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01x18 - Suit of Harms / Escape from Razzuma-traz

Posted: 07/02/23 05:05
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


(School bell rings)

Pamplemoose attention, class,

I vould like to introduce

My latest sidekick training device.

(Irritated) urrggghhhh!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Pamplemoose vhat, herr needles?

You can't be complaining already,

You don't even know vhat it is yet!

Uh, it's not that.

I was just wondering...

Isn't it kind of dangerous for him to be here?

Maxum mutt's the school mascot, eric.

Where else should he be?

I know that look.

He's thinking eric sandwich.

(Licks lips)

Kitty wuvs maxum mutt!

Yes she does! Yes she does!


(Barks) ahhhhh!

Students awww...

If you are done petting ze pretty puppy,

Vee continue vith ze class!

I present... Ze sidekick-apult!

What do we get to sh**t?

A spikey ball? A ball with spikey spikes?

Ooh! Ooh! A spike with bally balls?

Actually, it fires sidekicks! Hence ze name.

Cool! Spikey sidekicks!

Pamplemoose ah! A volunteer.

Wait! I'm not volunteering!

I wanted to say

That this looks danger-ahhhhhhh!

Three, two, one... Go!

Eric ahhhhh!

(Needles plink, eric whimpers in pain)

(Thunk) ungh!


Sandpaper... Really?

(Giggles) my idea.

Trevor my turn! (Excited giggle)

(School bell rings)


Aw, he likes you.

Um, why did you move his cage into the class

Right beside me again?

Because he's maxum man's dog

Und you are maxum man's sidekick.

Also, it's fun to watch you squirm.

(High-pitched whistle)

(Owl hoots)

Danke. (Thank you)

Okay students,

It seems like vee have a special guest today.

The minister of sidekick safety.

Good morning, class.

Recently, I've received many complaints

About sidekicks being bludgeoned, throttled,

Pummelled, poked, and even catapulted!

It is my task to see that this abuse stops!

Um... Isn't that our job?

You can't say sidekick without kick.

Or side! Or ideki!

What? That's a word.

Little girl,

Sidekick's do not have to put their lives in danger!

Which is why, from now on,

You'll all be wearing...

The sidekick safety suit!

Students (impressed) ooh...

(Unimpressed) awwww!

We have to wear that?!

It's going to clash with my...everything!

This is 'cause of all your complaints, isn't it?

Me? Complain?

About all the crazy stuff we have to do? Never!

No complaining from me. Yes. No way.

(Dog growls)

Students, I feel your lack of pain.

You are future sidekicks, strong und proud!

This is disgraceful!

Okay, don't panic, just rock and rock and rock

Until... (Starts snoring)

This is ridiculous.

What's the point if I can't slam,

And, more importantly, injure my opponent?!

(Grunts of effort)

These suits... Are awesome!

(Angry scream) uh, vana...?



Ahhhh! Ungh! (Boing)


(Angry growling)

This actually isn't so bad.

Kinda relaxing!

(Growls) (angry yell)



(Boing, boing... Eric laughs)


(Fizzles and explodes)

(Treadmills whir, mechanical arm boings)

(Loud blast)

(Canonball boings and clinks, trevor farts)

Eric oh man, rolling is so much better than walking.

Maxum brain ahhh!

What in the vorld are those?!

These are our new awesome protection suits,

Nothing gets in... (Farts)

And nothing gets out.

How are you going to be representing the great maxum man

Looking like... That?!

Hey, take it up with the minister of sidekick safety.

Now for some cartoons.

(Fleeing screams)

Maxum brain do not be changing my channel!

And I have never heard of this

Unheard of minister of sidekick safety!

Oh, he's only the most important

Administrative official in sub-sector d, zone .

I mean, he's the one

Who got us these awesome suits!

We'll just see about that!

Eric see? Look! You found his website!

I told you he was important.

Trevor why are there pop-up ads for xox's company

On his page?

Well...uh, anyone can buy advertizing!

Maxum brain hmm. It says his office is located

In the xox headquarters building.

Very convenient.

Now that's just coincidence!

Hey, his site has a live web-cam.

Really, brute? A live web cam?

That seems like something

You should probably warn me about next time, hmm?

Fine! The minister is xox,

And that makes these suits evil, blah, blah, blah.

Now for some cartoons.

Eric hey everybody!

The minister of sidekick safety is really master xox!

Vana or maybe you're so embarrassed

That your complaining got us trapped

In these ridiculous suits

That you're making up crazy stories!

No. He's totally xox!

Why would xox give us these suits?

(Locks clunk, grunts of effort)

Oh, that's why.

(Locks clunk)

(Grunts of effort)

Xox locked us in these suits!

No way I'm keeping this thing on all year!

It isn't even my colour!

(Alarm blares)

Pamplemoose security breach!

It's xox und his henchmen!


Let's get 'em!




(Woozy moaning)


(Evil laugh)

You snivelling do-gooders

Have the most dangerous w*apon in the world

And you don't even know it.

Well, soon it will be mine.

All mine!

For it is i, master xox!

Guess you figured that one out already, huh?

Psst! Minister dude,

I think those henchmen work for xox!

Well, at least he inherited my evilness.

Now, where was i?

Right. The ultimate w*apon!

Maxum mutt!

(Growls and barks)

I so told you guys maxum mutt was dangerous.

But nooooo! You guys were all like,

"We looooove maxum mutt!

He's the cutest puppy ever!

We hope he eats eric's brains!"

We never said that!

Yeah, he'd starve

If all he could eat was your brains.

Trevor ooh... Burn!

Master xox (ahem)

Can I take the dog now?


Pamplemoose needles!

I mean, not if I stop you first!




You're gonna regret this!

See, I told you this has nothing to do

With my complaints!

Hah! So you did complain!

(Dazed) blood rushing to head...

Must...enjoy it!

(Laughing) cool.


Pamplemoose I vouldn't do zhat, if I vere you.

No one can control ze maxum mutt,

Except for maxum man.


Well, what if I had a canine control chip?!

(Evil laugh)

When I implant this chip xox mutt will be mine!

We'll destroy cities! Countries!

(Evil laugh) (snarling bark)

Okay, programming canine control chip

For slobber reduction.

Vana when I get out of this,

I'm going to take out xox, then eric,

Then xox's henchmen, then eric again.

Why do I get taken out twice?!

Trevor hey guys!

Check it out! Monkey bars!

Kitty trevor? How'd you get up there?!

I do not remember.

Guys, give me a push.

I think I know how to get back into the school.

(Splash) ow! Ow!

I swallowed grass. Ow! (Spitting)

All right, good teamwork, guys.

Trevor, when I say jump, you-

Body slaaaaam!


(Boing, boing)

Ahhhh! (Splash)

Okay... Time for plan b.

Eric, vana and kitty ahhhhhhhhhh! Ungh!

Trevor ahhhhhhhhhhh! (Clank)

Oh yeah, that's the stuff.

Master xox (laughs)

You're just in time to meet my new

All-powerful w*apon:

Behold! Xox mutt!

You're still not done cutting the bars?


You have a lot to learn about timing.

You're through xox!

Let's play ball!


Eight ball in the corner pocket!

Vhat are you doing?

Mixing in a little tether ball!

(Whirring) whoa-whoa-whoa!


Agh! Ow!

Eric! The dog!

He's almost cut through the cage!

I gotta stop him!



(Woozy moans)

Wow! Za blast did not damage za cage.

You actually did something right for once!

(Clinking tap)

(Snarling and barking)

(Scared screaming)

Kitty this was a great idea!

Maxum mutt isn't dangerous at all.

He just wanted to play!

Ja, just a few hundred more fetches

And he vill be ready for nappies!

Who's ready for nappies?!

You're ready for nappies!

Eric oh, come on! Again?!

How many times?

Is this because I complained?

It's 'cause I complained, isn't it?

You think?

I'm gonna lodge a complaint about thiiiiiiis!




(Laser sizzles)

Pamplemoose ah, havhyee (hawaii). Tropical paradise.

Sand, sun, tiny umbrellas,

And most importantly, no shtudents!

(Students scream, laser sizzles)

My bad!

(Loud rumbling)

Gah! Ahhhh!

Ze substitute teacher is here.

Class, please velcome, ms. Razzuma.


(Sweetly) hello, my little kittens.

It's so nice to meet you.

My, you're all so adorable!

Aw, she seems sweet.

Yeah. Shveet.

Zo long, zuckers.

Not so fast!

Uh, maybe "sweet" was the wrong word.

I've been reading your report cards...


And I am not impressed.


And do you know what ms. Razzuma does

When ms. Razzuma is not impressed with a student?

Try to boost their self-esteem?

(Sweetly) close, my little guppy,

(Yelling) but no!

(Scared gasps)

She makes you study! She makes you work!

She makes you learn! And for that reason...

(Doors and windows slam shut)

All (panicked screaming)


For that reason, I have turned your school

Into a supermax prison of higher learning!

How does that help my self-esteem?


But vy am I shtuck here? I'm no piddley shtudent!

Someone is letting these little lambs fail

And when they fail you fail!

Do you really think zhese puny valls

Can keep me from getting my complimentary tote bag?

Ms. Razzuma well, what about this?!

(Building rumbles, everyone yells)

(Engines whoosh)

(Loud fart and splat)

Well, there goes my jumping out of the window plan.

Ms. Razzuma don't worry, my little door mice.

Razzuma will whip you into shape!

Ya, with real whips.

Ms. Razzuma (screams) quiet!

(Sweetly) all you have to do is pass my mega exam,

My little naked mole rat,

And I'll steer this school right back to earth!

So long as everyone passes, you'll be free in no time!

Everyone? Including trevor?

But that's impossible!

(Chuckles) she got that right!

You won't know until you try, and try,

(Getting louder) and try again...

(Screaming) training begins now!

Now, my little hedgehogs,

The test is simple:

Work as a team to avoid the obstacles

And rescue your super.

Pampy will help you, won't you, pampy?



Go! (Air horn blares)

All (scared screaming)

Herr needles! Rescue zat dummy!

(Scared grunts)

Hey! I'm doing it!

I'm- (in pain) ungh! Ohhhh...

Vana, disable ze hammers!


Oh! I broke a nail.

Way to go, needles!

Now what? (Gasps)

Fraulein kitty!

You must reprogram ze cannon firing sequence!




(Control panel beeps)

No! Wait!


Here comes the big blue one!



Nice... Okay, now!

Hold on, eric!

Twelve thousand bit encryption.

No problem!

Watch out for distractions, my little bunny rabbit!

Okay! Whoa!

(Mechanical whirring)

I'm-i'm trying, eric!

Trevor! It's up to you!

You are our last hope!

Did I really just zay that?

Trevor ahhhhh! Ha, ha, haaa!

I'm doing it!

He's doing it!

He's doing it?

Aghhhh! Ha, ha, ha! (Thud)


And there you go.

Good effort, little badgers,

But terrible effort!

Unless you study and pass this test,

You will be stuck in outer space!

What could be worse?

She can't keep us here forever.

I mean, we have to run out of air at some point, right?

Ms. Razzuma (chime) attention, my little aardvarks,

It's testing time.

Please return to the gym.

(Screams) now! (Sweetly) thank you!

I can't do it! I can't be pummelled again.

I'll never pass that test.

Pamplemoose nein!

Vhat if I told you zhere is anozzer vay.

Vhat if I told you that ve could say...

Oh... Escape!

Who's vith me?

(Armpit odour steams, kitty gags)

Eric um, are you sure this is gonna work?

Pamplemoose abzolutely.

We teachers always have a secret escape hatch.

I use it every parent-teacher day.

Vana, you're not coming?

Yeah. I think I'll take my chances on my own.

Besides, with you and trevor out of the way,

The odds of passing go way up!

On my zignal,

Number , number ...

Trevor wicked!

Pamplemoose flush!

(Toilets flush)

We made it! (Gasping for air)

Freedom! (Gasping for air)

(Gasping for air)

Ah, my little pampy forgot

That the school was in space, didn't he?

Would you like ms. Razzuma to reel you back in

Like little fishies?

Trevor space tasted like my insides.

So much for beach volleyball!

We were so close!

But now razzuma has doubled security.

Well, we're just going to have to try

Twice as hard to get out!

I don't think I like your math.

Or any math, or manatees.

Always smiling!

I mean, what are they so happy about?! Huh?

Tell me that!


What's your plan?

We study and practice,

And together we all pass this exam!

Oh, forget that.

I'll pass it on my own, thank you.

You don't have a chance.

She's right, dude.

Besides, prison's not so bad.

There's a toilet right beside my bed.

I mean, it's right there!

I know. It is appealing,

But some things are more important

Than convenient toilets!

Who's with me?

If it means getting away from here... And you,

I'll do it!

I'm in! Oh.

Me too!

I thought you didn't like the plan?

What plan?

I just like slappin' stuff.



(Pants rip)






Hi, needles.

(Panel beeping)

Ah! Whoa! Ah! (Whirring)


(Cauldron bubbles)



What the?!



(Racket whooshes)

(Arms fizzles) agh!



Pamplemoose again!









(Rapid splattering)


Yeeee-haaaw! (Laughs)

And how are my little antelopes today?

(Sweetly) it's time for your...

(Screaming) final exam!

(Sweetly) oh, I hope all your training pays off.

Oh, it'll pay off, all right.

Yeah, it'll pay off big time!

Yeah. Big time.

Why are we whispering? And what's in your eye?

(Yelling) silence, (sweetly) my little mongooses.

Um, I think that's mon-geeses, ma'am.

Enough of this!

The test begiiiiins...



Needles, go!

Hey, razzy!

We're gonna take our own test!

(Rapid splattering)

Ha, ha!

Don't even think about it, my little platypus.

(Rapid splattering) agh!

Kitty! Go!

(Fighting grunts)

Got it!


Yaaa! I'm swing kong!



Hah! Now that was a plan!

You keep talking about this plan.

Seize them!


We are outta here, razzy.

And the cute animal names? Kinda like it!

Grab your atmo-spheres,

Und then out the airlock to freedom!

All right, kitty, do your high-tech thing.

Ha-ha! Not this time!


Sometimes low-tech is okay too!

We did it! We're free!

All (laughing and cheering)

Kitty um, eric?

What part of the plan gets us back to earth?

Oh my.

Ms. Razzuma so, my little marmosets studied

And worked together and they escaped.

Another successful lesson for ms. Razzuma.

My job here is done.

Wait a minute!

That was your plan?

Is there any food and water up here?!

I am not drinking out of the toilet... Again!

Ta-ta, my little llama.

Study hard!

(Car horn honks, tires screech)

All ahhhhhh!

Escaping from prison good.

Re-entering the earth's atmosphere

And exploding on a tropical beach


All whoo-hoooo! (Laughing)

You were awesome too.

Yeah, yeah, I vas...

And so vere you.

Let's never work together again?
