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01x16 - Beneath the Missile-Toe / Ice to Know You

Posted: 07/02/23 05:03
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


Maxum man maxum man here,

With sidekick lesson number ,

"Naughty or nice!"

To get the best christmas presents,

You need three things...

Agh! Wait!

He's here! And he knows that we're awake!


Ho! Ho! Ho!

Ah-ha! You've been naughty!

Eat mistletoe!

Ahhhh! (expl*si*n)

You want nice? I'll show you nice!

Golly gee kid ahhh!


(Angry growl)

Ha! Ha! I love comin' here!

Ho ho super-ho!


Remember, for the best presents from mega-santa,

You need three things.

Cookies, milk, and a good ol' fashioned throw down.

Christmas style!

Next on... Maxum on maxum valentines day!

Wow! Super christmas has a lot more v*olence

Than christmas at the orphanage.

Maxum brain oh, that is nothing!

You just wait until the "easter egg hunt

Or be hunted event."

(Laser blasts)

Or "happy nuke year."


Or everyday!

(Loud fart)

Hah ha. (Fart)


So what did you ask mega-santa for christmas, eric?

Since we never got presents at the orphanage,

I had trouble deciding,

So I only asked for what I really, really wanted.

Wha! Ha!

I had it leather bound,

And alphabetized for ease of use.

(Clears throat)

I want an abacus, an acorn, ape comma giant one...

Archery set, ozone, pancakes, paintball-blasters,

Parents, purple pyjamas... (Snoring) uh...



...quad bike, rocket skates, robo-

(Sleigh bells) (expl*si*n)

He's here! It's mega-santa!

(Gasp) he's gonna know I'm awake!


Hmm, no one to wrestle.

On to milk and cookies.

Now, where are they?

Aw man! A hungry mega-santa is an angry mega-santa!

(Effort grunt)

Well, he can't pummel me if he doesn't see me!

Okay. You can do this.

Carful, quiet...

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Aaaagh! Aaaagh! Aaaagh!



It... It was an accident!

I don't know what happened! I just...

Blew up mega-santa!

Oh, eric. You didn't...

Best christmas ever!

Kitty wait! Gears and circuits?

That wasn't mega-santa, that was a robot!

But why would a robot be delivering christmas presents?

Kitty (gasp) maybe something happened to mega-santa!

Trevor wow... All those presents...

Sitting there...

(Evil) defenceless!


(Robot like) step away... From the presents.

Ho! Ho!


What was that?

We have to catch that thing

And find out what happened to mega-santa,

And get my presents!

But mostly the mega-santa part!

Also the presents.

Ho! Ho! Super-ho!

Eric guys...i think we're at...

Trevor (in awe) the land of candy poles!

(Plane whooshes)

Kitty ohhh... Vana I like it.

Trevor awesome!

Hey brain! Catch!


This would be more fun with arms.

This is definitely mega-santa's workshop.

But where is mega-santa?

I hope we find him soon,

This cold is totally drying out my skin.

All eww.

Eric there!

(Mechanical whirring)

Kitty it's repairing itself!

Stop him, guys!

If it takes off again,

We'll never find out what happened

To the real mega-santa!

Kids (attack yells)

Bam! Yum! Bam! Bam-yum-bam!

(Cheering) we got him!

Or not.

Way to go, geniuses.

Now christmas will never ever happen!

What are you talking about?

And where's mega-santa?

Mega-santa built me when he retired decades ago.

I have been delivering christmas presents

Ever since.

So... When I said "stop him guys"... destroyed christmas.



What's wrong? Why can't we hear him?

That is because his yell of anguish is so high pitched,

Only animals can detect it.

(Pained screeching)

Maxum brain okay, if we are done ruing christmas

It is time to be going home.

Oh well. At least we still have halloween.

Can't do any more damage around here.


If we leave, kids all over the world

Will wake up to no presents!

We have to do something!

Well, we do have all the presents.

And the maxum jet can achieve hypersonic speeds.

Let's do it!

Let's deliver the christmas presents ourselves!

(Effort grunts)

Kitty wow, who knew a bag holding every present

For every kid in the entire world would be so heavy?

We could take some presents out?

Technically, our presents are in there so...

We could just take them!

Hmm, okay, fine.

But only our presents, then we save christmas.



Oh dear.

I do not think these presents are giveaway-able any longer.

It's okay, we can fix this.

I mean, we're in mega-santa's workshop, right?!

We'll make new presents for the whole world!

Vana, maxum brain, trevor (groaning)

(Sigh) fine!

You do know that that is mathematically impossible?

I wasn't listening.

I love you when you're decisive...

And all other times!

What? What?




These... Are the most awesome presents ever!

I mean, we would never get presents like this!

(Object clatter)

(Disappointed groans)

Okay. Let's try this again,

And this time, we'll make slightly less cool presents

So they're still cool,

But not so cool we'll open them again.

Let's go!

Maxum brain wait!

I am sorry but now it is even less probable

For us to make more presents (rooster crows)

And still deliver them on time.

(Gasp) it's almost christmas morning!

(Sighs) I was about to have my first super christmas ever,

And I destroyed it.

Raise your hand if you're surprised.

I'm so proud of you.

We could try fixing the fake mega-santa.

If he's as powerful as the real mega-santa,

I bet he could deliver the presents in time.

No go. When you delicately smashed it to bits,

You shorted it out.

It is broken. Unlike me,

Who has a self repair function,

Which is easily transferrable to any other machine.

If only there was some way...

Uh, eric, shouldn't we see if their power supply

Is even compatible before you attach them?

Relax. Hey!

This is totally gonna work.



Wow! Thanks for saving us, brain.

That's it. I've officially ruined christmas... Again...

Maybe doing it twice will fix it?

Ooh! Let's see.

Everyone no!

Mega-santa enough!

Just look at this mess!

Mrs. Mega-santa is gonna be sooo mad...

Um, hello there, sir.

Can we help you with something?

Mega-santa sure, help me by not blowing any more of my stuff up,

Thank you!

This super old dude is mega-santa?

I don't think so.

Wow, you just radiate naughty don't you?

Ho! Ho! Super-ho!


It is you!

But you're too late. It's almost morning!

No! There's still time, but I'll need help.

Back's not what it use to be.

Do you think maxum man would mind

If you sidekicked with me for a little while?

If he doesn't want to, I'll- (impact grunt)

Mega-santa hold on!

Maxum brain whoa! That mega-santa is one fast-

Mega-santa done.

Wow, eric! What was it like?


(Loud hurling) (farting)

Vana thanks for flying us home, mega-santa.

Kitty sorry about eric,

I guess he doesn't handle super speed well.

He doesn't handle anything well.

Eric (moans) mega-santa...

I'm really sorry I destroyed your robot,

And your workshop, and puked in your boots.

Don't worry.

I know how hard you tried to save christmas.

You should be proud.

And here's a little something from your christmas list

To say thanks.

Ho, ho, super ho!


It's... Perfect!

Aw man, you are so lucky...

What do I get?

Uh, maybe next year, trevor.

You have to be nice to get something, remember?

Trevor Forget it...



Eric ughhhhhh... It's so hot!


Trevor nah, it's not that bad!



(Loud whirring)

Ugh. Even maxum man's super freezeatron doesn't work!

Some of maxum man's inventions can beat the heat...


Eh...too far.

Ugh, I could use a big dose of winter about now.

Snow, wind, a full-body case of frostbite!

I love a good snowfall...

Eating snow is awesome too!

Yeah...snow... Um, so tasty.

With all that... Whiteness?

And the way it explodes... In your mouth with flavour!

Let me guess, you've never played in snow before.

What? (Laughs)

Who hasn't?

I played in it all the time at the orphanage.



Soap flakes.


Okay, fine!

They never let us play in the snow, or on the grass,

Or anything with a surface.

Your stories are really lame.

When winter comes around next,

I'm gonna do tons of cool winter things!

You just watch me!

Come oooon winter!

How long until winter?

Okay, there's gotta be some kind of season

Fast-forwarding thingy in here.

Man, the evil gadgets room is wicked!

Everything is just so... Activate-able!

Must - touch - stuff!

Eric don't touch that.

Don't start the final countdown on that.

Don't stop the earth's rotation with that.



Hey, I may not have to wait for winter after all!

Dr. Weathermaker's climate reversatron-anator.

Awesome! Can we cook hotdogs with it?!

It reversatronanates the climate.

It's right in the name.

Huh... So it is.

And it comes with a matching snow cone maker! Cool!

With this machine I can make it winter!

I can finally have fun in the snow!

(Evil laugh)

That poster... It's hilarious!


Oh yeah! (Laughs)

Silly cat!

You're not better then me!


Who knew a doomsday device would be so complicated?

Trevor (intake of air) sure?

(Sharper intake of air) I wouldn't.

(Voices on tv) you must... But I can't!

(Intake of air) ooh. Not smart.

Eric trevor!

Oh, hey...these soap operas are so nerve-wracking!

You turn on the super evil device yet?



(Wind howling)

Trevor so did it work?

Both snow-boganza!

I don't think that's a real word.

(Wind howls)

Eric, I can't believe you did this!

It's supposed to be summer!

It's not natural. It's awful.

I know! Awfully awesome!

I did it! I made it winter...


I-i-i-i'm f-f-f-f-reezing!

And why is my skin all blue?

Am I gonna shrink to three apples high?

Well, duh, eric, snow is cold.

Okay. If you say so.

Anyway, it's fun time!

Huzzah winter!

Vana huzzah?

Seriously? Why do we hang out with him?

(Kitty and trevor groan)


Maxum-toboggan activate!

(Jets roar)

Eric this is totally awesome!

Everyone ahhhhhhhh!

Trevor this is how you toboggan!

(Loud crash)

(Laughing wildly)

That was...amazing!

Aw man! I dropped my snow cone. Wait!

I see some yellow flavoured snow!

Do it! It's lemon!

Eric! It's not!



Ewww! Gross!

Snow n' load!




Vana ahem.

Hello, boys.

Oh-oh! Cool!


(Pained grunts)

(Trevor farts then giggles)


And that's how you write your name in the snow...

Yeah. I don't get why people make such a big deal about it.

Hmm. Suddenly I have to pee.

Man, you've got everything in the maxum mansion...

(Huge fart) (relived sigh)

Yup, a portable holographic hot tub,

With atomic heating core...

Perfect for that summer blizzard.

Vana eric.

You have to stop this!

Kitty it's spreading fast. The whole town is freezing!

I'm okay.

Yes! You're welcome!

(Angry groan)

You will get out of that spa!

You will turn off the climate device!

And you will put on some pants!


Forget it!

Whooo-hooo-ho! (Splash)

I no longer crave heat or pants!

Winter is awesome!

Sleds are awesome! Snow-cones are-

We're out of syrup? Noooooooo!

Alrighty, I'll get more from the mansion.

(Effort grunts)

Door is frozen, dude!

Great, we're stuck out here

And the precious snow-cone syrup

Is sitting in the bowels of the mansion!

Both (childish giggling) bowels...

Vana we'll get you in for your precious syrup.

But! Only if you turn off that weather machine!

Both aaaaaaawwwwwww!

Gha! Come on!

Both eeep! We'll turn it off! We'll turn it off!

Now how do we get in?

(Powering on, whirring)

(Jet roars)


Woo hoo! Winter rules!

(Wind howls)

Hmp! I bet maxum-brain is going to blame this all on me!

At least he was happy when he froze!


Vana that's great.

Now we're stuck in here. And it's getting colder.

Let's find that machine!

And the snow cone syrup.

Eric well, of course the snow cone syrup,

That goes without saying.




(Loud roar)






Whoooa! Oof!

(Wedding march plays)

(Wind howls)

We made it.


Okay, I don't mean to panic anyone,

But I can't turn off the device

And we're all gonna freeze!

Kitty s-s-s-so c-c-c-cold!

H-h-have to s-s-stick together...

C-c-conserve b-b-body heat!



(Effort grunt)


I-i-can't believe I did this!

I can't believe that I destroyed the entire town

Just for a little bit of winter fun!

Trevor hey, can you guys keep it down,

Trying to relax here.

Trevor! You're a g-g-genius!

Hah, totally.


The holo hot tub has an atomic heater!

It'll never freeze!

All right! Come on, guys,

Let's heat things up.

Or some other bad cliche to set up the big finally.

You sure this is going to work?

Atomic energy, hot water

And super-powered electronic weather weapons?

How could it not work?

(Beep) (splash)

(Wind howls)


Trevor soooo. Hot.

This is awful. I hate summer.

Eric oh, I don't know.

I've had enough winter for a while.

I think kitty was right.

We should not mess around with nature.

Where is kitty, anyway?

Forget nature...

I have to put that thing back together!

(Groans) somebody hand me a screwdriver!

Come on! Hurry up!

Forget it! I'll do it with my teeth!

(Chewing sounds)