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04x78 - Clues to The Past

Posted: 07/01/23 16:10
by bunniefuu
On Screen: ,Target Clues to the Past

Reborn: Good job getting here, everyone.

Yamamoto: Kid.

Haru: Reborn-chan.

Reborn: I'm sure you're surprised about a lot of this.

Reborn: I'm not trying to give you another set of bad news,

Main: ,but I'm going to tell you what's going on here.

Main: ,Hmm?

Reborn: Listen closely.

Gokudera: Hang in there, boss!

Gokudera: Damn that bearded guy.

Tsuna: Watch out!

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: You're hurt. Stay still.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, where are we?

Gokudera: The base.

Gokudera: You fainted right after you defeated the enemy.

Tsuna: What about everyone else?

Gokudera: They're fine. They're all unharmed.

Tsuna: She came here...

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan came here from the past.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan traded places with her future self!

Tsuna: Hey, Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: About that... It wasn't just Sasagawa.

Gokudera: Haru, I-Pin, the stupid cow, and Yamamoto are all...

Tsuna: N-No way...

Tsuna: They're all their past selves?

Tsuna: Why?

Gokudera: I have no idea about what's going on...

Gokudera: I guess they all got here through the Ten-Year Bazooka, but...

Tsuna: That's...

Tsuna: That's bad!

Tsuna: No! They can't be here!

Tsuna: If they're here, they'll all be targeted!

Gokudera: B-Boss, calm down!

Tsuna: O-Ouch.

Gokudera: Are you okay?

Haru: I don't want this.

Haru: I don't want the world to become this destroyed in the future.

Tsuna: Haru.

Kyoko: Haru-chan.

Haru: I'm sorry.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan's here too.

Tsuna: She looks so pale.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Haru: Haru wants to go back to peaceful Namimori!

Reborn: Haru, Kyoko, drink this.

Reborn: It's a special herbal tea. It'll calm you down.

Kyoko: Thank you, Reborn-kun.

Haru: It smells good.

Reborn: And this is the thing I asked you to take care of before.

Reborn: Read it for me.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Reborn: Oh, you can stand now.

Tsuna: I...

Reborn: I know.

Reborn: I'm going to talk to Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto.

Main: ,Haru and Kyoko, please step out for a bit.

Kyoko: Let's go, Haru-chan.

Haru: Okay.

Reborn: I only told Kyoko and Haru that we're in a bad situation.

Tsuna: I didn't tell them anything about the mafia or the Vongola.

Tsuna: We have to send them back.

Main: ,We can't let them stay in a place like this.

Tsuna: We have to send everyone back to the past!

Tsuna: It's not about survival anymore...

Tsuna: It's not...

Yamamoto: Hey, Tsuna...

Gokudera: Calm down a bit, boss.

Reborn: You seem quite flustered.

Tsuna: N-No!

Tsuna: I'm telling you, we don't have time to waste

Main: ,on trying to gather the Guardians, or sitting around taking it easy!

Reborn: You're like this because you let yourself react to every little thing.

Reborn: Besides, we can't avoid assembling all of the Guardians.

Tsuna: Why not?!

Tsuna: I'm tired of hearing you say that without good reason!

Tsuna: You're-

Reborn: There is a reason.

Gokudera: Yeah, boss!

Gokudera: We've found a way to go back to the past.

Tsuna: You have?

Tsuna: Are you serious, Gokudera-kun?

Gokudera: There was a hint in this.

Tsuna: This is the thing you wrote in G-Characters.

Gokudera: Yeah. Anyway, I'm going to read it again, so please listen carefully.

Gokudera: "The Guardians must assemble,

Gokudera: use the Vongola Rings to repel Byakuran,

Gokudera: and eliminate the man with glasses shown in the photo.

Gokudera: Then everything will return to how it was."

Gokudera: That's it.

Tsuna: You just said to k*ll the guy with glasses in that picture...

Gokudera: Yes, it matches what you heard

Main: ,from my future self back at the start.

Gokudera: I thought I was instructing my future self to do something,

Main: ,so I didn't really worry about it.

Gokudera: But once I found out what was going on this morning,

Main: ,I realized something was mentioned in this letter that shouldn't exist right now.

Tsuna: Something that doesn't exist now?

Tsuna: The Vongola Rings!

Reborn: Yep. You figured it out.

Gokudera: And nowhere in this letter is it written that

Main: ,we have to get rid of the man with the glasses in the past we came from.

Gokudera: Actually, the one who should be brought down, Byakuran, is here now.

Reborn: Do you understand?

Reborn: It was written for the ones who hold the rings in this age,

Reborn: meaning you who came from the past.

Reborn: And if you do as the letter says...

Main: ,That is, if the Guardians assemble and you eliminate the guy with the glasses,

Main: ,everything will go back to how it was.

Reborn: You'll be able to return to the past.

Tsuna: We'll be able to return to our time?!

Tsuna: So Kyoko-chan and Haru, all of us, will be able to go back!

Reborn: Fortunately, we think we know who this guy with glasses is.

Reborn: Lal Mirch has heard of him.

Reborn: Apparently, he's a Millefiore captain by the name of Shoichi Irie.

Tsuna: Shoichi Irie...

CA: Irie-sama.

On Screen,CA: Regarding ³.

CA: Excuse us.

CA: Good work on your research.

Irie: Sorry. I fell asleep.

Irie: Nosaru and Tazaru? You mean the guys from Black Spell's rd squad?

CA: Yes.

Irie: What do you mean they were injured?

CA: According to the report, they were involved in a bout of sibling rivalry.

Irie: Not surprising.

Irie: They're pretty savage... Black Spell, that is.

CA: How should we deal with it?

Irie: I'm sure they won't listen to a superior officer from an outside group.

Irie: I'll talk to captain of the rd squad personally.

CA: As you wish.

Irie: Anyway, did you see what Byakuran-san sent?

CA: Yes. In the hangar, there were a bunch of...

CB: ...white Anemone.

CB: I believe those flowers were supposed to symbolize...

Irie: I looked into it.

Irie: They stand for expectations, correct?

Irie: He's trying to pressure me.

Reborn: I suppose this Shoichi Irie holds the secret to changing the past.

Tsuna: B-But...

Tsuna: Can we really trust that letter?

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: Please, trust me!

Gokudera: Ten years from now... No, even a hundred years from now...

Main: ,I wouldn't carry around a letter that would try to mislead you!

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun...

Tsuna: But that's-

Yamamoto: Really, Tsuna, calm down.

Tsuna: Ya-Yamamoto.

Yamamoto: Don't try to take this all on to yourself.

Yamamoto: Don't we find resolution together?

Tsuna: But Yamamoto... Your father...

Yamamoto: I'm glad I came here.

Yamamoto: Hey, Tsuna, let's settle the score and get our own future back with our own hands.

Tsuna: Yamamoto...

Gokudera: Hey! Don't steal my words to make yourself look cool!

Yamamoto: But I'm his right-hand man, you know.

Gokudera: What was that? You wanna fight?

Gokudera: The only one allowed to call himself the boss's right-hand is me!

Tsuna: Wait a second, you two...

Lambo: They're mine!

Haru: Hey! Wait up!

Lambo: They're mine!

I-Pin: Lambo, give the apples back!

Haru: Lambo-chan!

Haru: I'm sorry.

Gokudera: Th-These are...

Tsuna: Potatoes?

Haru: Lambo-chan was being difficult, so I was chasing him and...

Kyoko: Haru-chan, are you okay?

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan!

Tsuna: O-Onions?

Reborn: As civilians, I asked them to handle the kids and our meals.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kyoko: We're going to make curry today.

Haru: It'll be really good.

I-Pin: So don't touch the apples, Lambo!

Lambo: But those are Lambo-san's!

Yamamoto: Curry, huh?

Yamamoto: Awesome.

Tsuna: Weird, the two of you seem happy.

Haru: Of course we are.

Haru: We can't worry forever, especially because of the situation we're in.

Kyoko: We can't let you guys show us up, Tsuna-kun.

Kyoko: We've decided to do everything we can to help.

Kyoko: Okay, I-Pin-chan, Lambo-kun, let's go to the kitchen.

Lambo: Okay...

I-Pin: Okay...

Gokudera: They adjusted way too quickly.

Yamamoto: Women are pretty amazing.

Tsuna: Yeah...

Main: ,I have amazing friends.

Tsuna: I can't go rushing off on my own.

Tsuna: I have to do what I can right now, in this time.

CA: He should be in this room.

Irie: Yeah.

Gamma: Who is it?

Irie: White Spell's nd squad captain, Shoichi Irie.

Gamma: Oh, oops.

Gamma: I suppose I should've introduced myself first.

Gamma: I'm captain of Black Spell's rd squad, Gamma.

Irie: So you're Lightning Gamma...

Irie: I've heard much of your achievements.

Gamma: Stop it. Flattering your subordinates will only swell their heads.

Irie: Subordinates? I'm the same rank as you.

Gamma: No, you're the one in charge here.

Gamma: Ask anything of me.

Gamma: The rd squad will help your nd squad in any way.

Irie: In that case, I'd like an explanation regarding the incident Nosaru and Tazaru caused.

Gamma: Oh, that was a lack of foresight on my part.

Gamma: Both of them have been reprimanded and understand their error.

Irie: But...

Irie: Could you let them off the hook this time, for my sake?

Irie: I understand, but...

Main: ,Let them know, that next time, you won't be able to cover for them.

Gamma: Thanks, it means a lot. I'll go over it with them once more.

Irie: Oh, and one more thing. About relaying information...

Irie: Anything regarding the Vongola, no matter how small it is, even if it's a rumor...

Main: ,Whatever comes up, could you pass it directly to me?

Gamma: Does this have to do with your special mission?

Irie: No... Just please do it.

Gamma: All right. Well, roger that.

Irie: I'll be going now.

CA: You did well.

Irie: Knock it off.

Nosaru: That was one of the Millefiore's five A-ranked captains?

Nosaru: He looked pretty wimpy.

Tazaru: But he's must be smart, isn't he?

Tazaru: Byakuran trusts him above all others.

Tazaru: By the way, what did you mean by special mission, Gamma bro?

Gamma: I was trying to see if he has something going on.

Gamma: I suspect he's involved in some sort of secret mission.

Gamma: He's hard at work looking for something to give to Byakuran.

Nozaru: But we're going to beat him to it, aren't we?

Gamma: Don't say things like that, Nosaru.

Gamma: All we're gonna do is execute our missions, using our own discretion.

Tazaru: That's right. Next time, we'll beat the Guardian of the Rain Ring

Main: ,and figure out who that mysterious brat is.

Nozaru: Exactly, Tazaru bro.

Nozaru: They're our prey.

Nozaru: We're not giving them to anyone.

Gamma: Don't go talking big now.

Gamma: If you hadn't put up that defensive screen with your Box w*apon at the last moment,

Main: ,you guys wouldn't be here right now.

Nozaru: Don't say that, bro. We just let our guards down.

Nozaru: We'll get him next time!

Gamma: I'm not worried.

Gamma: Because next time, I'll be out there too.

Tsuna: Please teach us how to fight in this time!

Lal Mirch: What are you doing?

Tsuna: We have to get stronger.

Tsuna: But, umm, we don't know how to use the rings.

Lal Mirch: Reborn sent you, I guess.

Reborn: Bingo.

Reborn: In order to bring the Guardians together, we're going to need to up their fighting power.

Reborn: There's no one else here who can.

Lal Mirch: I refuse.

Lal Mirch: Ask Yamamoto.

Reborn: About that...

Reborn: Yamamoto, as you can see, returned to being his baseball-brained self.

Yamamoto: Hi there.

Gokudera: You get down here and kneel too! Honestly...

Tsuna: Yamamoto.

Lal Mirch: I don't have time to play with you guys.

Lal Mirch: I'm leaving.

Main: ,You stay here.

Lal Mirch: You'll be able to live a bit longer that way.

Tsuna: Wait a second!

Tsuna: We're serious!

Tsuna: We're not doing this just because Reborn told us to.

Gokudera: Stop it already, boss!

Gokudera: We can't rely on that woman!

Tsuna: But...

Gokudera: Besides, I don't think she's capable of teaching anyone.

Reborn: That's what she specializes in.

Reborn: Lal Mirch was a special squadron instructor at the Comsubin in Italy.

Reborn: Even I respect her as a teacher.

Reborn: After all, she was the one who taught Colonnello...

Main: ,before he became an Arcobaleno.

Tsuna: Taught...

Gokudera: ...Colonnello?

Tsuna: She was Colonnello's teacher?!

Gokudera: She taught an Arcobaleno?!

Tsuna: Wait, she was a teacher at such a young age?

Gokudera: And before Colonnello was an Arcobaleno... Was she even born then?

Tsuna: A-Anyway, the only one who can teach us how to fight with the rings is her!

Tsuna: We have to stop her!

Lambo: Tsuna, check it out!

Lambo: There're lots of g*ns.

I-Pin: Lambo, give those back! You can't have them!

Tsuna: Lambo, where did you get those?!

Lambo: From the room all the way on the other side.

Main: ,It's like a super-duper fun maze!

Tsuna: Would you just stay here?!

Tsuna: I'm doing something really important right now.

Lambo: Let's play, Tsuna!

Yamamoto: What is it this time?

Tsuna: It's coming from the kitchen.

Tsuna: It's Kyoko-chan and Haru!

Tsuna: What happened?

Haru: There's something under the sink!

Gokudera: What's this?

Janini: I made it through.

Tsuna: Y-You're...

Janini: I serve the Vongola Family as a weapons tuner and inventor.

Main: ,My name is Giannini.

Tsuna: He makes weapons all weird!

Yamamoto: You're that interesting geezer.

Gokudera: How long are you going to sit on me?

Janini: Pardon me.

Janini: It's been a long time, everyone.

Janini: I've become even better since we last met.

Main: ,I am now a first-class mech artist.

Gokudera: So why are you in the kitchen?

Janini: Well, I installed the plumbing on this floor last week, but...

Janini: I ended up with a lot of spare parts, and I was wondering what they should've been for.

Tsuna: You sure you got better?!

Yamamoto: Huh? What's this smell?

Main: ,Huh?

Haru: Eek! It's charred!

Kyoko: Sorry, I forgot to turn off the heat.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan, are you okay?

Lambo: Fire! Fire! Fire!

Gokudera: Stupid cow, shut up already!

Lambo: Woohoo, fire! Yay!

Lal Mirch: You think this sad lot of kids can survive what's to come?

Reborn: Who knows.

Lal Mirch: They have zero chance.

Lal Mirch: Even with the Vongola Rings, at their level, they can't win.

Lal Mirch: I don't have time to waste on a bunch of kids without a prayer.

Reborn: But what if they manage to ignite their Vongola Rings to fight the Millefiore?

Lal Mirch: What are you saying?

Lal Mirch: It's not something they can pick up in a day.

Reborn: As things stand now, they both have flames,

Main: ,and Gokudera opened a box.

Reborn: No matter how they look, they're serious.

Lal Mirch: Don't be absurd!

Lal Mirch: There's no way they can!

Reborn: You told a younger someone that a long time ago.

Reborn: "There's no way you can. You're hopeless. Get out of my way."

Reborn: But you saw it yourself, Lal Mirch.

Lal Mirch: Colonnello!

Reborn: You saw with your own eyes the strength people have inside

Main: ,to protect what's dear to them; a strength that fears no curse.

Reborn: We can't let that happen again.

Kyoko: I'm sorry. I totally spaced out.

Tsuna: Don't worry about it, Kyoko-chan.

Tsuna: Happens to me all the time.

Haru: Yeah, same for me!

Haru: No problem.

Tsuna: And now the faucet came off!

Janini: That's my responsibility!

Lal Mirch: Listen up!

Lal Mirch: I'll train you on the most basic of fighting techniques and what you'll need to know.

Tsuna: Th-Then...

Lal Mirch: The squad being sent to Japan is one of the best, even by Millefiore standards.

Lal Mirch: If the guys you'll face, Black Spell, att*cked us at full strength, you'd have no chance.

Lal Mirch: Let's get a move on.

Tsuna: Who are those Black-whatever guys?

Lal Mirch: The Millefiore came from an amalgamation of two families.

Tsuna: Two families?

Lal Mirch: Byakuran is their current boss. And...

Main: ,The elite squads under him are divided up, based on their original families,

Main: ,which are signified by their black or white uniforms.

Lal Mirch: The white uniforms belong to White Spell.

Lal Mirch: They're skilled at covert, paramilitary-style combat.

Lal Mirch: The guys in the black uniforms are from Black Spell.

Main: ,They're said to be mostly veterans, deployed for head-to-head battles.

Tsuna: I-I see...

Gokudera: Hey! So now you feel like talking?!

Main: ,What suddenly loosened your tongue?

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun.

Yamamoto: Why're you impersonating Squalo?

Lal Mirch: Don't worry.

Lal Mirch: The second you can't keep up with me, I'll drop you on the spot.

Tsuna: She's a demon.

Lal Mirch: Let's begin our first lesson.

Lal Mirch: I don't care who does it,

Main: ,but one of you has to open this box, which has never been opened before.

Lal Mirch: Show me your resolve.

Main: ,Next Time:

Next time: The First Trial.