat Noir!

- Thank you, Ladybug!

When bad things happen it's

the fault of the big bad...

[both] Shadow Moth!

An akumatized villain

will want to fight us

so they can steal

our Miraculous!


Oh, boy, it's gonna be

really complicated!

Wouldn't it be simpler

to fight Shadow Moth directly?

Oh! Of course!

[both] Let's go!

Poof! Everything into the trash.

Much simpler this way!

[gasps] Simpleman, I want

a chocolate and pistachio cone!

And I want caramel,

hazelnut and cherry!

Oh! Sorry, children,

it's just vanilla now.

Having only one flavor

is much more simple!

Now, that's much better!

I liked it better when

everything was less simple.

Oh! Huh?


Hey! What's going on?

Veggie pizza for everyone!

Only one choice of topping,

- it's much simpler!

- Yes! That's true!

Seems kinda dangerous

when things are simple.

Ladybug and Cat Noir will

be here soon, don't worry!

Hey! Shadow Moth! We're here!

- Come and fight us!

- You see that, kids?

Simplified heroes means

easily found Miraculous!

Come on,

let's simply pick them up!

Ha, ha!

And I will stay hidden.

That way I will win easily!

- Hey, Shadow Moth!

- Ladybug! Cat Noir!

- Aaah!

- Give me your Miraculous.

We'll see

a Lucky Charm for real!

This is even better

than watching the movie!

- No!

- Yes!

- No!

- Yes!


Ha, ha!

There's usually more action!

What if the bad guy wins?

It'll be OK, Chris,

superheroes always win.



Fighting is much more simple.

When nothing's

complicated any more!


I haven't simplified you enough!

- Aaah! Ugh!

- Simplification!


I'm Na-na! Cla-Cla no longer

here. Paris is all broken!

Bug-bug, Miaow-miaow, help!

Vroom-vroom is too complicated!

I walk home with my feet now!

- Huh?

- Jail! Jail! Jail! Jail!

- What for?

- Uh... Me upset!


Quick, Ladybug! Use

your Lucky Charm

to fight the villain!

Lucky charm?

Wow! Cool!

Hey, Simpleman! Take this!

- [laughter]

- Ow! Boo-boo lucky charm!



Candy! Simpleman,

candy for Miraculous!

- Everyone loves candy!

- That's a plan that's simple,


and easy to understand.


- Hmm...

- Ladybug, Cat Noir,

let's make peace!

Give me your Miraculous

and I'll give you some candy!

- Candy! I love candy!

- Everyone loves candy!


Never take candy

from a stranger!

He's doing that

to steal your Miraculous!

I'm tired of Miraculous!

I don't want them any more!

Me neither!

Superheroes are lame!

Oh, yes! Yes!


You have to win

against the bad guy!

We don't want everyone

to stay weird like this.

But... the bad guy is...

too bad!

- Look how strong he is!

- Ha! That's true!

[back snaps]

Oh! Ah! Aah!

Our sister is always telling us

that you're the strongest!

And that you're smarter

than the bad guys!

Lucky charm is too complicated!

No, it's very simple.

It's like a riddle.

For example, you could take

the air out of the ball,

use a pipe to attach it

to a bicycle pump...

and... and... and then you throw

it under the bad guy's stick!

- Without air in it?

- Yeah, and then when the ball

is under the stick, you

just have to blow it up again.

And when it gets bigger,

it'll make the stick bounce!

Then Cat Noir can catch it

and cataclysm it!

But I don't have a bicycle pump!

Can't I just cataclysm

the bad guy?


- Hmm...

- Hey!

Explaining stuff is cheating!

You can't help them.

Sorry, but

I'm going to have

to simplify you too, kids!

- Simplification!

- Ladybug!

Make it bounce.

- Hey!

- Cat Noir!


It's true,

my power is super simple!

And repairing everything

is even more simple!


Bye-bye, little butterfly!

The only thing

I have to say is...

Miraculous Ladybug!

Jail! Huh?

What are you doing in my car?

- Pound it!

- Pound it!


Ladybug, Cat Noir,

you saved us!

No, kids, you saved us!


to think we were this close

to giving away our Miraculous...

for candy?

Of all the things we've faced,

I'd never have thought

that such a simple power

would be the most dangerous.

Mr Dupain, this magical charm

will protect you

from Shadow Moth.

Oh, is that so?

How could this little thing

protect me

from Shado-what-his-name?

Hmm. The world used to be so

simple. I used to understand it.

Now I don't understand

anything any more.

You know, Grandpa Roland,

we don't understand

everything either.

- But we're used to it.

- And what's cool

is what we don't know,

we can learn!

It's funny, it's like a game

you have to win each time.

But you're a grown-up, and

you're not used to it any more,

so it scares you.

You think I can still

learn something, at my age?

We can show you if you want!

Yes, like that.

What am I doing... honestly?

The truth is, I'm scared

Adrien will reject me

if I tell him how I feel.

That's why I over-complicate


so that moment never comes!

Whether my plan

is complicated or simple,

the result will be the same!

So I might as well be simple,

and face my fear.

I'm just gonna tell him

that I love him, quite simply.

Yes, go on, Marinette!

Be simple!

- Adrien!

- Marinette?

The ice-cream umbrella

likes sewing perfume angels!

Ah! No, what I'm trying to say

is that ice cream

will eat your wings

to sew them back up in a song.

Ah! Argh! Do you like fishing?

I don't know.

I've never tried it.

Me neither. Heh, heh!

Well, I'm not gonna keep

you any longer, OK?

Now that you've got

your wings back...

[embarrassed laugh]

[photographer] Action!

Ha, ha! Yes. More like that.

Magnifique! Perfect!

Show me the wings! Beautiful!

You know what, Tikki?

Sometimes, trying to be simple

is just too complicated!

You're back way too early!

We haven't finished

the movie yet!

Quiet! It's the best part!

Superheroes, love,

all that complicated stuff...

Wouldn't you rather

watch a game?

'Course not! It's actually

quite simple! Come sit with us,

we'll explain everything!

So, this little guy in black,

he's not a bad fellow!

And the kiddo in red,

it's simple,

even when things are

complicated, she never gives up!

She reminds me of your

grandmother when I met her.

Seems crazy,

but she looks exactly like her.

- And her ideas are kind of the same.

- Shh!
