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05x121 - Two Battles

Posted: 07/02/23 15:16
by bunniefuu
Tsuna: That's...

Spanner: Not something I made. Ignore it.

Reborn: That's a fascinating design.

Tsuna: Who made it?

Spanner: Shoichi.

Tsuna: Shoichi Irie.

Spanner: That's right.

Spanner: He sent it to me back when we were in high school.

Spanner: He said that he'd come up with a brand-new concept for robots.

Spanner: For now, I'm going to force quit.

Spanner: This is bad.

Tsuna: What's wrong, Spanner?

Spanner: It won't let me force quit.

Reborn: So we can't go back?

Spanner: The Vongola can't return until the round's over.

Spanner: I'll fix the program somehow.

Spanner: Run away or whatever until then.

Spanner: Buy me some time.

Tsuna: No, I won't run.

Spanner: What?

Tsuna: I can get back if I beat this, right?

Spanner: Vongola...

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target Two Battles

Spanner: Are you serious, Vongola?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Giannini: Please stop!

Tsuna: Giannini.

Giannini: The virtual world is no different from reality!

Giannini: In the worst case, you could die!

Reborn: There you have it.

Tsuna: I have to defeat it, or I won't be able to return.

Reborn: That sounds awfully familiar.

Tsuna: Here I go.

Giannini: This is why I was against this idea!

Giannini: What if something happens to the boss...

Spanner: You'll never accomplish anything with that mindset.

Spanner: We can only do our best to finish the repair program quickly.

Giannini: You're right.

Giannini: I shall assist you.

Giannini: Please send the data to this side.

Spanner: I did say "we."

Spanner: I'm sending the data now.

Tsuna: Lightning, huh?

Tsuna: A beam!

Reborn: This thing has more than one type of attack.

Reborn: Each surface uses a different w*apon.

Reborn: With an infinite amount of offensive patterns,

Reborn: it's like a constantly changing machine.

Tsuna: Homing lasers!

Cervello: Irie-sama, we've finished draining the spillway.

Irie: Did you find Vongola X?

Man: We can't find him.

Man: We commenced our search once the water was gone,

Man: but he's nowhere to be found.

Man: There were only the remains of the Moska.

Man: Vongola X isn't in the spillway!

Irie: So where is Vongola X?

Cervello: The shuffling of the base

Cervello: has caused us to lose a number of security cameras.

Cervello: It's possible he's in one of those blind spots.

Irie: Find him.

Irie: Send every person on standby to search every last corner of this base.

Yamamoto: A warehouse, huh?

Yamamoto: The open door means I'm supposed to go that way, right?

Nosaru: Damn it. Freaking Irie...

Nosaru: Takeshi Yamamoto!

Yamamoto: You're...

Yamamoto: Who are you again? Have we met?

Nosaru: Don't give me that crap!

Nosaru: I'll pay you back for last time!

Nosaru: Your life is mine!

Yamamoto: Gotta say I'm a bit confused.

Yamamoto: But if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get.

Yamamoto: Bring it.

Nosaru: You sound awfully confident!

Nosaru: You're the one person I have to...

Nosaru: Die!

Nosaru: Take this!

Nosaru: Not over yet!

Yamamoto: This way!

Nosaru: You won't get away!

Tsuna: Going under it doesn't work either.

Reborn: You're having a lot of trouble.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Its successive att*cks are much stronger than King Moska's.

Reborn: What are you going to do?

Tsuna: Attack.

Tsuna: Fire the X BURNER as I'm entering the enemy's range.

Tsuna: This method should...

Tsuna: I'll start with soft flames to propel myself.

Tsuna: And unleash hard flames as I'm diving...

Tsuna: Fire!

Tsuna: A barrier?!

Tsuna: In just an instant...

Tsuna: In just an instant...

Reborn: Hey, Tsuna.

Reborn: Tsuna!

Spanner: Hey, are you okay?

Spanner: He has a pulse.

Spanner: He's alive.

Reborn: Hey, Spanner.

Spanner: You made it back?

Reborn: I'm only a spectator.

Reborn: Tsuna wasn't able to make it back.

Spanner: So the battle's still ongoing.

Reborn: That's a pretty tough opponent.

Spanner: Yeah, Shoichi came up with one incredible robot.

Spanner: This thing isn't an offensive w*apon.

Spanner: Depending on the situation,

Spanner: it can also transform into a mobile or defensive w*apon.

Reborn: It's possible to make something like that?

Spanner: Practicality aside, this is inside a virtual world.

Spanner: But in theory, it works.

Spanner: Look at this.

Spanner: Each one of these are a piece of the puzzle.

Spanner: However, the combination of parts and circuit composition

Spanner: will activate various abilities.

Spanner: At times, they'll be offensive.

Spanner: At times, they'll be defensive.

Spanner: At times, they'll be mobile, allowing for movement at high speeds.

Spanner: This thing is the ultimate robot.

Spanner: I didn't expect him to actually think it through...

Reborn: What do you mean?

Spanner: When we were in high school,

Spanner: I entered an international robotics contest with Shoichi.

N: Time's up!

N: White wins!

N: Shoichi Irie advances to the finals!

Spanner: I had a feeling we'd be meeting in the finals, Shoichi.

Irie: I can't wait, Spanner.

Spanner: That's a good robot.

Spanner: But it's still only the second-best in the contest.

Irie: Which one's first then?

Irie: You never change.

Spanner: I'm pretty confident about this one.

Irie: Not bad. But it's another humanoid.

Spanner: Hmm?

Irie: Say, Spanner...

Irie: In your opinion, what shape would the greatest robot take?

Spanner: Not sure.

Spanner: It would depend on its purpose, I think.

Irie: Transportation and construction robots

Irie: would have differing ideal shapes.

Irie: However, I have a feeling that

Irie: the concept actually robs robots of their true potential.

Spanner: Potential?

Irie: A robot that excels at dealing with every situation.

Irie: Shouldn't that be our goal?

Spanner: Is yours like that?

Irie: No, mine isn't.

Irie: It would be a robot that has no shape, yet every shape.

Spanner: Doesn't sound realistic.

Irie: It might be impossible now,

Irie: but I'm sure it'll be feasible one day.

Irie: In the near future...

Spanner: A few years later, Shoichi sent me the data for this thing.

Reborn: Did he complete that ultimate robot?

Spanner: He had the theory down, but as for a practical application...

Spanner: Still...

Giannini: I've finished my side of the program.

Giannini: I'm sending the data over.

Spanner: Okay, we should be able to bring the Vongola back

Spanner: once I combine your data with mine.

Spanner: As things stand, he has no chance of winning.

Reborn: Tsuna might not accept that.

Spanner: I can't let him die here.

Spanner: I don't know when the computer will crash.

Spanner: It'll be over if that happens.

Spanner: Repair program installing.

Spanner: Once it finishes, I'll force quit the simulation.

Tsuna: Wait, Spanner.

Tsuna: It's not over yet...

Reborn: He's conscious.

Spanner: Impossible...

Spanner: His consciousness should be in the virtual world.

Reborn: Tsuna is Vongola X.

Reborn: You still up for this?

Tsuna: The fight's not over yet.

Reborn: You're up against one hell of an opponent.

Tsuna: Yeah, I managed to hear Spanner's story even in my haze.

Reborn: If you still insist on fighting, you must believe you can win.

Tsuna: X BURNER.

Reborn: It was blocked a moment ago.

Spanner: It's impossible, Vongola.

Giannini: Please stop!

Tsuna: I thought you were interested in seeing my limit...

Tsuna: The maximum possible X BURNER output.

Spanner: That's true...

Spanner: But the circumstances have changed.

Reborn: Okay, give it a shot.

Reborn: But you only have until the repair program finishes installing.

Reborn: There's no point in dying here.

Reborn: The fight with the real Shoichi Irie is yet to come.

Tsuna: Understood.

Irie: Find Vongola X.

Irie: Commence a thorough search of the base.

Cervello: However, we have yet to find any leads.

Irie: He's inside the base.

Irie: We must find him.

Nosaru: Die already!

Yamamoto: I can't let that happen!

Nosaru: Now you've done it...

Nosaru: Here's my special attack!

Nosaru: Take this!

Yamamoto: Shigure Soen Ryu Stance :

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Blowing Rain

Yamamoto: Blowing Rain.

Nosaru: What?!

Yamamoto: Shigure Soen Ryu Stance :

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Pouring Rain

Yamamoto: Pouring Rain.

Nosaru: I-Impossible!

Nosaru: He shouldn't be this strong!

Yamamoto: Sorry, I can't stay the same forever.

Nosaru: I haven't lost yet.

Nosaru: I've been trained by Gamma.

Nosaru: I'm not the same as I was before...

Nosaru: I'll beat the crap outta ya!

Yamamoto: Guess I have no choice.

Nosaru: What?!

Irie: We'll switch the positioning of the security cameras.

Irie: He must be in a spot we were previously unable to view.

Cervello: Please wait.

Cervello: The base will be in confusion if you shuffle everything around so much.

Irie: Locating Vongola X takes priority.

Nosaru: This isn't over yet!

Nosaru: I'll definitely... definitely defeat you!

Nosaru: You'd better not lose before then!

Nosaru: Got it?!

Spanner: Just a little longer...

Tsuna: Here I go.

Tsuna: Maximum power.

Reborn: But you'll use up all of your Deathperation Flames.

Reborn: You won't be able to stand, much less fight.

Tsuna: I'll end this with one shot.

Tsuna: X BURNER:

Tsuna: Air!

Spanner: Not good!

Spanner: I should have made it in time.

Spanner: The repairs worked, so the simulation should have stopped.

Spanner: Don't tell me he didn't make it back...

Spanner: Vongola...

Reborn: That was really close.

: Yeah.

Spanner: Are you okay?

Tsuna: Yes.

Spanner: You sure?

Tsuna: I-I'm fine...

Tsuna: So what happened anyway?

Tsuna: I don't really remember the last part.

Spanner: Unfortunately, the computer's in that state...

Tsuna: I see...

Spanner: You probably defeated it though.

Giannini: That's right!

Giannini: The boss must have won!

Tsuna: I hope so...

Reborn: You didn't win.

Reborn: You just managed to not lose.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: A one-hit wonder isn't going to help in an actual fight.

Reborn: You haven't completed the X BURNER yet.

Tsuna: I know.

Spanner: But I was able to record your maximum output when you fired.

Spanner: We accomplished our objective.

Tsuna: Spanner-san...

Spanner: The data I obtained will be included in the contacts' display.

Spanner: You can count on me.

Spanner: I'll help you fire a perfected X BURNER.

: Thank you, Spanner-san.

Reborn: However...

: Shoichi Irie is a fearsome opponent.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite

Haru: "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Today's guest is Romario-san!

Reborn: There's a macho choice.

Romario: Hello there.

Romario: Thank you for inviting this old man...

Haru: You help Dino-san run his Family, right?

Romario: I'm not so special.

Romario: I just follow the boss's lead.

Romario: Perhaps you might call me a travel companion?

Reborn: It's true that you always come to Japan with Dino.

Reborn: Is everything okay in Italy?

Romario: Well, he just refuses to listen to me about that.

Romario: Any time something interesting pops up in Japan, he hops on a plane.

Romario: Man, he gives me such a stomachache...

Reborn: You have it rough.

Reborn: I'd like to see the face of the person who raised Dino.

Reborn: For crying out loud.

Dialogue: On Screen,Caption: Dino's Former Tutor

Haru: What else does your job involve, besides looking after Dino-san?

Romario: Looking after Enzio, I suppose.

Haru: Enzio?

Romario: The boss's pet turtle.

Reborn: It grows in size when it gets wet.

Reborn: As big as Godzilla.

Haru: Godzilla?!

Romario: Which is why I get squashed all the time...

Haru: That sounds dangerous...

Reborn: You've been through a lot.

Romario: It's nothing. I feel no pain when it's for the boss.

Reborn: Dino said he can't do anything without Romario around.

Reborn: That he couldn't thank you enough.

Romario: The boss said that...?

Romario: Forgive me, I must have gotten something in my eye...

Haru: That's so macho and wonderful!

Romario: Not at all! True men never show their tears!

Haru: More and more macho!

Haru: I can feel the enka coming on!

Romario: Oh, enka is wonderful.

Haru: Huh?

Romario: A hot spring, a yukata, karaoke in a hall. Splendid!

Haru: I also love enka!

Haru: Dattan Kaikyo! Fuyu Kamome!

Haru: Kita no Yado Nashi!

Romario: Oh, we have similar tastes!

Romario: And there's Oyajibune and Gakeppuchi no Haha...

Haru: Eek?

Dialogue: On Screen,Caption: Gakeppuchi no Haha

Reborn: A frigid gale blows over the Sea of Japan.

Reborn: A memory of my mother's face.

Reborn: The mittens she knit during sleepless nights bring warmth to my eyes.

Reborn: Here's to a mother's devotion and lyrical nature.

Reborn: Romario will now pour a flood of emotions into this song.

Reborn: Gakeppuchi no Haha.

Romario: Waves crash in white.

Romario: Look, dear mother, it's Sado island.

Romario: Our old, dear home.

Reborn: He's still singing, but it's time to go.

Haru: So that's all for today's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: See you again next time!

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: The Ultimate Swordsman.