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01x25 - Four's a Crowd / Super Frenemies

Posted: 07/02/23 05:13
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!



Wow. Who woulda figured

Using maxum man's super-w*apon for a weenie roast

Would have led to such destruction?



(Eating sounds, belch)

Now that's good bbq.

(Yelling) my ears are still ringing!

We probably woke up everyone in town!

Uh... I don't think that's a problem.

(Winds gusts)

According to maxum brain useless and deserted body...

Splitsborro is disserted!

Except for us!

Oh well. At least he didn't suffer... Much.

I'm gonna see if I can find out what happened.

Anyone want to help?

I'm down!

(Stomach growls) but uh... Gimme a minute, okay?

'Cause that hot dog is not sitting well.

(Trevor farts) both ew.

Hey... Maybe there's some info in here?


If your seeing this

You've survived the apocalypse!

It is i, maxum man!

Today's lesson super-security measures!

Golly gee kid uh, maxum man?

Where's my safety suit?

Don't worry my agitated chum!

You don't need a suit at all!

(Relieved sigh)

Not where you're going...

(Energy hums)


Every hero worth his super name

Has an apocalypse evacuation system

In case of a giant meteor, an earthquake...

Or a weenie roast that's gotten out of hand.

Golly gee kid whoa-hhaaaaa!



This dimensional portal sucks the helpless townspeople

Out of harm's way.


The townfolk wait quietly until evil is vanquished

And they can safely return to earth.

Hi, golly gee kid!

Heeelllppp mmmmeeeee!

You're welcome!

Our nuclear weenie roast

Must have tripped the evacuation system!

Everyone's in a parallel dimension!'s just us here?

No teachers? No dad?

No anyone to tell us anything?

Both weeee!

We have complete and utter control of the entire town!

Guys! Don't you think we should be figuring out

How to bring the townspeople back, and-

(Excited giggling) (laser blasts)

Great, now we're alone,

And we have to make sure

Those two don't destroy the entire town.




(Stomach growls)

(Vomiting sounds)



(Effort grunts)

(Truck rumbles and honks)



Yes! Unsupervised super laser tag!

(Blast) ahhh!

I thought we were stopping them

From destroying the city.

We were, but hello...

Getting shot with lasers is fun!

But I guess, will do things your way,

The boring kitty way.



(Evil laughter, laser blasts)

(Evil laughter, laser blasts)


(Laser blasts)

Missed me!

You are just the worst laser-sh**t ever!

Oh really?

Shoo. Bad pig! Baaad.


Ew. Tastes like evil.


Punching holes in trevor is fun and all,

But maybe we should try to rescue the town?

You know, before the guys remember

The super hover-t*nk factory. Oop!

Both super-hover-t*nk factory!?


(Engines rumbles)

Eric now...

To do what any young boy in control

Of a super-neutron-plasma laser hover t*nk should do -


Eric! Stop!

You can't carve your face into the school -

Even though it would make it way cuter... (Chuckle)

(Horn honks)

Dude! What's the hold-up?

Enough destroying stuff!

Stop being such dorks

And let's get this town back to normal!

Well, excuse me...

But this dork is taking his laser canon and leaving!

Come on, trevor.

I still want to destroy the school!

Eric forget it! We'll destroy something else.

You're not the boss of me!

Hey, with everyone gone, no one is!

You only took that t*nk because I did it first.

Do whatever you want!

I will!

You do that.

I am.

Good. I'm so tired of them.

But what about the town!

We have to save the town!

You know what?

I'm tired of you too.

It's "the town this and the town that".

What about me, kitty?

Since this catastrophe started

Have you ever once thought about me?!

Sometimes, kitty, you are so selfish!

Eric giving me orders...

Copying everything I do...

I'm sick of having other people around!

(Breaks screech, backing up beep)

The l.a.s.e.r hall of fairness!

I bet there's some cool stuff in there.

Cool stuff that trevor won't have!

No one'll mind if I borrow a few things...

Since there is no one around that is.

(Evil laughter)

Trevor never noticed that before.

Not only has everyone disappeared,

But an evil secret lab has been transported to my house!

Which for some reason has xox's costume,

Weapons and a draft copy of his autobiography...

Thinking out of the xox - love, learning and evil.

And since xox isn't here,

He won't mind if I borrow a few things.

(Maniacal laughter)

Hello. Anybody here?

Oh! Oh my i...

I look amazing!

This is vana glama.

Good evening splittsboro?

I'm sure no one will mind if I borrow a few things.

(Maniacal laughter)

(Weeping uncontrollably)

All I wanted was to rescue the townspeople

From that other dimension!

Ooh, nice superconductor.


They ignored me like a punk.

Wow, a microcuircuit matrix de-stabilizer.

I'm sure no one will mind if I borrow a few things.

(Maniacal laughter)

Eric splittsboro, have no fear!

Super-awesome-cool-look-at-me eric is here!

Sweet name.

Oooh... That's good levitation.


Hey! What are you doing wearing xox's stuff?

You're not the only one that can "borrow" cool stuff...

Why don't you just find your own thing to do.

I'm the superhero!

I have found my own thing!

I'm the super-villain. Ha! Ha!

Live from downtown abandoned splittsboro,

I'm vana glama!

Channel , , ...

Don't bother flipping... I'm everywhere!

Eric uh, vana?

Juuuust about to have a super-hero slash

Supervillain face-off here...

Do you mind?!

I'm in the middle of a broadcast.

Yes, I do mind!

Queue battle music!

(Laser blasts) ugh!

(Snaps fingers)

(Laser blasts)


How about a little traffic update!?

(Snaps fingers)


(Big crash) huh?

Kitty bet it's hard to ignore me now. Huh?

Ha ha ha!

Did you hear something?

Not me.

Now where were we?

Oh right, super-battle to the death... Grr!



I control all the power in this town now!

Every computer, circuit or machine...


Now! As I was saying... Gah!

Super-awesome-cool-look-at-me eric can handle this.

Hey! I'm the super here! (Struggles)

What are you doing?

Get off me! (Roars)

Hey! I'm the only hero here.

(Laser blasts)

No. I am!

(Laser blasts)

Kitty think again!

(Laser blasts)




Trevor o-kayyyy...

Little too far?

Yeah! A little too far.

Maybe having no supervision

Wasn't the best thing for us after all.

Shouldn't we be trying to rescue the townspeople?

Oh ya. Kinda feels like a kitty thing.

You really dropped the ball there.

But... But...

I am very disappointed.

But... But...

Yeah. Nice going, kitty.

I'm sorry.

I can probably build something to get everyone back.

I should think so!

After your terrible behaviour-

Kitty done!

(Clears throat)

Sorry. Again.

(Energy hums)


Pamplemoose (gasp, screams)

What happened to the town?!

It's completely destroyed!

Who did this?

We didn't do it!

Oh. Right.


All (screams and clawing)

Kitty weeks banishment in the alternate dimension.

Vana I guess we learned our lesson.

Eric I know I did.

I really need adult supervison.

Who knew?

Trevor but aren't we all alone here in this dimension?


Vana let's fight. Eric okay.

(Figting grunts)

Eric get your ear out of my foot!

Trevor you smell!

Kitty you stink and that's worse.

Vana ew!




Why would you do that?

Um... It was an accident?


I really, really wanted to do it?

Yeah, that's the one!

I'm gonna risk it all and go with answer # .

Maxum brain eric! Eric ahhh!

I cannot believe you have blown the roof

Off of the mansion... Again!

You will be putting on a new one... Now!

Here are some nails. But no hammer for you!

Use your face.


(Energy hums)




Mmmm... Tastes like someone else's.

Want some?

Trevor, can't you see

I'm actually trying to learn something here?


Yes, yes I do.

Pamplemoose that is mine!

Never take something of mine,

No matter how choc-alluring!

But trevor gave it to me!

"Allegedly" gave it to you.

Nein! Detention for the both of you!

For a year! In the demon dimension!

(Evil laughter)

No. You can have lava, but no water. None.

(Slurp) (sizzles) aaaagh!

(Slurp) (sizzles) aaaagh!

Are you mad, or happy, I can't tell?

I'm gonna say... (Thinks) mappy?

Vana we should go see a movie tonight, kitty,

I'll even let you pay.

Um...thank you?

I'll go with you!

I'll pay for your ticket, your popcorn,

Limo service, a new wardrobe?

Vana (laughs)

Eric I'll sit on the opposite side of the theatre!

Okay you can take me,

But only if you don't embarrass me

In the next ten seconds.


(Eric happy dances, hums)

(Trevor joins in)


Please say that was more than seconds.

Vana don't ever talk to me, look at me,

Or even breath my air!


Eric it was trevor! He bumped into- oof!

Vana you're still buying me a new wardrobe.

I'll still go to the movie with you, eric!

I'll go anywhere with you...

(Kettle whistle whistles)


He gets me in trouble at home.

Are you gonna finish that?

He gets me in trouble at school.

Here, let me clean you off a bit...

(Students laugh)

And because of him, vana hates me!

More than usual!

Dude, that guy you're talking about

Sounds like a total jerk.

You bet he is!

Trevor, we're not best friends anymore!

(Shocked gasps)

In fact, we're not even friends.


Hmm. Hmmm.

What's that you said, kitty?

Kitty uh... I didn't say anything eric,

But I can say something if you want!

This is the best conversation we've ever had!

Eric (laughs)

Boy, you are hilarious, new best friend.

Best friend...?

I can't believe it!

It's like my wildest dreams are coming true!

Yeah, yeah, kitty.

Just don't stay on the chat hole, huh?

You're not the only one who can have a new best friend!

Behold the e friend-a-ma-bot!

Eric-robotic voice love trevor! Love trevor!

Nice friend. What did you do,

Just... Badly engineer him...

From trash... Or something?

Yes. (Pamplemoose hovers over)

Such a poorly constructed insult.

Another year in demon detention!

(Evil laughter)

Oh, come on!

Don't worry, eric, I'll wait for you!

Why are you talking to eric?

We are mad at him, remember?!


Kitty goodbye, best friend.


Not bad. Two and a half days without trevor

And not even a little bit in trouble.

(Groans)) that is because you have not left that couch

All weekend!

Well, dumping trevor is still the best thing I've ever done.

I mean, sure we used to have fun.

We loved the same shows, we k*lled at video games...


We'd go to swellburger

And stuff as much food in our mouths as we could

Before we hurled.

Trevor crammed a lot of food into-

(Snoring, muttering)

I'll just watch me and trevor's favourite show...

Uh, my favourite show.

(Chomp, boom! Audience laughs)

(Sighs) trevor would have loved that.

Trevor totally!

Trevor! Me!

(Both gasp)

What are you doing here?!

I'm...i'm here to watch our favourite show.

We always watch it together!

I don't think you understand

What us not being friends anymore means.

So maybe, this will help you out...


(Gasp) no! Not your back!

Fine, I didn't wanna stay anyway.

I just came back because... I forgot...

A couch cushion. And that's all!

And this remote... And this pig...

And this lint... And this eric...


Who does he think he is...

Just showing up from out of nowhere.

Kitty I know. What's up with that?

Best friend.

(Effort grunts)

(Celebratory) ha! Ha!


Finally, I can check out the evil gadget room

Without being blown up or sucked into a black hole

Or frozen in ice.

Yup, I am safe.

What fun is that?

Trevor, this has gone on long enough.

It's time to forgive and forget.

And then eric was all like, yaaabla!


(Robotic laugh)

What?! Are you making fun of me?!

I was just telling a story.

I came over here to ask you to be friends again,

But you can forget it!

You have no clue what being a good friend is like!

You are never gonna learn!

Whoa! Got any other words of wisdom?

Yeah! We are gonna settle this once and for all.

You and me. After school.

Super battle.

You are so going down!

(Students cheer) battle! Battle!

You ready?

Totally! You?!

Oh, I'm ready! Ready to take you out!


But I think we should warm up first!

Well, that makes sense.

(Stretching grunts, bones crack)

(Brushing sounds)

(Excited giggle) (ding)

Enough stalling!

I wanna see one or both of you

Get your butts kicked.

Let's go!

Hey! Watch it! You watch it!

Nobody talks to my eric like that!

Oh yeah? Yeah!

(Fighting grunts)

Super battle!

(Fighting grunts)




(Fighting efforts)

Aaaagh! Not the hair!

Not the hair!

You forgot. Not attached.



(Pained grunt)

Those tongs touched healthy food!

It burns! It burns!

Aaagh! Crumbs!

(Roar of anger)

Both aghhhhh!


Is that all you've got?

Yes! No wait!

E - destroy!

Destroy! Destroy!

(Electricity fizzles)



Even e-eric has turned on me!


(Pained, fighting grunts)


You want to hurt eric?

You're gonna have to go through me first!


Brain function damaged!

Reset to random destruction mode!

Of course trevor would program a random destruction mode.

What are you doing? He embarrassed me.

We don't like him, remember?

You're supposed to be my best friend!

Oh, I am a best friend, vana!

Eric's best friend!


All (gasp)


(Attack yell)

(Chanting) vana! Vana!

(Pained screaming)

What are they doing?

Yeah, they're best friends!

(Fighting grunts)

Girls! Stop fighting!

Whatever it is I'm sure you can work it out!

Nothing is too great a hurdle

For your friendship to overcome!


That was too sweet.

My teeth actually hurt.

Well, shall we get back to it?

(Fighting grunts)


We shouldn't be fighting either!

We're friends. Best friends.

And I'm just gonna have to learn to live with the fact

That you are never gonna change.

Finally! Was that so hard?

(Fighting grunts, screaming)

Destroy! Destroy! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Now let's get out of here

Before we get blamed for this, buddy.

You got it, pal!

Totally worth it.


No sweating!

(Both grimace, then clench)

(Fighting grunts)