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01x11 - This Hour Has 22 Million Minutes / Halloweenie

Posted: 07/02/23 04:58
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!



(Alarm blasts loud heavy metal music)


I'm asking vana to the dance today.

She's gonna say no, but I'm askin' anyway.



Agh! Hot! Hot!

Why does the thermo nuclear foodatron

Have to make things so hot... And so tasty?!

Gah! The bus!

(Bus peels away)

Hey! Wait!




Clock I don't wanna live in a old folks home!

Vana come on, people!

This dance isn't gonna decorate it self!

Hoist that disco ball!

Sweep that floor!

Hang that banner!

I haven't got all day! Move it!

Sorry I'm late to help decorate.

I burned my hand, missed the bus,

Then coughed up bacon and ate it.

And that's not gross because...

(Sarcastic) wow, that is so interesting!

Kitty waa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaa!

Well, what is it?

Is there something else? Spit it out!

I have it got all day! Move it! Move it!


Hey, trevor.

When did you volunteer to decorate for the dance?

What dance?

Eric I don't know, it's missing something.

Yeah, I was gonna paint something in his nose,

But I don't have any green paint, so...

Wait a sec!

Okay, it's now or never.

It's the do or die moment.

The time for waiting is over.

It's time to ask vana to the dance.

Yup, i, i...

Agh! Just do it!

Eric whooooaaaaa!

What now?!

Um, as you know...

The school dance is, uh, tomorrow,

And I was wondering if... If, you know...

You'd... Um...

Kitty aggghhhhhhhh!!

(Pained groan)

(Alarm blasts loud heavy metal music)



I'm asking vana to the dance today!

She's gonna say no, but I'm askin' anyway!


(Alarm blasts)

Agh! So hot, but sooo tasty.

Wait a sec, this feels kinda familiar...

And painful.

Hmm. Weird.

Gah! (Gulp) the bus!

Hey! Wait!


Hmm. Oh yeah.


I don't wanna live in an old folks home!

Vana come on, people!

This dance isn't gonna decorate itself!

Hoist that disco ball!

Sweep that floor!

Hang that banner!

I haven't got all day! Move it!

Whoa... Deja again.

Well, what is it?

Um, sorry I'm late.

I burned my hand, missed the bus,

Then coughed up bacon and ate it.

(Sarcastic) wow, that is so interesting!

Kitty waa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaa!

Is there something else? Spit it out!

I haven't got all day! Move it! Move it!


Something's up.

I feel like I've done this before.

Hey, when did you start decorating for the dance?

(Together) what dance?

See?! Something weird is going on!

Dude, you're like a mind reader or something!

Bet you can't guess what I'm gonna do next?!

Yeah. I knew you were gonna do that and - gross! -

Next, I try to ask vana to the dance,

But I freeze up.

(Sighs) just do it!


Um, have you ever had that feeling

That you're about to do something

That you've already done?

Kitty aggghhhhhhhh!!

Right, kitty crashing.

I definitely remember tha-argh!

(Alarm blasts loud heavy metal music)


I'm asking vana to the dance today!

I knew it! Everything is repeating!

Man, I can't wait to tell trevor!


Eric ow-ow! Too tasty not to repeat!


Hey! It's static clint

And uh... Some weird clock dude!

That's strange!

Vana come on, people!

This dance isn't gonna decorate itself!


Hey, eric! Guess what?

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Awesome picture of pamplemoose.

Hey, how'd you know I was gonna paint pamplemoose?

I didn't know I was going to paint pamplemoose!

You know what?

I should totally paint pamplemoose!

No! Kitty! Wait!

Kitty, don't strap on that helmet!

Anything for you, eric.

Eric, those decorations aren't going to hang themselves!

But the helmet's gonna malfunction!

Argh! I don't have time for this.

(Grunts of effort)

Give-it-to-me! But-it's-danger-ous!

Hah! Got it!


And there it goes.

(Alarm blasts loud heavy metal music)

Okay, maybe I could use a little help

Figuring out what's goin on.

(Electronic bleeping)

Hmm... Sounds like a garden variety time loop.

Plenty of supers and evil masterminds

Can do that.

Okay, but which one?

Maxum brain hard to say.

There's pendulum pete, big ben, tick tock timmy,

The clock puncher...

The clock puncher!

I saw him from the bus!

Static clint was chasing him.

Maxum brain (gasps) static clint?

I wonder...

(Beeping) of course!

If static clint's electric powers are combined

With the clock puncher's time-slowing abilities,

The day is erased and you start all over again!


As if it never happened.

(Heavy metal music blasts)


Trevor, we're caught in a time loop,

So we can do anything we want.

How soon can you get here?


I assume we start in the uh...

Evil, uh, gadgets room?



(Laser fires)


(Clock beeps)



(Tinkling sigh of relief)

Yagghhhh! Woo-hooo!



Doing all this stuff is fun,

But when nobody remembers your cool pranks,

What good is it?

Besides, I'll never get to ask vana to the dance

If I keep avoiding it.

It's time to stop the time stopper

And his stopping of time!

Static clint we're here, dad!

Heroic pines home for aging supers.

Welcome to your...

(Words slow down) nnneeewww hoooommeee.

Hey! Stop using your powers on me!

I'm not going! I want to keep supering!

Get your hands off!

(Grunts of effort)

Ow! Dad, you can't change your mind now!

I've already paid the deposit!

Stop being so stubborn!



Dad, stop! Don't make me do this.

What, make my hair stand up?

All right, that's it! I warned you...

(Static electricity builds)

(Cuckoos like a cuckoo clock)

Guys! You have to stop!

Your fighting keeps causing time to-

(Powers whir)

(Heavy metal music blasts)


Okay, a little quicker this time.

Agh! Hot! Hot!

(Gulp) always time for time loop bacon.

We're here, dad!

Stop! You can't force the clock puncher

To live in heroic pines

Or you guys will fight

And it'll make time loop over and over!

But he can't stay with me.

I barely have room for a mini-fridge!

No one's gonna lock me up!

Now, dad, just calm down!

Eric guys!



(Panting) okay. I hope this works.

Be ready for my cue!

You're my secret w*apon.

We're here, dad.

Hey, what're you doing?

No one's gonna lock me up!


You can't just-


I'm sorry to do this,

But you two are gonna use your super powers

And make a time loop.

Which will be fun at first, but...

Boy, will it get annoying after a while.

I know, I know. This isn't your fault.

You don't have any room for your dad.

And you don't want to retire

Because you want to keep on supering.

But I think I may have found a reason

For you to change your mind.

You can come out now.

Clock puncher, meet suzy sweetie.

Suzy, meet the clock puncher.

(Cuckoos happily)

So, are you good to go?

And how! (Chuckles)

(Sighs) I did it.

I fixed time.

Oop! Gotta go!

Time to ask vana to the dance!

Question do you like to cha cha, hm?

(Struggles) oof!

Kitty aaaaaagh!

Kitty hi, eric!

Eric hey, kitty.

Eric! My hero!

I better take a look at the hydraulics.

Vana? Yes, eric?

So, look, I was wondering...


Why is this so difficult?

Go ahead. Just ask?

Vana, would you like to go to the dance with m- wha?!

Pamplemoose vas is dat?!

Herr needles, you like to paint?

Vell then, you will paint every vall in za school!

Which means... No dance for you!

(Gasps) the dance!

I've been so busy decorating that I never even got invited.

Heck, at the last minute like this,

I even think I would have gone with you.

But, but, but, but-but-but...


No! I need a do-over!



(Wolf howls)

(Glove snaps)

(Nose squeaks)

(Water squirts)

(Horn honks)

Ooh, finally given up on sidekicking

And taken up your true calling, I see.

Not even you can bring me down today, maxum brain.

It's halloween! (Laughs)

Oh, so you are going to hang out with your peeps

And gorge on mountains of candy.

Yes, very different from your every day.

It's gonna be awesome.

I never had a real halloween at the orphanage.

Trick or treat.

Trick or treat.



But tonight, finally, I'll get tons of candy!

Maybe if you loosened up a bit,

You'd actually enjoy halloween.

Ha! Like the world's most advanced super computer

Doesn't have better things to do

Than act silly on a totally nonsensical holiday!

Hmm. Actually I do enjoy taking nougat out of my mustache.

(Owl hoots)

Eric cool costumes!

But why are you both dressed as maxum man?

Maxum man is the greatest hero ever.

Who else would we dress up as?

Didn't you see all the other kids

As you were walking here?


Hey, you try to see

With this big red clown nose between your eyes!

(Vana giggles and honks nose)

Why'd you choose clown?

I like clowns! Everybody likes clowns!

They make people laugh, they make balloon animals.

They make people laugh!

Trevor hey, sorry I'm late.

I couldn't decide... Maxum man or xox.

So I went with... Xoxum man!

(Honks nose and laughs)

You always go as xoxum man.

No! Last year I was maxox man...

Hey! Nice costume, eric.

Hmm... What are you?

Maxum man dressed like a clown!?

No! I'm just a clown!

Oh! Why?

Are we gonna stand around

Or are we gonna get as much candy

As physically possible?

Let the trick or treating begin!

Agh! Oof!

Ooh, that looked like it hurt.


Clowns are funny!

That's it. This costume's gotta go.

Agh! Ow! Ow!

Kitty this is it.

It's the only costume shop still open.

Eric hope they've got a maxum man in my size.

(Door bell jingles)

Eric cool!

And kinda creepy!


What do you kids want?!

I've got things to do!

This nose hair isn't going to trim itself!

I need a costume.

Really? Well, then you came to the right place!

Costumes I have!

A ghost? A vampire? A big yellow sea sponge?

I've got everything! Well, everything except-

Eric one maxum man costume, please!

Ah, size small.

Maxum man!

That over blown, over egoed, waste of a superhero?!

Used to be that kids wanted real halloween costumes.

Now it's nothing but maxum man, maxum man, maxum man!

I am sick and tired of that name

And of kids thinking that he is so special!

Hey! He is special.

Maxum man is the most special superhero ever!

Well, maybe I'll just change your mind!

Eric (mocking) ooh! Look at the crazy, old wizard

With his shiny stick.

Yeah, we're so scared.

What are ya gonna do?!

You'll see!


You'll see!

(Evil laughter)

(Small expl*sive bursts)

Now that that's over,

It's time to get back to what halloween is all about:



Well, eric, in splitsboro,

You don't just walk up to the door

And get handed candy.

You have to fight for it!

(Lasers fire)


(Gust of wind)

Did I do that?

(Rings doorbell) trick or treat...


On no! Kitty!


Okay. What just happened?

Flying, ice breath and crazy speed...

You guys have maxum man's super powers!

Vana I have super speed.

And super strength!

Who wants something from japan?!

(Godzilla roars)

(Gasp) I have maxum man's powers too!

And xox's evil genius! Wicked!

(Evil laugh) no, you don't, evil xox!

Aw man, I bet I'm never gonna let me have any fun.


We all have super powers! How did this happen?

Meteor shower? Radioactive spider?

Creepy wizard's curse? Who cares?!

You're right! No more sidekick for me.

Superhero world here I come!


What? How come I can't fly?!

Oh great, you've all got maxum man's powers,

And all I get are super-clown powers?!

What good are those?

Not one broken nail, my hair is still perfect...

This is so cool!

Kitty not that I'm not enjoying having maxum man's powers,

But... How did this happen to us?

I vote for finding a way to change us all back,

And not just because I got stuck being a clown.

Okay, mostly because I got stuck being a clown,

But also cause trevor with xox's evil brain

Is freaking me out!


Brain (cackles)

I wonder if everyone got super powers?

(Loud crashing and smashing, alarms and sirens wail)

Cool! A whole city full of super-powered kids.

What do you think caused this?

Kitty, I'll take it from here.

We need to find out what caused this.

That's exactly what I just said!

True, but if I say it, people will actually listen.

Vana, I think it's time you started treating me better!

Oh, really?!

Kitty yeah, really.

I have maxum man's powers now.


So... Cool it, vana!

Agh! You just made a big mistake.

Even if you have superpowers, I can still kick your butt!

Eric waaaa! Ungh!

Hi-yah! Take that!


(Battle grunts)

Guys, come on.

We gotta stop this

Before we destroy the whole city!

Vana she started it!

Kitty oh, I so didn't!


This is fun... And confusing!

(Arguing with self) you're not hurting anyone, evil xox side!

Ungh! Prepare to be destroyed, maxum man side!

(Fighting sounds)

It's like maxum men gone wild!

Eric guys, listen to me! The costume shop!

Oof! The wizard!

He's the only weirdo we've met today.

We have to stop him!

He turned you all into mini-maxum men! Whoa!

Okay. I guess it's up to the clown. Woopie.


Mr. Creepy costume store owner, sir?

Are you here?

(Groans) what are you doing here?

Um, I came to stop you?

I will not stop until maxum man's name is mud!

With so many manic maxum men out there,

Everyone will finally realize

He isn't so special after all!

Why do you hate maxum man so much?

Because I was his super tailor,

Until I tried to make him the ultimate costume.

And it was magnificent!


But he fired me! Literally.

Out of a proton cannon. It was awful.

I bet.

He destroyed my reputation and now I will destroy his!

And you won't stop me, clown!


There's gotta be something in this ridiculous costume

To help me.


Ah hah! Thirsty?!

Agh! It burns!

It's really fizzy!

I wonder what else I've got up my super-clown sleeve?

Huh, I could blow my nose a million times,

Or I could do this!

Ooh! Fine!

But I still have my magic staff

And I'll never reverse the spell!

Yoink! Now to get rid of you like only a super-clown can.

No. Not the clown car!

Wardro-man (pained screams)

Ahhhhh! (Car honks)

Being a clown might have been embarrassing,

But a super-clown?

That's a whole different ball game!

(Fighting sounds)

So I could either break the magic spell

By studying the complicated and ancient ways

Of the wizards.



Ha-ha! Finally! No more clown!

I kind of miss it.

(Fighting sounds)



Kitty I guess we should stop fighting now.

Vana you first.

Kitty oh, you first.

Vana no you first.

Huh? What happened?

I feel slightly less evil!

What fun is that?

(Evil laughter)

(Rocket whooshes)

Eric so halloween is over and we didn't get any candy.

Nothing. Zilch!

Vana all those superpowers and what did we do?

Kitty we spent it fighting,

Instead of super trick or treating.

Just imagine how much candy you could have scored.

All (sigh)

Trevor hey, looks like one kid made out all right.

Eric brain?! I thought you hated halloween?

(Stammering) I was just out for a walk...

In a, er, costume...

And this candy just came from the sky

And, oh, just take it!

(Cheering and laughing)


I love halloween!