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05x106 - The Student's Maturation

Posted: 07/02/23 14:56
by bunniefuu
Dialogue: On Screen: ,Target The Students Mature

Gokudera: This alarm is...!

Ryohei: Have we been discovered by the enemy?

Lal: That Ginger... I guess he reported us like he said.

Tsuna: Lal.

Lal: Don't hesitate!

Lal: We're going to destroy the security system!

Ryohei: Right!

Irie: What is this?

Irie: Why are they here?!

Irie: The Vongola are here!

Irie: Where are they?

A: On the eighth basement level.

Irie: Isn't that where the security system server is?!

Irie: Send all soldiers, C-rank or higher, there immediately!

A: Roger that.

Irie: What's going on at the Vongola base?

Irie: Are we still not in contact the as*ault squad?!

A: We can't.

A: The electromagnetic interference continues to hinder us.

A: We cannot establish contact with them.

Irie: We can't contact the units that were supposed to make a surprise attack

: on the Vongola base; and Vongola X and his Guardians have infiltrated Merone Base.

Irie: We've been had.

A: Irie-sama.

Irie: The interference didn't happen to occur

Irie: because the Vongola base's generators were destroyed.

: They planned this.

A: What will you do?

Irie: Let's see.

: For starters, shut off those alarms.

A: Yes, sir!

Irie: And send a reconnaissance unit to the Vongola base.

A: I'll get everything ready at once.

Irie: The fight starts here.

Irie: They're our target, and yet they came barging in here.

Irie: Regardless... How did we not realize this sooner?

Irie: Why didn't the surveillance cameras detect them?

Iris: Because they placed an optical filter on the cameras.

Iris: Hi, Captain!

Irie: Iris!

Iris: They placed this filter on all of the cameras along their route,

: so that everything would appear normal.

Irie: When did they do that?

Iris: Well, if you use a Stealth Ring, it's possible.

Irie: Iris, did you notice their infiltration?

Iris: No, I noticed something strange on the monitors.

Irie: What? Something strange on the monitors?

Iris: During that vibration in the hangar, part of the image on screen was missing.

Irie: The hangar...

Irie: I was worried about it and came here to take a look, but it seems I was too late.

Irie: He's Dendro Chilum!

Irie: What's going on here?!

A: My apologies, Irie-sama.

A: We noticed some vibrations around the second hangar,

: but I decided not to report them...

Iris: One mistake after another...

Irie: So it would seem.

Iris: But it appears I'm not the only one who noticed the irregularity.

Iris: Ginger and the old man with the turban noticed too.

: Wha-?

A: The security system's server has been taken down.

A: It is now offline.

Irie: What did you say?!

Ryohei: We've successfully taken down the security system.

Yamamoto: Let's take out the main facility!

Gokudera: Wait!

Gokudera: You haven't finished the story of the Arcobaleno.

Gokudera: Why do you know about it?

Gokudera: Hey!

Yamamoto: He made a promise to me.

Reborn: Don't forget that smile.

: Huh?

Reborn: If you can still smile like that at the end of your training,

: I'll tell you my secret like I promised.

: Wha-?

Tsuna: Reborn said that?

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Yamamoto: So when I finished my training, the kid told me.

Ryohei: That's surprising.

Ryohei: Even I wasn't able to ask Master Colonnello about it.

Yamamoto: But I can't talk about it yet.

Gokudera: Why not?!

Yamamoto: He told me not to tell anyone until this mission is over.

Yamamoto: That's the promise I made to him.

Gokudera: What?!

Gokudera: Why does Yamamoto get to know, when I'm the boss's right-hand man?

Tsuna: Why did Reborn tell Yamamoto?

Gokudera: If that's what Reborn-san said, I guess it can't be helped.

Ryohei: It looks like the whole security system's dead.

Yamamoto: Let's get a move on.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Lal?

Lal: You guys go ahead.

Irie: What are you doing?!

Irie: Send someone there this instant!

Irie: I ordered you just a second ago!

A: But very few C-rank or higher personnel remain

: because of the surprise attack on the Vongola base.

Irie: I know that!

Irie: Isn't anyone nearby?!

Guy: Black Spell's B-ranked Spanner

: is currently performing maintenance on the ninth level.

Irie: Spanner! So he's there...

Irie: We're in luck.

Irie: You can do a visual communiqué with an individual, correct?

Guy: Yes.

Irie: Connect me.

Guy: Yes, sir!

: Hmm...?

Irie: Hey, Spanner.

Irie: It's me.

Irie: The Vongola have infiltrated the security system on the eighth basement level.

Irie: The server was destroyed.

Irie: So, I need you to intercept them at once.

Irie: I'm counting on you, Spanner.

Irie: If I'm going to have them fly around, I want some navigation.

Irie: Let me download a D map that'll show me every detail of the base.

A: We can't allow him to download classified materi--

Irie: It's fine.

Irie: I'll permit the download, Spanner.

A: Irie-sama...

Irie: Need anything else?

Spanner: If we can't use the security system,

: it'd be better if we limited the routes the enemy can take.

Spanner: Close all the passages along the main route.

Irie: Got it.

Irie: I'll have it done immediately. But can you get through those tight spaces?

Spanner: Yeah. Any place I can't, I'll destroy.

Spanner: If I'm going to have them fly around, I want some navigation.

Spanner: Let me download a D map that'll show me every detail of the base.

Irie: I'll permit the download, Spanner.

Irie: But can you get through those tight spaces?

Spanner: Yeah. Any place I can't, I'll destroy.

Irie: Roger that.

Guy: A complete map of Merone Base has been downloaded to Moska.

Irie: Okay.

A: Are you sure about this?

A: We're giving him a map that discloses everything about this base...

Irie: What of it?

B: He may be top-ranked, but Mr. Spanner is in Black Spell...

Irie: Black and White mean nothing now..

Irie: We're all Millefiore right now.

Irie: I was raised immersed in technology myself.

Irie: So I can tell that the pure passion Spanner has for machines is authentic.

Irie: As long as he has that,

: I have absolute confidence that he'll complete his mission.

Irie: It's true that the Strau Moska he tuned

: has top-level abilities, even by Millefiore standards.

Irie: If you compare a normal Moska to a machine,

: the ones he has now are like F racers.

Irie: By the way, hurry sealing off the main routes.

: Yes, sir.

Irie: Anyway, giving him a map of this base won't do us any harm.

Tsuna: Lal.

Lal: Don't worry. I'll go later.

Tsuna: Don't tell me you're not feeling...

Lal: Seems I got a bit too excited during the fight with Ginger.

Lal: This blue pacifier was meant for me, not Colonnello.

Lal: In exchange for my life, it can emit flames.

Tsuna: You're not doing too well, are you?

Lal: It's fine. Get out of here.

Lal: I refuse to slow you down.

All: No!

Gokudera: Don't even joke like that.

Gokudera: It's not like this is so bad we didn't account for it.

Tsuna: This mission is going to happen, but we won't lose anyone in the process.

Gokudera: Boss, the corridors!

Ryohei: Looks like they've begun closing all the gates along the main route.

Yamamoto: We won't be able to get through.

Tsuna: What should we do?

Gokudera: No rush, boss.

Gokudera: We predicted the enemy might do this, didn't we?

Tsuna: That's true...

Yamamoto: Okay then! Let's keep following the plan.

Ryohei: Don't think so.

Gokudera: What?!

Gokudera: If we just follow the simulation...

Ryohei: That's right. The plan was for us to move to the next target,

Ryohei: while Lal Mirch served as a decoy to draw the attention of the enemy.

Yamamoto: Now that you mention it...

Tsuna: U-Uh, I'll do it.

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna?

Tsuna: I'll be the bait.

Tsuna: I-If I remember correctly, speed and mobility are important for this.

: I think I'd be the best choice.

Ryohei: Yes. That's true.

Gokudera: But it's too dangerous!

Tsuna: It's okay.

Tsuna: We'll meet up later.

Gokudera: Boss...

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, take care of Lal for me.

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: If something happens, call me on the radio.

Gokudera: Telepathy works too!

Tsuna: T-Telepathy?

Gokudera: You'd better!

Gokudera: The second you do, your right-hand man will rush to your side.

Tsuna: Ow...

Tsuna: Th-Thanks.

Gokudera: I'm letting the boss put himself in danger...

Ryohei: You have the PDA, right? Just follow its directions.

Ryohei: The routes have been entered.

Tsuna: Right.

Ryohei: Get as far away as you can.

Ryohei: It'd be best if you could stop them at the spillway on the tenth basement level.

Tsuna: Got it.

Tsuna: I'm off.

Yamamoto: We're counting on you, Tsuna.

Gokudera: Be careful!

Lal: Reborn, your students are growing up.

Futa: I wonder if everyone is okay...

Giannini: We can't connect to their radios.

Bianchi: Knowing them, they'll be fine.

Haru: Umm, would you care for some tea?

Reborn: Sure.

Futa: Thanks, Big Haru.

Bianchi: Sorry about that.

Haru: Please drink up while it's still hot.

Giannini: Thanks.

Haru: No proble...

Giannini: Is something wrong?

Haru: Eek! Not at all.

Haru: Bye.

Reborn: No need to worry.

Haru: Huh?

Reborn: You should know.

Haru: Right!

Lambo: You're all like, "draw, draw, and then you get this."

Lambo: Kyoko, Kyoko!

Kyoko: What is it?

Lambo: Look at this.

Lambo: It's Tsuna!

Kyoko: Good job!

Lambo: I'm gonna show Tsuna too!

Kyoko: Wait!

Kyoko: Umm, Tsuna-kun is out right now.

Lambo: Why?

Lambo: Where'd he go?

I-Pin: When's Tsuna-san coming back?

Kyoko: Real soon.

Lambo: Soon?

Kyoko: Yeah.

Kyoko: He'll be back soon.

Kyoko: That's why I'm going to draw a picture of him too.

Kyoko: Let's all show him together.

I-Pin: I-Pin'll draw too!

Lambo: Yay! I'm gonna draw an even more awesome Tsuna!

I-Pin: Not better than I-Pin!

Lambo: Lambo-san ain't gonna let you beat him!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun...

Tsuna: Moska, huh?

Spanner: There he is.

Spanner: So you're going to come right at me?

Lal: Don't get close.

Lal: That's the best approach against a Strau Moska.

Lal: They are able to form a Deathperation Flame within themselves.

Lal: And because they have the latest charge system,

: they are the first unmanned anti-Box w*apon.

Gokudera: Unmanned?

Gokudera: So, even though there's no one on board, you can control it?

Ryohei: You really could call it a robotic w*apon.

Ryohei: So they can make as many as they want.

Lal: I'm going to keep explaining.

Lal: The body has been made even larger, and it carries a variety of weapons.

Lal: Gola Moska doesn't even compare to it in combat.

Gokudera: R-Really?

Lal: Its most unique characteristic is its armor.

Lal: No matter the attack or flame used,

: it won't even dent its ,-layer nano-composite armor.

Lal: And if you enter hand-to-hand combat with it, most of the damage you deal to it...

Lal: Sawada!

: Huh?

Lal: What's so funny? You've been smiling this whole time!

Lal: Don't you think you should take this seriously?

Reborn: Lost in thought thinking about Lal's body?

Tsuna: I-I was not!

Gokudera: Reborn-san!

Lal: Then what?!

Tsuna: I-I just thought that was good news.

Tsuna: Because...

: If no one's on board, then I can take it out without having to k*ll someone.

Spanner: Oh... Sky-class flames...

Spanner: Inputting the damage to Moska, as well as the angle and velocity...

Tsuna: Tear gas...

Tsuna: I think I inhaled a bit.

Tsuna: Three more to go.

Tsuna: I can't use X BURNER with this kind of footing...

Spanner: That kid is really Vongola X.

Spanner: The pressure of his punch and flame is FV.

Spanner: His estimated combat ability is greater than one Strau, but...

Spanner: If I combine the four units together, my Moska are far stronger.

Haru: It's "H-Haru's H-Haru-Haru D-Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: What are you so freaked out about?

Haru: B-Because Tsuna-san said today's guest is really dangerous.

Reborn: Is that what you were talking about earlier?

: Eek!

Haru: Today's guest is the most dangerous of the dangerous, Kyoya Hibari!

: E-Eek!

Haru: I-I'm sorry!

Reborn: What are you apologizing for?

Haru: I-If he thinks my being here with you means we're grouping together...

Haru: D-Don't bite me to death, please!

Reborn: You won't be able to interview him like that.

Haru: Y-You're right.

Haru: I have to compose myself and give it my all!

Haru: Umm, Hibari-san, do you have a favorite season?

Haru: U-Umm, like spring for example, when the sun shines down and the flowers bloom.

Haru: Sakura-mochi is really tasty, and flower-viewing is fun too.

Haru: You could almost say sakura blossoms make up the heart of Japan.

: E-Eek!

Haru: Wh-What just happened?!

Reborn: We won't talk about sakura blossoms anymore, so come back.

Haru: I guess you hate them. No one told me that...

Reborn: Haru's panicking right now, so I'll ask the questions.

Reborn: Speaking of seasons, you always take naps on Namimori Middle's roof.

: But don't you get cold in winter?

Hibari: Even in the winter, it's pretty warm in the sun, baby.

: E-Eek!

Haru: He's suddenly so nice...

Haru: I like the roof too!

: You can eat lunch with your friends and play volleyball!

Hibari: So you group together...

: Eek! Eek!

Haru: Don't bite me!

Haru: There are still things I want to do!

Haru: I want to go to a cake buffet with Kyoko-chan,

: win a costume contest, marry Tsuna-san,

: and travel around the world on a houseboat!

Reborn: It's about time.

Reborn: You close it, since Haru's all scared, Hibari.

Hibari: No.

Reborn: There you have it.

Haru: That's all for "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: If I'm still alive, I'll see you next week.

Haru: See you again!

: Next time:

Next time: Desperate Situation.