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05x120 - Virtual Space

Posted: 07/02/23 15:15
by bunniefuu
Dialogue: On Screen: ,Target Virtual Space

A: Takeshi Yamamoto is continuing down the route we led him on.

B: Hayato Gokudera is currently in combat with Gamma in the training room.

A: As you envisioned,

A: the now-scattered Vongola are having their destinies

A: snuffed out like candles.

Irie: Is Phantom Knight continuing to monitor the research lab?

B: Yes, as you instructed.

Irie: Very well.

Irie: The only remaining issue is determining the location of Vongola X.

Reborn: Hurry up, Tsuna.

Tsuna: But...

Reborn: No "butts" or what comes out of them. Put those things on.

Tsuna: Ouch!

Tsuna: Ow-ow-ow!

Reborn: What are you doing?

Tsuna: It hurts!

Spanner: They're thinner than normal, so they shouldn't, but...

Reborn: Suck it up, would you?

Tsuna: I'm bad at this sort of thing.

Tsuna: I told you I'm bad with eyedrops too...

Tsuna: It even hurts when I clean my ears.

Reborn: You're pretty sad.

Reborn: You're gonna spend your whole life dealing with earwax build-up.

Tsuna: He's so mean sometimes...

Spanner: How about I try changing the material?

: Huh?

Spanner: I'll swap it from a hard lens to a soft one.

Spanner: It should lessen the discomfort to your eyes.

Reborn: Can you do that?

Spanner: I'm a little concerned about how durable they'll be, but it should be fine.

Tsuna: Well, we can't do anything at all if Tsuna can't even put them on.

Reborn: How long will it take?

Spanner: It's the same basic HUD system...

Spanner: I can probably throw something together in about an hour.

Tsuna: Sorry, Spanner-san.

Reborn: It'd be a waste of time to just sit around here waiting.

Spanner: True.

Spanner: Oh, I know. Why don't you give that a try?

Tsuna: What's that?

Spanner: A simulator I used to develop the combat program for King Moska.

Spanner: It sends images directly to your brain,

Spanner: so you feel like you're actually in battle.

Reborn: So like virtual reality?

Tsuna: Yeah? Sounds like fun!

Spanner: I could gather combat data on you from it.

: Huh?

Spanner: I got some during your fight with King Moska,

Spanner: but it wasn't enough.

Spanner: I want to confirm exactly what level you're at

Spanner: when you go at full strength.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: Sp-Spanner-san, I can't just...

Reborn: What's the problem?

Reborn: It'll help build experience, so just do it.

Tsuna: B-But...

Spanner: You can go a bit overboard in a simulated world.

Spanner: The tougher conditions should bring out your full power.

Tsuna: Uh, "tougher conditions"? I don't like the sound of that.

Reborn: Sit your butt down.

Tsuna: Huh, me?

Reborn: Who else did you have in mind?

Spanner: Comfortable?

Tsuna: It's not bad.

Spanner: That's good.

Tsuna: Wh-What are you doing?!

Spanner: Collecting combat data.

Tsuna: Wait! I haven't agreed to this yet!

Giannini: Please wait!

Tsuna: Giannini?

Giannini: It's dangerous!

Giannini: VR is no different from reality to the person experiencing it.

Giannini: If you were to die in the virtual world,

Giannini: you could lose your life in the real one!

Tsuna: Seriously?!

Spanner: Sure.

Spanner: But there's nothing to worry about.

Tsuna: Of course there is!

Giannini: Please don't. If something were to happen...

Reborn: Doesn't bother me. Do it.

Reborn: Oh, give in already.

Tsuna: I can't see a thing!

Spanner: I'm going to switch it on now.

Tsuna: All right, where am I?

Tsuna: What's going on?

Tsuna: I know I was just in Spanner's room...

Tsuna: There's no helmet either.

Spanner: You're already in the VR world.

Tsuna: Spanner-san?

Spanner: What you're seeing are nothing more

Spanner: than images created by a computer.

Spanner: However, that world is just like the real one.

Tsuna: I don't believe it.

Tsuna: A Moska?

Spanner: It's a Strau Moska that I tweaked.

Spanner: It's a hologram too,

Spanner: but it should have the same combat ability as a real one.

Tsuna: W-Wait! Giannini said if I get k*lled here, I could actually die!

Reborn: Don't be freaked out.

: Huh?

Reborn: You'll fight harder when your life's on the line.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Reborn: I'm just a hologram.

Reborn: I had Spanner put me in this world.

Spanner: You ready?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Comp: Round one: battle start.

Reborn: If all you do is run, you won't get any training out of it.

Spanner: Try using the X BURNER if you can.

Spanner: I'll be continuously monitoring the flame output over here.

Spanner: No need to hold back.

Reborn: No.

Reborn: You were afraid of the kickback and withheld the flame output.

Reborn: There's no point using the X BURNER like that.

Reborn: If you're gonna use it, act like your life's on the line.

: Okay.

Reborn: Spanner, give him a hand. Got anyone who can take him head on?

Reborn: Be serious about this.

Spanner: That was just a warm-up.

Spanner: This is where the real fun starts.

Tsuna: The ocean, huh?

Tsuna: He's fast.

Spanner: That one's equipped with a combat aircraft jet engine.

Spanner: It amplifies its maneuverability.

Spanner: You certainly are fast, but this guy won't be outclassed.

Spanner: Give me all you've got.

Tsuna: Let's get started.

Comp: Round two: battle start.

Spanner: I'll set the King Moska to auto-battle mode.

Spanner: The rest is up to them.

Spanner: I have to get started on my work too.

Spanner: The problem lies in when Shoichi figures out what we're doing.

Tazaru: Don't dilly-dally, Nosaru.

Nosaru: Yeah, yeah.

Nosaru: Man, you've got it good, Tazaru.

: Huh?

Nosaru: You were given orders to guard the command room.

Nosaru: I got nothing.

Tazaru: We're a team.

Tazaru: My mission is your mission.

Nosaru: I don't like that Irie guy!

Nosaru: He's completely ignoring me,

Nosaru: and doing weird stuff with the base too!

Tazaru: You complain too much.

Tazaru: He's not just irritating you, you know.

Tazaru: But he's our commander right now.

Tazaru: Carry out your mission.

Nosaru: You're so mature.

Yamamoto: Up ahead is...

Yamamoto: Right, so keep going forward then?

Yamamoto: I wonder what Tsuna's doing right now.

Spanner: Flame output has exceeded the estimated values?

Spanner: I have to correct it...

Spanner: What a guy. I wonder how much power is hidden within him.

Spanner: But he'll never win if he keeps running away.

Spanner: How will you respond, Vongola?

Spanner: Flame output has exceeded the estimated values?

Spanner: I have to correct it...

Spanner: What a guy. I wonder how much power's hidden within him.

Spanner: But he'll never win if he keeps running away.

Spanner: How will you respond, Vongola?

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Tsuna: Crap.

Tsuna: Ah! I'm going to drown!

Tsuna: Th-Thanks.

Tsuna: I'm completely soaked and my mouth tastes like salt.

Tsuna: Oh, I'm not wet.

Spanner: There's no way you would be.

: Huh?

Spanner: You were in a VR world.

Tsuna: Oh yeah, my bad.

Tsuna: I shouldn't have panicked.

Spanner: I don't know about that.

Spanner: If I'd left you like that, you would've drowned.

Reborn: What happened there?

Tsuna: The enemy was moving too fast.

Reborn: Don't make excuses.

Spanner: I can't say his output was at maximum either.

Spanner: Judging from your maneuverability,

Spanner: you should be able to fire a much more powerful X BURNER.

Spanner: If I don't know your maximum output,

Spanner: I won't know how far to set the values on your contacts.

Reborn: It's not enough to just fire the thing.

Reborn: He wants to know the limits of what you can do in battle.

Tsuna: I know that, but...

Tsuna: I always lose my balance in the middle of a fight.

Spanner: That shouldn't happen if you put the contacts on.

Spanner: The issue is how quickly you can react to the flame's output,

Spanner: and how much we can raise that.

Spanner: You can see and hear, so by trying to simplify the data...

Spanner: Assuming the default settings are correct...

Tsuna: I guess I'll just have to get used to them.

Tsuna: Simulation or not, it's no different from a real battle.

Tsuna: I have to figure out something in there that'll help...

Reborn: Leave all the details to Spanner.

Reborn: Just do what you can.

Reborn: To us, this might just be a chance to collect data.

Reborn: But it's different for you, right?

Reborn: With every fight, you gain valuable combat experience.

Reborn: Don't underestimate it.

Tsuna: Right.

Reborn: Leave thinking for later and prep for the next stage.

Spanner: R-Right.

Spanner: You'll be facing a King Moska with a more powerful offense.

Spanner: It's equipped to dole out an unending barrage of att*cks.

Tsuna: Unending...?

Reborn: If you've got it, then get your helmet on.

Reborn: We can't go easy on this.

Tsuna: R-Right.

Tsuna: Spanner-san, I'm going to try my best.

Spanner: Right.

Comp: Round three: battle start.

Tsuna: At this rate, I won't have a chance to fire the X BURNER.

Spanner: In a tough battle,

Spanner: the amount of time to finely adjust the flame output is limited.

Spanner: I guess the output data should be simple.

Reborn: So you're going to strike using the rock as a shield?

Reborn: I want to say good idea, but...

Irie: We haven't found Vongola X yet?

A: My apologies.

A: We're still investigating the matter, however...

Irie: How long does it take to investigate a single spillway?

B: It's rather deep, and water is still flowing through it.

B: I believe the search team is having a hard time.

Irie: So we just need to drain it, right?

Both: Irie-sama?

Irie: I'm going to move the spillway and remove the water.

: What was that?

A: The spillway is undergoing an emergency seal-off.

A: All units evacuate immediately.

A: All units in the spillway are to evacuate immediately.

B: Get out! Hurry up!

Irie: Flame energy being absorbed into the bypass.

Irie: Start up the mobile block.

Yamamoto: A-Again?!

Nosaru: Tazaru!

Tazaru: Nosaru!

Tazaru: Damn it!

Spanner: This is bad.

Tsuna: What's going on, Spanner?

Spanner: I'm sorry.

Spanner: It seems my computer crashed...

Spanner: Part of the program is acting up.

Spanner: It might be best to stop for now.

Tsuna: You can't fix it?

Spanner: I'm doing that now, but it might be a bit tricky.

Spanner: It looks like another program got mixed in...

Tsuna: That's...

Spanner: Not something I made. Ignore it.

Reborn: That's a fascinating design.

Tsuna: Who made it?

Tsuna: Spanner?

Spanner: Shoichi.

Tsuna: Shoichi Irie.

Spanner: That's right.

Spanner: He sent it to me back when we were in high school.

Spanner: He said that he'd come up with a brand-new concept for robots.

Reborn: It's definitely avant-garde.

Spanner: And dangerous.

Spanner: I can't control it, so I can't guarantee your safety.

Spanner: For now, I'm going to force quit.

Spanner: This is bad.

Tsuna: What's wrong, Spanner?

Spanner: It won't let me force quit.

Reborn: So we can't go back?

Comp: R-Round...battle...start...

Spanner: The Vongola can't return until the round's over.

Tsuna: So basically, it's do or die.

Reborn: Looks like we're having a showdown

Reborn: with Shoichi Irie in an unexpected place.

Spanner: I'll fix the program somehow.

Spanner: Run away or whatever until then.

Spanner: Buy me some time.

Tsuna: No, I won't run.

Spanner: What?

Tsuna: I can get back if I beat this, right?

Spanner: Its combat ability is unknown.

Spanner: It's too dangerous to fight it.

Comp: Round...battle start!

Spanner: Vongola...

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite

Haru: "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: Who do we have today?

Haru: Sure, our guest today is

Haru: the guy who's been protecting Namimori, from the shadows, alongside Hibari-san:

Haru: Tetsuya Kusakabe-san!

Kusa: Hi there.

Kusa: Thanks for having me.

Haru: Hibari-san was interviewed here too!

Kusa: Was he? Man, that Hibari... Must've been rough.

Haru: Eek! No, umm...

Kusa: He can be hard to deal with, but no one loves Namimori more.

Haru: What type of work do you do?

Kusa: It's my job to make it easy for Hibari to do what he wants.

Haru: So you work for Hibari-san's benefit, not Namimori's?

Kusa: Acting on behalf of Hibari is the same as acting for Namimori.

Haru: Kusakabe-san, do you have any desires or goals?

Kusa: My goals are the same as Hibari's.

Kusa: And I want what he wants.

Haru: Everything's about Hibari-san...

Kusa: Everything I am is for him.

Reborn: Even your hair?

Reborn: All of the members of the Disciplinary Committee have that hairstyle, right?

Reborn: Was that by Hibari's orders?

Kusa: It wasn't necessarily an order...

Kusa: I think you just get into things more with hair like this.

Reborn: But Hibari doesn't wear his hair like that.

Kusa: Hibari doesn't care about hairstyles. He's always full of fight.

Haru: If Hibari-san's hair looked like that...

Haru: It'd be so wrong!

Haru: He'd almost stop being himself!

Kusa: I know, right?

Reborn: Yeah, it definitely wouldn't suit him.

Haru: By the way, isn't that style hard to maintain?

: Hmm?

Reborn: Do you sleep with it that way?

Kusa: After I take a bath, I shape it while it's still wet.

Kusa: And to keep it from coming undone, I wear a nightcap.

Haru: Eek! A nightcap!

Haru: Ah! Totally unexpected!

Kusa: It's what you have to do.

Kusa: It looks pretty bad when it loses its shape.

Kusa: Back when I was at Namimori Middle, I used to wake up at four in the morning.

Haru: Four?!

Kusa: I'd apply some gel and shape it.

Kusa: The whole process takes about three hours,

Kusa: and I didn't want to be late.

Haru: Three whole hours?!

Reborn: Wow, quite the effort.

Haru: Wow! An incredible secret has been revealed right here!

Reborn: You're pretty serious about it.

Kusa: You can't maintain this hairstyle with half-hearted feelings.

Kusa: You've gotta be determined. It enhances both body and spirit.

Kusa: In a way, this hairstyle is part of my daily training.

Reborn: Training, huh?

Reborn: Okay. Maybe all of the Vongola should try that.

Haru: Tsuna-san might look kind of cool...

Kusa: I recommend it.

Reborn: Shall we give it a try too?

Haru: How cool!

Haru: I've always wanted to be like this.

Dialogue: On Screen,{Sign: {\i}YOROSHIKU!

Reborn: That's it for today.

Haru: That's all for this week's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: See ya again next time!

All: See ya!

: Next time:

Next time: Two Battles.