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04x88 - 7³ Policy

Posted: 07/01/23 16:29
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We were living in peace and quiet, but...

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: I can't move.

Tsuna: Reborn got hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you, Reborn?

Lambo: Tsuna's so dumb...

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, give me this.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: A terrible future awaited us.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Tsuna: Is this a coffin?

Tsuna: Wait?!

Tsuna: Why am I in a coffin?!

Reborn: More and more allies were sent to this time.

Main: ,Eek?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Main: ,Huh?!

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss was Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: Two things have become clear so far:

Reborn: The enemy's objective is to eliminate the Vongola Family.

Reborn: Our goal is to reach Shoichi Irie.

Reborn: To that end, we have to assemble the Guardians

Reborn: and begin learning to use the rings and boxes.

Reborn: You'd better get Deathperate, Tsuna.

Byakuran: Oh, they're here.

On Screen,EpTitle: Target ³ Policy

BlackA: Boss, you haven't called a meeting with all squad captains in a long time.

BlackA: Would you kindly explain the reason for our summons?

Byakuran: Oh, hold up.

Byakuran: We're still missing people.

BlackA: But you could at least tell us why we're here...

Byakuran: You're late, Yuni.

Byakuran: Right, so let's get started.

Byakuran: Sho-chan's reporting in from Japan.

Irie: Acting like it's somebody else's problem...

Irie: True, if Gamma hadn't seen Tsunayoshi Sawada's younger self,

Irie: there wouldn't be a need for this meeting.

Irie: I am Irie, from the Japan branch.

Irie: I will transmit a report on the current situation here to your datapads.

Irie: This is a report

Main: ,created by myself and the rd Squad's Captain Gamma, who is absent today.

BlackA: Th-This is...

Lal: He's fast!

Lal: He was able to take the box from Hibari in that instant...

Hibari: This is what I wanted, Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Hibari: You are truly fascinating.

Futa: The same hedgehog?!

Lal: He had another box?

Lambo: Ooh! Ooh!

Lambo: Needles making sparkles!

Kusakabe: It was a good plan though.

Hibari: I've changed my mind.

Hibari: I want to fight against a stronger you.

Hibari: I'll tag along until that point.

Hibari: So, do you know how boxes are made?

Lal: I'll explain that.

Gokudera: You've gotta be kidding!

Gokudera: What is that?!

Gokudera: Another one on this side!

Gokudera: Here it comes!

Gokudera: Don't get cocky!

Gokudera: It didn't work!

Gokudera: That's a... scorpion!

Bianchi: That's right.

Bianchi: They are my favorite.

Bianchi: You couldn't get away, Hayato.

Gokudera: Sis...

Gokudera: What are these?

Bianchi: Scorpione di Tempesta.

Bianchi: Storm Scorpions.

Bianchi: To put it simply, they're mobile flamethrowers.

Gokudera: Flamethrowers?

Gokudera: These things came out of that box?

Gokudera: Well...

Gokudera: First we saw Yamamoto's swallow...

Gokudera: Then it was Gamma's fox...

Gokudera: And now there's another box animal?

Bianchi: It's only natural for there to be many boxes modeled after animals.

Bianchi: You don't know how they originated, do you?

Gokudera: No, how?

Bianchi: Listen closely.

Bianchi: The boxes were based on blueprints

Main: ,left by th-century biologist Geppetto Lorenzini,

Bianchi: wondered if it would be possible to create weapons from what was found in nature.

Bianchi: However, his designs were too highly-advanced.

Bianchi: In other words, they couldn't be created with the technology available at the time.

Bianchi: His abstract theories were ignored for a long time, obviously.

Bianchi: Once Geppetto died, the blueprints were treated as scraps of paper

Main: ,in the warehouse of the secret organization he belonged to.

Bianchi: Until the appearance of three inventors.

Gokudera: Three inventors?

Bianchi: Yes.

Bianchi: Innocenti, Koenig, and Verde.

Bianchi: They all belonged to the same organization.

Gokudera: Verde?

Gokudera: You mean the Arcobaleno?

Bianchi: Yes.

Bianchi: They realized that the flames from

Main: ,the legendary Mafia rings would be the

Main: ,best energy source for the boxes.

Bianchi: After overcoming many technical barriers,

Main: ,they completed a prototype after a mere five years.

Bianchi: And as they created the original boxes based on animals,

Bianchi: they also invented other types.

Bianchi: Boxes to be used for storage,

Bianchi: tools, or weapons, were also developed.

Bianchi: Until recently, they'd been selling boxes to the Mafia

Main: ,at unbelievably cheap prices to fund their research.

Bianchi: However, two of the scientists died of unnatural causes.

Lal: After that, the lone survivor, Koenig, went underground.

Lal: He's still researching the boxes.

Lal: His creations supposedly often find their way to black market weapons dealers.

Kusakabe: She's done her research.

Kusakabe: Impressive.

Lal: This would be all of the reliable information I know about them.

Hibari: Yes, you didn't say anything wrong.

Hibari: However...

Hibari: It doesn't answer the fundamental question of how the boxes were created.

Hibari: It wasn't because of the true driving force, Geppetto...

Hibari: Nor the gifted scientists...

Hibari: It was coincidence.

Futa: Coincidence?

Futa: You mean they were created by chance?

Kusakabe: Allow me to explain what he means.

Kusakabe: Many of the great inventions and discoveries in this world

Kusakabe: were the result of a flash of inspiration,

Main: ,from something which happened to the inventor by coincidence.

Futa: A flash of inspiration?

Kusakabe: Like the apple that fell when Newton discovered universal gravity.

Kusakabe: Or how Nobel invented dynamite by using

Main: ,Diatomaceous earth to absorb nitroglycerin.

Kusakabe: Of course, these miracles required preparation

Main: ,and the ability to capitalize on coincidence.

Futa: The ability to capitalize on coincidence...

Kusakabe: However, such coincidences do not happen so easily.

Hibari: The development of boxes involved a chain of coincidences.

Lal: What do you mean?

Kusakabe: That's what we're investigating.

Hibari: What we've learned has only deepened the mystery.

Hibari: Tsunayoshi Sawada,

Hibari: entertain me again tomorrow.

Hibari: But keep this in mind:

Hibari: Sky Flames are able to open boxes of any class,

Hibari: but they cannot draw out their full potential.

Futa: Big Tsuna's hedgehog is being taken in!

Hibari: There's no need to be disappointed.

Hibari: Sky Boxes are said to exist.

Hibari: Tetsu.

Kusakabe: Yes.

Yamamoto: Uh, did you see the kid?

Hibari: Takeshi Yamamoto.

Hibari: Not a clue.

Reborn: I'm here.

Yamamoto: Yo, kid.

Reborn: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Yamamoto: Tsuna got out of there, huh?

Yamamoto: Man, that's a relief.

Reborn: We'll start up your training again, Yamamoto.

Lal: Sawada, you don't have time to rest.

Lal: You need to learn how to use Ver. Vongola Ring or Hibari will again...

Lal: He's so hopeless.

Lal: Well, he just went through that ordeal.

Lal: Guess I have no choice.

Lal: As if I'd ever say that!

Lal: You won't be able to infiltrate the Millefiore

Main: ,and eliminate Irie like this!

Lal: Wake up!

Futa: Lal-san is really brutal...

Lambo: Tsuna's all slappy!

Yamamoto: Didn't she say that she quit teaching Tsuna?

Lal: What's wrong?!

Lal: Wake up, Sawada!

BlackA: U-Unbelievable...

BlackB: It'd be a different story if the report only came from Irie's squad.

BlackB: But with the addition of Captain Gamma's report, we must trust it.

BlackC: Besides, a meeting wouldn't be called with all squad captains as a joke.

BlackD: But this is still...

BlackA: It's rather hard to believe that

Main: ,the Vongola Family from the past came to this world

BlackA: through time travel.

Byakuran: It was only possible because of Sho-chan's hard work.

Byakuran: He spent a long time researching the Ten-Year Bazooka.

BlackB: The Ten-Year Bazooka...

BlackA: That stupid bazooka from those Bovino bumpkins?

BlackC: Impossible.

BlackC: That is merely a fictional w*apon from legend.

Byakuran: If you put it that way, the Vongola Deathperation sh*ts

Main: ,were said to be legend as well.

BlackA: But...

Byakuran: And until recently, the boxes were nothing but fantasy.

Byakuran: A fairy tale, even.

BlackB: Even if we accept that as truth,

BlackB: there are other points that are hard to swallow.

BlackB: Why did you only share this information with a select group of people?

BlackB: A select group of people from White Spell, no less.

BlackC: Yeah!

BlackC: Did you hide this information from Black Spell

Main: ,because we were originally a different family?

BlackA: We members of Black Spell formerly

Main: ,belonged to Yuni-sama's Giglionero Family.

BlackA: The members of White Spell belonged to Byakuran-sama's

Main: ,new blood Gesso Family.

BlackA: And so the Millefiore Family was a union of those two.

BlackA: Is the boss trying to create a rift?

BlackD: Don't forget that

Main: ,the Giglionero have a history rivaling the Vongola.

Byakuran: That wasn't my intention.

Byakuran: Just, you should be able to see why...

Byakuran: You wouldn't have believed me when

Main: ,I started talking about time travel.

Byakuran: I planned to tell you as soon as I had solid proof.

Byakuran: I swear, Yuni.

BlackD: There's something else I can't understand.

BlackD: Why did you use that technology to bring the Vongola here?

BlackD: A group we were already hunting down.

BlackB: You weren't satisfied with eliminating them once, boss?

Glo: You don't get it, do you?

BlackB: What?

Glo: You're clueless!

Glo: Completely clueless!

BlackC: About what?

Glo: The objective of this plan

Main: ,wasn't the sitting ducks those young Vongola make,

Glo: but the green onions they carry.

BlackA: Green onions?

Glo: The Rings! The rings! The Vongola Rings!

BlackA: The Vongola Rings?

Byakuran: That's our Glo-kun.

Byakuran: He's a sharp one.

BlackA: I can understand the appeal of those allegedly mighty rings...

BlackB: But we already possess the Mare Rings, which are equally strong.

BlackC: C-Could it be...

Byakuran: Ah, good, you understand now.

Byakuran: Yes, what I seek is the key to ultimate authority:

Byakuran: ³ Policy.

Byakuran: The seven Arcobaleno pacifiers...

Byakuran: The seven Mare Rings, the strongest of their kind,

Byakuran: and the seven Vongola Rings, which hold equal power.

Byakuran: When all of the above are in our hands,

Byakuran: we can obtain the insurmountable power.

Gokudera: Damn it...

Gokudera: I can't see anything.

Gokudera: What is this?

Bianchi: You made this.

Bianchi: The Storm Room of the future you had specially designed.

Gokudera: I did?

Bianchi: That's right.

Bianchi: Inside is a sandstorm with poor footing and visibility.

Bianchi: It's a re-creation of a desert storm.

Bianchi: But you won't be alone.

Bianchi: Twenty of my scorpions are inside.

Bianchi: Your goal is to destroy them all in one minute.

Gokudera: What did you say?

Gokudera: I have to k*ll one of those hard shells every three seconds?

Gokudera: Don't be ridiculous!

Gokudera: Besides...

Bianchi: Go ahead and hate me.

Bianchi: It's only natural to feel that way.

Bianchi: Unlike you, I am the daughter of our father and his real wife.

Gokudera: Why you...

Bianchi: Now, let's begin.

Bianchi: Fortunately, the future Hayato

Main: ,left most of SISTEMA C.A.I. behind.

Bianchi: And I included some recent acquisitions.

Bianchi: Take them.

Bianchi: You should be able to understand what the future you was thinking.

Bianchi: Think about it.

Gokudera: They are...

Reborn: Okay, that's good.

Reborn: As expected, you're a quick study, Yamamoto.

Reborn: In that case...

Yamamoto: H-Huh?

Yamamoto: Ah! It turned back into a bamboo sword.

Reborn: You can't do a thing with an ignited Shigure Soen Ryu.

Reborn: You'd be a goner if I hadn't used paint b*ll*ts.

Yamamoto: You got that right.

Reborn: Say, Yamamoto.

Reborn: Do you like baseball?

Main: ,Huh?

Yamamoto: Yeah, of course.

Reborn: Do you like the Mafia, then?

Yamamoto: You mean the whole pretending to be in the Mafia thing?

Reborn: He still thinks we're pretending...

Reborn: Yeah, something like that.

Reborn: Like the Vongola with Tsuna and Gokudera.

Yamamoto: That's lots of fun.

Yamamoto: Especially when you consider how impossible it is

Main: ,for Hibari and Mukuro to be on the same team.

Reborn: Don't forget that smile.

Reborn: If you can still smile like that at the end of your training,

Reborn: I swear I'll make good on my promise to tell you my secret.

Yamamoto: Sounds great!

Yamamoto: Okay! Don't forget!

Byakuran: Yuni was unsurprisingly angry.

Leo: Excuse me.

Byakuran: Oh, Leo-kun.

Byakuran: Where did you go?

Byakuran: You should have come to the squad captain meeting.

Byakuran: You would've been able to see Sho-chan, the one who referred you to us.

Leo: Ah, I'm a mere underling.

Byakuran: I see...

Leo: We just received an urgent message from the th Squad.

Leo: Four of its members were apparently assassinated.

Leo: An investigation is underway as the murders occurred

Main: ,under impossible circumstances.

Byakuran: So the moles are making their move.

Leo: Moles?

Byakuran: Haven't you heard

Main: ,of the Vongola's special assassination squad, the Varia?

Leo: That Varia?

Byakuran: Yup. No doubt.

Byakuran: But I guess that's a good thing.

Byakuran: I was trying to decide if I should send the th or th Squad to Japan,

Main: ,to reinforce the efforts to obtain the Vongola Rings.

Byakuran: Which would you choose, Leo-kun?

Main: ,Huh?

Leo: M-Me?

Leo: Th-The th Squad will have

Main: ,difficulty moving immediately if they're up against the Varia...

Byakuran: In that case...

Byakuran: Could you tell the th Squad to head to Japan?

Leo: Yes, sir.

Leo: Then I shall also inform Mr. Shoichi Irie?

Byakuran: No, it will be better not to tell Sho-chan yet.

Byakuran: He hates people like the th Squad's captain, you know.

Byakuran: Tough sleazebags like Glo Xinia.

Glo: The Rings! The rings! The Vongola Rings!

Glo: To get those rings, a little bloodshed can't be avoided.

Glo: No, that's not true.

Glo: It just wouldn't be any fun without any.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Piano of Sorrow.