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03x44 - Eric and the Maxum Brain Factory / Trip Van Twinkle Toes

Posted: 07/02/23 06:20
by bunniefuu

just like superheroes


nothing like a peaceful float in the old

maxim pool huh trevor

not cool guys i know a certain uptight

hovering computer that's gonna be so

repeat chill ladies try it you know you






you're lucky i didn't flush them down

the pool drain like last time

great party

where am i

you gotta chill with your safety rules

and emergency procedures already who

needs them you do i am the most powerful

super computer on earth but instead of

servicing the needs of a superhero i am

babysitting a super slob

i am not a bubblegum disposal unit an

underwear warmer no we're a beverage


sometimes i wish you'd just pack your

hard drive and leave oh you'd like that

yes i would oh you'd really like that oh

yes i really want to oh you're really


chase people

well maybe i


will and another thing

oh no you didn't just leave but you will

know when i tell you to leave and it's

really time to leave

let's see how this plays out don't turn

your back on me i've got plenty of stuff

to complain about one who asked you to

iron my underwear in the first place


seven 7659 bed bugs can be pets and

that should do it

i'm glad we have these souvenirs of our

trek through beardo slovakia to keep us

warm oh yeah you bad so how goes the

argument it just took an interesting



look at all the touchable doohickeys

what is this place and where's spring

go no further


how about turning up the light so you

can see who dares genius you are right

that has been much better

welcome to my amazing maxim brain


this is the most brilliant inventor in

the history of inventing maximus r

branius creator of maxum brain


i do enjoy the visitors i get them so


but why are you here we followed maxum

brain hey where is that box of bolts

anyway hmm i've activated the homing

beacons and all the older brain models

so they would return to my factory for

an upgrade oh so that explains why brain

was acting like such a zombie that or

his zombie mode switch might have

activated you never know when you need

an army of zombie computers to serve you


i have said too much who wants an iheart

maxum brain t-shirt i do

how sad

look at the toxic waste

technology comes with a price to our


i repeat how sad


last stop on the door this is where all

the 1.0 maxum brains will be incinerated

what oh did i say incinerated i meant

destroyed vaporized

recycled into a dark diaper but you said

you were upgrading the maxim brains oh

yes but the upgrading is total i must

destroy all inferior models you can

watch but it is disturbing

a note to self do not program 2.0 models

to scream in pain

what was i thinking

maxum brain


sure we've had our problems but

paper eyes


this is also sudden

look away


enough sadness do not weep for your lost

friend he was old and out of date

rejoice for he will be reborn as the new

maxum brain 2.0

wow this makes maxum brain's horrible

destruction yesterday's news

it's so shiny must

okay activate going on


do your homework


ah yes the brain 2.0 is 1 000 times more

rule applying than previous brains it

has a gps rule breaking locator and

state-of-the-art mag

matrix excuse me children it seems that

one of my robots has learned to think on

its own

must snip that in the bud

enjoy your new computer


right maxum brain may have been a nag

but at least he put up with my classic

eric tude not like this piece of junk


oh we are so getting our maxim brain

back even if i have to put him back

together piece by piece

and as for you

and run



he's still alive we've got to get him

down before he's melted into unicorn

horns and magic or whatever computers

are made of oh eric we have to talk




nice job amigo

well at least i tried

brain wake up


no this brain might be broken down and

annoying but he's the brain i want time

for plan b

reboot would have been enough and much

less reporting but whatevs let us get

out of here




i did it

you really have to stop saying that


i can't go in there my circuits will

surely short-circuit would you rather be


you are right

for once cover my eyes i do not want to




design breaks in all 3.0 models

i can't believe it saved by the same

toxic sludge that threatens our planet

don't rub it in okay

but it's great for my pores

this does not process why did i not

explode like my more advanced


looks like eric's undies absorbed all

the sludge and this old bubble gum

shielded your vital components

very eric filth i always hated saved me

in the end no need to thank me just

admit i'm always right always right

always right like how you were right

about filling your mattress with live

geeks what it's still feathers or how

about the time you use little dark

diaper as a slingshot what's wrong with

that how about the time you tried to

build a model of the taj mahal to full



here i am in sunny siberia here i am

eating themselves

here i am not the biggest snow monster

in the snow boring


feast your eyes on these babies

i'm blinded by beauty and also intense


i'm glad that you get those fine booties

i'll never

why didn't i think of that


cool cats and jive dogs looking to turn

those squares into circles who wants to

rock around the block till it's hot dog

o'clock what what what i don't get it

hustle up your hind paws and let's turn

those hot marks into cool walks


my eyes

what do you use those things for kitty

circus employment

all i need is two love boots and i'll be

just like everyone else it'll be like

none of this ever happened you can do

licorice sticks two left feet don't make

a right boot and we're square we're out

of southpaws please have you checked the

whole store

what about those whoa

nope sorry lefty no can shoe now

everybody let's boogie


these boots totally make me want to


i think i have

the phone





that's what you get for trying lefty



your dancing is

earth shattering

hey maybe you should swap your seismic

boots for a pair of our jazzy new ones


my boots cause giant awesome earthquakes

yours are sparkly why would i switch

cause all the cool kids are wearing them

duh not all the cool kids

come on kids time to get back to the




i circle walked back to the store

curse you two left feet

but since i'm here

secret boot plan activate nah that

sounds too keen


operation i control the world with my

evil boots

now that sounds like super villain


do you think i'd still be getting if i

had a choice

you don't as long as you got those

dazzle jazzles on your downstairs hands

there's nothing you can scat diddly do


seriously would you please just speak


i'm hip to your lingo friend

he means as long as you wear those boots

you're under his control

you're not as dim as your two feet look

a burn

he said look

so crazy aside

why are you doing this i come from a

family of world famous dancers who never

thought i was good enough to earn the

name van twinkle toes but that's all

gonna change once i turn splittsboro

into my own private dance troupe and no

goofy two left-feeted little girl is

gonna stop me well i'm gonna try yeah

you and what dancing army oh wait i'm

the one with the dancing army




don't k*ll me now

it's you i know isn't it awesome

we never get to hang out like this and

with an angry dancing shoeman after us a

bonus you made me feel awful about my

two left feet and now he's forcing my

friends to attack me i think it's time

to turn your two lefty into two left

feet lemonade trevor made that once it

was gross

i mean it's time for you to snap out of

it that's easy for you to say do you

think i always love my seismic boots

kids used to make fun of me

but no i wouldn't change them for

anything they're totally part of who i


they make me special wow and you forgave

all the people who made fun of you


hardly i saw his most something silly

oh the point is you've got to own your

two left feet kitty they're the only

ones you've got

you're right




not till i find her

i never want to dance again

keep practicing kids only perfection is

good enough for a van twinkle toe hold

it right there trip

it's time to put the off and dance off a

dance-off against you

good luck okay

loser doesn't take over splitsboro with

his army of dance zombies winner gets

uh something really really good that's a

bit vague but i accept

has your two left feet itis spread to

your brain you're a terrible dancer oh

am i yes you are oh is she yes she is

i'm doomed to dance forever

this is gonna be slip sliding simple

come on kids

it's show time


admitted toots you got nothing now just

stand for you while we tap tippity tap

you into oblivion

i can't do this

sure you can time to make those freaky


wait why are your lips all curlicued


running down

hold on


stop is wow twisted before a temple

toppled to the ground

my two left feet might not be good for

dancing but they're all mine


have a nice trip


well since you did save us i suppose we

can still be friends despite your

hideous foot problem ah that's really

great of you vana

what are you doing i'm taking your


you wouldn't

