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01x13 - Internal Affairs / Virtual Mayhem

Posted: 07/02/23 05:00
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!



(Squeaking) (monkey sounds)

(Gas hissing)

Bleh. Undead loaf again?!

Smells like burnt hate.


Cool! I'm gonna name mine loafy joe...

And then eat it.

You think this is bad?

You shoulda seen lunch at the orphanage.

(Bad english accent) p-please sir, can I have some more?


(Mouth full) thankbs!

(Coughs) I still have splinters!

(Sighs) good times.

Eat food! Um... Little sweeties.


Agh! Agh! Agh! Ahhhhh!


Uh, eat everything on plate, like good boy!

(Snoring) (stomach gurgles)

Something's not sitting right.


(All gasp)

Eric hey, that wasn't me!

(Air hisses out)

And zat is how balloons often ruin dinner parties!

(Air hisses out)

(Big fart)

Once again - not me.

(Armpit fart sounds)

Trevor ah, it's not the same without the smell.

(Huge fart)

Oh yeah... That one was me.

Oh, my mouth was open!

Oh, it's burning my tongue!

(Deep sniff) an intense aroma,

With a lingering nutty bouquet

And just a hint of evil.

Well done.

Thanks, must be something I ate...


(Beeping, whirring)

Computer... Status!

Computer voice entry into subject eric needles digestive system

Has been achieved.

And would it k*ll you to say please?

Now just a short trip to the brain...

And yes, it would k*ll me.

(Mechanical whir)

Computer voice audio, video and motor control links established.

Now that I control this sidekick's body,

All of maxum man's weapons, gadgets and secrets,

Will belong me!

Computer voice who are you talking to?

It's a monologue! All us villains do it.

Now let's take this body for a test drive...

An evil test drive!

(Maniacal laugh)

Eric as xox (maniacal laugh) excellent!

Now to test out the motor controls...

Just like controlling a robot. An uncoordinated,

Slow witted, robot.


Now for something more advanced.

Ah! Pampelmoose. My old friend...


Herr needles!


How'd you like that, pimple mouse?!

Wh-what happened?

(Alarm sounds)

Computer voice power restored.

Excessive chair spinning shorted electrical system.

You had to show off!

Quiet! Why do I always get the discount

Artificial intelligence processors?


(Computerized grunting, fizzles)

Now to complete my master-plan!

To the maxum mansion, brain-sl*ve!

Herr needles?! Haff you gone inzane?

Detention for you!

Xox oh, lighten up, professor.

I'm just having a little fun.

Like this!

Ahh! (Locker slams)


(Dog growls)

(Evil laughter)

Kitty eric! What are you doing?!

Hey! Eric! Stop that!

(Evil laughter)

Why aren't you listening to me?



Oh, my sweet widdle, eric!

Did the big bad vana...


Who is also amazingly awesome, hurt you?

Something weird is going on!

I...i can't control my body!

Huh? Hm?

Okay, how come no one ever believes me when I say that?

They're always like

"You better clean up that bathroom"...

Kitty, vana eww.

Well, something is obviously making eric act all weird.

I mean, he always acts weird,

But this is... You know, weirder.

Maybe maxum brain can help!

We should-

(Violent outburst, objects clatter)


I told you... I can't control my body!

(Eric groans)

(Flames crackle)

(Extinguisher hisses)

Now, great.

With my external sensors down,

I have no idea where they took eric!

We could be anywhere! We could be...

...inside the mansion!


Maxum brain okey-dokey,

Let us see what a maxum-scan can be showing us...


Hmm? It appears a miniaturized vessel

Has entered into eric's body,

And attached itself to his brain!

Wow! Eric has a brain!

Xox ha haa! They'll never figure out that i, xox,

The world's greatest villain is controlling their friend!

Um, we can hear you.

Hey... Who turned my microphone on?!

Computer voice heh. Heh. I


I've had...enough...of you!

Xox is controlling eric!

I would say "duh" but I don't want you to yell at me.

We gotta stop him!

To maxum man's large collection of shrink rays!


Hey, what are those kids doing?!

I can't hear anything!

Maxum brain ...and then once you are inside eric, you must find xox.

Ha! They think they can outshrink me

In a shrinking sh**t with another shrink ray?

Surely not!

And once I take care of them,

The fabled maxum mansion will be mine!

All ahhhhhh! (Splash)

Vana oh gross!

Hey! When did eric get to eat chocolate cake?

At least... I think that's cake...

Oh, I have never felt closer to eric.

Vana ew!

Come on! We gotta get to the tiny useless thing

Eric calls a brain!


Let's do this!


Incoming snacks!

Ewww, doesn't he chew his food?!

(Xox laughing)

Ah! I'm getting hungry!!!

Great, what was that?

Um...i think that was root beer.

Root beer?... Hang on!

(Loud belch)

Kitty we're not going to make it!

Vana this is so not the glamorous way

I had dreamt it would end for me...

(Ferocious roar) (screams)

I got it! This is gonna be awesome!


You sure you can do this, trevor?

I was born to drive a toy car up eric's throat.

Seriously. I've been practicing.

How do you think this thing got down here?

(Revs engine) (laughs)

Oh, what else can I use to stop these kids?

(Alarm sounds)

Uh oh!

(Lasers blasts)

I really should have put more money

Into shields for this thing.

Computer voice hm, I remember someone saying that.

Oh, right, it was me!


(Laser blast)

Kitty xox is getting away!

And getting footprints all over eric's brain!

Computer voice hey, kid? Take him down!

Kitty sure thing, spiteful computer voice!

Computer voice (laughs, coughs, then dies)

Finally! I'm in control!

Now, to make sure I stay me.

(Beeping) guys! Lead xox to the belly area!

I got an idea!

Vana oh come on! We were just down there!

Xox...prepare to meet your greatest nemesis.

The worst case of lactose intolerance

In all of splitsboro!

Here we go!

T-minus ten seconds till launch...

Nine... Eight...

Guys hurry, I can't hold it...



Kitty we're almost there!

...six... Five...

Aghhhhh! Nooooo!


Vana we're here eric! Now what?

Eric ...two...

Kitty he wouldn't! Eric!

Vana needles! You are in so much trouble!

Xox nooooooooo!

(Engines roaring)



(Loud crash)

(Utter relief)

(Alarm sounds)

Eric! Where are the others?

Are they okay?

They're just finishing their decontamination.

They're fine.

Super - mega - eww.

I don't think I'll ever recover from that.

Okay, xox, now that we're out of eric's...

La la la, not talking about it... Ever...

Leaving now! To have my memory wiped...

And skin replaced.

Trevor that ride was awesome!

Race you guys back to the shrink ray!

I'm going face first this time!

I don't think I'll ever recover from that.


(Lasers blast)

(Menacing growls)

Take that, evil zombie music fans!

Vana for those about to rock, we annihilate you!

I'm a super-destructo

Beat-making laser-blasting rock out machine!

Awwww yeahhhh!


Trevor, stop!

You're gonna overload the d video accelerator!

(System powering down)

Kitty and he crashed the game... Again.

(Sizzles) ooo. Hot! Hot!

I can't help it if it can't handle

My rock and or rolling.

I was getting sick

Of rock 'em roll 'em zombie revolution anyway.

We totally mastered it, like continuous hours ago.

Eric no! Wait!

I know you have at least one more hour marathon in you!

Maybe next time.

I'm starting to see zombies in real life.

Hey! I haven't had my beauty sleep!

You can't quit!

I got this cool new game.

It was mysteriously left on the porch!

Kitty deep space world of w*r in the year .

Cool, it has a neural interface!

Trevor wicked!

Space? w*r? The number ?

Neural something something? What's not to like?

All whoo-hoo!


Subtle... Yet with a giant smashy thing.

(Vibrating clang)


(Happy sniffle) I may never leave!


That is...awesome!

(Blasting) (giggles)



Agh! What is wrong with this sword?

It's defective! It's gone bad!

There are bugs in this game!

Yeah... Tasty bugs.

Eric trevor, fireball-bqs are great,

But what are we supposed to be doing in this game?


Oracle storm the castle and pillage it!

Well, that was helpful.

Who are you mysterious voice?

Oracle I am the oracle of deep space world

Of w*r in the year .

That, is a seriously lame name.

Oracle is not!

It is your mission to collect

All the treasure in the castle

And deposit it at fort spaceworld.

Nerdlings. Begin!

Forsooth, me thinks it doth be time

To kicketh some butt anon.

(Cricket chirps)

Yeah... Let's just go.

Ow. Ow.

Awesome. Ow. Ow.


Vana I've got this.


Nothing a little lightning blast can't fix! Haaaa-

Heh, over?


Uh, yeah. I meant to do that.


All right, they've had the lightning,

Now try the thunder!

Take that and that!

Don't forget these!

Kitty trevor! The game engine can't handle your smashing!

You're going to crash the game again!


You gotta slow it down.

I can't slow down.

Trevor only has one speed... Trevor speed.

I need a snack break anyway,

We've been playing for straight hours.

And I could go for another !

(Sloshy slaps)

I just got a text from suzy.

She says that everyone in class

Is totally loving this game!

I'd never even heard of it

Until it showed up mysteriously on my doorstep.

Now everybody has it?

Something seems weird here. Brain?

What do you want?

I was in the middle of high tech computations!

Ooh... Ahhh! Right there!

Can you find out where this new game came from?

(Sighs) fine, I will do it.

And while I do that,

Maybe you should, I don't know,

Do some of your sidekick duties?

There have been a string of break-ins

By a g*ng of monster robots.

Hey, that kinda looks like us playing the video game.

There's something very weird goin' on here...

It's as if the action inside the game

Is actually...

Am I really that pasty looking?

Oracle players! Stop trying to figure this out!

Let the final battle begin!

In the game, not in reality!

It's your duty!

Well, I can't argue with space duty!

He said duty. (Laughs)

Eric huh, looks a lot like the security lasers

Outside the maxum mansion.

Kitty yeah, but can it handle this?!

I guess it can!

I need more power!

Vana, a little help?

Vana the sword's gotta work once, right?

Now, that's a vana worthy fireball!

(Sizzles) help!

What? That bird should not have been in that tree...

I mean... Come on! He's an ostrich!

Let's just get in this castle already.

(Thundering boom)

Huh? Hold on - did you hear that?

Uh, yeah, we just smashed a battering ram into a door.

Wait! It's not just in here!

Eric! We are being under attack!

(Gasp) the game... It's real!

Well duh!

That means every kid playing the game

Is looting the town!

Did you find out who's behind it?

I followed the programming through many firewalls.

Which for a normal super computer wouldn't be easy...

For me... Also not that easy.


Of course master xox!

Master xox (laughs)

You know, whoever had the idea to use a video game

As a way to steal real stuff is a genius!

Wait a minute! It was me!

Wonderful, wonderful me!

The villain guild was all like,

"Xox, do you really think you'll be able to make a game

To use kids to control your real life robots

To steal and pillage for you"?

Brute help too!

Uh, hello, I'm monologing here.


And now we're about to reap our final reward!

Breaking into the maxum mansion!

That's it!

Xox he's not getting into this space castle

Slash real mansion!


Oof! Agh!

But I like battering things!


That's the real maxum mansion!

Xox is using us to control robots

To break into real places!

Cool! I mean bad!

But still cool.

Kitty can't we tell the other kids

That what they're doing in the game

Is actually happening in the real world?

Oracle army of trolls,

Please turn your attention to the four people

Standing in front of the crystal citadel!

And kindly attack them!

(Attack roars)

Uh... Nope there's no time!

We're going to have to take them down.

Virtual warrior style!

(Battle yells)



Game over... Other players!

(Flames roar) huh?

We can't keep this up.

Every kid in town is playing!

I don't even know how the game can handle it all!

That's it! Trevor, hammer faster!

Try to crash the game.

Yeah... You know,

It's never as fun when someone wants you to do it.

Just do it!

Fine! But for the record, not fine!

You can't crash the game that easily!

Not with my army of nerd programmers

Countering their every move!

I make the rules! You can never win!

Eric he's right! We can't win.

Not at his game.

We have to change the rules and the game! Kitty!

I need to hack into the game system

Add some software and merge the code sequencing.

I love it when you get your geek on.


(Battle roars)

(Fighting grunts)

Ahhhh! Whoa!

(Xox laughs)

Finally, the mansion is mine!

No more sidekicks in my way.

Eric kitty? Light me up!

(Powering up)


(Plays a riff)

It's time to rock these robots into another dimension!

Vana hello space trolls!

Get ready for a little rock 'em roll 'em

Deep space zombie revolution

World of w*r in the year !


(Loud heavy metal playing)


(Fizzles, powering down)


We did it! We crashed the entire game!

And played a wicked beat!

Yeah, (pants) I call that one

"Stop the robot thingies

From breaking into the maxine mansion armageddon style".

How? Glitches! Freezing!

Brute, dispose of the programmers!

But maybe put out those fires first...

Would you do that? Hurry!

You could say please.

So, got any non evil games to play?

Vana I think that's enough game playing for today...

And yesterday...

Yeah. I need a dose of real life.

I'm going to go on the internet.

Wait, I have something else!

I got this other mysterious package.

(Reading) password demolisher!

Decode security passwords at military compounds

And steal awesome weapons!

Both okay.

All ahooo-hoooo!

(Game powering up)