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01x01 - Maxum Man Mark Two / To Party Perchance To Party

Posted: 07/02/23 04:36
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


(Robots whir)

(Robots whir)

(Robots screech to a halt)


(Arrogant chuckle)

(Jingling and tinkling sound)

(Loud glass-shattering crash)

(Pig squeals)

(Laser beams hum)

(Robots whir)

Yaaaa! (Zapping) yow!

All right! Yay ay-ay-ay ay!


(Robots whir)



Go away, vamoose, get out, everyone!

Eric, I do not want to go through this

Every time I want to talk.

Oh, you just wanna talk?

I thought you wanted me to do some sidekick stuff,

Like cleaning up or something.

Cleaning up is what I want to talk to you about.

(Glass shatters, eric screams in terror)

Maxum brain oh, the lair is a mess since maxum man disappeared,

So get with the cleaning already.

The dust bunnies are starting to multiply.

(Gasps) wait a sec!

Billionaire playboy superheroes

Never clean things themselves,

So he must have someone do it for him!

(Chuckles slyly)

Eric no. No. No.

No. No.


What do you want?!

(Terrified) m-m-m-man... Maid?

(Gulps) I'm uh... Maxum man's sidekick.

You used to clean his lair, right?

Do you think you could-

Man-maid (furious roar)

Maxum man asks me to clean?

After last time?!

(Furious roar)

Guess not.

What's his problem?

Maxum brain whoa! His furious anger is due to the fact

That he had to clean up after maxum man's legendary battle

With enzyme ellis,

The salivator-nator.

It was a great big mess...

And maxum man didn't leave a tip!

Since then,

Man-maid and maxum man have been arch-enemies.

Now get cleaning!


Eric! Oh, bicep hamster note...

Apple pie with a wrench...

A hockey... A hockey skate!

Trevor get a hold of yourself!

Captain bicep deathwish is missing!

And all he left was this note!



(Foghorn blows)

That's hamster poop.

It's not just poop.

It's how he says I love you...

From his butt.


Hmm... What's more important?

Cleaning the lair...

Or helping your best pal when he's feeling down?

Behold, the clone-ranger!

What's it do?

It clones things.

You know, like a ranger...

Who's good at cloning things.

Give me the poop, trevor.

You know what? Just dump it in here.

One brand new furry, poopin' hamster coming up.

(Cloning machine whirs and fizzles)

Captain bicep deathwish! Yay!

Maxum man?

(Speaking gibberish) gnnnarble flimbnik.

He was smaller and fuzzier before.

Eric? Have you fin- ahhhh!

Circuits alive! What doing have you two done!?


Don't bother, I've already computed it.

How did this happen?

Maxum brain the dust, you ninny.

Dust is percent dried human skin.

Some dna of maxum man must have got in the cloner.

I wonder how that happened?

That should hold him...

At least until we can figure out what to do with him.


I missed him so much.

(Loud expl*si*n)

You can play with him later.

C'mon, we're late for school.

♪ Gonna do something sneak-y

♪ And eric's not gonna see me... ♪

♪ 'Cause he already left the sc-ene... ♪

Hamster maxum man (muffled) gorflap hmmmmnibble.


Uh... Nothing! Nothing at all!

Why's your backpack-

It's full of learnin', okay?

Back off, man! Back off!

Ungh! Unnggghhhh!

Pamplemoose so good of you to join us, mr. Needles.

Really. It's so good.

Am I being sarcastic enough?

I was off saving the day with maxum man,

And here's my note.

Okay, I'll go sit down now.

It's amazing how maxum man's signature

Changes on every note.

Uh... That's so nobody can forge it.

Yes. Of course.

Very clever.

Vana come on, eric,

Has anyone ever actually seen you

And maxum man together?

He was best man when eric and I got married!

(Wedding march plays)

Dreams don't count, kitty.

I just don't see

How maxum man could pick you

Over someone amazing like me.

Something is definitely up

And I'm going to find out what it is!

I'm watching you!

I would like that.

(Speaking gibberish)

Trevor (strained) we're together again, buddy!

(Hamster maxum man farts)

Trevor (gasps) just like old times.


Riding you is so much easier now that you're big!

Eric (whistling)



Whoa-oa-oa boy!

(Rubbery chewing, loud belch)

Bad eric.

Those apple slices were

For captain bicep maxum deathwish man!

You know he doesn't share.

You brought him to school?

Is that a trick question?

Since he's here, you can both help.

Vana doesn't believe I'm maxum man's sidekick!

If she finds out the truth

That maxum man is missing, then...

Trevor there'll be no more mansion,

No more gadgets, and no more hamster clones!

I wish I could help you,

But all I have is a gigantic hamster

Who looks almost exactly like maxum man and...

Oh... I get it!

(Pig squeals)

I don't know, man. She's gonna kick my butt.

She got an "a" in butt-kicking class!

She's also got an "a" in pretty.

Just run up and be evil.

I'll arrive with maxum man and save her.

That'll prove I'm his sidekick!

(Speaking gibberish, then squeaks)

Um, so, he'll just do what I say?

As long as he gets his apple slices.

Who loves apple slices?

You love apple slices...

Okay, here I go!

Thinking evil thoughts... Thinking evil thoughts.

Gimme all your... Uh...


I don't know who you are,

But I got an "a" in butt-kicking!

(Flurry of hard punches)

Agh! Ooh! Eee!

(Moans) I know! I know!

I was there!

(Flurry of punches) vana yahhhhhhhhhh!

Trevor (long, drawn out moan of pain)

That's our cue.

Let's go be hero and sidekick!

Don't worry, vana!

Maxum man and I will save you!

Okay, then where is maxum man?


Hey hamsterhead! I mean... Maxum man!

Someone's in distress here!

(Whispers) I've got an apple slice!

(Rumbling) huh?

(Panicked screaming)

(Everyone gasps)

Eric mm-m-man maid?

(Whistle blows)

Heh... Can we talk about this?


Guess not!

You, sidekick, where's your filthy hero?

Where's maxum man?

Where are you, maxum man?! You owe me a tip!


I'm gonna clean... Your clock!


All ooooooh!


(Angry chittering)

All yay!



Take that, maggot!




Vana why is maxum man fighting like a rodent?

It's his new fighting technique!

Angry hamster-style! It's genius!

(Battle grunt)


(Dust-buster hisses)


Victory is mine!

I will not be defeated!

Vana angry hamster-style my butt!

He's not the real maxum man!

Oh... Need help!

I've gotta do something!

He's the closest thing I've got and he needs me!


All yay!

Eric I'm maxum man's sidekick and I won't let you-



(Disappointed groans)

(In pain) agh!



(Battle yell)



Eric uh, maxum man's gotta go.

There's lots more evil to stop!

And apple slices to nibble!

You got away with it this time, needles.

Next time, you might not be so lucky.

I'm watching. Closely.

(Muffled screams)

Good horsey.

Good boy!


Narrator what's this? Maxum man's in trouble?!


Extrapolator (evil laughter) you can't defeat the extrapolator!

Narrator sidekick lesson number :

The sacrifice save!

Let him have it, maxum man!

Give him the old ring-a-ding ding!

I'll do that, golly-gee kid.


(Cat yowls)

Extrapolator saw that coming. So predictable.

Bored now.


(In pain) oh-ho-ho!

It's like he somehow knows what I'm going to do...

Before I do it!

Duh! Hello?! I extrapolate things?

Hence my name - the extrapolator.

Let's see you predict this.

Golly gee kid, get in position!

That's your own sidekick, man.


Narrator sidekicks - when the world's at its darkest,

They're the nightlight of justice.

(Chuckles sheepishly) oops...

Blasted robotic hand.

Und thus we see another example

Of a sidekick's many painful duties.


Ooh! Ooh!

Pamplemoose eric?

Couldn't our hero just throw a rock instead?

A rock? Dude! That was epic.

C'mon, someone hurl me!


Kitty ooh! Ooh! Professor!

Yes, kitty?

Maxum man should have focused on golly gee kid's skull

Instead of his whole body.

It would have been a far more effective w*apon.



That's attractive. (Muah, muah)

She's so beau-telligent.

Skull bash! Let's do this!

One destroyed desk is quite enough,

Mr. Troublema-

(School bell rings)

Pamplemoose weekend!

We gotta do something fun this weekend.

No, wait.

Something wicked fun this weekend!

No! Wicked awesome fun- gack!

Shhhhh! It's vana!

(Sucking sound)

Eric're sucking on my hand.

Trevor (garbled) it tashte lige bwoobewwy pangcakes.

You ready for my party tonight?

Am i!

I've been practicing my party skills all week!

(Disco music plays, kitty hums along)

(Music stops)



Trevor, I think vana's having a party tonight.

(Gasps) how do you know?

It was something about the way she said,

"You ready for my party tonight?"

Okay, one it's pronounced part-ay;

And two we are going to that part-ay!

And one can I lick your hand again?

I think I missed some syrup!

Excuse me-



(Laser blasts)

(Pained cries)

It's us! Eric and trevooor!

Eric? Are you okay?!

Oh, I'm so sorry!

You startled us!

I didn't mean to completely trash you like that!

Are you hurt?

I'm fine, and you didn't completely trash me...


Oh, you're so brave! I love you.

What? What?

Trevor ladies! We heard about your little part-ay.

Uh. It's so not your kind of party.

But we're all kinds of part-ay!

We love parties.

(Bollywood music plays)

(Heavy metal music plays)

Right on!


(Imitating metal music) (humming dreamily)

Weren't there girls here two seconds ago?

(Disco music plays)


You really think the girls won't mind us showing up

At their party?

Dude, they are going to love it when we trash their part-ay.

Um, you mean "crash," right?

Um... Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

(Alarm blares)

Relax! It's the maxum alarm.

Let's go.

Maxum brain oh look, the disappointing duo.

Eric oh look, it's the...


Uh, who is a computer,

So he doesn't have a body...

To live in.

Burn! Nice one, eric.


The dastardly drilliam shakespeare

Has escaped from his diamond-walled prison.

(Drill hisses)

Wow! Well, see ya!

Maxum brain not so fast!

Maxum man is missing

And it's your duty as a freeloading sidekick

To do his duty.

But we're going to a party!

Dude, it's part-ay!

Just like mond-ay or cheesec-ake.

Eric hey! Is that the mall of justice?

(Gasps) game-tronic!

Ahhh! The music mangler?!

Maxum brain are you wanting to stop drilliam now? Hmm?

Gah. Fine!

He's just a horse with a head drill,

How long could it take?

There are sixteen stages

To defeating drilliam shakespeare.

So...five or six hours, tops!

What? That'll take all week!

Can't we just drop a rock on him or something?

But that won't-

How big a rock?

(Sighs) I'd rather be eating chapati.

To drill or not to drill? That is the question!

And the answer is... Drill the dill!

(Drill hisses)


(Evil laughter)

At last! Maxum man's jet! That can only mean-

(Thunderous crash)

Yes! Par-ty!

(Dance music plays)

(Alarm beeps)


Hey! Thermal pizza guys! Cool!

No, kitty, it's party crashers.

You wanna have a little fun?

(Doorbell rings)

Dude, it's an intercom.

Classy people have stuff like that.

Vana? We're here for the part-

(Laser blasts)

Okay, that didn't won't work.

We're gonna have to dial it up

Sidekick style!

Ooh! That's using your thinker box!

Hey lasers, get a load of me!

(Lasers blast)

(Loud expl*si*n)

(Huffs) it's those party crashers again.

♪ Laser-proof, my tin foil's laser-proof ♪

♪ And I'm laser laser-proof!

Is that a giant baked potato?

Looks like!

And what do we do to baked potatoes?

We bake them.

I was going for "bake them."

But baked potatoes are already baked.

Just press the button.


(Microwave ray whirs)

Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hey! Time to chill out!


(Alarm wails)



Um... Hello?

(Ferocious roar)

Eric ahhhhhh!


They have robot walruses, trevor.

They love the cold.

Dude, I think I got this one.

He's beating the robot walruses with some kind of big mittens.

Activate... The fingersmasher.

Hurry, trevor! Hurry!

Trevor (screaming)

My wiggly-pokers...

Look what they did to my wiggly-pokers!

That's it, trevor, we're never getting in.

We'll have to have our own party.

A party of sadness.


Drilliam shakespeare me thinks these sidekicks doth whimper too much!"], Index ,…}

You thought a rock could stoppeth me?

What's this thing on my head, huh? Hmmm?

This is not a good time!

You see that house?

There's a party in that house and it's gonna end soon,

And I'm missing it!

Trevor, do you still have that list?

Do i.


Get ready for the worst five hours of your life.

Six, tops.

Oh pleaseth. Do thy worst.

The quality of mercy is not strain'd?

Mercy, please...

How do you like that?! I'm pouring sour milk...

On your face!

Trevor, why am I pouring sour milk on his face?

That's step fifteen, dude.

(Gasps) eric, look at step sixteen.

It's my chance to shine!

The sacrifice save? Like the training video?

You sure, trevor?

Dude, I have never been so unsure of anything

In my life.

Um... Okay.


Was that boy not thine friend?

Thou can't be serio-



(Thunderous expl*si*n)

There it is.

(Gasps) the promised land.

(Rooster crows)

Both wha...? No!



Kitty thanks for the party, vana!

Girl best party ever!

Girl love your new doorway!

What are you two doing here?

And what's with the crying?

We shoulda just done the sixteen steps

From the start.

Now there's no part-ay left for little eric and trevor.


Oh, eric, do you need a tissue?

A hug? My eternal and enduring love?

What? What?

Well, if coming to our party meant that much to you...

I guess we could party a little more.

Both you'd do that... For us?

expl*sive supreme party high-five!

I gotta say, this colour totally works for you.

Trevor fire engine red - wicked!

Eric, can I put lipstick on you?

Yeah, that's enough partying.