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04x87 - Succession

Posted: 07/01/23 16:28
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We were living in peace and quiet, but...

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: I can't move.

Tsuna: Re-Reborn got hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you, Reborn?

Lambo: Tsuna's so dumb...

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, give me this.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: A terrible future awaited us.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Tsuna: Is this a coffin?

Tsuna: Wait?!

Tsuna: Why am I in a coffin?!

Reborn: More and more allies were sent to this time.

Main: ,Eek?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Main: ,Huh?!

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss was Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: Two things have become clear so far:

Reborn: The enemy's objective is to eliminate the Vongola Family.

Reborn: Our goal is to reach Shoichi Irie.

Reborn: To that end, we have to assemble the Guardians

Main: ,and begin learning to use the rings and boxes.

Reborn: You'd better get Deathperate, Tsuna.

Tsuna: S-Stop it...

Tsuna: Stop it!

Lal: Sawada...

Guy: The oxygen's maxed out.

Guy: His mind and body are both in danger.

Lal: This is nothing but a waste of a life!

Lal: Call off the training at once!

Hibari: Didn't you order Tsunayoshi Sawada

Main: ,to fight with the ring on his hand?

Hibari: These extreme limits are necessary to test him,

Main: ,to see if he can be the Tsunayoshi Sawada you desire.

Hibari: Although, I heard none of the past Vongola bosses took this

Main: ,trial upon themselves at his age.

Lal: Sawada isn't capable of doing it now!

Lal: Reborn!

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Succession

Futa: Big Tsuna...

Lambo: Futa, what's up?

Lambo: Ah. They're still at it!

Lambo: Is Tsuna having fun?

Lambo: If he's playing inside, Lambo-san wants in!

Futa: You can't, Lambo.

Lambo: How come?! Futa's a meanie.

Futa: All we can do is believe in him and wait.

Futa: Believe in Big Tsuna...

Ipin: I-Pin will help out.

Kyoko: Thank you, I-Pin-chan.

Haru: I don't mind doing all this laundry,

Haru: but since we're underground,

Main: ,it's too bad we can't hang the clothes out in the sun.

Kyoko: You're right.

Kyoko: I want everybody to feel more at home...

Kyoko: This is Tsuna-kun's...

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun's working so hard his clothes are worn out.

Kyoko: All so we can return to our original time...

Kyoko: Even now...

Haru: That's Tsuna-san's shirt, right?

Kyoko: Uh-huh.

Haru: Ah, there's a hole.

Haru: We've gotta patch it up!

Kyoko: Yeah.

Kyoko: We should check if anybody else's are torn too.

Haru: Yes!

Ipin: Roger!

Ipin: Um, this and this...

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Yamamoto: You should be fine...

Yamamoto: I know how amazing you are.

Yamamoto: You could never lose.

Gokudera: Damn it.

Gokudera: I can't be with the boss when he's having a hard time.

Gokudera: If only I were stronger...

Gokudera: Boss...

Kusakabe: Kyo-san...

Lal: What can this possibly accomplish?

Lal: Do you intend to change Sawada's personality?

Tsuna: Stop it...

Tsuna: Stop it!

Nine: Don't look away.

Nine: This is the fate of those who succeed the Vongola;

Nine: the reason you were given life.

Woman: No!

Guy: Stop! No!

Tsuna: No... I could never be so cruel!

Nine: You cannot obtain power without paying a price.

Two: If you desire great power,

Main: ,you must have the resolve to succeed its great legacy.

Tsuna: Great legacy?

Tsuna: This... This is...?

Guy: S-Spare me!

Tsuna: I'd never want power to do those kinds of things.

Tsuna: Guys...

Reborn: Stop trying to look good.

Reborn: You're a man who can never become a hero.

Reborn: Enduring your training to send everyone to the past;

Main: ,defeating your enemies...

Reborn: That kind of reasoning isn't like you.

Reborn: Your feelings were much simpler back then.

Tsuna: Back when?

Reborn: What did you want to do when you produced flames

Main: ,from the ring the first time?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: I just...

Tsuna: wanted to protect Kyoko-chan!

Reborn: That's a good answer.

Reborn: Anybody you want to protect right now?

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Well, yeah, of course...

Tsuna: I want to protect everyone.

Tsuna: No...

Main: ,What?

Tsuna: I thought I'd be willing to do anything to protect everyone...

Tsuna: But if this is what it means...

Tsuna: I don't need this power!

Two: What did you say?

Tsuna: If it means inheriting their sins,

Main: ,I'll...

Tsuna: I'll destroy the Vongola!

Tsuna: What am I saying?

Tsuna: Sorry, everyone...

Tsuna: V-Vongola IX...

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Secondo

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Terzo

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Quarto

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Quinto

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Sesto

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Settimo

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Ottavo

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Nono

On Screen,Caption: Vongola Primo

One: I accept your resolve firmly.

Tsuna: What is this?

Tsuna: A dream? An illusion?

One: Our hours have been engraved into the ring.

Tsuna: Hours? Time?

One: You are free to let the Family prosper or perish, Vongola Decimo...

Tsuna: Vongola Decimo...

Tsuna: You mean Vongola X?

One: We've been waiting for you.

One: You will now inherit the mark of the Vongola.

Lambo: Wow, that's super bright!

Lal: What?! What's happening?!

Kusakabe: Kyo-san! This is...

Hibari: The Needle Sphere is breaking...

Tsuna: X Glove ver. V.R.

Lal: Th-That's...

Reborn: He passed.

Lal: Yes, this is it.

Lal: This is what I've been waiting for...

Lal: The Sawada from this time kept his ring on the back of his hand

Main: ,as he drew its power.

Lal: I didn't expect that to be a result of his training.

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: I wasn't completely certain he could do it.

Reborn: To be honest, this legendary training technique

Main: ,was all I could think of for a dramatic power-up,

Reborn: though Tsuna must be the only Vongola boss

Main: ,to pass the trial with that answer.

Hibari: Wow.

Futa: Lambo, look at Big Tsuna's beautiful flame.

Futa: It's so intense, with so few impurities that is produces the clearest hue.

Futa: Sky would be orange.

Futa: Sun is yellow.

Futa: Rain is blue.

Futa: Lightning is green.

Futa: Storm is red.

Futa: Cloud is violet.

Futa: Mist is indigo.

Futa: The characteristics of a flame stand out more when it's pure.

Tsuna: What a strange flame...

Tsuna: It feels unreliable, but at the same time...

Tsuna: It's somehow flowing out from deep inside my body.

Hibari: You're getting closer to the you I know.

Hibari: The guy who sends shivers down my spine the way the baby does.

Hibari: I'm free to do what I want now, right, baby?

Reborn: Yeah, that was the deal.

Hibari: In that case...

Hibari: Let's begin.

Lal: What?

Lal: What incredible flames...

Lal: No, bloodlust?

Lal: Was he holding himself back this entire time?

Lal: This is Kyoya Hibari...

Hibari: This fight will have no set rules.

Hibari: Your only options are to defeat me... or die.

Tsuna: I'll defeat you.

Hibari: Bring it.

Lal: He seriously intends

Main: ,to k*ll Sawada...

Futa: He disappeared?!

Lal: Such incredible flames!

Hibari: Your body is flowing.

Tsuna: My flames are weak...

Tsuna: He's got me!

Tsuna: What?!

Futa: Huh?!

Lal: H-He blew himself up?

Hibari: What was that supposed to be?

Hibari: Are you even taking this seriously?

Lal: Why?

Lal: His Sky Flame is purer,

Lal: and he's significantly boosted the driving force behind the seven classes.

Lal: So what are you doing, Sawada?

Reborn: It appears the Ver. Vongola Ring is fairly peaky.

Lal: Peaky?

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: Judging from the expression on Tsuna's face,

Main: ,he can't freely control his flames.

Lal: It's true that Sawada's movements look awkward.

Lal: But isn't that because he's being overwhelmed by the power of the flames?

Reborn: If that were the case, he would stick to a power level he could control.

Reborn: He can't even do that right now.

Reborn: Normally, an X Glove

On Screen,Caption: {\an}Power/Output

On Screen,Caption: {\an}Willpower

Main: ,smoothly increases in power in response to Tsuna's will.

Reborn: Ver. Vongola Ring probably spikes abruptly at a certain point.

On Screen,Caption: {\an}Power/Output

On Screen,Caption: {\an}Willpower

Reborn: That's why he loses control,

Main: ,and gets tripped up and g*ns it too much.

Lal: I see.

Reborn: It means the new w*apon he received from his predecessors

Main: ,is one wild buck.

Lal: Why do you sound so happy?

Lal: That means he can't use it in actual battle.

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: At this rate, he won't be able to learn its range or timing.

Tsuna: This glove

Main: ,uses more energy than I thought.

Tsuna: And Hibari's not an opponent I can beat without fully controlling my flames.

Hibari: Hey.

Hibari: Do you remember what I said?

Tsuna: My only option is to defeat you, right?

Tsuna: I don't want to use this method,

Tsuna: but it's the only way for me to survive.

Tsuna: All or nothing.

Lal: He'll settle this with a single high-speed hit!

Lal: But if it's that easy for him to get close to Hibari...

Lal: No! He's baiting him to make a counterattack!

Futa: B-Big Tsuna...

Hibari: You disappoint me.

Hibari: I have no interest in weak herbivores.

Hibari: I don't even feel like k*lling you with my own hands.

Hibari: I'll use a box.

Futa: That's Hibari-san's box...

Lal: When he got hit...

Tsuna: I'm counting on you.

Lal: He's fast!

Lippi: Excuse me.

Lippi: Byakuran-sama, it's almost time.

Byakuran: Oh, I was about to leave, Leo-kun.

Lippi: Is that so? Forgive me.

Byakuran: So they came in.

Lippi: Yes, I placed them in your room right away.

Lippi: Byakuran-sama, do you like these flowers?

Byakuran: Something like that.

Byakuran: I'll be on my way then.

Lippi: All right. Please be careful.

Byakuran: Oh.

Byakuran: Hey, Sho-chan.

Byakuran: You're early.

Irie: Indeed, but uncharacteristically, so are you, Byakuran-san.

Byakuran: Guess so.

Byakuran: I wanted to hear a report before the meeting.

Byakuran: According to your look you haven't found the Vongola base yet, huh?

Irie: Since the independent actions of Black Spell's rd Squad

Main: ,put them on the alert,

Irie: it won't be easy to find.

Byakuran: Well, well. You sound hesitant.

Byakuran: Oh well.

Byakuran: I'm sure they'll be fighting over something else at today's meeting.

Irie: As I thought...

Byakuran: I'd prefer to avoid the trouble that might come if we keep this hidden.

Irie: You're right.

Byakuran: Oh, they're here.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: ³ Policy.