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01x17 - Ye Old Sidekick Village / News at 11AM

Posted: 07/02/23 05:04
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


(Eagle cries overhead, kids on bus shout and laugh)

(Kids laugh and shout excitedly)

Maxum brain (groans) I hate chaperoning field trips.

Are ve zere yet?! Are ve zere yet?!

I can't vait! Zis is like a mini-vacation!

In fact, it is my vacation...

I hate my job.

I'm gonna record every bit of this mystery field trip

On my hover-camera

So we can relive it whenever we want.

I know what you mean.

I have tons of video of us together.

Eric what? Kitty what?


Uh, so where do you think we're going?

It's a field trip?

Thought we were going to a field.

(Tires squeal, bus rumbles)

Simmer down, field-trippers.

Ve have made it to our destination!

Behold the glory of...

Ye olde sidekick village!

All (scream in agony) noooooooooooo!

What's wrong with all of you?

This place looks amazing!

(Wind howls)



Vana amazing? Have you ever even been on a field trip before?

Of course!

It started out much like all field trips do...

Woo hoo!

Pterodactyl pizza field trip!


You wouldn't believe how good that pizza was.

Seriously. Really good.

Dude, did that field trip happen in your head?

Yes, yes it did.


Sheriff marshall howdy, young pioneers.

I'm sheriff marshall.

(Camera whirs)

Eric look, a real fake old timey sheriff!

(Lens shatters)

(Camera fizzles and crashes)

What happened?

Weren't no technology back in the pioneer days,

So ain't none of it gonna work in here.

All (gasp)


This is impossible.

I've lost my high-speed connection!


(All groan, gadgets power down)

But... But how are we supposed to text

What a miserable time we're having?

And why is pamplemooses chair working?

It runs on farts. (Farts loudly)

They didn't need these fancy shmancy gadgets back in yore,

So you don't need 'em now!

Y'all are gonna love it here.

Look around and learn all about the good ol' days...

(Grumbles) before we needed to plug stuff in.

Come on! It won't be so bad.

Activate hydraulic walking device.


Seriously? We gotta actually walk?

Fine, whatever. I can do that.


Super-speed butter-churning factory...

The super hall of mirrors...

The general utility belt store?

There's a show called "when times were boring"!

Let's check it out!

Hey, where's trevor?

Trevor this olde timey stuff olde timey stinks.

Where can I plug this in?



(Horse whinnies)

Trevor ahhhhhhhhh! Oof!


Ooh! And what do we have here?

A roped off place where I should not go?

Or should i?

I believe I should.

Hello there, maniacal looking old man.

Have you seen an electrical outlet any-

(Electricity crackles, shrill scream)

Look! I'd recognize those grubby paw prints anywhere.

They're either trevor's or a yeti's!

I'll take the yeti.

I hope he's okay. What could he be-

Trevor eric! Help! I'm trapped!

And I can't find a plug anywhere!

Let me out!

Eric trevor! Stop goofing around,

We're not supposed to be in here.

Sheriff marshall yer bang on there, pardner.

(Evil laugh)

Don't you think you could have said,

"Eric, help, but be careful

There's a madman in here with me"?

Probably. Maybe next time.

I'm sure this will happen again.

Vana you bet ya. Kitty yeah-ha.

Eric I know, right?

Let us out of here!

What are you up to?

What is that ancient looking and therefore scary thing?

Oh, you wanna know what I'm up to, do ya?


You wanna know what this is, do ya?!


You wanna get me to spill my guts

And tell you my evil plan, do ya?!


Fine! Gimme your watch.

Oooh! An old timey magic trick!

I like that.

(Clock cuckoos)

I got that for my birthday.

Behold! The anachronoticron!

And how would you spell that?

Never mind!

Just prepare fer the world to be boot-scooted

Into a candlelit, television-less,

Horse-and-buggy future,

Thanks to this!

No tv?

You might lock me in a jail,

Turn my watch into a bigger watch made of wood,

But take away my tv?!

I don't think so!

Let's show this guy what technology can do!

Laser-watch power on!

A sundial?

I don't even know what that is!

Huh? How do you work this thing?


I must have something in my automated utility backpack.


Don't worry!

Maxum brain will take care of this relic.

Maxum brain, come in.

We're trapped in the jail and-

Phone booth! Ha!

A modern sidekick always carries a spare quarter in his sock -

For candy emergencies!

Hello! Maxum brain? You there?

Trevor (whispering) no, it's trevor.

Can I take a message?

Hello? Hello?

Huh. I guess I hung up.


Well, this a been fun an all,

But it's time to add some horsepower

To the anachronoticron.

The whole world's gonna learn

How things is supposed to be done...

The hard way!

(Evil laugh)

Say goodbye to yer digi-whogits!

We gotta get out of here

Before sheriff marshall takes away my tv!

And plunges the world back into the dark ages -

That too.

It's no use!

Without technology, what am i?

No phone, no instant messaging,

No texts no use living!

I haven't zapped a cyber-ogre

Or cleared a level all day!

Trevor angry!

Come on, don't give up.

We're smart...mostly, we're crafty...a little,

And most importantly, we're sidekicks -

Used to being hopelessly trapped by crazy villains!

We've got everything we need to escape right here!

Are you with me?!

Let's do this!

All yeah! Let's do this!

Uh, can we get down now?

Yeah, that's long enough.




All right, team,

Now let's bust out of here with this...

Dripping mess?

We're hosed.

What're we gonna do now?

Without technology, we're useless!

That's quite a pickle.

I like pickles.

Do you have a pickle?

Trevor, how did you get out?

This place is super old.

The door is rusted.

Have you been paying attention at all?

(Flames roar)


Eric hold it right there!

Darnit! I knew I shoulda sprung for rust-proofin' in the jail!

Eric yeah, well, you didn't.

And now were gonna stop you!

Um, how are we going to stop him?

Uh...there's so many things we can do...

We Um...

We can...

Well, there's always... Uh...

Yeah. I got nothing.




Oof! Wooden shoes?

How did anyone ever walk in these?


(Bicycle squeaks)


Aghh! Oof! Agh!

Trevor ahhhhhhh!


Kitty the hall of mirrors!

But if we break a mirror

It'll be seven years of bad luck.

(Anachronoticron blasts)

Yeah, bad luck would be awful!

(Fleeing screams)

Sheriff marshall there ain't no hiding from the past!


Hey, eric, look!

This mirror makes me look fat,

And this one makes me look thin,

And this one makes me look old and sherrif-y.

That's "you". That's "him".






Time for you youngun's to get back to the basics.

Oh yeah, well,

I don't need technology to beat you.

I'm a sidekick. All I need is... This!







(Monkey screeches)

Um...i totally meant to do that?

Vana right. Kitty yay, eric, anyway!

Trevor can I keep the monkey?

Seriously, I'm keeping the monkey.

(Phones ring)

It's over.

Look at this, I have messages!

I missed you so much!

Yay! We're back to normal!

Zero messages. Yup. We're back to normal.

You missed zee candlemaking seminar!

But don't worry,

We can all go when ve come back next year!

All (sighing heavily)

(Bus rumbles)

You know, maybe the sherriff was right.

Maybe the old days were the good old days?

Maybe we don't need video games and tv's

And gadgets to entertain us.

You wanna go to the computer store

And smell the keyboards.

Eric I'm in! Vana you bet!

Kitty try to stop me!

All hail technology.

May it live forever!

All (cheer)

(Monkey chatters)



And don't come out!

Aw, man!

I don't wanna be stuck in here!

And we won't be! (Growling)


Yeah, we're stuck here.

Vana um, don't take this the wrong way,

But get out.

Kitty what are you guys doing here?


Eric we were forced to join the school news club

As our extra curricular activity.

Do you know anything about cameras?

Lights? Sound? Editing? Writing?

Walking? Talking? Huh?


Oops! It totally rocks out later.

Guy rrrrr... (Click his tong)

Trevor who's the new guy?

Eric I don't know.

Kitty whoaaaa!

Soooo dreamy...

I am allan amazing.

My father, general amazing,

Just got the job as most amazing person

In the amazing town of splittsboro.

Kitty whoa!

Vana amazing.

Yes. Yes, I know.

I'm vana, lead anchor of the school news,

And I'm available to hang out at any time.

Hey hey! Wow, new kid, eh?

Let me introduce myself. I'm eric...

Maxum man's sidekick.


What? Yes!

Of course you are.

We shall have to trade amazing stories sometime, ernie.


Vana, I was a reporter at my old school,

Well, we just so happen to need a new reporter!

Our previous one was mauled by a mutant teddy bear.

(Ferocious roar, panicked screaming)

Oh, you are so kind to this humble new student.

Thank you, vana.


What's with vana?

She already likes him better than me!

Vana likes dirt better than you.

And allan...

I can be a reporter too!

And I'd be way better than this new guy,

Who is already more popular than me.

Sure, sure, eric. Whatever.

Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Kitty and trevor (laughing and giggling)

Trevor you're hands are so smooth!

Kitty higher!

If you get in my way,

I will crush you

Like the little sidekick bug you are.

What?! Did you hear that?!

He said he was gonna crush me like a bug!

Allan (smiling) oh no, you must have misheard me!

I said I was going to mush you with a hug.

Kitty he is so nice!

Trevor I could use a hug!

Eric that's does it!

Be prepared to get out-reported!

And I'll take that...

Trevor how come you never juggle me?

(News theme music plays)

Kitty and now the splittsboro academy sidekick news team,

With super anchor, vana glama...

And featuring our new investigative reporter,

Allan amazing!

And also... Eric!

(Wind howls)

I'm vana glama, and this is the news!

Our lead story:

An amazing report from our amazing new star reporter!


Why thank you, vana.

Today, I witnessed something historic,

Or rather...prehistoric.

Please, everyone, let's watch me!

Hello, I am allan amazing.

Here with my new friend, the ferocious t-rex!

(Roars, whimpers, licks)

Oh, come on!

Anyone can pet the world's most dangerous

And supposed-to-be-long-extinct beast.

What's so special about that?

And that is how you ride a t-rex

While saving babies from a burning building!

On the incredibly dangerous scene,

This is...allan amazing!



I like his hair...

Kitty get out of the shot!

Come on! That's gotta be fake hair!

Our next, and probably worst story:

An inside look at maxum man's super computer,

With our new reporter... Him.

Uh, thanks, vana!

Earlier today, my trusty camera man and i...


Kitty hi-yaaa!

My camera man and I talked exclusively

With my exclusive close, personal friend...

Maxum brain. Exclusive.


Brain, kinda doing an interview, so...


Great story... Am I right?

That was the worst piece of news I've ever...

Um, we'll be right back.

And...we're out!

(Shrill scream)

Allan does this amazing, dramatic, heroic story

And then you just-

Hey, I was heroic.

I had to run away for almost minutes

Before brain's computer fart subsided.


Anyway, my story was way better

Than allan's boring/brave story!



Did you see that?!


Oh, please don't blame him.

Not all scoops can be great.

Unless they're mine, of course.

You want a scoop?

I'm going to scoop you

Like you've never been scooped before!

I am allan amazing.

Live at the grand opening of the new maxum man

Oversized balloon store!

They are oversized! (Crown cheers)

No way! This is my story!

I'm maxum man's sidekick and I'm gonna cut the ribbon!

Not him! Whoa!

Crowd (gasps)


(Crowd cheers)

This is not over.


(Angry groan)





(Splat, everyone laughs)

Wow, allan, you're really cool.

I know.

But this is also cool.

The de-inanimatron is able to make any inanimate object

Come to life!

(Blast, barks)

Eric oh yeah? You think you're so great?

Well, can you invent this?!



What is it?

It's... It's... Bah!

It's that!


Trevor hah! It tickles... And burns!

Once again, eric. Well. Done.


(Fighting grunts)

Allan not the face! Not the beautiful face!

Stop it! Stop it, you two!

I am so very sorry, dear vana.

How do you do that?

Allan, there's no need to apologize...for eric.


Watch your back, little man.

Oh come on! Nobody else sees this?

I need stories, eric, not excuses!

Fine! You want a story?

I-i'll give you the story of the century!

And what would that be?

Yes, tell us, eric.

How about an exclusive interview with...

With... Maxum man!

(Excited) maxum man?!

We'll do it live!

This will double our audience - to !

There's no way the world's greatest hero

Would be interviewed by you,

If he could choose me. No way!

Great. Now all I have to do is interview

A missing superhero.

No problem.

We have a problem.

Why can't we just fake maxum man being around

Like we did before?

You broke the holo suit, destroyed the d avatar,

And mutilated the maxum use-me-in-case-i'm-missing-

And-need-to-do- an-interview device!


Hey! I think I have an idea! What if we...

Ask maxum mom to dress up like maxum man?

Maxum brain no, no, no.

She won't wear men's clothing anymore.

There was a... How do I put it?

An incident.


Hey, what if we use the de-

I can't believe I'm gonna look like a dork

In front of everybody again!

Really? You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

(Chanting) we want maxum man! We want maxum man!

(To himself) it'll all be over soon.

I'm sure I'll do something else embarrassing

To make them forget this.

Vana eric, I'm actually glad to see you for once!

So...where's maxum man?

Yes, eric. Where is this maxum man?

Hello. (Loud mic feedback)

Pamplemoose ayiiee!

I know you were all expecting maxum man today,

But... (Loud crash and whoosh)


Sorry I'm late,

But maxum man was busy saving the world!

(Crowd cheers)

How could this sorry excuse for a sidekick

Get a bigger scoop than me?

No one out-scoops alan amazing!

Nobody does that!

Now, I must be off to... Maximize things.

Oh! And before I go, remember this

Eric is the best sidekick ever,

And a way better reporter than that dreamy allan guy!

Bye now.

(Crowd cheers)

Ugh! This isn't how it's supposed to go!

Don't look at him! He's nothing!

Look and listen!

(Making armpit farts)

(Shocked gasps)


Wait! Don't go!

I'm allan amazing and I'm the best at everything!


(Crowd boos)


Heh heh. Huh?



This dereanimationarium thing really works.

It sure does, little buddy.


Thanks, trevor. That was actually a great idea.

I know! But I wish I could be re-de-animatron-ed.

Uh, trevor... You're already animated.

I'm a cartoon?!

No, I mean that you're animated,

As in already alive, as in...

(Sighs) sure, you're a cartoon.

We're all cartoons.

Trevor woo-hoo! I always wanted to drop one of these on myself.

Trevor, wait!
