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05x119 - Interval Between Battles

Posted: 07/02/23 15:14
by bunniefuu
Dialogue: On Screen: ,Target Interval Between Battles

Yama: Again?

Yama: Jeez... Where is it leading us?

Yama: You awake?

Lal: Takeshi Yamamoto...

Lal: Where are we?

Lal: Where is everybody?

Yama: As you can see, we've been separated.

Yama: On top of that, I don't even know where we are.

Lal: What?

Yama: This base seems to be full of weird tricks.

Lal: How long was I out?

Yama: A few hours, I guess.

Lal: I see...

Lal: It feels like much longer,

Lal: and yet it all happened today.

Yamamoto: What's going on?

Gokudera: This alarm's gotta mean something.

Tsuna: And aren't we deploying earlier than planned?

Reborn: It's an enemy attack.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Giannini: An incredibly large Millefiore unit

: seems to be gathering at warehouse two, our rendezvous point.

: Two kilometers from here.

Reborn: Hibari's already headed there.

Tsuna: That's...

Reborn: The Millefiore are focusing a lot of their personnel there.

Reborn: By having Hibari handle them himself,

: the enemy'll lose a lot of their available strength on the surface and in their base.

Tsuna: B-But...

Lal: What are you doing?!

Lal: Don't lose sight of your goal!

Reborn: Tsuna!

Tsuna: Open it up, Giannini!

Giannini: Roger that.

Giannini: Hatch F, open!

: Let's go!

Lal: We snuck into the Millefiore's underground base.

Lal: But...

Lal: No way!

Lal: The lasers are moving.

: What?!

Lal: Evade!

Lal: Why?

Lal: We didn't touch the infrared sensors...

Dendro: Because I pressed the switch!

Gokudera: Out of our way, worthless muscle-head.

Gokudera: We don't have time to play with you.

Dendro: W-Worthless?!

Dendro: Damn brat!

Dendro: You don't know a thing about me!

Dendro: You won't get away with this!

Dendro: I'll use my Lancia Elettrica to scatter you shrimps!

Dendro: Tear into pieces!

Dendro: Colpo Elettro Shock!

Dendro: That was a brilliant strike.

Dendro: They've been obliterated.

Dendro: I can't pull it out?

Dendro: Why?!

Dendro: This is weird!

Dendro: Wh-What?!

Tsuna: Didn't you hear me?

Tsuna: We don't have time to play.

Dendro: Get out here!

Dendro: Elettro Cinghiale!

Dendro: Getting all cocky because I'm being nice!

Dendro: Then I'll use all three at once for Triplo Corno Lancia!

Ryohei: He's using three lances this time...

Dendro: Go!

Lal: That's right.

Lal: The support from the soft flame is the key...

Tsuna: X BURNER.

Lal: Sawada's X BURNER was incredible.

Lal: And that was still only % of its power.

Yama: Are you okay?

Lal: Y-Yeah...

Yama: Let's rest a bit.

Lal: Yeah. Thanks.

Lal: I may have overdone it then.

Yamamoto: The security system is beyond here, right?

Ryohei: What do we do?

Lal: I'll go first.

Lal: Come when I give the signal.

Lal: Okay, we're good!

Lal: There aren't any problems...

Lal: A heat indicator!

Lal: Wait!

Ryohei: What's wrong? What's going on?!

Lal: More and more of them!

Tsuna: Lal?

Lal: Over there?!

Tsuna: A-A magician?!

Lal: That outfit means you're the Magician's Doll, Ginger Bread.

Colonnello: Take care.

Colonnello: Don't be such a tomboy, and recover from that curse, maggot.

Lal: Colonnello...

Lal: I'm sorry.

Lal: I'm sorry.

Lal: I won't be able to do what you told me.

Tsuna: Deathperation Flames!

Yamamoto: They're the same color as mine!

Lal: Colonnello, since you've been gone,

Lal: I've...

Lal: I've...

Lal: I've done nothing but regret.

Ginger: So I guess you'd consider him your messiah.

Ginger: But after all that, you're going to die here.

Ginger: And once again what he did will be useless.

Lal: Ginger, you're the one who's going to die!

Yama: How you doing?

Lal: I'm okay...

Lal: But I was surprised by the decision they made.

Tsuna: Lal.

Lal: Don't worry. I'll go later.

Tsuna: Don't tell me you're not feeling-

Lal: Seems I got a bit too excited during the fight with Ginger...

Tsuna: You're not doing too well, are you?

Lal: Get out of here.

Lal: I refuse to slow you down.

All: No!

Gokudera: Don't even joke like that.

Gokudera: It's not like this is so bad we didn't account for it.

Tsuna: This mission is going to happen, but we won't lose anyone in the process.

Gokudera: Boss, the corridors!

Ryohei: Looks like they've begun closing all the gates along the main route.

Yamamoto: Okay then! Let's keep following the plan.

Ryohei: Don't think so.

Gokudera: What?!

Gokudera: If we just follow the simulation...

Ryohei: That's right. The plan was for us to move to the next target,

Ryohei: while Lal Mirch served as a decoy to draw the attention of the enemy.

Yamamoto: Now that you mention it...

Tsuna: U-Uh, I'll do it.

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna?

Tsuna: I'll be the bait.

Gokudera: But it's too dangerous!

Tsuna: It's okay.

Tsuna: We'll meet up later.

Gokudera: Boss...

Tsuna: I'm off.

Yamamoto: We're counting on you, Tsuna.

Gokudera: Be careful!

Lal: Reborn, your students are growing up.

Lal: Any news from Sawada since then?

Yama: But I'm sure he's okay.

Lal: If everything went as planned,

Lal: he should've engaged the enemy on the spillway on the tenth basement level.

Tsuna: I can't use X BURNER with this kind of footing...

Spanner: Time for the finish.

Tsuna: I let my guard down...

Tsuna: I didn't expect it to have so much power left...

Tsuna: If I could only use the X BURNER...

Reborn: Fire away.

Reborn: All that matters are the hard and soft flames...

Reborn: Forget whether you're on the ground or in the air.

Tsuna: This voice...

Reborn: Loser Tsuna shouldn't think too hard,

Reborn: because acting before you think is what got you that name.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: Yeah...

Tsuna: You're right.

Tsuna: I'll end this.

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Yama: You seem a bit better.

Yama: We had a hard time after we split up with Tsuna too.

Ryohei: Let's go, Manny!

Ryohei: Fire!

Ryohei: My Mangaroo is a two-staged support box...

Ryohei: And my duty as Ryohei Sasagawa, the Vongola Guardian of the Sun Ring...

Ryohei: is to become a bright and shining sun

Ryohei: that smashes the Family's foes

Ryohei: with my own body!

Arab: Serpe Tempesta!

Arab: Your life ends here!

Arab: It's useless!

Arab: What?!

Ryohei: I countered your corkscrew with my own!

Arab: H-He's s-strong!

Ryohei: It's too late to escape.

Goku: Watch out!

Yama: Behind you!

Arab: Serpe Tempesta!

Ryohei: Poor thing.

Ryohei: Still loyal to the master who abandoned you?

Ryohei: I won't k*ll.

Ryohei: Instead, why don't you rest with your master for a while?

Ryohei: Here I go!

Ryohei: Extreme...

Ryohei: Maximum Ingram!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Extreme Maximum Ingram

Paisha: H-Halt!

Paisha: I wish for my life...

Yama: Sasagawa-senpai defeated Vyshana.

Yama: But after that...

Yamamoto: The floor...!

Ryohei: Whoa!

Gokudera: Yamamoto!

Ryohei: No!

Gokudera: Grab my hand, Yamamoto!

Yamamoto: Gokudera!

Ryohei: It's too late!

Ryohei: You'll lose your arm!

Ryohei: Hey!

Gokudera: Damn it...

Yamamoto: Hey!

Yamamoto: Gokudera! Senpai!

Yamamoto: Can you hear me?!

Yamamoto: Answer if anyone's there!

Yamamoto: Okay then...

Yamamoto: What happened to them after that?

Gamma: Shot Plasma.

Gamma: Hey, I don't know where you got your ideas...

Gamma: But that type of dodging isn't fast enough.

Gamma: Electric Tower!

Gokudera: Turf top!

Gokudera: Come out, Uri!

Gokudera: You'll get slaughtered, you fool!

Gamma: I'll cook you medium-rare.

Gokudera: Uri!

Ryohei: Get back!

: What was that?

Gokudera: Turf top!

Gamma: Oh? You've recovered already?

Ryohei: Until I hear the bell sound after the ten count, I'll keep standing in the ring.

Ryohei: That's the spirit of a boxer!

Gamma: You've got guts.

Gamma: Fine then, I'll give you what you want.

Gamma: This'll be a KO.

Gamma: Electric Tower.

Gokudera: Turf top!

Gokudera: Damn these freaking ropes.

Gokudera: Damn it!

Ryohei: L-Listen up, Gokudera.

Ryohei: If I go down, those ropes will disappear.

Ryohei: Like me, you've got a nasty habit of letting the blood

Ryohei: go to your head way too fast.

Ryohei: Be patient.

Gokudera: Turf top...

Gamma: You done with your last words?

Gokudera: Turf top!

Gamma: I don't think he'll be getting back up, but let's make sure.

: What is this?

Gokudera: I'll never forgive you!

Gamma: Sorry, but I decided to open this box. Time to end this.

Gokudera: That's...!

Gokudera: C-Could you be...

Gokudera: The matured product from the kangaroo's Sun active factor...

Gokudera: Uri?!

Gokudera: Now!

Gokudera: Uri, I'm leaving them to you.

Gokudera: I'll show you how the Vongola Guardian of the Storm Ring fights!

Gokudera: Always on the offensive!

Gokudera: An endless storm of att*cks!

Gamma: I'll remember that.

Gamma: You're finished.

Gamma: He's gone?

Gamma: Below?

Goku: No, you are.

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's time for "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: We have a surprise guest today.

Haru: Eek?!

Haru: Now that you mention it, I wasn't told who'd be coming.

Reborn: I know.

Reborn: Okay, I'll introduce them.

Reborn: Start the music!

Reborn: Today's guest...

Haru: I-I'm really nervous!

Reborn: Haru's dad!

Haru: Why my dad?!

Reborn: I thought I'd surprise you.

Haru: I-I'm totally surprised!

Dad: Hello, everyone.

Dad: I'm here today to see my daughter.

Dad: Go on, Haru, keep the segment going.

: Eek!

Haru: Um, my dad teaches math at the university.

Dad: Yes, that's the way.

Haru: Um... um... and he helps me with my math homework a lot!

Dad: Yes... And? What else?

Haru: And, um...

Dad: You can do it, Haru!

Haru: Daddy!

Haru: I can't do it well when you keep egging me on!

Dad: O-Oh, really?

Dad: I'm sorry.

Haru: You always treat me like a child.

Reborn: Haru...

Reborn: You're...

: Eek?

Reborn: a rebellious stage, are you?

Haru: I am not! I am not in a rebellious stage!

Dad: She's always such a sweet little girl at home...

Haru: Shut up, Daddy!

Dad: I'm sorry, forgive me.

Reborn: We saw a surprising side of Haru today.

Reborn: The interview was a great success!

: Eek?!

Haru: But I haven't asked any questions!

Dad: Thank you very much for inviting me here today.

Dad: That's all for "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Dad: See you again next week.

Haru: Hey, this is my corner!

Next time: Next time:

Next time: Virtual Space.