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05x100 - The Night Before the Raid

Posted: 07/02/23 14:52
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: There, we discovered that Vongola HQ had been destroyed.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Mukuro: This is Mist.

Glo: Curse you!

Ryohei: Ryohei Sasagawa has come to visit!

Reborn: Hibari, Chrome Dokuro, and Ryohei...

Reborn: At last, the Guardians have all been gathered.

Reborn: And the day of the final battle is close at hand.

Reborn: Everyone's been training to power up. That's all we need to do.

Reborn: But we're running out of time.

Reborn: We'll attack the Millefiore's secret base in Japan, Merone Base,

: and reach Shoichi Irie!

Yamamoto: Shigure Soen Ryu...

Yamamoto: Special Stance :

Yamamoto: Scontro di Rondine!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Scontro di Rondine

Reborn: You pass.

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target The Night Before the Raid

Kyoko: Yep, they look delicious.

Ipin: Lots of cucumbers!

Ipin: What else should I get?

Kyoko: Hmm...

Kyoko: Well, could you dig up some potatoes?

Ipin: Roger!

Ipin: Lambo, help us!

Lambo: Lambo-san's busy picking these!

Ipin: Liar!

Ipin: You're just eating everything!

Ipin: Come with me!

Lambo: I wanna stay here!

Ipin: Pull with me!

: What?!

Ipin: Ready and...

Lambo: Here we go!

Ipin: That surprised me.

Kyoko: Thanks, you two.

Kyoko: We got a whole bunch.

Lambo: All thanks to Lambo-san!

Ipin: No, because we worked together.

Kyoko: We brought vegetables.

Ipin: Fresh veggies!

Bianchi: They look scrumptious.

Bianchi: That leaves...

Haru: This, right?

Haru: But are you sure about using so much of what little beef is left?

Bianchi: Yes.

Bianchi: In fact, today would be the day to use it.

Bianchi: We need to help them build strength.

Bianchi: Let's go all out tonight.

Haru: It'll be a party!

Haru: I'm getting excited!

Kyoko: Sounds fun. What should we make?

Lambo: Steak!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants steak!

Yamamoto: Hey, Gokudera.

Yamamoto: You also done training?

Gokudera: Just had to run into you.

Gokudera: You'd better have something to show for your training.

Gokudera: You'll really get it if you're useless when it counts.

Yamamoto: I guess.

Gokudera: Hey.

Yamamoto: The kid said I passed.

Gokudera: If Reborn-san said that, you must've learned something.

Yamamoto: What about you, Gokudera?

Gokudera: As if I would ever do anything to hold back the boss.

Yamamoto: Right. That's good.

Yamamoto: What about Tsuna?

Gokudera: The boss couldn't possibly screw up!

Gokudera: I bet he learned an incredible technique.

Tsuna: I knew it!

Tsuna: What do I do?!

Giannini: It seems I'll make it in time.

Tsuna: Where did I put it?

Giannini: Something wrong, boss?

Tsuna: Giannini-san, those clothes...

Giannini: I spent all night inventing, in preparation for tomorrow.

Giannini: Just a little longer and I'll complete something that will help everybody out.

Tsuna: Really?

Tsuna: Thank you so much!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Yo, guys.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun. Yamamoto.

Tsuna: Are you done training for today?

Gokudera: Yes, all done.

Yamamoto: Yeah, all I need to do is rest up today.

Yamamoto: How about you, Tsuna?

Tsuna: Me?

Tsuna: Yeah, me too.

Yamamoto: Something wrong, Tsuna?

Gokudera: Did Hibari say something to upset you?

Gokudera: That bastard's so cocky just because he's a little older than us...

Tsuna: Wait, Gokudera-kun!

Tsuna: Hibari-san's certainly strict, but he was helping me train properly.

Gokudera: Really?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: A-Anyway, I have something to take care of!

Tsuna: I'll see you later!

Gokudera: {\an}Yes!

Yamamoto: Yeah!

Tsuna: That's right...

Tsuna: The operation starts tomorrow.

Tsuna: I'm out of time.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Safe Victory

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Safe Victory

Tsuna: How did I lose the good-luck charm

: I got from Kyoko-chan before the Sky battle?!

Tsuna: I've been carrying it with me since I came to this time...

Tsuna: How could I lose it when I need it most?!

Tsuna: Did I drop it in the bathroom?

Tsuna: What should I do?!

Bird: Hibari! Hibari!

Ryohei: It's finally time.

Ryohei: Hibari, we need to do our best as the elders tomorrow.

Hibari: No.

Ryohei: What was that?! You jerk!

Kusakabe: Calm down, Sasagawa-san!

Ryohei: Let me go!

Ryohei: You haven't matured one bit since middle school!

Ryohei: Don't you have any intention of cooperating?!

Hibari: My goal is not to join your crowd.

Kusakabe: Lal Mirch, what will you be doing tomorrow?

Lal: Going, of course.

Lal: The more people we have, the better.

Ryohei: Just don't overdo it; you're still recovering.

Ryohei: Even the kid has given up on leaving the base.

Ryohei: And if something were to happen to you,

Ryohei: I could never face Master Colonnello.

Lal: There's no need to concern yourself with me.

Lal: I'm going.

Hibari: Just die if you want to die.

Ryohei: Hibari!

Ryohei: Don't you have any sympathy in you?!

Kusakabe: Sasagawa-san!

Reborn: You're having fun, huh?

Lal: Reborn.

Reborn: I'm coming in, Hibari.

: Yeah.

Reborn: How's it look, Kusakabe?

Reborn: Did you get results from your simulation of tomorrow's raid?

Reborn: Isn't that why you called me here?

Kusakabe: Yes.

Kusakabe: I used the hyper-computer to calculate

: the probability of success for tomorrow's operation.

Kusakabe: I used the size of the enemy facility to estimate the number of Millefiore...

Kusakabe: Input an average power level and various other factors...

Kusakabe: And our resulting probability of success was a mere

: .%.

Ryohei: .%?

Kusakabe: This is assuming that Lal Mirch participates.

Kusakabe: Other factors may come into play,

Kusakabe: but all of them lower our odds.

Reborn: Well, I expected as much.

Kusakabe: I should mention, I've heard the Varia don't conduct any mission

: with a probability of success below %.

Kusakabe: Although, that's according to their own scale of Varia quality.

Reborn: That's how a top-level pro works.

Reborn: Prioritize certainties and avoid foolish gambles.

Lal: So we need a miracle to succeed...

Lal: Don't tell Sawada or the others.

Lal: It'll affect their morale.

: Yeah.

Ryohei: No point in shocking them now.

Ryohei: We have no choice.

Kusakabe: Agreed.

Reborn: Actually, that number means nothing.

Reborn: There might be a point in assigning

: a value to the strength of a complete professional.

Reborn: However, it's futile to judge their strength when they're still growing.

Reborn: Their power lies in that which can't be quantified.

Tsuna: It wasn't there!

Tsuna: It wasn't in the bathroom!

Tsuna: I'll go check the training room again!

Tsuna: It's not here either...

Tsuna: Where did it go?

Lal: What are you doing, Sawada?

Lal: More training?

Lal: The operation begins tomorrow.

Lal: You won't improve much by struggling now.

Lal: Anyway, you should focus on resting your body.

Tsuna: R-Right!

Lal: Sawada!

Lal: In the beginning, I wasn't expecting you guys to be of any use.

Tsuna: Right to my face...

Lal: But after watching you for the last several days, I've changed my mind.

Tsuna: Lal Mirch...

Lal: I have seen your resolve.

Lal: Tomorrow, have faith in yourselves as you fight.

: Okay.

Lal: That's all.

Tsuna: Was she giving me encouragement?

Tsuna: Okay, I'll do my best to return everybody to the past.

Tsuna: That's right!

Tsuna: I have to find that for tomorrow!

Tsuna: I have to!

Tsuna: I have to find it!

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan gave it to me...

Tsuna: Ow...

Kyoko: Ouch...

Tsuna: {\an}Kyoko-chan!

Tsuna: Sorry!

Tsuna: A-Are you okay?

: Yeah.

Kyoko: How about you, Tsuna-kun?

Tsuna: I'm fine.

Tsuna: Uh, I'll pick everything up.

Kyoko: Let's do it together.

Tsuna: I just had to crash into Kyoko-chan...

Tsuna: And I feel even worse because I lost the charm...

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun, thanks.

Tsuna: No, I was too careless.

Kyoko: Huh?

Kyoko: Oh, that wasn't what I meant.

Kyoko: When I first came to this time,

Kyoko: you saved me in the factory ruins,

Kyoko: but I never got a chance to thank you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: The first time I fought Black Spell?

Tazaru: Come to think of it,

Tazaru: I heard Vongola X used flames with his gloves too.

Tazaru: Not that it matters now.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Tsuna: Stay back!

Tsuna: It's okay.

Tsuna: I'll protect you.

Tsuna: Even if it costs me my life.

Kyoko: I wanted to thank you then,

Kyoko: but you lost consciousness.

Tsuna: Y-You don't have to.

Kyoko: I actually had a hard time remembering what happened then.

Kyoko: Whenever I tried, my mind would go blank...

Tsuna: Does that mean your memory...

Kyoko: But with Bianchi-san's help, I was able to remember everything today.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Kyoko: It really was you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kyoko: I kept shouting "Tsuna-kun".

: Yeah.

Kyoko: It's strange.

Kyoko: I probably blocked it all out before because I didn't want to remember,

Kyoko: but I've been able to recall it clearly over and over today.

Tsuna: Huh? That fight?

Tsuna: You aren't scared?

Kyoko: Nope.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Tsuna: Sh-She's so cute...

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan is like the sun...

Tsuna: There it is!

Tsuna: The charm!

Kyoko: Oh, this?

Kyoko: I found it in the Shower Room, so I was going to take it to you.

Tsuna: So it fell out of my pocket when I was changing!

Tsuna: I-I'm sorry!

Tsuna: I usually take good care of it!

Tsuna: R-Really...

Tsuna: I always carry it with me!

: Yeah, I know.

: Huh?

Kyoko: Reborn-kun told me.

Tsuna: He did?

Tsuna: Yes...

Kyoko: He said you really treasure it.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Kyoko: So after I talked with Haru-chan and the guys,

Kyoko: I tried putting this on your jacket!

Kyoko: Ta-da!

Kyoko: An inside pocket for good-luck charms.

Tsuna: I've always wanted a place to put it!

Tsuna: This is great!

Tsuna: There's even a cover so it won't fall out!

Tsuna: Thanks!

Tsuna: I'll wear this tomorrow...

Kyoko: Tomorrow's an important day for returning to the past, right?

Kyoko: We all know.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Tsuna: Bianchi probably told them...

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan, I...

Tsuna: I promise I'll bring everybody back home.

Kyoko: Don't push yourself too hard.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kyoko: What?

Tsuna: Right!

Tsuna: There's no point if I push myself too hard!

Tsuna: I missed my chance to look cool!

Kyoko: I wanted to tell him to do his best...

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: Time for dinner!

Yamamoto: They made a huge feast today.

Tsuna: Guys...

Kyoko: Yep!

Kyoko: We made a whole bunch.

Lambo: The steak is all Lambo-san's!

Ipin: Lambo! No hogging food!

Lambo: First come, first served!

Ipin: Lambo! Wait!

Gokudera: Let's hurry, boss!

Gokudera: Or that stupid cow really will eat it all!

Yamamoto: Let's go, Tsuna.

Yamamoto: I can't wait to see this feast.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Kyoko: Don't worry.

Kyoko: We made more than you could possibly eat.

Tsuna: That sounds great!

Irie: What?

Irie: You've found the Vongola secret base?

Cervello: Yes. We realized that Glo Xinia was trying to say something.

Doctor: Oh, this is...

Doctor: This is incredible!

Cervello: Tracing the letters Glo Xinia indicated

Cervello: revealed that he had placed a tracking device.

Cervello: We, the th Squad's vice captain,

Cervello: and the engineering department

: came to the conclusion that this information is credible.

Irie: He was able to do that with those injuries...

Irie: Befitting of the captain of the th Squad.

Glo: Now, it's game over for that cheeky Chrome Dokuro and the Vongola.

Irie: So where is it?

Cervello: Between point A. and ..

Cervello: The southwestern area of Namimori,

Cervello: but it's an empty area with no buildings.

Irie: I-I see...

Irie: That makes sense...

Irie: Why didn't I realize it myself?

Irie: Their base is underground!

: Wow!

: It looks delicious!

Lambo: Hurry! Hurry!

Lambo: Lambo-san's starving!

Ipin: Lambo! Carry this!

: What?!

Reborn: We're finally attacking tomorrow.

Reborn: Are you guys all prepared?

: Y-Yeah.

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Gokudera: You can count on us.

Gokudera: I'll send those Millefiore freaks flying!

Reborn: In that case, you should eat plenty to prepare for tomorrow.

Both: Here! Sorry to keep you waiting!

Futa: That looks incredible.

Futa: Big Haru, Big Kyoko, thanks.

Tsuna: Seriously, that's a lot.

Haru: If you're happy, it was worth the effort!

Kyoko: Dig in, guys!

Tsuna: Let's eat!

Yamamoto: This looks great!

Reborn: Have some of that, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: Bianchi went through the trouble to make it.

Tsuna: I-I'll have some later! Later!

Bianchi: You can't eat my love-filled dish?

Tsuna: U-Uh...

Tsuna: I can't eat poison cooking right before the raid!

Lambo: This all belongs to Lambo-san!

Futa: Lambo, you need to share with everybody.

Gokudera: You stupid cow!

Gokudera: Hand it over!

Lambo: No way!

Bianchi: Hayato, I have some more over here.

Gokudera: No thanks!

Gokudera: I said no thanks!

Yamamoto: This is really good.

Tsuna: Yeah, I feel more energetic.

Haru: There's plenty more left!

Haru: Eat your fill!

Kyoko: I wonder if Ryohei and the others are enjoying theirs?

Tsuna: Oh?

Tsuna: Come to think of it, what happened to Ryohei?

Yamamoto: Good question.

Yamamoto: That devil instructor is never around.

Futa: We tried to invite Hibari-san and Kusakabe-san tonight...

Haru: But the grown-ups

Haru: turned us down because they wanted

Haru: to relax and enjoy some drinks.

Ryohei: It's finally time.

Ryohei: Don't die, Hibari.

Hibari: Shouldn't you worry about yourself first?

Ryohei: My enemies always end up extremely pounded!

Ryohei: I want to return them home safely.

Lal: Colonnello...

Lal: The time has finally come.

Cervello: What is your command?

Irie: The preparations?

Cervello: The strike team is on standby.

Cervello: They are ready to deploy at any time.

Irie: Okay.

Irie: Advance into Vongola HQ at once!

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Night Attack.