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01x12 - Eric Squared / Squawk

Posted: 07/02/23 04:59
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!






(Pained grunts)





Eric tag, you're it.

And seriously?

You hid in the confiscated evil gadget room again?

So obvious.

Uh, yeah... 'Cause there's always awesome stuff in here!

Like this!


Demonic voice freedom! (Evil laugh)

Well, these kitten mittens seem harmless.

(Angry cats screeching) (pained grunts)

Stop touching the evil devices!


I could definitely do that, but on the other hand...

I could totally not!

No, don't!

(Cranks, ping!)

What just happened?

I don't know.

Oh well, I'm sure that won't come back to burn us.

Evil eric freeze intruders!

And there it is.

Evil eric you've got two seconds to tell me

How you got into the mansion

And why you look exactly like us!

Eric um, first, this is our mansion,

And second, we don't look like you, you look like us!

All right, we look like you!

Evil eric hey! That's my trans dimensional teleporter device!

Eric so that device transported us to an alternate dimension!

You guys are us!

Both wicked! Hey, you sound just like me!


♪ La la la la!

Hey, I wonder if vana would like me if I wore eye liner?

So, that's why you're here!

Well, no one is going to steal vana from me!

If I had her! And I will have her!

Wow, crazy much.

Evil eric let's get 'em!

(Lasers blast)

Eric trevor, send us home! Do it! Do it!

(Cranks, ping)

(Monkey sounds)

Aaagh! Wrong dimension!

(Robotic chatter, toilet flashes)

Still wrong!

Eric (under water distorted) very wrong!

Who are dees spindly little boys?!


(Relieved) I think we're back in our dimension.

Man, I had no idea there were so many 'us' out there.

Evil eric hey, goody-two-shoes,

Did you think you could get away that easily?

Hah, look what I found.

Alternate dimension, alternate gadget.

(Effort grunts)

(Fighting grunts)

Aaaagh! Stop doing what I'm doing!

Eric, evil eric trevor! A little help!

(Eating sounds, belch)


(Fighting grunts)

Maxum brain I see someone was playing

In the confiscated evil gadget room again,

Which that someone should not be doing!

And now we have, more erics and trevors.

As if anyone needed that!

So... You're evil... What's that like?

You wouldn't understand...

You weren't raised in an old run down orphanage,

Then abandoned by your father figure super,

Like I was.

What?! I was raised in an orphanage...

And my super left me too!

Well, I bet your dimension's vana actually likes you,

Not like my vana.

She thinks I'm a total goof.

Trevor nah, our vana thinks eric's a goof too.

Evil trevor burrrn! We are so the same!


(Zap) ow!

(Zap) ow too!

Look, I'm totally sorry I got all evil on you like that.

Hey, why don't you let me make it up to you.

Sure, no wait, you're evil, so no.

But what if I said I know a way to get your vana,

To totally like you?

I'm listening...

Of all the infinite dimensions in the universe,

Your vana is the nicest.


Really. And I know just how to win her over...


You sure this will impress vana?

The vana from my dimension loves magic tricks.

Just trust me.

Remember, introduce the trick, step into your box,

I step out of mine, bam,

It looks like you teleported.

Couldn't we just use a teleporter.

I mean, I have like, twelve... Whoa!

(Clears throat)

Prepare do be dazzled, by the magic stylings of-

Magic tricks?

I've been waiting for magic tricks?

I love magic!

Are you gonna conjure a dragon,

Or summon a unicorn?

Um... No.

(Disappointed) oh.

But something just as good!

I am going to step into that box

And be magically teleported to that other box!

How could that be?

Well, you could use a gadget that gives you super speed,

Invisibility, shrinking powers,

Or an actual teleporter,

I have two right here...

Um...just watch and be amazed!

Evil eric ta da!

That was so lame!

Okay. What's with the freeze blaster and the eyeliner?

Eric hello?! It's been five hours.

Can I come out now!

(Rooster crows)


What happened?

Trevor oh, the other eric kidnapped the girls.

Evil trevor shot them with a freezing ray.

He's always doin' that, you know.

It's kinda his thing.

Eric of course! He was after vana all along!

Well, no one steals my vana!

Well, not mine exactly.

She sorta barely tolerates me.

But that's close enough!

Let's go!

Maxum brain eric, your evil self is not in his cell,

And why are you carrying the girls?

Who are seemingly frozen and-


... So lame...

Okay. What's with the freeze blaster and the eyeliner?

Wait, why am I in a cage?

Um, eric, is this part of the trick?

Ah, kitty, clueless in every dimension I see.

Too bad you were near vana when I froze her,

She's the one I want.

(Sad whimper) oh...


And vana, it's a pleasure.

My dimension's vana is kinda dangerous.

She doomsday devices me whenever I even try

To get close to her.

But you're a lot nicer.

I am? She is?

I'm sure you'll be much easier to handle.

Easy to handle?! You let me out-

Hush, hush.

Just relax, we'll be leaving

Once I set the interdimensional b*mb.

Don't tell me to relax!

Just who do you-

Evil eric silence!

Speak only when spoken to.

(Angry) speak when spoken to!

Vana smash! (Roars)

Eric he locked us out.

How do I stop an evil me

Who knows everything I know?

Well, at least I've got you guys.

Both hey!

I need more friends.

"More friends" that's it!

Trevors, I need you to distract evil eric.

And fast!

Who knows what he's doing to vana...

And kitty!

I'll be right back.

(Impact grunt)

Vana "speak when spoken too?!"

Well, can you hear me now?!

Evil eric all I wanted was for vana, any vana, to like me,

Kitty, help me!

Sorry, eric but I'm far too busy being clueless to help.

Why don't you just-

Having a girlfriend is tougher than I thought.

Hey boss, can I come in?


Evil eric it's time to head home with my new vana.

Once I destroy all the other dimensions,

No other eric will be able to steal vana from me.

(Timer beeps)

That is great, mister evil eric.

But first you're gonna have to get through us!

Both the amazing trevors!

(Fighting grunts)

Come on!

Ha! Ha!

I know it's you, eric.

Using the trevors as a diversion

Is exactly what I would have done.

Your moves are my moves too, remember?

Well, I have one thing you don't.

And what's that?


(All cheer)

Transformer eric initiate transforchangeable mode!

(Metallic clank)

To continue transformation, please insert coins.

(Monkey screeching)


(Whip cracks)


You're all sidekicks?

Yeah, I don't do sidekick fights.

Evil eric (laughing)

That was your plan?

Team up with the legion of super doofuses?

Oh, and blowing up a bazillion dimensions

Just so a girl will like you is such a great plan?

Being the only eric will not make her like you, you know!

Evil eric fine! If I can't have her then you can't either!

I'll leave her here

And when this goes off

And destroys this alternate dimension -

No one will have vana!

(Fighting grunts)


Now there's a move you didn't expect!


You think you're so smart!

Smart? No.

But happy to get your freeze-blaster

When it fell next to it...



Oh, I thought you were going to freeze me,

But you wouldn't freeze your own almost-brother, right?

(Teeth chattering) t-t-thans, eric.

No problem, evil trevor,

You take evil eric back with you, then...

Um... Which trevor is which?

Both I'm good trevor!

I'm the evil trevor.

Ahh... We have no idea.

Sure, why not. I'll go.

Be sure to destroy the trans dimensional teleporter

When you get home!

Trevor done and done!

What was I supposed to do again? Whoops!

Eric so you see, I didn't kidnap you at all,

It was my evil twin.

His name was evil eric.

Well, actually just eric,

But I called him evil eric.

You know, to differentiate!

Evil twin?

I don't know whether to kick your butt

Or take pity on you.


Vana pity it is... Kitty, let's go.

Ah, I believe you.

Man, who knew I'd be such a loser

In so many dimensions?

Well, at least things are back to normal.


(Big belch) (squeals)


Maxum man maxum on maxum - chapter :

"Classy maxum!"

Whether you call it flair, panache or pizzazz,

To be a superhero, you gotta have style!

That's why I paid for a top-notch decorator.

Wreck-orator well?

Maxum man ugh. You call this decorating?

I call it awfulrating!

This will not stand!

What are you doing? Stop!

Stop it!

Maxum man now that's what I call stylin'!

Maxum stylin'.

Wreck-orator you've ruined my work!

You've ruined everything!


Hey now. Just hold on there, mr. Fancy pants.

This isn't over!

We will clash again maxum man!

Do you hear me? We will clash again!


Remember, kids:

To succeed in life

The one thing you gotta have is style!

Just not this guy's style.

Pamplemoose und zat is ze latest in my collection

Of "maxum man, ze lost epizodes".

I have ze whole set!

(Maxum man chuckles)

Please, teaching me about style?

Check out my hot new video phone.


Trevor I've got one too!

(Phone rings)

Mine is specially designed to send squeeks

With just one click.

All the supers are on squawker now.


It's jim tastic!


Jim tastic here,

Just squeekin' to all my peeps.

I'm keeping in shape to keep you safe!

Owee! (Pained cries)

I just love knowing every single thing

That everyone is doing at every moment!

Now my life is complete!

Hey squeek-peeps! Vana here.

Time to show off my sidekick skills

By kicking eric's butt!



Hey, it's another message from vana!

She's great!

Vana (on phone screen) time to show of my sidekick skills...

Eric huh?

(Pained grunts)

Squawker is awesome!

Anyone who is everyone who knows anyone is on it!

Almost everyone.

Eric, why isn't maxum man on squawker?

What's he hiding? What are you hiding?

Class yeah!

Huh? Uh...

Maxum man is around.

In fact he uh... Is on squawker!

Yeah. He's starting this afternoon!

Oh, it is simple.

I combine a maxum man -d rendering

With motion capture tied to the maxi-image-processor

In my villain database,

And there you are going.

I don't understand that at all... But okay!

Eric as maxum man wow! It works.

People won't think maxum man is missing anymore.

He's alive! Alive!

Whoa! And I look awesome!

Kitty so eric, when are we going to get a message from maxum man?

Yeah, eric. When?

(Nervous) um, we'll be right back!


(Pants) okay. Here we go.

Time for another message to my many fans... Huh?

It's... From maxum man!

(All phones ring)

Maxum man here!

Just defeated the dreaded villain, hal-e-tosis!



(Effort grunts)


Be out in a minute!

What the...?


Maxum man (on phone screen) be out in a minute...

Oh! Uh... Cleaning crew's here...

To uh, you know... To clean... Up...

Gotta go!

(Sighs) I think it worked.



Wow! That was the best squeek ever!

Everybody will want to know what I think.

Vana here, squeek peeps.

Just saw maxum man kick some serious butt.

That's gonna totally be me one day.

(All phones ring)

All whoa! Ohhh...

Aren't you gonna watch it?

It's just vana.

I can't tie up the phone

In case maxum man calls again!

Okay. Here goes.

(Phones ring)




(Trevor laughs)

(Sound of evil laughter)


Maxum man is digging swellburger's

Quadruple bacon goodnessburger.

Mmm. You should too!

Man, you have just stopped even trying.

(All phones ring)

Maxum man maxum man is digging swellburger's

Quadruple bacon goodnessburger.

(Crowd rushes, ground trembles)

Man, I gotta get me some of that!

(Laughs) they're all buying it.

Why didn't everyone stampede

When I said I liked the onion rings?

Maybe my days as a squawk-star are over?

(Eating sounds)


Dude, I need my maxum man fix now!

Again? Really?

Oh, I'm tired of all the lying and deceit.

One you're the most popular super ever.

You gotta give your fans what they want.

And b you should never get tired of lying or deceit!

(Sigh) fine.

But I'm running out of villains to imaginary-pummel.

Brain, who's next on the list?

Hm... There aren't too many left.

Eric ew, horse face. (Buzzer buzzes)

Ew, thumb face. (Buzzer buzzes)

Ew, golf face. (Buzzer buzzes)

Ew, girl face.


Ooh, how about this one the wreck-orator?



Uh, maxum man here.

Yeah,just finished wasting the wreck-orator

Blah-blah, blah-blah, blah.

Uh, maxum man here.

Yeah, just finished wasting the wreck-orator

Blah-blah, blah-blah, blah.

What?! That tasteless cad maxum man,

Couldn't waste me in his dreams!

He ruined my designs once,

But now it's time for me to show the world my style -

By taking out maxum man!

Eric (sighs) it's been a lot of work,

But no one's asked me about maxum man in days!

And I have like a thousand times more squeek-peeps

Than vana!

That'll show her!

(Loud bang, doorbell chimes)

Whoa, cool new doorbell!


Come out, maxum man, you mismatched phony!

Score! You have super villain fans!

(Jet roars)

(Nervous) hi, uh... I'm maxum man's sidekick.

This is all just a big misunderstanding.

That message was the final insult to me and my style!


(Jet roars)

(Rapid laser fire)


Bah! My ensemble's not only stylish but it's waterproof,

Dirtproof, wrinkleproof and laserproof!

My hair too!

Now where is maxum man?!

He destroyed my career!

I was going to be featured in super-designers bi-weekly!

Wow. You really hate maxum man?

Maxum man is the worst!

Well, except for that awful vana.

But she seems to have stopped her infernal squawking

For some reason.

Hey, he's a vana's follower.

Yeah. She's so last week.

I've got the perfect distraction!

Kitty vana, look! It's a message from maxum man.

Vana woopee.

About you!

Maxum man as the world's greatest hero

I have to tackle some pretty big problems

Super villain att*cks, intergalactic alien-warfare

And striving for world peace.

But those things aren't important at all next to vana!

Vana, won't you please come back?

The world needs you and your amazing style!

Kitty! Phone!

(Laser blasts)

(Phone rings)

Bah! Hold on!

That's right, squeek-peeps. I'm back!

Arg! Vana!

And I've got a special surprise

For my style-starved fans

It's a rare look inside my super crib.

Ugh! Pink taffeta wallpaper!


Maxum man can wait! She must be stopped!

Huh. Maybe I shoulda thought this through a bit more.

I never wanted him to attack vana.

Ah, I feel great!

(Loud bang)

Um, I feel a draft.

(Panicked whimpers)

This room is an affront to all things stylish!

It's like the place where ugly comes to die!



Who are you? Why are you attacking me -

And how dare you criticize my sense of style!

(Laser blast)


Eric I'm coming, vana!

Burnt umber? With your hair colour?

That's just wrong.

Now magenta would really make it pop!

Oh yeah?! Well prepare to -

You know, I was thinking the same thing!

With maybe a little tangerine accent?

Tangerine hmmm? That's not bad.

Eric vana! I'm here to save...


You have to show me your patent leather picture frames!

Oh yes, it'll make the room absolutely fabu!

Eric what's going on?

The wreck-orator destroyed your house!

Vana (laughing)

Oh, hi eric. He did me a favour!

That style was so tired.

My new look will be pure wreckorator chic!

Seriously? After all that?!

You this whole squawk business

Isn't turning out the way I thought it would.

Yeah, let's join wastebook instead.

Hey fans, this'll be my last message for a while.

I'm too busy keeping the world safe.

But I have one last and very important thing to say


Be nice to eric. He's the greatest.

Smooth. Too bad it's all over though.

Keeping my fans happy was tiring me out anyway.

Since no other villains come looking for revenge

There's no further downside for the biggie and the t-bone.

Villain (clears his throat)
