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02x38 - Adventures in Supersitting / Mandy-o and Eric-et

Posted: 07/02/23 05:27
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized superzeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!





We're never getting out of here alive!

Stick with me, kitty!

(Attack yell)


(Baby wails)


(Giggles and claps)

Kitty he likes cream of radioactive broccoli.

Who woulda thought?!

(Loud belch, vomit splats)

(Screams) I can't take babysitting anymore!

Where can we find a sucker

To take this monster off our hands?

Me! No me!

Give it!

Give me the remote! It's my turn!

All hail the king of the remote!

Oh, trevor!

Trade ya.

(Gasps) yes!



(Growling like a dog)

So predictable!

(Doorbell rings)

(Remote button beeps)


Hey, eric!

(Gasps) it's vana!

She finally came to visit without me begging first!


Hello, vana...

And other girl who is often with her.



Hey, eric, you're looking... Not as awful today.


Wait a sec, that's a compliment.

I think.

I wouldn't get your hopes up, champ.

(Disappointed groan)

I was just saying to kitty

That when I need someone to help me in a crisis,

I can always count on (gags) you.

Trevor you did? Kitty you did?

Quiet, kitty.

I'm barely holding it together here!

Oh yeah. Sure.

I totally need a favour

And you are my... (Barfs in her mouth)

Favourite guy.

Wow! Sure! Anything for you, vana.

I need you to babysit.



(Loud thunderclap)

Whoa! Ungh!

(Groans in pain)

Aw! Aw! Aw!

(Lasers blast)



T-t-too m-m-many b-b-b-babies.

B-b-b-b-b-babies. (Whimpers)

It's okay, eric. (Sniffs)

It's okay.

Agh! Eric, it's just one tiny baby!


Aggggghhhhhh! I mean...

No, thank you.

There is nothing in this entire universe

That could ever get me to babysit.



Well, you shoulda led with that!

Let's get this babysitting started!

(Rattle rattles)







(Surgical beeping)

(Pee squirts)



What do we do with it now?

I think we should watch it from a safe distance

Until vana and kitty get back.

(Spit squirts)

Maxum brain eric, you are being disgusting again!

Eric (whispering) it wasn't me - this time.


Ohhh! What a cutie!

You little scamp.

Coochie, coochie, coochie-coo!

Are you hiding from this adorable baby?

No, no, not hiding! We're, um, playing.


(Frightened gasps, lasers blast)



I think he sees you!

(Stapler clicks)

Super-babies are so cute!


Vana never told me he was a super baby!

That's like a billion times worse than a normal baby.

(Phone rings)

It's eric!

What is it now, eric?

Vana, matt's a super-baby!

Yes, eric, matt's a super baby.

He's the son of captain uppercut!

I love captain uppercut!

I gotta get this kid's autograph!

Trevor, no!

(Laser blasts) agghhh!

I am so selling this arm online!

This town is full of super-babies.

Who did you think we'd be babysitting?

But me babysitting a super-baby

Is gonna get me k*lled!

You better not let me down, needles!

I mean iittttt!


She's right. I can do this.

I will do this!

No baby is going to get the better of me -


Not even a super-baby!

(Laser blasts) aghhhh!

You are so pathetic.

Why do you not stand clear

And let the super child care expert take over?

Be my guest, if you know so much.

I do know so much.

Before I was maxum brain, I was maxum nanny.

Oh, good times.

Clearly, this little super-cutie is just wanting some playtime.

Now let's see if uncle brain can remember

Where he put maxum man's old baby things.




(Shrill scream, evil laughter)

Oh, not that.

Ah, there you have it!

Super baby toys!

(Heavenly choir sings)

(Happy giggling)


No, trevor, don't!


(Trembles and whimpers)


Laser crayons?!


Plush robot puppies?!



Play grow dough?!

(Muffled struggles)



(Dog growls viciously, eric screams)

(Pained groan)


Trevor really gets along with babies!

It takes one to know one is what I am thinking.

Hey, if you help me out,

Maybe I can actually survive super-sitting.

Helping you goes against my programming,

But how can I resist that little darling.

(Laser blasts)

(Gasps) an anti-gravity blankie!

(Grunts of effort)

I don't think that trevor or matt

Ever learned about cooperation.

(Struggling grunts)

Ooh, that can't be good.

I am thinking not.

(Baby wails)

(Glass shatters)

(Trevor screams)

(Baby wails)

(Laser blasts)

Eric, now might be the time to try something...


Me?! You're the nanny!

Are you kidding?

That little super-monster terrifies me!

Try something. Anything!

(Clears throat)

♪ Hush little baby...

What is that?!

You said to try anything; it's a lullaby.

Lullabies calm down babies, right?

He can't even hear you!

Here! Try again!

♪ Hush little baby don't say a word ♪

♪ Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪

Trevor trevor doesn't cooperate!

Bah! It's not working.

This can't get any worse.

(Baby wails)

(Wailing echoes)

(Babies wailing)

(Babies wailing)

Oh, surely now it cannot get any worse.

(Phone rings) it's vana!

Clearly we must stop saying it cannot get any worse.

Vana eric, what is going on?

I'm detecting a level tantrum-quake.

Vana I was nice enough to let you help me out

And this is how you thank me:

By ruining my babysitting reputation?!

No! There's no tantrum!

We're just, um...

Pretending to be a rock band!


We're on our way,

And I expect that baby to be napping

When I get there!

What do we do?

I don't know what is scarier:

A swarm of angry super-babies

Or a single angry vana!

I gotta have something in here!

(Keys clink)

(Monkey screeches)


No! No! No! Mine!

Eric behold!

The precious cookie.

I have only one left and I know you both want it.

The only question is who gets it?

Trevor me. Me! Me! Give it to me!

(Excited cries) come on! Come on!

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Hold it!

You can fight over it endlessly

Or you can cooperate and share;

It's up to you.






Kitty eric?

Vana look!

He's all ready to go.


And clean as a whistle!

Wow. I never thought I'd say this,

But eric did good job.

Where is he?

You should thank him.

I'm telling you, kitty, this "nice vana" thing

Is k*lling me!

(Muffled screams)


I have no more cookies!

I swear!

Do we believe him?

(Squeaking "no")

You were right all along, eric.

Cooperating is fun!

Do it, boys!

(Lasers blast, eric screams)

Trevor (laughing evilly)



Aghhhh! Brain freeze!


I was just fake slurping!

Crud-shakes are cooled with liquid nitrogen!

Here, the crud-chili'll warm you right up!

(Whistle blows, flames roar)



(Groans in pain)

Mandy (laughs) gotcha!

It's made with super heated plasma

From the centre of the sun!

(Sighs) you're so cool to hang out with, mandy.

You don't spy on me, or pummel me,

And you haven't poked me with a stick once!

(Groans) I just wish I could tell my mom about you.

She doesn't like me hanging out with (spits)...

Good guys.

I know!

I had to lie to maxum brain too.

He takes a pretty dim view

Of me hanging out with (spits) bad guys.

Whoa! (Loud crash)

(Both laugh)

(Both sigh)

(Door creaks)

(Heavy stomping)


(Boot fizzles)

Where have you been?!

The library of evil closed hours ago!


I was volunteering at the supervillain old age home?

I admire your lying to me, mandy,

But if you were doing something non-evil,

Then all the lying in the world

Isn't gonna win me over.


I was hanging out with eric needles again.

He's a good influence on you,

And I won't have it!

It's time you took your proper place

Among the evil elite.

We're throwing a party

And inviting all the wrong people!

But mom! What's wrong with eric?

Good and evil can never mix!

I'm putting my foot down!

(Resounding thud, house shatters)

The party's on friday night.

Or as soon as I have the house rebuilt.


Agh, man!


Where is your evil friend?

Evil friend?

I don't have an evil friend. Uh, that's crazy talk!

Don't lie to me!

You are maxum man's sidekick!

The super charter expressly forbids you

From fraternizing with...

"Doers of evil or enemies of goodness.

I forbid you from ever seeing that girl again!



Eric mandy, it's over.

Maxum brain says I can never see you again.

He says you're evil.


My mom said the same thing about you.

Well, with good in place of evil.


She's throwing an evil coming-out party for me,

This friday night at o'clock.

I can't believe I can't come.

Mandy I know!

On friday night at my house.

If only I could be there!

I'm so sad you "can't" be there.

I know! You don't have to rub it in!

I... Ohhhh!!!

I definitely "won't" be at your party

At p.m. On friday. (Giggles)





(Party chatter, music plays)

(Clears throat)

(Xox spits)

(Clears throat)


(Resounding thud)

(Ceiling pieces crash and shatter)

Thank you all for coming.

Allow me to present to you the future of evil,

My daughter, mandy struction!

(Fireworks pop, guests ooh and ahh)

You look positively apocalyptic.

Thanks, mom.

Now, go mingle.

There's so much evil in this room

I can't stand it!

(Sighs) eric, where are you?





(Loud belch)

(Whispering) mandy?


Come on in, eric! The dip is fine!


This party is for you.

I know, mom, but...

You can make new friends - evil friends.

You just need to get out there, put on a frown and mingle.

Here, I was saving this for later, but...

(Gasps) my own destructo-ray?!


Now go destroy something.

(Evil chuckle)

(Laser blasts)

(Panicked screaming)

But soft!

What light through yonder stairway breaks?

(Laser blasts) aghhh!

It isn't soft at all!

Aggghhh... My looking spheres!


Par-ty! Waa-hoowww!

Mandy eric?





(Steady metallic thuds)

(Lasers blast)

(Car skids and crashes)


The whole world is against us hanging out together,

But I've never felt so alive!

Me either!

I'm all warm and tingly!

Actually, there's a mutant cockroach under your shirt.


(Cockroach screams)

Phew! They're wrong -

All of them.

Good and evil can get along.

Nothing will ever keep us apart again.

(Booming expl*si*n)

Cindy I told you to stay away from my daughter.

You're too good for her!

(Angry growls)

Trevor hey, what's going on?

What's everyone doing here?

We gonna pummel eric or something?

Leave him alone, evil-doers!

He's all mine...

Eric what? Kitty what? pummel at will!

Eric oh. Kitty oh.

Are we gonna pummel eric or something?

See what you started?

Now there are good guys (spits)

All over the evil side of town!

Maxum brain eric,

Sidekicks and hench girls are forbidden to be together.

It's in the charter!

This is it. We have to make a choice.

It's now or never.

We'll either stand together

Or fall together.

(Angry shouting)

(Angry shouting)

Or we could run for our lives.

Or that.


(Ground cracks and trembles, buildings rumble)


What now?

We'll be safe on the good side of town!

Come on!


Maxum brain evil is forbidden!

Cindy good is forbidden!

(Fizzles and stomps)

(Ground cracks and rumbles) aghhhh!






(Shattering crash)

Maxum brain (clears throat awkwardly)

Both have we met?

Eric where are we?

Mandy who cares?

It's gotta be safer than where we were.

Eric it's xox's evil man cave!

Cindy mandy, where are you?!

Maxum brain come back here kitty eric!

What are we gonna do now?

Look around.

This is an evil lair, there's gotta be something.



A-ha! A freeze-ray.

They want to tear us apart, but with this... (Cocks g*n)

We can be together forever.


(Laser blasts)

(Angry yelling)



Eric, what have we done to you?

Mandy, (sobs)

I should have listened.

How could I have been so wrong?

Maybe good and evil can get along.

(Sobs) perhaps we were all wrong!


Whew! Wow!

Staying still like that is harder than you think.

But, but we thought that the freeze ray...

We thought that you were...

Eric figured that if we faked all this,

You guys would come to your senses

And see how wrong you were.

It was all his idea.

And it totally worked!

Man, you should have seen your faces.

Boo hoo! (Chuckles)

Woo boy howdy!

So we're all good, right?

Both get them!

(Angry shouting)


Trevor you comin' to whale on eric?

Everybody's doin' it!

Both come on, you know you wanna.

It's funny, but I kinda do.
