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05x103 - The First Barrier

Posted: 07/02/23 14:54
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: There, we discovered that Vongola HQ had been destroyed.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Byakuran: Yes, what I seek is the key to ultimate authority:

Byakuran: ³ Policy.

Byakuran: The seven Arcobaleno pacifiers...

Byakuran: The seven Mare Rings, the strongest of their kind,

Byakuran: and the seven Vongola Rings, which hold equal power.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: In order to survive... To return to the past...

Reborn: We've made our move.

Reborn: However, so has the enemy.

Irie: From this point on, it doesn't matter which squad you belong to,

Irie: my orders will be direct and absolute!

Reborn: Our mission has also started.

Reborn: While Hibari draws the enemy away,

Reborn: you have to charge into the Millefiore hideout, Merone Base,

Reborn: and make your way to Shoichi Irie, Tsuna.

Reborn: Open it up, Giannini!

Giannini: Roger that.

Giannini: Hatch F, open!

All: Let's go!

Tsuna: Lal Mirch, how are you doing?

Tsuna: Hey!

Tsuna: O-Ouch...

Tsuna: Wh-What is it?

Lal: Infrared sensors.

Lal: It's about five meters...

Lal: If we're detected, we fall prey to those.

Tsuna: What are they?!

Lal: Automated lasers.

Tsuna: L-Lasers?

Lal: Just like in training, we're going to execute the "breakthrough."

: R-Right.

Gokudera: It's okay, boss!

Ryohei: Yeah!

Lal: This is an optical filter made by Giannini.

Lal: It uses special rays of light to bend the infrared beams,

Lal: and effectively disable them for five seconds.

Lal: We're going to break through in that time frame.

Tsuna: G-Got it.

Ryohei: Okay.

Lal: Let's go.

Lal: Now!

Lal: Time's up!

Ryohei: Made it by the skin of my teeth. Man, that sure cuts years off your life.

Lal: All right.

Lal: Impossible!

Lal: The lasers are moving!

: What?!

Lal: Evade!

Ryohei: Backwards?!

Gokudera: We don't have time for that!

Giannini: Th-The security lasers have fired!

Bianchi: Were they hit?

Giannini: Well...

Giannini: I'm unable to determine that.

Giannini: Communications are constantly breaking up...

Giannini: I don't know if they're okay.

Futa: It can't be...

Reborn: There's no need to panic.

Bianchi: Reborn?

Reborn: They'll be fine.

Reborn: They've been trained to adapt to any situation.

Bianchi: You're right.

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target The First Barrier

Tsuna: H-Heavy...

Gokudera: Ah! Sorry, boss!

Yamamoto: My bad.

Yamamoto: You okay, Tsuna?

Tsuna: S-Somehow...

Gokudera: Man, that was close.

Yamamoto: Yeah, by a second or so...

Lal: Why?

Lal: We didn't touch the infrared sensors...

Dendro: Because I pressed the switch!

Dendro: I was expecting a mole, but here we have some human kids!

Yamamoto: He's huge.

Dendro: Kids?

Dendro: I remember they told me Vongola X's group was a bunch of kids.

Dendro: But they're getting the crap knocked out of them after being cornered.

Dendro: So you can't be them.

Gokudera: Okay, the enemy hasn't noticed that we're here.

Dendro: Which means normal people have sneaked in here.

Tsuna: Huh? N-Normal people...

Yamamoto: Nothing wrong with that statement...

Ryohei: He seems kinda slow.

Gokudera: Shh!

Gokudera: We might be able to fool him.

Dendro: Oh well.

Dendro: You've given me a chance to test out the weapons I just got.

Tsuna: Huh?

Dendro: To truly know the strength of a w*apon, it's best to use live targets.

Dendro: Bye!

Dendro: This is pretty strong.

Dendro: I can use it.

Dendro: There shouldn't be any bones left.

Yamamoto: Who did that?

Lal: It wasn't me.

Ryohei: Ditto.

Tsuna: Me neither.

Gokudera: It was me.

Tsuna: Thanks, Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: Nah, it was no big deal.

Dendro: Wh-What?!

Yamamoto: What did you just do?

Gokudera: I can't let baseball brain have all the glory.

Gokudera: Out of our way, worthless muscle-head.

Gokudera: We don't have time to play with you.

Dendro: W-Worthless?!

Dendro: Damn brat!

Dendro: You don't know a thing about me!

Dendro: You won't get away with this!

Dendro: I, Dendro-sama, will use my Lancia Elettrica to scatter you shrimps!

Tsuna: A lance?

Ryohei: He's Dendro Chilum, a bulldozing heavy infantryman known as All'attacco.

Tsuna: All'attacco...?

Lal: It means he's the top lance.

Ryohei: I've heard that when he's placed at the rear,

: he'll s*ab through his allies to reach his enemies.

Tsuna: H-His own allies?

Gokudera: No wonder he looks dangerous.

Lal: His thrust is the strongest among the Millefiore lancers.

Lal: And I've heard that his coated lance can pierce anything,

: thanks to the hard factor of his Lightning Box.

Ryohei: He could be a pain.

Lal: We need to keep our distance for now.

: Huh?

Dendro: Ain't happening!

Dendro: Tear into pieces!

Dendro: Colpo Elettro Shock!

Dendro: That was a satisfying strike.

Dendro: They've been obliterated this time.

Dendro: I can't pull it out?

Dendro: Why?!

Dendro: This is weird!

Dendro: Wh-What?!

Tsuna: Didn't you hear him?

Tsuna: We don't have time to play.

Irie: We still don't know how the as*ault team is doing?

Staff: We've done everything within our power to find them,

Staff: but we've lost all contact.

CervelloA: It would appear that we have radio disturbance.

Irie: Radio disturbance?

CervelloA: It may be a temporary effect

: of the destruction of the power facility by the as*ault team.

Irie: Are you certain that's the cause?

CervelloA: No, but it's the highest possibility.

Irie: Only if you base it on the optimistic possibility that the as*ault team succeeded.

Irie: In any case, make immediate contact with the as*ault team to confirm the situation!

Cervello: Yes, sir!

Dendro: Bastard...

Dendro: If pulling doesn't work,

Dendro: I'll push!

Dendro: Why?!

Dendro: Why won't it move?!

Yamamoto: It's the flame from the hand behind him.

Gokudera: Yeah, that flame is perfect.

Gokudera: That's our boss.

Lal: Yamamoto and Gokudera have sure come a long way

: if they understand the meaning of that flame.

Lal: Yes, Sawada is using more than his legs to support himself.

Lal: It's the soft flame from the hand behind him,

: so faint you can barely see it.

Dendro: This is impossible!

Dendro: How could the great Dendro lose to a kid!

Gokudera: He still thinks we're ordinary people.

Lal: So simple...

Ryohei: Sawada, want me to lend a hand?

Tsuna: Stay back.

Ryohei: Thought so.

Ryohei: Doesn't look like you need help.

Dendro: D-Damn it!

Dendro: You bastards underestimate me!

Dendro: In that case, I'll show you my true strength!

Tsuna: Go ahead.

Lal: What are you doing, Sawada?!

Lal: I taught you not to give your opponent an opening!

Lal: He could still have more boxes!

Tsuna: I know.

Dendro: It's too late to cry now!

Dendro: Get out here!

Dendro: Elettro Cinghiale!

Dendro: It's too late to cry now!

Dendro: Get out here!

Dendro: Elettro Cinghiale!

Lal: A lightning-class boar!

Gokudera: I-It's huge...

Dendro: This is Dendro-sama's partner, Elettro Cinghiale!

Dendro: His two horns are my Doppio Corno Lancia!!

Gokudera: Doppio Corno Lancia!...

Gokudera: Two lances...

Dendro: Don't be too surprised!

Dendro: His thrust is five times stronger than mine!

Dendro: Nobody's ever stopped it!

Tsuna: Probably not.

Tsuna: I've been waiting for the true top lance.

Ryohei: So the Millefiore's pride, the All'attacco,

Ryohei: was the Box w*apon and not Dendro?

Yamamoto: Tsuna was able to see that.

Gokudera: That's our boss!

Dendro: Eliminate that hateful brat!

Dendro: Go, boar, charge!

Dendro: Cinghiale Scontro Frontale!

Ryohei: You aren't going to dodge, Sawada?!

Tsuna: If I can't stop this attack, I'll never make it to Irie.

Lal: Fool...

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Gokudera: What? Boss?

Dendro: Did you see that? It was over in a second!

Dendro: What?!

Yamamoto: H-He stopped it!

Lal: Naturally.

Lal: This is nothing compared to the impact from using hard flame.

Dendro: You don't get it!

Dendro: You can't use your hands now!

Dendro: Time for the final thrust!

Dendro: D-Damn it!

Dendro: What do you think you're doing?!

Dendro: Huh? Where'd he go?

Dendro: Th-The ceiling?!

Tsuna: Let's end this.

Gokudera: That stance...

Lal: He's going to do that...?

Dendro: Getting all cocky because I'm being nice!

Dendro: Then I'll use all three at once for Triplo Corno Lancia!

Ryohei: He's using three lances this time...

Dendro: Go!

Lal: That's right.

Lal: The support from the soft flame is the key...

Tsuna: X BURNER.

Staff: As I thought...

Cervello: What's wrong?

Staff: There's a problem in the second hangar.

Cervello: Irie-sama is busy dealing with the Vongola base.

Cervello: I'll listen to what you have to say.

Staff: All right.

Staff: There's movement in the vibration graph for the area around the hangar.

Cervello: Dendro Chilum's the only one who would cause a mess around there.

Staff: Yes...

Cervello: That man has a bad habit

: of testing out weapons in the hangar when he's frustrated.

Cervello: He's probably upset about being excluded from the as*ault team.

Staff: That would make sense.

Staff: I knew something was wrong

: when a number of sensors were disabled from the hangar side.

Cervello: We'll need to chastise Dendro severely.

Cervello: Open the sensors manually.

Staff: Yes, ma'am. I'll bring up the camera for the hangar right away.

Staff: Here it is.

Staff: Huh?

Staff: Nothing seems to be out of order...

: Right...

Staff: I'm sorry. I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Ginger: So naïve, naïve....

Yamamoto: I'm done.

Gokudera: His body's so big, tying him up took some effort.

Tsuna: They don't know we're here, right?

Lal: Don't worry.

Lal: I'm used this Stealth Ring to put a special filter on the camera.

Lal: They should be seeing a room that looks the way it usually does.

Ryohei: Okay, let's move on.

Lal: Our next destination is the eighth basement level.

Lal: We're taking down their security system's server.

Yamamoto: So they won't know where we are!

Gokudera: And then, we'll head straight for Shoichi Irie!

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Tsuna: And then...

: I'll know what that strange device that showed up in my dream was...

Tsuna: And what the key to returning to the past is... Everything...

Lal: We don't have time to stand around!

Lal: Let's go, Sawada!

Tsuna: Y-Yeah!

Tsuna: Let's go!

Giannini: It keeps breaking up, and it's hard to hear them.

Giannini: But it seems they're all moving toward the eighth basement level as planned.

Bianchi: So they're okay.

Futa: I've figured out how they found this place.

Bianchi: Chrome's bag?

Futa: Glo Xinia placed a tracking device in this bag.

Reborn: So Hibari realized this and went to divert the Millefiore as*ault team.

Reborn: I'd expect no less from him.

Bianchi: Still, to take on so many by himself...

Giannini: Yes... It's a good thing he's on our side.

Giannini: Who knows what would have happened if we'd made an enemy out of him.

Reborn: Tsuna and his team are into the second stage.

Bianchi: Yes.

Reborn: It's going to get ugly, with the situation changing by the minute.

Reborn: In fact, it feels like things have been going too well so far.

Bianchi: Perhaps.

Reborn: Well, there's no point in getting worried.

Reborn: We can't do anything about it.

Bianchi: True.

Bianchi: Don't let your guard down, Hayato.

Futa: Big Tsuna...

Lal: Okay, this is it.

Lal: We'll descend to the eighth basement level through here.

Tsuna: All the way from here?

Tsuna: Looks like a fair distance...

Yamamoto: We are going from the third level to the eighth.

Gokudera: It's like climbing down the side of a building.

Lal: Okay, Sawada.

: Huh?

Lal: Go first.

Tsuna: What?! M-Me?!

Lal: That way, you won't take anyone with you if you slip and fall.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Gokudera: H-Hey!

Gokudera: Boss, I'll go!

Tsuna: No, it's okay, Gokudera-kun.

Gokudera: B-But...

Tsuna: Lal Mirch is right.

Tsuna: I'll go first.

Gokudera: Boss...

Gokudera: Be careful.

Ryohei: Sawada, even if you do fall,

: you'll walk away with a sprain if you've trained extremely.

Yamamoto: Just protect your head, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Everybody assumes I'm going to fall...

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Tsuna: Ow!

Gokudera: Boss!

Tsuna: I'm okay.

Tsuna: I-I hit my chin...

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: Hey, we're still doing this?

Reborn: Didn't this segment end last week?

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Don't let it end when we've only just begun, Reborn-chan!

Haru: Geez...

Haru: Now then, today's guest is my future husband's right-hand man,

Haru: Gokudera-san!

Gokudera: Shut up, stupid girl!

Gokudera: You're still going on about marrying the boss?!

Haru: It's a fact. What else am I supposed to say?

Gokudera: I won't accept it!

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Gokudera-san has his usual dangerous aura,

Haru: but there are rumors that he actually likes animals.

Haru: What animal would you want to keep as a pet?

Gokudera: Ogopogo, obviously?

Haru: Ogopogo? What's that?

Gokudera: Haven't you ever read about the mysteries in this world, dummy?!

Reborn: It's a monster similar to Nessie, that lives in the Okanagan Lake in Canada.

Reborn: I'm even wearing an Ogopogo costume right now.

Reborn: Looks great, right?

Reborn: I also like the Mokele-mbembe from the Congo.

Gokudera: I'm impressed, Reborn-san!

Gokudera: You've got great taste!

Gokudera: Champ from Lake Champlain's another good one.

Haru: Okay!

Haru: And so, I also made a cryptid costume to show that I know my stuff!

Haru: Here it is!

Gokudera: It's a water sprite...

Gokudera: I also made a yeti one!

Haru: And that's all for today's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: I'll see you again next time!

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Magician of Fate.