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04x84 - The Long Road Home

Posted: 07/01/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
On Screen,EpTitle: Target The Long Road Home

Kyoko: Sorry, did that hurt?

Yamamoto: I'm fine.

Kyoko: I'll come replace them again later.

Yamamoto: Thanks.

Kyoko: As I thought...

Kyoko: Gokudera-kun too?

Haru: There wasn't anything cute about him.

Haru: He tried to do sit-ups while I was standing there.

Haru: Eek!

Kyoko: Sit-ups? What happened?

Haru: I gave him some antiseptic that really stung.

Kyoko: Honestly, Haru-chan...

Haru: Well, it's good that they're feeling better.

Kyoko: Yep, that's a relief.

Lambo: Hey! Hey!

Lambo: Let's play!

Haru: We're busy right now.

Kyoko: Sorry. Could you go play with I-Pin-chan?

Lambo: No way.

Lambo: I-Pin's all huff-huff, puff-puff like a red pepper.

Kyoko: Red pepper?

Haru: Huff-huff, puff-puff?

Lal: Despite the state Yamamoto and Gokudera are in,

Main: ,I have no intention of wasting time.

Tsuna: O-Okay.

Reborn: Not enough spirit, Tsuna.

Tsuna: That's...

Reborn: You're probably feeling pressure for some stupid reason,

Reborn: like whether or not you can become stronger in a short amount of time.

Tsuna: Uh, well...

Lal: Stop worrying about that stupid stuff and get started.

Tsuna: Y-Yes!

On Screen,Caption: Haru & Kyoko & I-Pin-chan No boys allowed!!

Kyoko: Oh no...

Kyoko: She has a terrible fever.

Lambo: Told you!

Lambo: I-Pin's like a red pepper.

Haru: Does she have a cold?

Lambo: A green, a yellow, a RED pepper!

Kyoko: I can't be sure, but probably...

Kyoko: In any case, we need to cool her down.

Haru: I'll go get medicine.

Kyoko: Lambo-kun.

Kyoko: Come over here so you don't catch her cold.

CervelloA: Irie-sama.

CervelloA: The rd Squad is requesting their next orders as they withdraw.

Irie: Place them under watch until I give the next orders.

Irie: No independent action will be allowed.

CervelloA: Yes, sir.

Haru: It isn't going down.

On Screen,Haru: [Note: . C = . F]

Main: ,Yeah.

Giannini: This was all of the medicine in stock.

Giannini: I believe it will cover most of the commercial cold medicines.

Kyoko: Thank you so much.

Kyoko: We'll keep an eye on her.

Giannini: I'll return to repairing the hatch.

Giannini: Please let me know if you need anything else.

Kyoko: Okay.

Haru: Thank you very much.

Kyoko: I wonder which one will work...

Haru: Maybe we should have an actual doctor look at her.

Haru: We can't properly judge her symptoms.

Kyoko: But...

Haru: There's a doctor I've known forever.

Haru: I'm sure that...

Kyoko: You can't.

Kyoko: It'll be terrible if you end up like I did...

Haru: But there's no other way!

Haru: If she gets any worse...

Haru: We can't leave her like this.

Kyoko: Um, excuse me.

Main: ,Yes?

Kyoko: I'm having a hard time getting the water to run in the bath.

Giannini: All right, I'll be right there.

Kyoko: Sorry.

Giannini: It's nothing.

Haru: It's dangerous outside...

Haru: What do I do?

Haru: It'll take longer, but I should probably go a different way...

Haru: This is why I put on a disguise!

Haru: I must have faith in myself!

Haru: I believe in me!

Haru: I'll do my best!

Haru: Th-They're looking at me!

Haru: Their stare is burning me!

Haru: N-No, it's fine.

Haru: I did it!

Haru: My disguise was perfect!

On Screen,Caption: Matsuo Clinic

Haru: I can see that it's been ten years...

Haru: The place is pretty worn down.

Haru: Excuse me.

Doctor: What is it?

Haru: U-Um, actually this girl is sick...

Doctor: Oh?

Doctor: Aren't you Haru-chan?

Haru: No!

Haru: I am most definitely not Haru...

Doctor: You obviously are.

Kyoko: Please come back safely.

Bianchi: Is something wrong?

Kyoko: Bianchi-san.

Bianchi: I wanted to ask how Hayato was doing.

Bianchi: Did I catch you at a bad time?

Kyoko: Ah, no.

Kyoko: We should go to his room...

Bianchi: Oh? Where's Haru?

Bianchi: Did something happen?

Bianchi: Tell me.

Bianchi: Every minute, every second wasted can make all the difference in the world.

Kyoko: Bianchi-san, the truth is...

On Screen: ,Matsuo Clinic

Doctor: There. She should be fine now.

Doctor: My, it's working wonders.

Haru: I-Pin-chan.

Ipin: Where am I?

Haru: I'm so glad!

Doctor: You just need to make sure she gets plenty of nutrients and rest.

Haru: Yes!

Haru: Thank you so much!

Ipin: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor: By the way, I was wondering...

Haru: Yes?

Doctor: You look younger for some reason...

Haru: I... I have to go now!

Haru: Thank you very much!

Haru: That was dangerous!

Haru: Ow...

On Screen: ,Haru Miura

Man: Hey there.

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Dangerous!

Bianchi: Honestly... What were you thinking?

Kyoko: I'm sorry.

Bianchi: At any rate, I'll bring her back, so take care of the rest.

Kyoko: Could you keep this a secret from Tsuna-kun and everyone?

Bianchi: I won't tell them, since it'll interfere with their training.

Bianchi: I can handle this myself.

Kyoko: But...

Bianchi: Don't worry.

Bianchi: I'll have her back in no time.

Man: Did you find her?

Man: No.

Man: Okay, let's go this way.

Main: ,Okay.

Haru: Now's our chance.

Ipin: I'm sorry about this.

Haru: It's fine. Let's go!

Man: Did you find her?

Man: She couldn't have gone far.

Man: Look around!

Bianchi: There's a risk of the ring being picked up on their radar.

Bianchi: I need to bring Haru back without using the box.

Haru: Eek!

Man: There she is!

Abe: That's enough playing tag.

Abe: I wanted to catch the one who beat up Captain Gamma.

Abe: Oh well...

Abe: Where are the rest of you?

Abe: Where's your base?

Abe: I don't go easy on women.

Abe: Elettrico Hornet.

Abe: Its sting is rather electrifying.

Abe: I'll count to three.

Abe: Now answer me!

Abe: Tre.

Haru: There isn't anybody else!

Abe: Due.

Haru: I don't know anything about a base!

Abe: Uno!

Bianchi: Disappear!

Abe: Tsk. Poison gas?

Abe: Fools. You think you can escape?

Haru: I'm sorry, Bianchi-san.

Bianchi: You're getting an earful when we get back.

Haru: Yes...

Bianchi: Well, I'm glad you're safe.

Haru: Th-The hornet!

Bianchi: Now's our chance!

Main: ,O-Okay!

Bianchi: We managed to lose it.

Haru: I-Pin-chan, are you okay?

Ipin: I'm fine.

Bianchi: Now we just need to get back to the base...

Bianchi: N-No way...

On Screen: ,Drop-off Site

Bianchi: Run away!

Haru: Eek!

Haru: What's going on?!

Bianchi: Just run!

Haru: Are we safe now?

Bianchi: Only for a short time.

Bianchi: It'll catch up soon.

Haru: What is that hornet?

Bianchi: An a*t*matic tracking unit.

Bianchi: It's using something on us as a mark to track us.

Haru: A mark?

Bianchi: It doesn't seem to have memorized our appearance.

Bianchi: It catches up quickly no matter how far away we get.

Haru: It's here!

Bianchi: Calm down. They're just flies.

Haru: Flies?

Haru: From hiding in those garbage cans.

Haru: Ugh. I stink.

Bianchi: Scent!

Bianchi: That's right. If it's following our scent, this should...

Haru: Go away!

Bianchi: Hold your breath for a while.

Haru: Eek?

Haru: That's a really intense smell...

Bianchi: I guess you're too young for this.

Haru: Is this how adults smell?

Haru: Eek! The flies... The flies...

Bianchi: They were only knocked out.

Haru: Head over heels for an adult beauty?

Haru: This feels really dangerous...

Haru: What kind of perfume is that?

Bianchi: Poison.

Haru: Poison... Poison?!

Bianchi: It's no use. Run for it!

Kyoko: They're late. Could something bad have happened?

Lambo: Kyoko! Let's play! Let's play!

Kyoko: Sorry. Maybe later.

Lambo: No! No! Play now!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants to play!

Kyoko: Lambo-kun...

Lal: You're still not concentrating hard enough.

Tsuna: I'm sorry.

Lambo: Kyoko's a big fat meanie!

Lambo: Lambo-san's bored!

Kyoko: Lambo-kun, please.

Main: ,Come on! Play, play, play with me!

Tsuna: What's wrong, Kyoko-chan?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun...

Lambo: Tsuna!

Lambo: Kyoko won't play with me!

Tsuna: You can go play with I-Pin.

Lambo: She's gone!

Tsuna: Huh? She's gone?

Reborn: What happened?

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan?

Kyoko: They haven't come back.

Lal: Did they go outside?!

Kyoko: I-Pin-chan was sick,

Kyoko: so Haru-chan took her to a doctor.

Haru: I-It's cold...

Bianchi: Endure it.

Bianchi: If they're using our heat signatures to detect us, this should...

Haru: I'm sorry, I-Pin-chan.

Haru: And you just recovered from your cold...

Ipin: It's okay. I'm fine.

Haru: Um, wouldn't it be a better idea to hurry back to the base?

Bianchi: No.

Bianchi: If we run to the base with the hornet on our tail,

Bianchi: we'll be showing the enemy its location.

Bianchi: That might actually be their goal.

Man: I apologize, Master Ahbe.

Man: We are still unable to capture those women.

Ahbe: Elettrico Hornet is still on their trail.

Ahbe: I know where they are, so you don't have to worry.

Man: Will you be letting Master Irie know...

Ahbe: There's no need to tell him.

Man: However, the rd Squad has been ordered to withdraw,

Man: and any independent action would be...

Ahbe: In battle, you have to prioritize frontline decisions.

Ahbe: Just shut up.

Man: Yes, sir!

Ahbe: Fools.

Ahbe: They don't realize that there's a bigger target than those women.

Ahbe: Finding the Vongola base will be huge.

Ahbe: If I score all the glory here, I'll be rising to the top.

Lal: Not once, but twice...

Lal: What are you thinking?!

Kyoko: I'm sorry...

Giannini: I'm very sorry.

Giannini: If I had only fixed the hatch sooner...

Kyoko: No, I was the one who tricked Giannini-san.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Kyoko: I understood...

Kyoko: I knew that I had to stop her.

Tsuna: I-It's fine!

Tsuna: I promise I'll bring her back.

Lal: Easy for you to say, but the situation is grave.

Lal: The clinic is here, but most likely...

Reborn: Yeah, they haven't returned.

Reborn: We should assume they're being chased by the enemy.

Futa: The problem is where they ran.

Tsuna: We have to look for them!

Futa: Big Tsuna...

Tsuna: While we're standing here talking, they're in danger!

Tsuna: We have to hurry!

Lal: If we move without a plan, the enemy will have the advantage.

Tsuna: But...

Reborn: Bianchi's with them.

Reborn: We should have time to come up with a plan.

Main: ,Huh?

Reborn: If Haru was alone, she would have returned by now.

Reborn: Bringing the enemy in after her...

Reborn: The fact that she hasn't means Bianchi has got things under control.

Reborn: That should be the focus of any plan we come up with.

Haru: We'll be punished for treating cake this way.

Bianchi: Just hurry it up.

Bianchi: Make sure they're evenly spaced.

Haru: Don't we need to put any over here?

Bianchi: No need. It's part of the plan.

Haru: I-It's here!

Bianchi: Get back! Quick!

Ipin: Over here!

Bianchi: Come on down!

Bianchi: Hayato isn't the only one who uses bombs!

Bianchi: It fell for the trap!

Bianchi: I knew it would escape in that direction!

Bianchi: It's over!

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Bianchi-san! Over there!

Haru: Bianchi-san...

Bianchi: We somehow need to defeat the one controlling that thing.

Bianchi: I doubt he'll be willing to show himself so readily.

Bianchi: This could be bad.

Haru: We can't go back?

Haru: I don't like persistent bugs!

Haru: Scram!

Haru: Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Haru: We're getting farther and farther from home!

Haru: I want to go back already!

Haru: Geez!

Bianchi: Getting farther and farther from home, huh?

Ahbe: Good work.

Haru: Bianchi-san.

Ahbe: Is that the entrance to your base?

Ahbe: Thanks for showing me the way.

Bianchi: So that was his goal?

Ahbe: I'll be getting a lot of credit for this. I must show you my gratitude.

On Screen: ,No trespassing

Bianchi: Could you answer something first?

Bianchi: How were you able to follow us?

Ahbe: A gift before you go to the next world?

Ahbe: Very well.

Ahbe: I placed Target Honey on that girl's shoulder.

Haru: Me?

Bianchi: Target Honey?

Ahbe: It's basically just honey.

Ahbe: You can't smell it!

Haru: Yes?

Ahbe: It's honey, but it's colorless and odorless.

Ahbe: It's like a transmitter that can only be sensed by Elettrico Hornet.

Ahbe: I just slapped some on.

Haru: So when you...

Ahbe: There you have it.

Bianchi: I see.

Bianchi: So we just needed to ditch her clothes.

Ahbe: Though it's too late now.

Bianchi: No. Thank you for telling us the trick behind your magic.

Ahbe: What are you doing?

Haru: The entrance to our home is somewhere more secret and awesome!

Main: ,What?!

Bianchi: This was the only way for us to meet the controller.

Bianchi: The hornet will be finished if we destroy the one controlling it, right?

Ahbe: You tricked me?!

Bianchi: Too bad.

Ahbe: Then I'll get the information out of you!

Ahbe: I'll beat you to tears!

Bianchi: Enjoy your last supper.

Ahbe: You think that will be enough to defeat my Elettrico Hornet?

Bianchi: Like I said, I'm only after the controller!

Ahbe: Oh, is that right?

Bianchi: This is...

Ahbe: This is Elettrico Hornet's true form!

Ahbe: You underestimated me.

Ahbe: Go!

Bianchi: There are too many!

Haru: Bianchi-san!

Bianchi: Stay back!

Bianchi: In that case, I have no choice but to use a box...

Bianchi: This ring shouldn't leave much of a signal on the radar.

Ahbe: As if that attack will accomplish anything.

Ahbe: Formation B!

Ahbe: You were all talk.

Haru: Tsuna-san...

Haru: Help us, Tsuna-san!

Ahbe: It's time to end this.

Ahbe: I'll give you a sting that'll shock your brain cells.

Tsuna: Wait.

Ahbe: You're...

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Bianchi: How did you know...?

Tsuna: Reborn said

Main: ,you'd choose a place like this, far away from the base.

Tsuna: I'll end this in a flash.

Ahbe: A pretty big target decided to show up.

Ahbe: I'm in luck!

Ahbe: Elettrico Hornet!

Ahbe: Wh-What?!

Irie: What is this response?

CervelloA: All we know is this one's on an entirely different level.

Irie: There's no mistaking it.

Irie: Deploy the squad at once!

CervelloA: Master Irie, the signal's been...

Tsuna: You'd better not do something like this without permission again.

Haru: Yes, I know I was wrong.

Tsuna: Hey, Haru.

Haru: Tsuna-san...

Tsuna: Huh?

Haru: I believed that you would come save us.

Tsuna: Haru...

Tsuna: Come on. Let's go back.

Tsuna: Everybody's waiting.

Haru: Okay.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Where's the Base?