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04x12 - Rocketear

Posted: 07/04/23 12:13
by bunniefuu
In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl,

with a normal life.

But there's something about me

that no one knows yet.

Because I've got a secret.

♪ Miraculous, simply the best

♪ Up to the test

♪ When things go wrong

♪ Miraculous, the luckiest

♪ The power of love

always so strong

♪ Miraculous

♪ Miraculous ♪

Your class representative

is going to be handing you

a questionnaire about

your options after school.

Useless! I already know what I

want to be when school is over.

Rich. Because I'm already rich!

And the baker girl,

well, the baker girl...

Oh! Just plain ridiculous! Yes!

Being ridiculous would be

right up your alley, Marinette!

Chloé, people are defined

by their choices,

and what they decide to do.

That's why I'm asking you

to start deciding

what you want to do later on.

It's not just about careers,

but what you want out of life.

If some of you aren't sure yet

what you want to do,

the Paris Careers Expo

will be held this weekend

in various locations

around the city.

You'll meet professionals

who'll discuss their careers.

The document includes a map

of Paris with each location.

How about superhero?

Does that count as a job?

I'd add that you should

never let the context

impose your costume on you.

You should choose it yourself.

Speaking of which, I myself

will be present at a stand as...

(Panting) The Owl! Hoo hoo!

Your daily righter of wrongs.


Don't you want

to continue to model?

I don't think so, Plagg.

I'm doing it

because my father asked me to

and I realize I don't know

what else I'd want to do.

I never asked myself

that question.

What do think of Cat Noir

as a career?

Well, since Ladybug keeps giving

Miraculous out to other holders,

one day she probably

won't need me any more.

Don't worry.

I will always be here for you.

Hey, if you want we could even

open a cheese shop together.

Just imagine. Plagg

and Cat Noir's Fromagerie!

You can't eat cheese

if you're trying to sell it!

Ah, you're right, good point.

What's a job where you get

to eat cheese, then?

Let's start by visiting

the food-trade booths.

Come on, Plagg! It's time

to think about our future.

True, Tikki,

my life is complicated,

but at least one thing

is simple.

I know what I want to do later!

No need to go

to the Careers Expo for that!

What's a "career,"

dear Guardian?

Well, it's your job. Something

really important that you do

and gives meaning to your life!

So, your job is being

the Guardian of the Miraculous!

Course not,

it's being a student!

Not at all!

It's making presents for Adrien!

- Well --

- Something important,

like crafting the doll house

to hide the Miracle Box!

Or when she designed the alarm

for this room! A masterpiece!

- Sure, I love crafting, but --

- You don't get it!

What gives meaning to her life

is to love Adrien or Luka.

- That's her job!

- Luka has the guitar, right?

Her real career is being Ladybug

and carve her name in history

by her glorious feats,

of course!

Silence, kwamis!

Let's listen to the Guardian.

Marinette, what is

the real important thing

that will bring meaning

to your life?

Argh! I don't know any more!

I guess I'm not sure

what my job

should be after all!

Maybe you should go visit

a few booths

at the Careers Expo.

I guess so, Tikki.

Welcome to

You've Gotta Be Kidding!

We're live at Careers Expo,

where I'll be introducing you

to the most pointless jobs

ever! And to start off,

here's a perfect example.

André the ice-cream maker!

The ice-cream man

who's never around!

Let me remind you how this

goes. He doesn't have a shop,

no one knows where he is,

it takes forever to find him,

and he gets to pick the flavor

of your ice cream.

You've gotta be kidding, André!

Give me one reason why I should

bother to chase after you

when I could get my choice

of ice cream

in any supermarket?

- (Laughter)

- Well, people don't just come

for ice cream.

They come to share their love

and experience

a magical moment.

A supermarket

cannot do what I do.

I am a creator

of magical moments.

"Creator of magical moments"?

You've Gotta be Kidding?

- That's not a real job!

- You're right, dear Alec,

it's not a job...

it's a career.

(Gasps of astonishment)

Yeah, you found me today!

I have some ice-cream

just for you!

Lime, for the sourness

you show on the outside,

and chocolate-cinnamon

for the dreams

that live inside of you.

One day, you too will figure out

what you really want to be.

Cut! Cut!

André, how did you know making

ice cream would be your job?

My dear Marinette, being

an ice-cream man isn't a "job".

I used to have a job.

Every morning I would wake up

and do something

I didn't like doing.

The only enjoyable moment

for my day

was when I'd come home

and concoct

ice-cream flavors

that suited my mood.

Until, one day, in the same way

that ice cream enchanted

my daily life, I wondered

if my true calling would

be to try and enchant

other people's lives too.

That's what a truly successful

career is, a blend of flavors

of what you can do,

what you love to do

and what you can bring

to others.

Strawberry and cherry

for the indecisive lady,

pistachio and pecan

for the clear-sighted young man.

- Who? What young man?

- Hello, Marinette!

Aaah! Oh! Luka! (Nervous laugh)

- Luka and I are just --

- Buddies. We're buddies!

You don't necessarily

have to be in love

to enjoy

your own scoop of magic!

- Have a good day, André!

- Have a good day!

I'm surprised to see you here.

I thought you already knew

your future career.

I do. I'm in charge

of my school's booth,

where I tell people about being

a maker of stringed instruments.

What about you?

Why are you here?

Aren't you well on your way

to becoming a fashion designer?

I don't know any more.

So many careers interest me.

Fashion, creation, decoration...

You're lucky you know

exactly what you want to do.

I just listened

to my inner voice.

(Beautiful sound)

This is

the first instrument I made.

- It took me two years.

- Wow!

Two years to make one guitar

when you can download an app

in two seconds to your phone?

(Tinny sound)

Yet another pointless job!

You've Gotta be Kidding!

Follow me.

- Hmm?

- Hmm?

(Gentle breeze

turns into heavenly music)

Musical instruments

fill the space,

and space

fills the instruments.

No phone in the world

will ever be able to do that.

Cut! Cut!

Again? Argh!

Whoa. You definitely have a gift

for finding the right words

- at the right time!

- Adrien!

- Uh, well, most of the time.

- No, Adrien.

- He's behind you, Marinette!

- Aaah! How far away is he?

- Did he see me?

- You still haven't told him

- how you feel about him, right?

- Uh, well... not...

Wait. He looks sad!

Just one more reason

we should go talk to him.

- Something wrong, Adrien?

- I just made the rounds

to every stand at the Expo,

and I still don't know

what I want to do.

If I don't figure it out,

my father will decide

for me again.

I've always felt that modeling

wasn't your true inner music.

I thought

it'd be simple this way,

that I'd be content

to do what my father told me to,

like you, Luka, who decided

to be a musician,

like your father.

Or like you.

You've always known

you wanted to be a designer.

- But actually...

- It's way more complicated.


I don't want to be a rock star

like my dad. I make music,

but it's not my career,

it's my nature. What I want

is for other people

to be able to feel that music.

That's why I want to be

a stringed-instrument maker,

so people can create emotions.

I feel like

I always want to try new things,

but what I want to do, what I

forget to do and what I must do,

it's a lot, and I don't know...

My father

arranges it all for me.

But if I think about what

I really, actually want to do...

nothing. My mind is empty!

- I'm completely lost!

- I'm completely lost!

There's no one way to become

Marinette or to become Adrien.

To find out who you are, learn

to listen to your inner melody.

Your inner music is

a little bit like a brass band

where all the instruments

are playing a different tune!

- I totally get why you're lost!

- (Laughter)

But if you listen

a bit more closely,

the music of your band

is really beautiful.

You just need some time

to understand it.

Your music sounds like it's

being muffled by someone else

playing a sad piano tune.

But your true melody

is a happy one.

Pretty rock 'n' roll, actually!

You two will find

what's already in front of you,

but you can't hear it clearly.

Just let the melody flow.

Who on earth would want

to disguise themselves

with such a ridiculous

fake hairdo?

Louis XIV's reign is over!

You've Gotta be Kidding!

A wig is never

a disguise, sir.

On the contrary, it is

always very revealing.

When I was a kid,

I used to have long hair,

but everyone made fun of me.

That's why I shaved it all off.

I've made the wrong choices

all my life.

My TV show is nothing personal.

I make fun of people

the way they made fun

of me as a kid.

I should have been

who I wanted to be,

tried to change the world

instead of mocking it.

I've wasted my life!

A man who has made bad choices

because of pressure from others.

A wasted life

full of regrets and bitterness.

What a perfect "job"

for my akuma.

Go and give that remorseful

show host a new career

that he won't regret!

Wishmaker, I am Shadow Moth.

The world didn't let you realize

your childhood dreams?

From now on,

any person you touch

will have to become

who they dreamed of being

when they were a child.

And when you attack

Ladybug and Cat Noir,

their masks will fall

as their childhood dreams

betray them.

From now on,

I'll only be who I want to be!

And thanks to me, everyone

will finally be able to do

what they've always wanted!


- Live your childhood dream!

- When I was a kid,

I wanted to be Santa!

My dream's come true!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Ho, ho, ho! I've always wanted

to make people happy!

Even when it's not Christmas!

Hey! I love your look!

Rock 'n' roll!

Live your childhood dream!

I finally get to live

my childhood dream! Awesome!


- Hey! Hi there, son!

- Dad?

BOTH: Jagged Stone?

Merry Christmas, everyone!

This is a nightmare, right?

- I will turn you to mush!

- Go hide behind that tree!

Stay here, Marinette!

So, robot, where's this must

you were promising?

I've got to protect Luka.

Quick, Tikki, spots on!

- You'll be safe here.

- Thank you, Ladybug!


(Gasps) Marinette?


Help me!

I don't know how to swim!

Hold on, Dad, I'm coming!

I always wanted

to be Grobototek.

Yeah, but we're not living

in a video game!

Destroyer of dreams.

He's mistaking dreams

for reality!

Live your childhood dream!

- Live your childhood dream!

- As a child,

I wanted to be a fireman

and a cowboy!

Whoa! I knew it was possible!

- Aaah! Aaah!

- Live --

Why try and stop me?

I'm making people happy!

Yes, but you're doing it

against their will!

I want people

to live their dreams!

Would you really

call this a dream?

Look! Look! I'm a cucumber!


- Aaah!

- Try it!

Let me be your wishmaker!

If we get hit,

we'll reveal our identities.

- What do you mean?

- When I was six,

I wanted to be

the Knitting Fairy.

She didn't wear a mask!

The Knitting Fairy? Seriously?

What about you?

What did you want to be?

You're making fun of me, but are

too embarrassed to tell me!

Actually, I don't know what

I wanted to be when I was a kid.

You probably wanted to be

a magician or a fireman.

- I can't remember.

- You must've just forgotten.

If he hits one of us,

we'll need a second chance!

- Viperion?

- I think we need the insurance!

You go. I'll cover you!

But, Dad,

crocodiles know how to swim!

I didn't, when I was a kid!

Hi, there, Croco Jagged.

I need a word with your son,

if that's OK with you!

Rock 'n' roll, Ladybug!

- Nice to see you again, Luka.

- You too, Sass.

Use your power now.

If Cat Noir or I get hit,

come back to this exact moment.

Understood, Ladybug!

Sass, scales slither!

Second chance!

No one can know our identities.

Count on me.

Lucky charm!

A dino-huggie?

Saving the world

with a stuffed animal?

I like that!

Sure you don't want me to make

your childhood dream come true?

Don't waste your breath,

I didn't have any!

Every child has a dream!

Maybe not everyone.

You just need to get

your memory back.

Just let me touch you

and your dream

will be revealed to you!

What a brilliant idea,


Make his dreams come true

and show me

Cat Noir's true face!

Watch out, Cat Noir!

Does this stuffed animal

mean anything to you?

It's a dino-huggie!

Live your childhood dream!

Awesome! I always wanted to be

the Knitting Fairy in real life!

Ma... Marinette?

Ladybug is Adrien's classmate,


At last, at long last!

Second chance.

No one can know

our secret identities.

Lucky charm!

- A dino-huggie?

- I've got the first part

of the solution.

What a brilliant idea!

Make his dreams come true!

Cat Noir, duck!

Hey! It's a dino-huggie!

Live your childhood dream!

When I was a kid,

I always wanted to be

what my parents wanted me to be!

Oh! My son?

When I was a kid I wanted to be

in the dino-huggie g*ng!

Then you're the answer

to defeating him!

Sorry, Ladybug, but this isn't

the right moment yet.

- Second chance.

- No one can know

our secret identities.

I promise that won't happen.

Lucky charm!

A dino-huggie?

It's for a man with a red hat.

His childhood dream

was to become one!

Got it!

What a brilliant idea,


Watch out, Cat Noir!

It's a dino-huggie!

Whoa! I'm a dino-huggie!

Look! Wishmaker needs

a great big dino hug!

Big hug! Big hug! Big hug!

Big hug! Big hug!


- Cat Noir, now!

- Cataclysm!

No more evil-doing for you,

little akuma!

Time to de-evilize!


Bye-bye, little butterfly!

Miraculous Ladybug!

Ho, ho, ho!


Alec, this will remind you

that our negative emotions

make us vulnerable. I'm sure

it'll help you to stay positive.

Thank you, Ladybug.

ALL: Pound it!

When I was a kid, I just

wanted people to be happy.

So now I'll do what I should

have been doing all along,

help people,

through a new TV show!

What about you guys?

What are your dreams?

Sorry, Alec,

but when you're a superhero,

even your dreams

have to remain a secret.

Bye, Alec!

- Should I roll now?

- (Laughs)

I haven't unmasked you yet,

Ladybug and Cat Noir,

but the day will come

when I, too,

will find a way

to make my dream come true!

Thank you, Luka, thanks to you

our identities were preserved

and no one discovered

who Cat Noir and I really are.

Not even you, right?

Not even me. Luckily, Wishmaker

never hit you or Cat Noir.


Spots off.


Thank you for hiding me here.

It was nothing, Marinette,

you know

you can always count on me.

Phew, you guys are OK!

We're all OK,

thanks to Ladybug and Cat Noir!

I may not remember my childhood

dreams, but that's OK.

It's time to find

my inner music, like Luka said.

- Plagg, what are you doing?

- I'm curious to hear

what a camembert concerto

sounds like!


(Sighs) You know what?

I've decided

I'm gonna do it all.

I'll be Ladybug,

I'll design clothes, jewelry,

space rockets!

I'll be Luka's best friend

and I will love Adrien!

But how will you do it all

at the same time?

I don't know how, yet.

But, yes, I can do this!

Welcome to

Live your Childhood Dream!

And now, we're going

to love one another!

Starting with everyone

loving themselves!

Because how will you

love other people

if you don't love yourself?

Welcome to

Live your Childhood Dream!