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05x123 - Teachings of the Sword Emperor

Posted: 07/02/23 15:17
by bunniefuu
Phantom: Come.

Yamamoto: This hostile intent...

Yamamoto: It hurts more than the kid's...

Yamamoto: Not good...

Phantom: Scared?

Yamamoto: No.

Yamamoto: Excited.

Yamamoto: That's why I want to fight you as a swordsman.

Yamamoto: I'll force you to draw your sword.

Yamamoto: With my Shigure Soen Ryu!

Phantom: Your talk will be for naught.

Yamamoto: We won't know until I try!

Yamamoto: Shigure Soen Ryu...

Yamamoto: Stance :

Yamamoto: Battering Rain.

Phantom: An impressive thrust.

Phantom: But it's just like Squalo's swordsmanship.

Phantom: A mere child's trick.

Dialogue: On Screen,Phantom: Target The Emperor of Swords' Teachings

Tsuna: Reborn, that was...

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: That was Yamamoto's voice.

Giannini: Confirmed transmission from his communicator.

Giannini: He seems to be engaged in battle.

Giannini: The transmission's been cut off.

Reborn: Do you know where he was?

Giannini: Well, the transmission was weak and only lasted a second...

Reborn: I see.

Phan: Fool.

Phan: You're nothing.

Phan: A reflection on the water's surface?

Yama: Shigure Soen Ryu...

Yama: Stance :

Yama: Reflecting Rain!

Dialogue: On Screen,Yama: Reflecting Rain

Yama: From Reflecting Rain into Stance :

Yama: Surging Rain!

Dialogue: On Screen,Yama: Surging Rain

Yama: From Surging Rain into Stance :

Yama: Beccata di Rondine!

Dialogue: On Screen,Yama: Beccata di Rondine

Yama: You are strong.

Yama: That incredible aura was no lie.

Yama: But you know...

Yama: I made you draw your sword.

Phan: Indeed, you did.

Tsuna: Spanner-san, could you hurry up the adjustments on the contact lenses?

Span: Yeah, I'm on it.

Span: But nothing you say will speed up the process.

Span: If I said twenty minutes, it'll take twenty minutes.

Span: No more, no less.

Span: Hey.

: Huh?

Span: Not you.

Tsuna: Oh, him?

Tsuna: Candy came out?

Tsuna: Um, why are you always eating candy?

Reborn: Sugar makes the brain work faster.

Spanner: That's right.

Spanner: I carefully selected the proper ingredients and made them myself.

Tsuna: I thought they looked unusual.

Tsuna: So you made them yourself?

Span: Yeah. It's too expensive to buy them.

Span: Have one and wait quietly, Vongola.

Tsuna: It's strawberry-flavored.

Tsuna: Man, I don't have time for candy!

Tsuna: Is everybody okay?

Goku: Where'd he go?

Gamma: Damn... Where is he hiding?

Gamma: It's okay.

Gamma: We'll return to the princess.

Goku: I'm going to win and meet up with the boss.

Both: Let's do this!

Phantom: Lament your folly.

Yama: Give me all you've got!

Yama: Another illusion?

Yama: Behind me!

Yama: The real one's...

Stance : Stance :

: Early Summer Rain!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Early Summer Rain

Stance : He's an illusion too?

Stance : Where is he?

Stance : Above me?

Stance : That was close...

Stance : My Shigure Kintoki...!

Ginger: My, my... So Spanner's block was the only one he wasn't looking at.

Poofy: The boss trusted him too much.

Poofy: I never have been able to understand that guy.

Poofy: Fly straight!

Ginger: Dock ?

Ginger: Is he here?

Ginger: This is Ginger.

Ginger: Spanner isn't at Dock .

CherB: Irie-sama, it seems Dock is empty.

Irie: I can hear him.

Irie: Tell him to head for Dock .

Poofy: Don't be so grouchy, Captain.

Irie: Iris!

Poofy: We're almost at his lab!

Poofy: Spanner, you here?

Spanner: Need something?

Iris: There you are, Spanner.

Spanner: But...

Iris: Minions, halt!

Spanner: Unfortunately, I'm out right now.

Spanner: Please leave a message on the video camera.

Yama: No way...

Yama: Shigure Kintoki's starting to crack...?

Phan: Now there's no way left for you to win.

Phan: I'm in a different league from you Vongola swordsmen.

Phan: Squalo is no exception.

Yama: What?

Phan: The reason I was able to successfully feign my defeat at his hands

Phan: is that my skills far surpassed his.

Phan: Are you prepared?

Yama: He's frightening...

Dialogue: On Screen,Yama: The Path to Being the Emperor of Swords

Luss: Spectacular!

Luss: Another victory!

Luss: That's eighty consecutive wins!

Squal: Listen.

Squal: If you're aiming for the top,

Squal: several times in your life you'll face enemies who will terrify you

Squal: to the depths of your soul.

Squal: But that's not a bad thing.

Squal: It's a critical instinct which knows that your life is in peril.

Squal: The wisest decision would be to not face that person.

Luss: Hey, Squalo!

Luss: Who are you talking to?

Squal: However...

Squal: As a swordsman, some duels cannot be avoided.

Squal: When that happens, do you know what you should do?

Yama: N-No... What?

Squal: Win!

Squal: No matter what it takes! Win!

Luss: I'm so lost, Squalo!

Luss: It's hard to sympathize with what you're saying...

Squal: Shut up!

Squal: If you are defeated and k*lled, you gain nothing!

Squal: Only that which you gain by victory has value.

Squal: Just like that ring, don't you agree?

Squal: It's over!

Squal: The other direction?

Squal: Not bad...

Squal: But my blade has no blind spots!

Squal: Impossible...

Squal: What I cut was...

Reborn: A reflection on the water's surface.

Yama: Reflecting Rain.

Squalo: So this is... defeat...?

Yama: I won.

Yama: That's right.

Yama: Thanks.

Yama: So I just have to win.

Phan: Pathetic.

Phan: You plan to keep struggling?

Yama: Yeah.

Yama: Sorry, but I remembered something.

Yama: Shigure Soen Ryu is perfect, flawless, and unbeatable!

Phan: Pathetic.

Yama: And Squalo was a thousand times better than you remember him.

Yama: I understand completely now.

Yama: By letting you win, he gave me a clue as to how to beat you.

Yama: The second Emperor of Swords was fully aware...

Yama: that you lost deliberately.

Tsun: Spanner-san, are you done yet?

Span: It's only been five minutes.

Reborn: Relax, Tsuna.

Reborn: Your pestering is just going to distract him and make it take longer.

Tsuna: B-But...

Giannini: Boss, a word?

Giannini: I'll help.

Giannini: I can at least back you up here.

Span: Okay, thanks.

Giannini: Right, leave it to me.

Giannini: Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

Giannini: Let's get analyzin'!

Tsuna: Now you'll be done a little faster!

Span: No.

: What?

Span: I figured your engineer helping me into the calculations from the get-go.

Span: The time for completion hasn't changed.

Tsuna: Really?

Giannini: Leave it to me, boss!

Giannini: I'll try upping my speed a bit!

Tsuna: Gr-Great, thanks.

Reborn: Anyway, your job for now is to wait.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: Yeah.

Phan: You're saying that the second Emperor of Swords, Squalo,

Phan: knew that I lost on purpose?

Yama: Yeah, that's right.

Phan: What proof do you have?

Yama: Let me show you.

Phan: Impossible.

Phan: He held no doubts as to his victory.

Phan: I don't know what you're planning to do,

Phan: but you'd best regain your wits.

Phan: Your blade is cracked and about to shatter.

Yama: You're right. One more swing and it'll shatter to pieces.

Yama: But...

Yama: You should know too.

Squal: Hey, Phantom Knight of the Giglionero!

Squal: The next strike will finish you!

Dialogue: On Screen,Squal: Celebrate th Victory!

Luss: Superb!

Luss: You've finally achieved your th victory!

Squall: Let's head home and celebrate!

Squall: Tell the boss and the rest of the scum!

Squall: Seriously, you were awful, Giglionero's Phantom Knight.

Luss: Sl-Slow down, Squ!

Luss: Wait for me!

Luss: What's the big rush?

Luss: We're leaving his territory.

Luss: Huh? What?

Luss: What do you mean, Squ?

Squalo: Keep your voice down!

Squalo: Tomorrow, go check out where he fell.

Squalo: I bet you won't find a single splinter of his "shattered" sword.

Squalo: He's spent years mastering his illusions

Squalo: and weaving his ring's flame into them,

Squalo: to the point where he can fool not only a person's five senses,

Squalo: but devices like cameras as well.

Squalo: The only way to see through them is to trust your intuition.

Squalo: Strangely enough, I didn't feel any drive to win in him.

Squalo: That's why I'm not wasting any more time on him.

Yama: I didn't really understand it then,

Yama: but in the "The Path to Being the Emperor of Swords,"

Yama: there was a bonus st disc,

Dialogue: On Screen: ,"The Path to Becoming the Emperor of Swords"

Yama: with another swordsman.

Yama: And now I understand.

Yama: Squalo refused to count his duel with Phantom Knight.

Yama: And when he talked about trusting his intuition...

Yama: Well, my instinct is telling me that the "cracks" in Shigure Kintoki...

Yama: are an illusion you made!

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite

Haru: "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Today's guest is Basil-san!

Reborn: Iemitsu's man.

Reborn: You all remember him?

Haru: Of course you do! Right?

Haru: Basil-san, come on down!

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Wh-What's going on?

Basil: Loyal viewers, it is most excellent to see you again!

: Eek...

Basil: Oh, Haru-san!

Basil: Thank you for having me here.

Haru: U-Um, why are you dressed like that?

Basil: Oh!

Basil: When I received your invitation,

Basil: I thought it most polite to dress in formal attire.

Haru: So that's formal attire?

Basil: Indeed, according to my master.

Reborn: The kid's been duped again.

Haru: Okay... and his master would be...?

Reborn: Iemitsu.

Haru: Eek! You mean Tsuna-san's dad?!

Basil: Indeed!

Basil: And when he was in Italy, he told me many things about Japan.

Haru: Really? Share some things with us!

Basil: Let me see...

Basil: For example, you wash your clothes using a washboard and river water.

Haru: Actually, we have things called "washing machines" now.

Basil: Also, you use brooms and dusters to clean your tatami mats,

Basil: and always take special care to sweep along the lines.

Haru: I'm pretty sure we use vacuums for that.

Basil: You also cook your rice in a big pot over a fire!

Basil: Starting with a weak fire and then fanning the flames!

Haru: Huh?! We just flip the switch of a rice cooker!

Baru: What? So you don't heat your bath water by lighting firewood, either?

Haru: No, we get our hot water from the faucet.

Reborn: So basically, that was how Japan used to be.

Basil: Y-You don't say!

Basil: Then, do children not play oshikura manju anymore?

Basil: Or beanbags or Cat's Cradle or marbles?

Reborn: Nope.

Reborn: They play video games and card battle games now.

Reborn: What?

Haru: I get it now!

Reborn: Get what?

Haru: To truly appreciate the new, you must be familiar with the old!

Haru: Discover Japan!

Haru: Tsuna-san's dad was trying to tell Basil-san about the wonders of Japan!

Haru: I have to get started!

Haru: Come, Basil-san!

Haru: Let's explore good old Japan together!

Basil: Certainly, Haru-san!

Reborn: Good grief, you guys.

Haru: And so, that's all for this week's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: See you again next time!

Basil: Take care!

Luss: Well hi, everyone!

Luss: Welcome to my happy but humble abode!

Lus: It's the Varia's plucky mother, Lussuria!

Lus: I've taken over the little missy's segment again!

Lus: And this time, I've even got a sign!

Dialogue: On Screen,Basil: Lussuria's on Third Street, Amore!

Lus: Lussuria's on Third Street, Amore!

Lus: Isn't it delightful?

Lus: We'll be continuing with our family theme too!

Lus: Welcome home, Squalo dear.

Squal: Whaddya want?!

Luss: This is our eldest son. He's quite the handful.

Squal: What's with the creepy set?

Squal: It's warm in here!

Luss: By the way, Squ.

Squal: What?!

Luss: I'm sure you know why I've called you here today.

Luss: You've been under the weather lately, haven't you?

Squal: What?!

Squal: I'm always at the top of my game!

Squal: What the hell are you talking about?!

Luss: Squalo!

Luss: Lately...

Squal: Wh-What?

Luss: You've been...

Luss: losing a lot of hair.

Dialogue: On Screen,Luss: Losing Hair

: What...what...what?!

Squal: No way! That's impossible!

Squal: It can't be!

Luss: See?

Luss: Something's been bothering you, hasn't it?

Luss: They say stress can trigger hair loss.

Squal: Stress?

Squal: I don't have any stress.

Squal: Stress...

Squal: Stress...

Squal: Stress...

Squal: I-I didn't realize...

Squal: But that... was stressing me out!

Russ: Squ, that was actually closer to...

Russ: direct damage to your hair follicles.

Squall: Huh? What?

Russ: And for boys like you, I've prepared this!

Squall: Who're you callin' a boy?!

Russ: Now you don't have to worry about your hair!

Russ: And even if your hair does fall out,

Russ: wearing this will protect you from the shock!

Russ: I'm so clever!

Russ: I'm brilliant!

Squall: Screw you!

Squall: If you like it so much, you wear it!

Luss: No!

Luss: It's not my style!

Squall: You brought it out in the first place!

Luss: So this is our little family. Come visit us again sometime!

Luss: Ta-ta!

Squalo: Hey! Who are you talking to?

Luss: By the way, I'm not balding. This is in style!

: Next time:

Next time: Obstructing Mist.