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03x47 - Multikickery / A XOX for Good

Posted: 07/02/23 06:25
by bunniefuu

just like superheroes


i don't care if everything's dusty why

do we have to clean it we

i am not a sidekick and you have to die

dumb arctic freezing machine

dumber dark matter cannon



cloning machine

that's it

now i can just double the stuff in the

same amount of time


wait a minute i'm getting an even other


welcome to earth clone i command you to

do all my chores for me so i don't have

to do anything but fun stuff start with


i don't care if everything's dusty i

know right

you know i like your attitude we should

totally hang out but who's gonna do all

our chores


so none of you will do anything no not

no way hey no

huh that's what i'd say want to get some

burgers yeah all right okay

hey guys what's up hey you guys seem

kind of familiar


nope total blank

okay i always dreamed of this and uh so

many erics

i need a sip of water

i always dreamed of this too

doomsday scenario number 455 universe

destroyed by world full of eric's i'm

going home to work on my

trans-dimensional escape wormhole

abandoned fries called it

my fries are coming with me

so who's ordering not me do it yourself

i'm hungry me too

so how are we gonna get our food then



seriously someone has to get the food

not me sorry yourself i'm hungry



best day ever and i learned so much

about myself hanging out with myself i'm

bad at sharing i'm really easily amused

and i'm still lactose intolerant

oh yeah that's me

i like how you guys really get me now

make some room on my bed for eric numero

uno i'm pooped no way out of your own

bed snooze you'll lose

great like i'll be able to get to sleep



i'm still hungry me too who's gonna make

us some snacks


make snacks for us

no way

make snacks for us

make snacks for us no way







something's weird

hey did you put this mirror here nope it

was always there oh



did you guys make more clones oh yeah

the whole night they're awesome dudes

i'm gonna make some more right now

they don't look so good

what's happening to me


great and now i have to pee

come on

we're gonna need a bigger bathroom

i'm sorry eric but all this cloning is

draining your life essence so what i'm

fading away but this is my favorite

shirt eric you have to get rid of those

clones or you're going to

fade away completely

which though awesome would lead to

doomsday scenario number 416 ghost of

eric destroys planet

we got to get rid of these malty dorks

they're not dorks they're erics


anyway we have to lure them back into

the cloning machine and set it to d

clone why don't you just ask them

they're your clones if i ask them it'll

sound like work and they won't do it you

are very lazy you know that right

trevor don't sweat it bro just flowing

in my nachos

nobody touches my nachos

now i'm thirsty

can we clone some root beer

nachos and root beer that's it trevor

you're a genius i'm gonna need to borrow

your nachos

come again i need your nachos for my

plan to get rid of the clones before i

fade away forever

i'm gonna need a minute


i'm sorry eric i just can't do it the

answer is no


where is everyone

and where are my


nachos all right erics

get ready for the first ever eric

general assembly of eric and pseudoerex

wow you're even boring yourselves give

me hell there's a nacho time cheese

trapping at the fart dough


wow you know me so well sadly yes i

wonder what that means ew it means snap

out of it

nacho time fart dome



that's just not right

i know eric but i'm going in




oh eric you're so faded there's almost

no you left for me to obsess over you

better hurry up they're going through

those nachos like a pack of





let's do this kitty deploy the master



i'll get their attention

time to easily amuse myself




hey you eric's must be thirsty wouldn't

you like some nice cold root beer

i know i would

he's up to some kids i don't trust

it's not working of course i'd see

through my own trap i know myself too


wait a sec


wait what's this a mint condition

marvelous maxum man issue number one

signed by maxum man himself

now you guys can all read it

all you have to do is



it's working

it is


i guess we all learned a lesson here

today but when you make too many copies

of something the original loses its

value that's why we shouldn't pirate tv


and it's also why the stars in the sky

and the sand on the beach are worthless

yep you said something here have some

nachos thanks


so thirsty


what happens if the original eric

declones himself easy a paradox that

would snuff out the entire universe


doomsday scenario number 274.


for my photo essay on the super that

inspires me most i present maxum man the

untold story now the told story first


one pick wrong pick the skill the

craftsmanship each one a masterpiece of




thanks to her needles and his mucus we

will now have a surprise blackout quiz

you may commence your eric pumbling at



well at least this day can't get any



thanks docs you're


that's such a zox thing to say zox

okay i am zox but not the zocks you know

and clearly have serious anger issues

with i'm a good guy

yeah right and i'm an evil villain

actually you're the world's most evil



let me get this straight your world is

the opposite of my world so when your

splitsboro good is evil and evil is good


meaning wrong no meaning yes stop go i'm

getting the hang of this opposite stuff

in my splitsboro your opposite evil eric

defeated all the supers and took over

the entire town cool

i mean opposite of cool as the only

super left it was up to me to stop him

then one night i captured this on my


how do you work this thing where's the


it's a new model here we go yes my

mysterious friend together we will not

only rule this splittsboro but every

splitsboro in every dimension including

that of my arch-nemesis ordinary eric

ordinary eric does this look ordinary to



i need you to come to the opposite world

help me stop evil eric before he does to

your splitsboro what he did to mine

ordinarily i would but i'd rather stay

here in my ordinary mansion with my

ordinary friends who admire and respect



are you through

yeah pretty much when can we go


and when can we go back don't worry i've

done this before stay right behind me


side dorky right where i always leave it

at my mansion


if we run into brain let me evil eric do

the talking i'm a pretty good actor you



good evening master how may i do your


yes uh

line find out where evil eric is

find out where evil eric is i i mean uh

i am i mean um where would i be if i

weren't here

which i am

is something wrong your handsomeness

well since you asked i could use a snack

or a back rub

or a snack rub one snack rub coming

right up

evil eric you hunchback bucket of bolts

it'll let me do the talking

super intruders you wait until the real

master eric gets back from school he's

going to

school of course the opposite of where

i'd be maybe he is maybe he is not

either way what are you going to do

about it oh just this

lemmy come on let me go i want to find

evil eric

come on


okay here's us here's evil eric's


here's the cookie cupboard the cookie

cupboard you don't expect me to fight my

evil opposite on an empty stomach i

guess not boy i sure am glad you're here





you're little

eric my most evil student what a

pleasant surprise

i hate you so much

what what

you're just in time to show your

imbecilic classmates how to properly use

the interrogator matrix

any volunteers to play eric's captured

super oh

oh great



sorry for interrogating you like that

repeatedly you did what you had to do to

keep from blowing your cover at least

when i blacked out the last time you

found out what evil eric is writing out


uh right

no but i did get my first a plus


stop right there huh

i knew something was fishy when you

restarted his heart you're helping socks

aren't you i i can explain don't bother

eric there can be only one explanation

zox is controlling eric's brain save




he wasn't at the mansion or at school

if i were evil where would i be hospital

no that's not it seriously i need a

hospital i think i broke something

make that everything your medical

emergency will have to wait

needles you fiend how did you crack my

robot security codes he didn't i did

socks yes i meant my socks ordinary

socks evil socks you know socks socks he

was the mystery man from the

video pretty devious isn't it and now

with the two of you out of the way

another splittsboro will be ours for the

taking robots destroy eric and zone

no the other arrogant socks

multiple targets cannot comply

this is our chance i'll take me you take

you get us


this is getting us nowhere

this is for all the other supers

look a baby kitten tied to the railroad


with a nut allergy oh i'll save you

kitty cat good little kitty

got it

good guys are so gullible

you forgot one thing boys in the

opposite world evil always wins

i failed again now they're taking over

your ordinary splitsboro and you'll be

stuck here forever don't feel bad

opposite splitsboro is actually kind of

cool i haven't been feathered or

wedgied all day and that's a new record

you're right and now that they're gone

we can be the heroes of splitsboro

together put up there


here take it you can have your ordinary

splitsboro you know you need to get some

new friends hey you don't know what

you're talking about i have the best




have you been ever your picking pics

just went viral

i don't know who could have posted them

booger demilo has a kajillion hits

already it's official you're the biggest

joke in splitsboro

