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04x94 - Identity Revealed

Posted: 07/01/23 16:33
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Main: ,Is this...a coffin?

Main: ,Wait?!

Main: ,Why am I in a coffin?!

Reborn: And according to Lal Mirch...

Lal: Vongola HQ was destroyed.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Main: ,And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Main: ,apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: But Byakuran's goal may be more than just eliminating the Vongola Family.

Reborn: It's really suspicious.

Reborn: Anyway, there's no time to waste.

Reborn: We're all going to train hard and attack the Millefiore hideout.

Reborn: You'll have to master the X Glove ver. Vongola Ring like your life depends on it, Tsuna.

On Screen: ,Target Identity Revealed

Giannini: I know it was an emergency,

Main: ,but they didn't have to destroy so much stuff.

Futa: Giannini.

Giannini: Yes?

Giannini: Is there something wrong, Futa-san?

Futa: On basement floor , in block ,

Main: ,there seems to be a disconnected cable of some sort.

Giannini: Roger that!

Giannini: I'll be done with this soon, so I'll fix it a bit later.

Giannini: Block ... Right here, huh?

Giannini: These wires are connected to the main circuit, so if we swap these out...

Giannini: Wh-What is it?

Lambo: Great success!

Giannini: Oh no!

Giannini: What did you draw?

Haru: Lambo-chan!

Haru: Here you are!

I-Pin: Lambo! You can't wander off alone!

Lambo: This is bad.

I-Pin: I won't let you escape!

Haru: Lambo-chan, stay with me!

Haru: Tsuna-san asked me to look after you!

Futa: Lambo, you can't go around touching everything.

Lambo: Screw you. I don't care what you say.

Tsuna: Lambo!

Haru: Eek! What happened?

Kyoko: What's going on?

Tsuna: Lambo caused some problems.

Lambo: It wasn't Lambo-san, I swear! I swear!

Tsuna: Lambo, you're not taking this seriously!

Haru: Tsuna-san, don't scold him so much.

Haru: I'm sure Lambo-chan didn't do it on purpose.

Kyoko: Lambo-kun got bored being underground for so long.

Haru: Tsuna-san, please forgive him.

Tsuna: Fine then, Haru, could you watch him.

Main: ,Eek?

Haru: Me?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Haru: Got it! Leave it to me!

Haru: Relax, like you're on a houseboat!

Tsuna: Wh-Why a houseboat?

Haru: Understand?

Haru: Okay, Lambo-chan, we're getting ready for lunch.

Haru: Help us out!

Lambo: Yay, lunch!

Lambo: I wanna eat meatballs!

Haru: Meatballs?

Haru: Kyoko's making some food to help her brother build his stamina,

Main: ,so why don't you ask her to add one more dish?

Haru: Okay, let's go.

Lambo: Meatballs! Meatballs!

I-Pin: I-Pin will help too!

Haru: Kyoko-chan, thank you very much.

Kyoko: I think my brother will like meatballs too.

Haru: It's a good thing we have some quality ground beef.

I-Pin: Lambo, don't play with the food!

Lambo: I'm not! Lambo-san's gonna eat a giant meatball.

Kyoko: But you know, Lambo-kun...

Main: ,Huh?

Kyoko: That will fall apart when I cook it.

Kyoko: Once their training ends, I'm sure everyone will come back famished.

Kyoko: Let's cook these up quickly.

Haru: Yeah.

I-Pin: I-Pin's gonna help!

Lambo: Me too!

Lambo: Lambo-san's gonna make lots and eat lots!

Tsuna: I-I'm going to fall apart...

Lal: Your time's vastly improved, but your normal glove is still faster.

Lal: That means you're still wasting a lot of movement.

Lal: You'll be nothing but Hibari's plaything again!

Tsuna: She's going to punch me!

Tsuna: I'm gonna get punched again!

Tsuna: Huh?

Lal: Observe the others and see if they'll be of use in our battle five days from now.

Tsuna: O-Okay.

Tsuna: What happened?

Lal: Go now!

Tsuna: Wow, it really does feel like Japan down here.

Tsuna: What was my future self thinking?

Tsuna: Is this it?

Tsuna: What was that?!

Tsuna: Ouch.

Tsuna: Huh?

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Tsuna: Ow...

Yamamoto: You okay, Tsuna?

Yamamoto: Sorry about that.

Tsuna: I-I'm fine.

Reborn: The guy who came in here during our training is to blame.

Tsuna: Ah, Reborn!

Reborn: Why did you come here?

Reborn: You should be in the middle of training with Lal.

Tsuna: Well... I was wondering how your training was going...

Yamamoto: Oh.

Reborn: I see.

Reborn: Anyway, the number of times you were hit with the paintballs

Main: ,are the number of times you would've died in a real battle.

Main: ,Huh?

Reborn: These paintballs use fluorescent paint to glow in the dark.

Tsuna: He's glowing like crazy!

Tsuna: Hey, Bianchi...

Main: ,How's Gokudera-kun's training coming along?

Bianchi: He's gone.

Main: ,Huh?

Bianchi: I said, he ran away from the training!

Main: ,Wha-?!

Tsuna: A-At this rate,

Main: ,there's no way we'll be able to attack the Millefiore base in five days.

Tsuna: This is bad.

Tsuna: It doesn't look like Yamamoto or Gokudera-kun will complete their training.

Tsuna: Like I'm one to talk...

Tsuna: Sure, we've gathered all the Guardians, but Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun are...

Tsuna: I have no clue what Hibari-san is thinking.

Tsuna: Lambo won't be any help.

Tsuna: Even Chrome is...

Tsuna: I guess the only one who can help is Kyoko-chan's brother.

Tsuna: Oh yeah, if Chrome is here, what's Mukuro Rokudo doing right now?

Byakuran: Hi.

Leo: Welcome back. Byakuran-sama, how was your meal?

Byakuran: Good. I had ramen and gyoza.

Byakuran: By the way, Leo-kun, what are you doing?

Byakuran: You get demoted to babysitter or something?

Leo: No, I wanted to talk to you about work...

Byakuran: You want a raise or something?

Leo: No. I'm fine with my pay.

Main: ,B-But, due to personal reasons, I'd like to tender my resignation...

Byakuran: Well, that's a surprise.

Byakuran: I really wanted to see your talent.

Leo: Y-You couldn't be...

Byakuran: It's true, it's true. It's not something others could easily do.

Byakuran: To get rid of the th Squad and lead Glo Xinia to Kokuyo...

Main: ,Huh?

Byakuran: You needed to make the younger Chrome Dokuro win there.

Byakuran: That's why I was given falsified reports,

Main: ,so I'd send th Squad captain Glo Xinia

Main: ,in place of the th Squad who wouldn't be as easily defeated.

Leo: We just received an urgent message from the th Squad.

Leo: Four of its members were apparently assassinated.

Leo: An investigation is underway as the murders occurred under impossible circumstances.

Leo: Th-The th Squad will have difficulty moving immediately if they're up against the Varia...

Byakuran: In that case...

Byakuran: Could you tell the th Squad to head to Japan?

Leo: Yes, sir.

Leo: Then I shall also inform Mr. Shoichi Irie.

Byakuran: And then you made sure to tell Glo-kun about Chrome being in Kokuyo Land.

Glo: It seems to be hardened with something.

Glo: When did he...?!

Glo: I don't have time to block him!

Mukuro: You had the misfortune of being included in my plan.

Mukuro: As expected, I was able to defeat you without expending much effort, by using Chrome.

Mukuro: There shouldn't be any obstructions to the big job I have coming up.

Glo: Th-That tone...

Glo: This was all a set-up?!

Glo: Since the fight six months ago?!

Glo: Curse you!

Byakuran: The only person who could have done that was you.

Leo: By-Byakuran-sama, what are you talking about?

Byakuran: That's enough. Reveal yourself, Guido Greco-kun.

Byakuran: Guido Greco.

Byakuran: A -year-old Italian.

Byakuran: A m*rder*r who k*lled fifteen people

Byakuran: and broke out of prison one year ago.

Byakuran: I'll have to ask you not to underestimate the Millefiore's information network,

Main: ,Guido Greco-kun.

Byakuran: Or perhaps I should call you the Vongola Guardian of the Mist Ring.

Leo: The Vongola Guardian of the Mist Ring?

Byakuran: Yes.

Main: ,Mukuro Rokudo-kun.

Leo: Byakuran-sama, what on earth...?

Leo: When did you figure that out?

Byakuran: A long time ago.

Byakuran: Do you remember when I asked you to decorate the room

Main: ,with these Datura flowers?

Byakuran: The word "Datura" means "disguise."

Leo: I expected as much.

Main: ,The way you looked at me back then intrigued me.

Byakuran: So we both knew what was going on, but played dumb.

Leo: If you hadn't informed Shoichi Irie, we would've been able to enjoy ourselves more.

Byakuran: You're the one who started doing Vongola work instead of having fun.

Mukuro: Vongola? It saddens me that you consider me one of them.

On Screen: ,Six

Mukuro: Tsunayoshi Sawada is nothing more than my target.

Byakuran: Oh? So you're Mukuro-kun?

Byakuran: Not bad.

Byakuran: So basically, Greco,

Main: ,than a second Chrome Dokuro to you?

Mukuro: I don't know about that.

Byakuran: Trade secret, huh?

Byakuran: Well, I won't force you to tell me.

Byakuran: I see you've got two Hell Rings there. Those are rare.

Byakuran: All set, then?

Mukuro: Of course.

Main: ,I've been waiting for this...

Mukuro: The day I would expose your power,

Main: ,so shrouded in mystery, and the moment I would possess you.

Byakuran: I guess this'll make for some good post-meal exercise.

Tsuna: Reborn seems busy with Yamamoto's training.

Tsuna: Maybe I'll ask Lal Mirch.

Tsuna: Lal Mirch!

Tsuna: What's wrong, Lal?

Tsuna: Are you okay?

Lal: Who is it?

Main: ,Huh?

Lal: Oh, Sawada.

Main: ,It's just a dizzy spell.

Tsuna: Lal, your eye...

Lal: My right eye has always been weak.

Lal: That's why I have these goggles.

Lal: I guess I won't need them anymore.

Main: ,Huh?

Tsuna: I'll get help!

Lal: There's no need for that!

Tsuna: But!

Lal: Mind your own business!

Lal: I can't afford to slow anyone down with the operation five days away.

Lal: Don't tell anyone about this!

Tsuna: B-But...

Tsuna: This isn't something you should push yourself over.

Tsuna: Even Ryohei said you didn't have to participate.

Tsuna: And besides,

Main: ,I'm not all that excited about going on a mission

Main: ,that basically means going to w*r...

Lal: Is that what you really think?!

Lal: Sasagawa might be soft on you, but let me give it to you straight.

Lal: The difference in power between the Vongola and the Millefiore is enormous.

Lal: Whether you go through with it or not, many of us here have no future!

Lal: What you've been entrusted with isn't to choose life or death,

Main: ,it's which hell you'll go to.

Lal: Get rid of any weak thoughts.

Lal: If you can make a choice

Main: ,that increases our chances of surviving by even .%, it's your duty to do so.

Lal: Remember that.

Tsuna: Lal...

Lal: I'm fine.

Guy: Kyo-san, we have an unexpected visitor.

Ryohei: Hey!

Ryohei: Here you are, Hibari!

Guy: You can't just barge in!

Ryohei: Come on, don't worry.

Ryohei: It's between me and Hibari!

Guy: No, you probably should worry.

Hibari: I was told you would come here after you knew Tsunayoshi Sawada's decision.

Ryohei: That's what I thought but I haven't had many chances to see you.

Ryohei: We're both Namimori Middle alums!

Ryohei: Thought we could share a few drinks, since we haven't met up in so long.

Hibari: I won't drink.

Ryohei: What was that?!

Ryohei: You won't drink the booze I brought?

Guy: No, Kyo-san...

Main: ,He's never been one to drink Western alcohol.

Ryohei: Oh, I see. You're still a kid, Hibari.

Hibari: It's not that I can't drink it, it's that I won't.

Hibari: Do you not understand Japanese?

Ryohei: What?!

Ryohei: You haven't changed a bit!

Ryohei: I'm extremely pissed!

Hibari: You haven't changed either.

Ryohei: Whatcha say?!

Ryohei: I just met the -years-younger Sawada.

Main: ,You should know whether or not he can commit himself to this.

Hibari: So the alcohol was really an excuse so you could ask me that?

Ryohei: So what!

Hibari: Those young herbivores can't do anything.

Hibari: Then again, if they put their experiences in this time to use, there's a slight chance...

Ryohei: I see. So we can't do anything but hope for that.

Hibari: That's only for you guys.

Hibari: I'll do as I please.

Ryohei: What was that?! After all this, you're still talking like that?

Guy: Please stop, Sasagawa-san!

Tsuna: What should I decide?

Tsuna: No matter what I pick, it'll be hell...

Tsuna: And I had no idea Lal Mirch was in such bad shape...

Lambo: Lambo-san is here!

Lambo: Found you, Tsuna.

Lambo: You want me to draw on you too?

Tsuna: Lambo, I don't feel like playing right now.

Tsuna: Please go away.

Lambo: Hey, you really want to play. I know you do.

Tsuna: Stop it or I'll really get mad.

Lambo: Drawing time!

Tsuna: I told you to stop!

Haru: What's wrong, Tsuna-san?

Haru: Eek? Lambo-chan, are you crying?

Tsuna: Haru, I thought I told you to watch him while we train!

Tsuna: I'm sorry, but Lambo-chan isn't just playing around.

Tsuna: He's helping with the chores too!

Main: ,You just don't know.

Tsuna: I don't know?

Tsuna: You're the ones who don't know anything!

Haru: I'm sorry...

Haru: Come on. Let's go, Lambo-chan.

Tsuna: Haru, that's not what...

Tsuna: I'm terrible. We're the ones hiding everything.

Tsuna: And I'm supposed to be making everyone feel better...

Reborn: So this is where you are.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: I can't do it! I can't be the boss!

Reborn: This is no time for you to be getting depressed.

Reborn: Chrome's taken a turn for the worst.

Main: ,What?!

Bianchi: What's going on?

Reborn: It looks pretty bad.

Reborn: A number of her organs shut down.

Tsuna: H-Her organs?

Tsuna: He couldn't have...

Next time: Next time:

Next time: Determination.