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06x145 - Guardian Showdown! Cloud and Mist

Posted: 07/02/23 15:33
by bunniefuu
Tsuna: X BURNER!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Col: Damn it!

Col: Arcobaleno Trial #, the test of combat ability,

Col: has been cleared!

Col: Here's the Arcobaleno Seal!

Col: Take it, maggot!

Reborn: You've cleared the trial of combat ability now.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: That's one down...

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target Guardian Showdown! Cloud and Mist

Yamamoto: I haven't swung a bat in a while...

Yamamoto: Nothing wrong with a bamboo sword, but I can't forget about this.

Yamamoto: And for my old man's sake...

Yamamoto: I have to make it through these trials with Tsuna.

Gokudera: We've cleared the first one, but we can't relax yet.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Dim Sum

Gokudera: Nope, not yet!

Gokudera: I have to clear them all with the boss...

Gokudera: For that, I must first...

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Convenience Store Namimori

Gokudera: Fill my stomach.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Four

Mukuro: I see.

Mukuro: You've certainly improved since the last time we fought.

Hibari: I'm returning the favor.

Mukuro: The result will be the same no matter how many times you try.

Hibari: I'll bite you to death.

Tsuna: What are you doing, Hibari-san?! Mukuro?!

Reborn: Don't bother.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: No one can stop them now.

Tsuna: No way...

Reborn: Hibari hasn't forgotten his past humiliation.

Reborn: Mukuro accepted his challenge with that in mind.

Reborn: This won't be settled until one of them is taken out.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Skull: Wh-Why are they fighting each other?!

Skull: Hey! Didn't the plan work?!

Mammon: I did as I was told.

Skull: In that case!

Skull: Shouldn't the Guardians of the Cloud and Mist Rings

: have been angered by the challenge, and att*cked Tsunayoshi Sawada?!

Mammon: I even timed it

: so they'd show up in front of Tsunayoshi Sawada at the perfect time.

Skull: Do something about this!

Skull: Why did I even bother hiring you?!

Mammon: There'll be a surcharge for the extra work.

Skull: What?! I'm all out of money though!

Mammon: Really?

Mammon: Guess I'll be leaving then.

Skull: Ah! W-Wait, Viper!

Mammon: I'm Mammon.

Mammon: Don't call me by that name.

Skull: Viper!

Mammon: It's Mammon.

Skull: Hey!

Skull: Gonna fall!

Skull: I fell!

Reborn: Was this your so-called intellectual method?

Reborn: You're as pathetic as ever.

Skull: What?!

Tsuna: Ah! It's the one who att*cked us at Mafia Island!

Reborn: Skull. He's my lackey.

Skull: Who are you calling your lackey?!

Tsuna: Huh? So is this a trial?

Tsuna: Why are the two of them fighting?!

Reborn: He probably intended to use those two to crush you,

: so he wouldn't have to dirty his own hands.

Tsuna: What?!

Reborn: But you didn't research their past.

Reborn: That was your mistake.

Reborn: Now that you've brought them together,

Reborn: we can't predict what will happen next.

Tsuna: Yeah!

Tsuna: It's Hibari-san and Mukuro!

Tsuna: Oh man, this is nuts!

Tsuna: We don't have time to worry about the trial!

Lal: No.

Tsuna: Huh?

Lal: The trial's already begun.

Tsuna: Lal? Where did you come from?

Col: Here!

Tsuna: Huh?

Col: As requested, I brought Lal here as fast as I could, maggot!

Tsuna: Colonnello!

Reborn: We can't begin without Lal as the observer.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: Did you know this would happen?

Reborn: More or less.

Reborn: I've known Skull for a long time.

Reborn: It's pretty easy to guess what he'll do.

Skull: What was that?!

Lal: There you have it.

Lal: Now that I'm here, this will be an official trial.

Skull: For real?!

Tsuna: In this situation?!

Lal: Don't be a baby!

Lal: You must accomplish your objective, regardless of the circumstances.

Lal: That is how...

Lal: That is how Vongola X should be!

Tsuna: E-Easy for you to say...

Reborn: There's no time to waste, Tsuna.

Lal: The second trial begins!

Lal: The participants are:

Lal: the holder of the Sky Ring,

Lal: the Guardian of the Cloud Ring,

Lal: and the Guardian of the Mist Ring!

Skull: In that case, I'll take them all out together!

Tsuna: A-Amazing...

Hibari: Why are you crowding together?

Hibari: I won't allow anyone to interfere with me.

Mukuro: I would have to agree.

Mukuro: I do not know what the Vongola and Arcobaleno are up to,

Mukuro: but I would rather you not interfere with me.

Ken: I heard some noise, so I came out to see who was behind the ruckus...

Ken: It's Mukuro-san!

Chikusa: Master Mukuro...

Mukuro: Ken. Chikusa.

Mukuro: Perfect timing.

Mukuro: I wish to enjoy my battle with him.

Mukuro: Could you deal with those pests?

Ken: The duck and the Vongola!

Ken: And who are these guys?!

Ken: How dare you trespass on our territory!

Chikusa: Are they the pests you speak of, Master Mukuro?

Mukuro: Yes, I'll need you to prevent them from bothering us.

Tsuna: Hey! Guys!

Reborn: Your opponent's over there, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: Don't let your guard down.

Reborn: I told you the trial had already begun.

Tsuna: That's...!

Reborn: I see you've still got bad taste in pets, Skull.

Skull: Wh-What was that?!

Col: It's the truth, maggot!

Skull: They're always looking down on me!

Skull: Always! Always! Always! Always! Always!

Skull: But I need to deal with Vongola X first!

Skull: Go!

Col: Hey!

Col: Dodge, maggot!

Skull: Wh-What's with him?!

Skull: He's completely changed since the last time we met...

Skull: Completely!

Tsuna: Come on.

Ken: Hey, guys!

Ken: I'm not letting you get past me!

Ken: Kong Channel!

Chikusa: This is a pain, but I have no choice.

Chikusa: Bring it.

Mukuro: I never expected to fight with you again.

Hibari: Cut the chit-chat and attack me, would you?

Mukuro: Of course.

Mukuro: Soon I'll have you kneeling before me again.

Mukuro: Too weak.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,One

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Four

Skull: What are you doing?!

Skull: Hey! Take him out already!

Skull: You stupid fool!

Skull: Do something!

Skull: Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Skull: Wha-?!

Skull: Wha-?! Wha-Wha-Wha-What?!

Ken: He's stronger than ever somehow.

: Indeed.

Skull: What's going on?!

Skull: I had no idea the Vongola would have this much combat ability...!

Col: Naturally, maggot!

Col: He's already cleared my trial!

Skull: Now that you mention it...

Tsuna: Operation X.

Contact: Roger that, boss.

Skull: What is it?!

Ken: Don't get the wrong idea.

Ken: I'm not helping you out here.

Skull: Hey! Let go!

Skull: Let go!

Chikusa: We're just following Master Mukuro's orders.

Skull: Hey! What are you doing?!

Skull: Crush them! Crush them all!

Skull: This is bad!

Skull: Do something!

Contact: Gauge Symmetry.

Contact: Standby for launch.

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Contact: Gauge Symmetry.

Contact: Standby for launch.

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Tsuna: Stop.

Hibari: Wow.

Tsuna: Please stop, Hibari-san! Mukuro!

Tsuna: I don't know why you two are here...

Tsuna: Or why you were fighting...

Tsuna: But there's no reason for you to fight now.

Tsuna: You guys were actually set up here.

Hibari: I knew that.

Tsuna: Huh?

Mukuro: Did you think I'd be fooled by that illusion?

Mukuro: It came from an illusionist I'd already seen through before.

Tsuna: An illusionist you'd already seen through before...?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Mammon?

Mukuro: I thought it might be amusing to go along with their plan.

Mukuro: Vindice Penitentiary is frightfully boring.

Mukuro: However...

Mukuro: I became genuinely entertained as I fought against him.

Mukuro: The same would apply to him.

Tsuna: Don't be entertained!

Tsuna: I mean... I mean, you...

Mukuro: Yes, I know.

Mukuro: I pushed Chrome a little too hard.

Tsuna: Mukuro...

Tsuna: Is the future you okay?

Tsuna: I know I can't learn anything by asking you now...

Mukuro: It appears that you've acquired new strength.

Mukuro: I'd ask that you avoid dragging Chrome around outside my reach,

Mukuro: though I suppose that won't be possible.

Tsuna: I'm sorry, but...

Mukuro: I don't want to hear excuses.

Mukuro: As long as...

Mukuro: You protect them.

Tsuna: O-Okay.

Tsuna: I promise!

Tsuna: I swear I will...

Mukuro: I must be losing my mind to take the word of a Mafioso.

Mukuro: Unfortunately, it would seem I'm out of time.

Mukuro: I shall entertain you at a later date.

Hibari: There wouldn't be any point in defeating you in your present state.

Hibari: I'll bite the real you to death one day.

Hibari: If you're willing to fight in his stead, may we continue?

Tsuna: I-I'd like to pass...

Tsuna: I went through so much training in the future!

Hibari: I see.

Mukuro: Then, Vongola, until we meet again.

Tsuna: Look out!

Chrome: Boss, I'm fine...

Tsuna: Don't push yourself.

Tsuna: You're still not feeling well, right?

Ken: Why are you back?!

Ken: What happened to Mukuro-san?!

Chrome: He's gone.

Ken: What's that?!

Ken: I wanted to talk with him!

Chikusa: Ken.

Ken: Bah.

Ken: What a waste...

Reborn: He was able to make two guys who refuse to follow anyone back down.

Reborn: Tsuna has a certain charisma.

Reborn: Isn't that right, Lal?

Lal: That's right.

Lal: It seems he has something that attracts people.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: Was that the end of the trial?

Tsuna: What was being tested?

Reborn: This was the test of charisma.

Tsuna: Charisma?

Lal: You successfully cleared this trial.

Lal: Now take the Seal into the Vongola Ring!

Col: Get going!

Reborn: Do it already.

: Hey!

Skull: I get it.

Skull: Here.

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Yamamoto: He pulled it off.

Gokudera: Th-This is...

Gokudera: It ended while I was filling my stomach!

Gokudera: Damn it!

Reborn: Okay.

Reborn: You've cleared the trial of charisma now.

Tsuna: That's right!

Tsuna: Uh, where is it...

Tsuna: There it is!

Tsuna: Phew, it didn't get crushed.

Tsuna: Hey, Chrome.

Ken: You still want something?

Tsuna: These people are still scary!

Tsuna: But...

Tsuna: Here.

Chrome: What?

Tsuna: My mom made some rice balls.

Tsuna: You can eat them if you'd like.

Tsuna: Ah, you know?

Tsuna: I heard you didn't eat much at the base,

Tsuna: so I was wondering if you were getting enough to eat over here.

Ken: That's none of your business!

Ken: We feed her quite well!

Chikusa: Yeah, lots of sweets.

Tsuna: Huh? That's not very healthy.

Tsuna: You need to eat properly.

Tsuna: She made a lot.

Tsuna: You can all eat it together.

Chrome: Thank you.

Ken: There better not be anything funny mixed in!

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: I'm pretty sure there's nothing weird inside the rice balls...

Tsuna: It's just kelp, dried bonito, and pickled plums...

Chikusa: I'll pass on the pickled plums.

Ken: Kakipi!

Ken: Why are you so ready to eat them?!

Chikusa: You don't need to eat any then.

Ken: What's that?!

Ken: You'd hog them all, four-eyed water sprite.

Chikusa: You're pissing me off.

Tsuna: Don't fight. There's more than enough to go around.

Ken: Shut up, Vongola!

Ken: You keep your mouth shut!

Lal: I must admit, Tsunayoshi Sawada passes when it comes to charisma.

Reborn: Hey, Skull.

Skull: Wh-What's up, Reborn-senpai?

Skull: My trial's finished, so I'd like to be on my way...

Reborn: You were mouthing off to us, weren't you?

Skull: Huh?

Col: Oh, that's right.

Col: You said you wouldn't screw up the way I did, maggot.

Reborn: For all your talk, this is what you have to show for it?

Reborn: Guess I can't expect anything better from my lackey.

Skull: Wh-What was that?!

Skull: L-Lal! Save me!

Col: Don't go running to Lal when you're in a bind, maggot!

Skull: Hey! Wait!

Lal: Honestly, you guys...

Tsuna: I'm exhausted...

Tsuna: I ended up going through two trials in one day.

Tsuna: Nobody said that might happen.

Tsuna: Gokudera was all depressed because he wasn't there to watch...

Gokudera: {\an}Forgive me! Forgive me!

Gokudera: {\an}I missed your important trial...

Gokudera: {\an}I have failed as your right-hand man!

Tsuna: {\an}G-Gokudera-kun, please don't beat yourself up about it.

Gokudera: {\an}I'm despicable! A disgrace!

Tsuna: It was really hard to calm him down.

Tsuna: I wish they'd give me some kind of warning.

Tsuna: I'm so exhausted.

Reborn: What are you talking about?

Reborn: If you're exhausted already,

: you won't be able to get through the remaining trials.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: The remaining Arcobaleno are far stronger than Skull.

Reborn: You'd better prepare yourself.

Tsuna: No way!

Reborn: Well, you'll have to get Deathperate.

Tsuna: You're already asleep?!

Tsuna: You think it doesn't have anything to do with you...

Hime: Are you done yet?

Monta: It managed to get me warmed up.

Hime: What were you doing?

Hime: I guess it's time for this.

Monta: Yeah, it's all set up.

Hime: Then, it's time for us to have some fun...

Monta: You're right.

Ryohei: That was a good run this morning.

Kyoko: Okay.

Ryohei: Kyoko, you going out?

Kyoko: Oh, good morning, Ryohei.

Kyoko: Um, I promised to go shopping with a classmate, Hime-chan.

Kyoko: She just transferred here and doesn't know any of the stores,

Kyoko: so I'm showing her around.

Ryohei: Really?

Ryohei: That's extremely awesome.

Ryohei: Friends are important.

Kyoko: Exactly.

Kyoko: I don't know what this "important thing" you and Tsuna-kun

: and everybody else came back to do is...

Kyoko: So I'm sorry I can't help you.

Ryohei: Wh-What are you saying?

Ryohei: Kyoko, you just have to be here.

Ryohei: As long as you're here, we're pumped to the extreme.

Kyoko: Ryohei...

Kyoko: I hope you're right.

Ryohei: I am!

Ryohei: Trust your big brother! I'm extremely right!

Kyoko: Thank you, Ryohei!

Kyoko: Oh no!

Kyoko: I'll be late!

Kyoko: Gotta go!

Ryohei: Be careful.

Kyoko: I will!

Tsuna: We don't have school today,

Tsuna: but I'm so worried about the trials that I can't stay in bed.

Tsuna: I wonder who'll give the next one?

Tsuna: What?!

Tsuna: That scared me.

Mom: Tsu-kun! Could you get that?

Mom: I'm busy right now!

Tsuna: Okay!

Tsuna: Hello, you've reached the Sawada residence.

Mammon: I'll be waiting for you at Nami Middle.

Mammon: Better hurry, or something bad's gonna happen.

Tsuna: What was that?

Tsuna: A prank call?

Tsuna: But Nami Middle is...

Mom: Tsu-kun, who was it?

Tsuna: U-Uh, just a wrong number!

Mom: Oh, really?

Reborn: Was it for...

Tsuna: Yeah, probably...

Dialogue: On Screen,Caption: Next Episode

Reborn: On a morning shrouded in mist, Tsuna, Yamamoto, and Ryohei are called out.

Reborn: This time, they're up against the Arcobaleno with the indigo pacifier, Viper.

Reborn: Also known as Mammon.

Reborn: Next time:

Reborn: Box w*apon Prototype.

Reborn: Watch like your life depends on it.