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05x101 - Night Attack

Posted: 07/02/23 14:52
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: There, we discovered that Vongola HQ had been destroyed.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Mukuro: This is Mist.

Glo: Curse you!

Ryohei: Ryohei Sasagawa has come to visit!

Reborn: Hibari, Chrome Dokuro, and Ryohei...

Reborn: At last, the Guardians have all been gathered.

Reborn: And the day of the final battle is close at hand.

Reborn: Everyone's been training to power up. That's all we need to do.

Reborn: But we're running out of time.

Reborn: We'll attack the Millefiore's base in Japan, Merone Base,

: and reach Shoichi Irie!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun, thanks.

Tsuna: No, I was too careless.

Kyoko: Huh?

Kyoko: Oh, that wasn't what I meant.

Kyoko: When I first came to this time,

Kyoko: you saved me in the factory ruins,

Kyoko: but I never got a chance to thank you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: The first time I fought Black Spell?

Kyoko: I wanted to thank you then,

Kyoko: but you lost consciousness.

Tsuna: Y-You don't have to.

Kyoko: I actually had a hard time remembering what happened then.

Kyoko: Whenever I tried, my mind would go blank...

Tsuna: Does that mean your memory...

Kyoko: But with Bianchi-san's help, I was able to remember everything today.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Kyoko: It really was you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kyoko: I kept shouting "Tsuna-kun".

: Yeah.

Kyoko: I tried putting this on your jacket!

Kyoko: Ta-da!

Kyoko: An inside pocket for good-luck charms.

Tsuna: I've always wanted a place to put it!

Tsuna: This is great!

Tsuna: There's even a cover so it won't fall out!

Tsuna: Thanks!

Tsuna: I'll wear this tomorrow...

Kyoko: Tomorrow's an important day for returning to the past, right?

Kyoko: We all know.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Tsuna: Bianchi probably told them...

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan, I...

Tsuna: I promise I'll bring everybody back home.

Kyoko: Don't push yourself too hard.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kyoko: What?

Tsuna: Right!

Tsuna: There's no point if I push myself too hard!

Tsuna: I missed my chance to look cool!

Kyoko: I wanted to tell him to do his best...

Irie: What?

Irie: You've found the Vongola secret base?

Cervello: Yes. We realized that Glo Xinia was trying to say something.

Doctor: Oh, this is...

Doctor: This is incredible!

Cervello: Tracing the letters Glo Xinia indicated

Cervello: revealed that he had placed a tracking device.

Cervello: We, the th Squad's vice captain,

Cervello: and the engineering department

: came to the conclusion that this information is credible.

Irie: He was able to do that with those injuries...

Irie: Befitting of the captain of the th Squad.

Glo: Now, it's game over for that cheeky Chrome Dokuro and the Vongola.

Irie: So where is it?

Cervello: Between point A. and ..

Cervello: The southwestern area of Namimori,

Cervello: but it's an empty area with no buildings.

Cervello: What is your command?

Irie: The preparations?

Cervello: The strike team is on standby.

Cervello: They are ready to deploy at any time.

Irie: Okay.

Irie: Advance into the Vongola Base at once!

Dialogue: On Screen,{Ep : Target Night Attack

Speaker: Emergency orders. Emergency orders.

Speaker: All Black and White Spell squads are to deploy immediately.

Speaker: Deployment cages open.

Speaker: The target of the attack is the Vongola secret base.

Speaker: Squad captains: set portable radars to channel two.

Irie: All communications, except reports to headquarters, are forbidden.

Irie: We're doing this sneak attack thing right.

Cherb: Deployment cage functions are normal.

Cherb: They will reach the surface soon.

Yamamoto: Man, I'm stuffed.

Haru: You all ate so much!

Tsuna: It was so delicious!

Haru: I'm glad you liked it!

Gokudera: What? Sleepy already?

: Huh?!

Fu: He ate a lot.

: What gives?

Yamamoto: He's just like his master.

Gokudera: What does that mean?

: Damn it, get back here, you baseball idiot!

Haru: Lambo-chan, you can't sleep here.

Haru: You'll catch a cold.

Lambo: All the food's Lambo-san's!

Haru: Oh, Lambo-chan!

Kyoko: I-Pin-chan too.

Haru: Being so full's made them sleepy.

Gokudera: Well, it's time to put the kids to bed.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Giannini too.

Futa: {\an}Come on, wake up...

Reborn: I think it's time to call it a day.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day.

CherB: No one is in the vicinity.

CherbB: The coast is clear.

CherbB: Gates four, six, and eight are deploying.

CherbB: Gates three and seven, the coast is clear.

CherbB: All squads are moving out.

Tsuna: Okay, this is it.

Kyoko: Thank you, Tsuna-kun.

Haru: We'll take care of the rest.

Haru: You get some sleep.

: Huh?

Tsuna: But...

Haru: Don't worry.

Haru: We'll just do some basic cleanup now, and finish the rest tomorrow!

Kyoko: You guys should get some rest.

Kyoko: Tomorrow's a big day, right?

Haru: Do your best, Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: Thanks, Haru, Kyoko-chan.

Tsuna: Good night, guys.

Both: Good night.

Giannini: Don't worry, I'm watching the monitors.

Lal: Nothing out of the ordinary.

Reborn: There you are.

Reborn: You're worried, huh?

Lal: I'm just not as carefree as they are.

Lal: I realize the significance of a last supper, though.

Reborn: They're not thinking of it that way.

Reborn: They were just recharging their batteries for tomorrow.

Futa: I'll take over.

Bianchi: Thanks for your help.

: No problem.

CherB: Initiating search.

CherB: A-, standby.

CherA: Coordinates A-.

CherA: Proceed with caution.

Yamamoto: I put Lambo and I-Pin to bed.

Tsuna: Thanks.

Tsuna: We should get some sleep ourselves.

Yamamoto: Yeah, we need plenty of food and rest.

Gokudera: The time has come, boss.

Tsuna: Yeah.

: I don't know quite how to say this, but...

: I'm counting on you, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto.

Yamamoto: Leave it to me.

Gokudera: Let's finish this up and head back to our Namimori!

: Yeah.

Ryohei: All right, I guess I'll be going.

Thug: Good night.

Ryohei: Yeah. I'm counting on you, Hibari.

Giannini: I'll explain the equipment I've given you for the attack on the enemy base.

Giannini: First, the Vongola Rings.

Giannini: I've put a special cover on them so that they won't be detected by the enemy.

Giannini: I call it the Auto-Mammon Chain Ring Cover.

Giannini: It's a long name, I know.

Giannini: Basically, when you're not using your ring,

: the cover will automatically close and seal its power.

Yamamoto: Wow, that's great.

Gokudera: So we won't have to wrap and unwrap the Mammon Chains every single time.

Lal: A sneak attack's also a race against time.

Lal: It's very useful to be able to avoid wasting precious seconds.

Giannini: You're welcome.

Giannini: Next, please put on the radios in front of you.

Giannini: They're hands-free,

: so you'll be able to communicate with one another even in battle.

Giannini: With just a single touch,

: you can change the frequency being used by both parties,

Giannini: so there's no worry about being overheard by the enemy.

Giannini: It will automatically match frequencies,

: so you should be able to hear each other's voices clearly.

Gokudera: Boss, can you hear me?

Tsuna: Yeah, loud and...

Ryohei: Extreme test!

Ryohei: Well? Could you hear me too?

Gokudera: Way too loudly, idiot!

Yamamoto: My ears hurt...

Tsuna: Actually, if your voice is that loud, there's no point in using a radio.

Reborn: I have one more present for you.

Reborn: A shirt made from threads created in Leon's body

: that are resistant to Deathperation Flames.

Tsuna: Leon?

Reborn: Yeah, though he's in rough shape after making enough for all of you.

Tsuna: Thank you, Leon.

Reborn: Now you're all set.

Reborn: The rest, Tsuna, is up to you guys.

Gokudera: Boss, you still up?

Tsuna: Sorry, I'll go to sleep now.

Gokudera: Good night.

Tsuna: Yeah, you too.

Tsuna: Tomorrow's the day.

Guy: Enemy sensor spotted.

CherB: We've now located enemy sensors,

: deployed primarily around southwest Namimori.

CherB: I believe we've found their defensive line.

Irie: Right under our noses this whole time.

Irie: Take them all out.

White Spell: Go, Jamming Vampiro!

White Spell: Elettro Firefly!

CherB: White Spell has eradicated all enemy sensors.

Iris: The Jamming Vampiro and Elettrico Firefly

: cr*pple the enemy's eyes and ears with jamming waves.

Iris: Those Black Spell punks wouldn't know how to use their boxes like this.

Paishana: They only know how to use force.

Iris: Well prepared and making everything easier...

Iris: No wonder he's our general.

CherB: Advance line is all clear.

CherB: All squads, move out.

Lambo: My candy... Not my candy!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,No Trespassing

CherB: All squads have assembled at the Vongola's secret underground base.

Irie: Excellent.

Blackspell: If you discover any cameras around here, destroy them.

Blackspell: Roger.

Blackspell: We'll get started too.

CherB: Our forces have split into three groups, lead by Black Spell,

: who have begun drilling into the enemy base.

Irie: Did you seal off the surrounding roads?

CherB: Yes. Another White Spell squad was deployed to take care of that.

Dialogue: On Screen,CherB: We apologize for the trouble we cause to commuters.

CherB: They've made it look like the area is under construction and aren't letting anyone near.

Irie: How long until we can attack?

CherB: Early morning.

CherC: We'll alert you. Perhaps you should rest for now?

Irie: Yeah.

Irie: Call me when they're ready to go.

Both: Yes, sir.

Tsuna: What was that sound?

Yamamoto: Did you hear that too?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: What was it?

Tsuna: Where did it come from?

Reborn: I think it's that.

Hibari: It was so tired and out of it, it entered my room.

Tsuna: Hibari-san!

Tsuna: What? Gokudera-kun's cat?

Gokudera: Wha--! I thought it was back in its box!

Gokudera: What are you doing, Uri?

Tsuna: Uri?

: Yeah.

Gokudera: That's his name. Uri.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Uri ("Gourd")

Tsuna: What a weird name!

Gokudera: Uri!

Gokudera: Stop it, Uri!

Tsuna: It still isn't used to him...

Yamamoto: Hey, you all right?

Tsuna: G-Gokudera-kun!

Hibari: Nights should be quiet.

Hibari: You know what happens when you disturb things, right?

: Hey.

: {\an}You...!

Tsuna: {\an}I'm sorry.

Hibari: I'm sleepy.

Hibari: Next time.

Gokudera: W-Wait, Hibari.

Gokudera: Th-Thanks.

Gokudera: I'll pay you back sometime.

Hibari: I'll wait, but I don't expect much, Hayato Gokudera.

Gokudera: "Don't expect much"?

Tsuna: Hey, Hibari-san.

Tsuna: Tomorrow... Let's both do our best together.

Hibari: No.

Hibari: I'd rather die than join you, or even fight with you.

Hibari: 'Cause I'm strong.

Hibari: Night.

Reborn: See ya.

Yamamoto: N-Night...

Gokudera: What a jerk.

Tsuna: Good night.

Yamamoto: Hibari never changes no matter how many years pass, huh?

Reborn: Let's get back to bed.

Gokudera: I'm terribly sorry for the trouble!

Tsuna: I-It's fine, Gokudera-kun.

Gokudera: No. Any trouble he causes is my fault for not raising...

Yamamoto: Okay, see you in the morning.

Reborn: Get to bed already.

Tsuna: Yeah, good night.

Tsuna: You too, Gokudera-kun...

Gokudera: I'm sorry...

BlackSpell: We've found a wall we believe to be the roof of their secret base!

Irie: You've reached it?

CherB: Yes.

CherB: All three teams have reached the Vongola secret base.

CherB: They've finished setting up the bombs.

CherB: They await your orders, Master Irie.

Irie: We will now attack the Vongola secret base.

Irie: Detonate the bombs on the count of three, and then head in at once.

Team : All ready to attack!

Team : Same! All set!

Team : We await your orders.

Irie: Commencing countdown.

Irie: Three...

Irie: Two...

Irie: One...

Irie: Fire!

Irie: All squads, attack!

Irie: Your top priority is the recovery of the Vongola Rings.

Irie: Take the Guardians alive.

Black: And if they resist?

Irie: Eliminate them.

White Spell: Roger that.

: What's this...?

White Spell: A large hall...

White Spell: Wh-What?!

White Spell: Our infiltration route!

Hibari: You fell for it.

WhiteSpell: What?

WhiteSpell: That's the transmitter Glo Xinia-dono used!

Hibari: The weak love to gather in packs.

Hibari: And you trapped rats are gonna get bitten to death.

WhiteSpell: I-It was a setup!

Next time: Next time:

Next time: Mission Start.