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01x09 - The Henchman Challenge / Family Fun Day

Posted: 07/02/23 04:55
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


Pamplemoose I am hoping you brought your 'a' game!

I specifically ordered your 'a' game to be broughten!

Today eric needles is going to lead our team in winning...

The henchmen prize!

I am? Cool slash groovy slash

What's a henchmen prize?

The henchmen prize is where we all have a bath

With an ostrich.

Kitty um, not quite.

It's a competition between us and master xox's henchmen

Vocational school.

Really? My bad, lester.

In all ze yearz, ve have von ze prize, only once...

Roll ze clip!

Announcer this week in super sports history!

The henchmen challenge!

Freshman and cat's meow,

Aspiring sidekick maxum man,

Hopes to lead his team to victory

Against the rag-a-muffin no nonsense henchmen.

Mind your potatoes henchmen,

Maxum man dominates in the dodge-cannon-ball event!



Annoucer maxum man wins the cup!

A truly historic day for sidekick sports!

Pamplemoose and now, you, maxum man's newest protege,

Vill follow in his glorious footsteps!

Eric maxum man has powers. Me not so much.

The prize is not about powers.

It is about honour. Integrity. Pride.

And above all vinning!

That's why, as your team captain,

It is my sworn duty to lead the team and-

Eric is team captain.

Sorry, I seem to have something crazy in my ears.

Eric is team captain! D-fence!

D... Fence!

You vill do us proud...

Or detention for you!

Vana but I need to be team captain.

I even had kitty write a playbook!

Oops! Wrong book! (Giggles)

Winning this was maxum man's first step

To becoming a super! And it'll be mine too!

That's awesome, dude!

So, when do we start cheating?

I got yer ray g*ns, screwdrivers,

Lasers, screwdrivers with lasers...

Whoa-whoa-whoa! We're not cheating.

Maxum man would never cheat.

Righteo then, one m*ssacre coming up!


Ah, pamplemoose,

I really thought you'd stay home this time.

Nein! I never shy avay from a fight.

Plus, it's being fumigated!

(Spray hisses)


Unt, zis year, ve have an edge.

Maxum man's sidekick, eric!

Ha! He's no match for my, definitely

Not remotely controlled through a silicon chip

I surgically implanted in their brain, henchmen!


Trevor all in favour of cheating?

Aye. The cheaters have it.

See that? I just cheated, and won.

I'm trevor troublemeyer,

And I endorse this cheating.

No cheating!

(Crowd boos)


Announcer welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...

And other things...

To the annual henchmen challenge!

Our first event - the water cube!

Vana in this one you have to rescue the dummy super.

But as team captain, you already know that, right?

As team captain, I say chillax.

Wait, sharks can smell fear, can't they?

That means if I'm not afraid,

They won't know I'm there! It's zen!


Om... Om...

Not zen! Definitely not zen!

Agh! Crowd owww!

Let's see the henchmen beat that!

(Truck beeps)

(Jackhammer rattles)



Announcer and the event goes to - the henchmen!

Hey, that's cheating!

And really bad dancing!


Eric, the bad guys don't have rules.

We have .

Don't worry, guys! It's only one event.

We'll win the next one!

Announcer and the next event goes to the henchmen!



Und I had zuch high hopes.

Vake me when it's over. (Snores)

Trevor face it, eric.

We only have one chance to win.

We gotta cheat.

We can't cheat! We're the good guys!

Remember? Honour? Integrity?

Pride? Other stuff!

You tell 'em, eric!

Vana but we have to do something, anything.

If we lose this save your super from lava event,

We might as well go home.

So, don't lose.

Okay, no problem.

I'll just ah...

Get a new pair of shoes...

(Energy hums)


Announcer the henchman have an unbeatable time!

Fine! If that's the only way we're gonna win, then...

We'll cheat like trevor on friday's quiz.

Wha... Somevone cheated?

(Chuckle) he's kidding, I swear!

All right trevor, let's do it.

Eric, no!

Way ahead of you, broseph!



Whoo-hooo! Ha ha ha!


Announcer amazing! With a record run of seconds,

The sidekicks win?!

We won? We won!






(Crowd cheers)




(Rocket whooshes then explodes)

Announcer for defusing the doomsday device in record time -

And for blowing up the other team... Sidekicks win!




Now, to gain ze trophy,

You must vin the final event!

Zee most ancient and deadly sport

Zat any shtudent has ever faced!

It vill be terrifying, death defying,

Unt guaranteed to leave a mark.


Aw man! I hate dodgeball!

Trevor so, what's the cheatin' plan, man?

The old kickamaroo?

The wing 'em and ding 'em? Skipso laredo?

Those aren't even real things...

And I don't know!

The shlepity do.

Oh, stop looking at me like that, kitty.

I know cheating is wrong,

But there's no other way to win.

Xox has been cheating the whole time!

But xox is a villain, that's what he does!

What would maxum man say?


Maxum man hey there, sport. Congratulations!

Because you've played with honour,

Integrity and valor,

You've earned the maxum man seal of approval...

A registered trademark of maxum corp.

Eric guys! Maxum man talked to me...

And he doesn't want us to cheat!

He talks to everyone.

It's the pre-recorded speech he gives every year.

Yeah, they beam it right into your brain! See?

Maxum man hey there, sport. Congratulations...

Ew! I don't care.

Maxum man's right. I can't cheat anymore!

We're no better than them!

(Confused chatter)

Okay, so we're a little better than them.

But you get my point.

I knew it! I knew you'd do the right thing!

Vana, trevor me too.

Eric sure we aren't controlled by an evil genius,

But we have something better...

Please say cheating. Please say cheating.

No! Each other!

And together, we're going to play

That mega dodge-cannon-ball game, and win!

Vena! Nooo!

Whoa! Oof!

Told ya we should have chea- oof!

Wow, not cheating is sure gonna hurt.

Ethan crush!

Ah! Whoa!


(Rocket whooshes)

(expl*si*n) kitty eric!

Crowd oohhhh... (Cheering)

He's still alive!

Eric! You can't win! Cheat, man.


Don't do it, eric!


Ha! Ha!

What's he doing? Oh, I can't watch.

What is he doing?

Look at the good guy! (Laughs)


What are you doing, you dolts? Get him?!


He'll be massacred!

Oo! Let me see!

But he's your best friend!

(Shrugs) still...

Goodbye, sidekick!

(Gasp) eric...




I did it!

Announcer he did it. The sidekicks win!

The sidekicks win!

In a move reminiscent of maxum man himself,

Though far less impressive, eric needles has won!


Eric can you believe it. We won!

The good guys finally won!


Announcer sidekicks lose points for breaking rule :

No excessive celebration on the podium!

The henchmen win!

Give it! Nein! Nein! Nein!

It's mine!

I won it fair!

Eric well, we may not have won,

But at least we're still the good guys!



(Sleigh bells ding)

It's that magical time of year once again, sidekicks!

Welcome to family fun day!

It's our annual celebration of all the f's we hold dear;

Family, fun, and fightin' to-win!

Right, maxum mom?

You bet, maxum son!

Let's show these ninnies what fun is all about.



And nothing says fun like "toss the villain!"

(Pained grunts)


Villain ahhhhhh!

Family day is all about spending quality time...


Remember family is forever!

But winning is what really counts!

Don't slouch, junior.


Brain, you drive like an old lady.

We're gonna be late for family fun day!

Agh! Enough with your front seat backseat driving.

Here is your lunch. And a sweater.

But it's summer.

Oo. That reminds me. Sunblock!


Why are you being so nice to me?

Because I am your sworn guardian and protector -

Plus I don't want you to have any excuses

To be coming home early.

Please be getting out now.

Pamplemoose vait! His permission slip!

Every schtudent must have a signed permission slip!

Oops! That was close.

Imagine if I had forgotten

And we had to spend the entire day together.

Hah! By signing this you two are legally bound

To spend the entire day together.


Brain noooooo!

We might be stuck with each other,

But just be cool, okay?

All my friends and their families are here.

Hello! I am always cool!

Oh! You're not listening to me!

Hey, vana!

Oh, hi eric.

I just don't understand why the events have to be so...


Because if you don't compete, you can't win!

And I like winning!

If only we could all just tie!

(Gasp) wouldn't that be nice?

(Frustrated growls) agh!

Tree agh!

(In unison) hi eric.

Kitty this is the boy I've been telling you about.

He's... So cuuuute.

Mr. Troublemeyer come on, trevor.

Do we have to go through this every year?

Trevor yes.

I'm at a school event... With my dad.

That's negative fun.

Oh, you'll have a great time with your 'ol dad.

You just wait and see.

(Effort grunts)

Pamplemoose velcome to family fun day!

You vill have fun!

Our first event, za shpoon race!

Each team must carry a ball to za finish line

Wit a schpoon in their mouths.

Za balls are made of dark matter,

Za heaviest material in the universe. Deal with it!


(Horn sounds)

Oh, come on, eric.

You spoon race like an old lady.

This is hopeless. We'll never get to the finish.

I too wish to get this over with.

Hey, I have a gravitational force program

That should do the trick.

(Energy hums)

(Effort grunts)



Great. Now we only have five planets left in the solar system

And we're still stuck here!

Quick, son. Pass me the ball...

Where'd it go?

I swallowed it, okay?

A spoon gets near my mouth and I swallow!

I can't help it! Not that you care!


Would you excuse me for a moment, son?

I'll be right back.

Trevor sure, whatever.

(Yelling) aaah!

I'm trying! But he's makes it so hard!

Sometimes I just want to-

Hug the stuffing out of him!

Look what happened while you were gone!

You know I can't be trusted around balls!

(Burp!) Agh!

(Effort grunts)

Congratulations! First prize.

Here is your ribbon.

I just want to thank everyone for not being as good as me.

As usual.

And in the spirit of friendship

I'd like to share this victory with you.




Time for sidekick tag!

Everyone grab your proton cannon.


It's go time.

Pamplemoose remember being hit by za cannon

Vil momentarily send players to another dimension

Where intense anguish vill transpire!


Um, what'd he say about anguish?

Shhh! You're embarrassing me!


Everyvone ready...?!

We surrender!

Make peace, not w*r!

Oh come on! You couldn't even wait for the bell?!


(Lasers fire) (panicked screams)


Ooh eric, check this out.

Eric cool. Your satellite tracking program

Will make winning a cinch.

I got this one!


I, I don't know about this game, trevor.

These things seems awfully complicated.

I always get the broken one!

Whoa! Whoa! Careful there, sport.

You don't wanna zap your old man, do ya?


Um...where'd he go?

So cold. So very cold.

Great! You go to an alien dimension,

But did you get me anything? No!

Some dad you are!

(Bell rings, buzzer)

I'll be right back.

(Angry screams)

(Crazed laughter)

(Birds squawk)

(Laser blast)

Not bad... Thanks!

For someone of your limited abilities.


(Alarm sounds)

Uh oh. Kitty's team has cornered us,

We are doomed!

Not yet! I got a plan.

Kitty, I'll go to a movie with you, if you let me win.

Kitty done.

I must say, I am suitably impressed

By your strategies, eric.

And you aren't as annoying as usual!

This family day might turn out to be fun-ish after all.

Master xox family fun day has been cancelled!

Never again will be forced to spend time with our families!

Never again will we need to pretend to like each other.

Never again will we be forced to have fun!

(Laser blasts)

Just my luck.

We start winning and the day gets ruined by xox!

Well, I'm not letting this family gathering

End like so many others

With senseless v*olence.

Wait! What are you doing?!

Hold it right there, xox!


You hate family fun day?

Well, I hate it too.

But it doesn't have to be a complete loss.

Why destroy us,

When you could humiliate us then destroy us?

That makes no sense, but... Go on.

One event. You win -

You get to destroy all these families.


And if I win, you get to not destroy them.

(Disappointed) ah.



Fine, I accept!

Anything to end this t*rture!

Prepare to be decimated.

Let's get this over with.

My german potato salad is festering in the sun.


Za final event is...

The three legged race... Of doom!

You vill need a partner.

Trevor ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

No. Anyone but him.

No. No! Noooooo!

Trevor, you know if you and xox win,

He's going to destroy us all, right?

Uh... What's your point?

(Start horn sounds)

(Effort grunts)

What are you doing?!

I've done the calculations.

With your gangly legs there is no way for us to beat them.

You don't even have legs! Oof!


Trevor so, how you wanna destroy everyone? Spoons?

We'll talk about that later!

Just keep your eye on the- (screams)

Eric see ya later, cliffhangers!

Maxum brain eric, forget your almost witty line

And keep your eye on the... Ah!


(Grunts) you weigh a ton!

Actually four point eight tons.

Trevor help me. Pull me up!

Master xox forget it!

It's every villain for himself!


You know, maybe my dad is nice

And kind and treats me really well and stuff,

But I still like him better than you!

Master xox your weakling father might be happy

Spending time with you, but xox doesn't lose!

Eric brain, come on, we have to think of something!

For the families. For trevor.

So we can get this over with!


Brain, reboot yourself or something.

Have a nice trip, ta ta!

Trevor ahhhh!

Trevor, no!



(Rocket whooshes)

You coulda done that the whole time?

Meh. I like to build up the drama.

Nice one.

Okay. Let's win this thing!

You bet! What thing?




Maxum brain I think we learned something valuable today

Always read permission slips before signing.

I think we learned something else too.

I don't know how to say it so I'll just say it.

Me and you... The two of us...

I know. I know.

Let's never do anything together again.


Let us go home and ignore each other forever.

(Engine roars) (trophy smashes)