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03x41 - Teacher's Pet / Opossum Man

Posted: 07/02/23 06:14
by bunniefuu

just like superheroes


ah come on

more and by more i assume you mean all

less talking more too much popcorn adam

hey kid have you seen my

who's to blame for this


trevor this just might be your greatest

idea yet

you flatter me sir

let there be boring




that's it this is gonna snap

right now


no whoopee cushion no whoopee chair

no bird smell

no human fart smell

trevor's missing nope

transferred to another school


aloha my friend

trevor what's going on dad says you're a

bad influence so he sent me to a new


but you're the bad influence not

according to my finger which has a

tendency to blame people for things they

didn't do

bad finger

oh i could never stay mad at you

anyways my new school's on a super cool

luxurious full of all-you-can-eat

buffets cruise ship

i know

i have to go to the bathroom um i have

to go also

we get all the freelays you can eat

and super brain freezing smoothie


friends shouldn't have to endure new

schools alone i'm on my way


this contract states maxum man's

sidekicks must complete their education

at the sidekick

it took all that paper to say that it's

in 1 000 point font so yeah

i am sidekicking instructor super

special ed yeah and the key to learning

is to have fun yeah fun

what is this fun huh um here it is


amusement or enjoyment we never had fun

at our old sidekick school this saddens

me as in boohoo

but we will have so much fun that you

will burst with the fun yeah fun

oh yeah










would you like to share my pickles


this is very exciting when i was your

age i never got the chance to sit with

the cool kids i know right i'm fine to

be around if you can get past the milk

mustaches with acid reflux

he is so needy i have to transfer to

trevor school now


curse my tiny feet and lack of balance


that was close

there you are i shaved you some pickles

barely even touched the toilet


almost got you your turn


i'm outta here


school dance yeah tonight and the little

birthday told me you're quite the dancer



this goes out to my partner hair needle


no we'll never dance with you who said

you have a choice





eric here

eric still here okay class and by class

i mean

certain chapter 25 how to play decoy for

your soup

a decoy


i have overhead slides if you'd like to

take some home

return them at your leisure

now playing decoy is an important

what is this


forgive me eric all that line dancing

last night was quite exhausting

you know that i'm cancelling class so we

can go on a field trip to the super cape

rehabbing museum

exciting yeah







okay who's next we have to keep the fun

train rolling choo-choo

i am


i'm next


trevor i missed you buddy i missed you

too schmoopy quick

fire me into the sky i am craving fun

big time

okay get ready to kiss the clouds

or on second thought no second thoughts

no second time




wait here derek i just have to see a man

about a horse and when i say horse i

mean go to the bathroom

hey lady this is the men's room

uh-oh who is responsible for this yeah


i forgive you for ruining everything

and i do not it is for first time angry

aloha class for some reason i have been

transferred and are now the new

headmaster of the school which is also

for some reason sinking and you'll know

what that means abandon ship nine

hail hill needles fail oh man

can i at least go to the bathroom nine


never mind


uh why do we take crime street

it's a shortcut to safe avenue


i master criminal the masked crook has

found themselves some suckers best

villain name ever

figures the one day i bring my piggy

bank collection

well you picked the wrong sucker to try

to um sucker and not right there


i am

opossum man and i make crime play dead

because that's what possums do

it's that cool new super everyone's

talking about oh he's so dark

boy berman take it from here

you got it furry knight

uh hey eric isn't that

it might be him hard to tell without the

ragged clothing and stink cloud

but what's he doing with the super

that's my thing i'm the famous orphan

pulled from obscurity and thrust into

the limelight to work as a sidekick to

the world's most famous superhero not


um not that i care wow he's a sidekick

just like you


not just like me did you not listen to

anything i just said you're right he's

nothing like you his super is actually

fighting crime instead of disappearing

all the time and glenn seems to be a

talented and trustworthy sidekick unlike

you who is well


and look he even has fans what fans



i have fans too

and look how he fills out that uniform


having only seen him in action for 7.9

seconds i can easily say that he's

better than you at everything



is that you


oh hi glenn

my boyhood hero my pal my idol


look at me would ya oh i'm looking oh

yeah yeah

we're both sidekicks to awesome supers

it's our dream come true buddy twinsies

back to the opossum then boy vermin

my job here is

all done

that's my cue gotta go

most new supers go bust in their first

year you know

that'll never happen to a possum man

he's the greatest hero ever


you're down for the count opossum man

cool he's got catchphrases too

takes more than a snappy catchphrase to

be a real sidekick

a real sidekick here might declare this

super mini mart open never fear

opossum man



and don't arrived boy berman


thank you opossum man and boy vermin for

keeping our city safe and opening this

over the pants underwear store

you're welcome mary swift


vernon thinks he's so great with his

awesome catchphrases and superhero who

was actually there

maxum brain you gotta help me

no time eric opposite man has offered me

a position in the new opossum den he is

so pleasant

well i can always count on my pals

you have reached kitty and trevor for

some reason we share an answering

machine we are also not out cheering for

a possum man

i opossum man vow to put criminals where

they belong


into my protective pouch


traitors sorry eric but apostleman is

just so awesome look he gave me this

official autographed apostle man awesome

chill eric even you got to admit opossum

man's pretty cool




glenn gets to do all the coolest

sidekick stuff and he's totally rubbing

my face in it sweeping up loose opossum

fur is totally rubbing your face in it

hey don't knock it till you try it it's

great to see you eric hey i almost

forgot opossum man is thinking about

adding a girl sidekick to the dirt

digging duo do you know anyone who might

be interested


no i do not july


check it out


my friend a possum man must need me to

sweep up more of his fur droppings for

dropping show off i bet i could sleep

better than him he's such a great guy

taking all my glory my fans my first

sweeping let's show him

the new opossum den lunch buffet is

awesome the opossum back massager


and you know glenn is the nicest kindest

best person i ever met

so so how would you like to destroy his

superhero and ruin him um sure i got

nothing else going on


the marsupial signal will lure them in

opossum man won't be such hot stuff once

i expose his secret identity supers hate

that this maxum d costume made a rainbow

do the trick shh here they come

never fear opossum man has responded

wait my rat sense is tingling

something's not right here


the intradimensional agitator

we just set up this booby trap and suck

opossum man into the void of nothingness

then it's goodbye super and by

association goodbye

sidekick i don't know that new opossum

den is pretty tough to get into front

door has a lock no problem

all super hq share super sewers

regular pipes can't handle super sewage

it's a split spur of bylaw


better bring the hand sanitizer

hey potential possum mites while opossum

man and i are on patrol keep watching

the den okay i sure will oh no you don't


done one press of this and that

pink-nosed pest and his precious

sidekick are out of my life forever


what are you doing here go in

uh aren't you on patrol i forgot the

throat roughner spray opossum man isn't

the same without it hurry along boy

furman i have crimes to

deal with



you know eric i've been thinking about


stop glenn i've been thinking about you

a lot stop smiling at me i've been

thinking about two kids from the

orphanage who used to wear tissue boxes

for shoes stop reminiscing and how those

kids are now the town's most awesome



hatred draining away

jealousy being snuffed out



hug feels


and to think i was gonna use this too

hey where'd it go


no trevor my anger and jealousy

how could i forget trevor's obsession

with red buttons okay buddy i'll give

you anything you want just please don't

press it



wow the mind boggles

what should i oh i know

i want to press the button


what's the hold up boy vermin i have

evil to do stuff too

it's only an endless dimensional

wormhole no biggie right


hug i will have my revenge witness the

birth of the dark boy vermin

that's better it's so dry in your possum

then i know

is it ever so very dry wanna pummel him

me first