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04x74 - The World 10 Years Later

Posted: 07/01/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
Tsuna: Today's test was terrible, again...

Reborn: Once we get home, you're going to stay up all night and study.

Tsuna: N-No way!

Lambo: Tsuna!

Lambo: Wait, Tsuna!

Lambo: Look at this! Look at this!

Lambo: They gave it to me at a store downtown.

Lambo: There was a bunch of people, and they gave me candy too!

Tsuna: That's great.

Tsuna: Should I say he's innocent or spoiled...?

Reborn: You're acting as childish as ever.

Lambo: Reborn, you're making fun or me, aren't you?!

Reborn: Was not.

Reborn: I just told you the truth.

Lambo: Oh, okay.

Lambo: So you really did make fun of me!

Lambo: Lambo-san's an awesome hitman!

Lambo: Die!

Reborn: You die.

Lambo: Luckily, I hadn't pulled the pin yet.

Reborn: Too bad. I could've blown you into a puff of smoke.

Tsuna: You don't have to be so mean.

Lambo: Screw you, Reborn! You and your stupid slanted eyebrows.

Reborn: Die and become one with the stars!

Tsuna: I-It's flying toward you, Reborn!

Reborn: This is bad. I can't move.

Tsuna: Reborn got hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: N-No way. That means Reborn's ten-years-older self is here?

Tsuna: H-Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you, Reborn?

Tsuna: H-He disappeared?

Tsuna: No... Wait a second...

Tsuna: The Ten-Year Bazooka should switch you with your older self for five minutes.

On Screen,Tsuna: Present / Year Older / Future

Tsuna: But no one's here... What does that mean?

Lambo: I don't understand difficult things.

Lambo: My balloon!

Lambo: Wait!

Tsuna: I don't really understand, but after five minutes, I'm sure he'll come back.

On Screen: ,Target The World Ten Years Later

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: Why hasn't Reborn come home?

Tsuna: Where did you go, Reborn?

Tsuna: Where are you?

Haru: Why is Gokudera-san going to Tsuna-san's house too?

Gokudera: I'm giving him the pastries I bought on the shopping channel as a souvenir.

Haru: If you bought it on the shopping channel, it's not a souvenir.

Gokudera: Shut up!

Gokudera: Anything you put thought into is a souvenir!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun.

Tsuna: Haru.

Haru: Huh? Tsuna-san!

Gokudera: Boss!

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Haru: Did you hear they're making an underground shopping center below Namimori Station?

Haru: They're even doing an event and it ends today!

Haru: Can we all go together?

Gokudera: You're such a kid.

Haru: I'm a fine lady!

Gokudera: You don't look like a lady to me.

Tsuna: Nothing else has changed...

Tsuna: I had a bad feeling, but I guess it was my imagination.

Gokudera: Oh yeah, so were you going somewhere, boss?

Tsuna: No... Just, something happened to Reborn.

Main: ,Eek?!

Gokudera: Did Reborn go somewhere?

Tsuna: Actually...

Haru: So he hasn't come back home?

Haru: Actually, what's the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Oh yeah, Haru doesn't know about it.

Gokudera: So Reborn-san was definitely hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka, but no one showed up?

Tsuna: Yeah, I don't know what's going on.

Gokudera: W-Wait a second, boss.

Gokudera: If no one came from the future, that means they weren't there.

Gokudera: Wouldn't that mean Reborn-san doesn't exist ten years from now?

Main: ,What?

Gokudera: It couldn't be...

Gokudera: Forget it, let's just look for him.

Tsuna: O-Okay.

Main: ,Eek!

Gokudera: I'll check out the school!

Haru: I'll go to Yamamoto-san's house.

Tsuna: Then I'll go take a look at the park.

On Screen,Tsuna: Let's make Namimori's future bright!

Yamamoto: The kid who stays with Tsuna?

Yamamoto: Dunno. Haven't seen him today.

Yamamoto: Did something happen to him?

Haru: Tsuna-san's searching for him.

Haru: If you see him, give Tsuna a call.

Yamamoto: Hey, where are you going?

Haru: I'm going to ask Kyoko-chan too.

Gokudera: No one's here...

Tsuna: I-Pin.

I-Pin: Ni-hao, Tsuna-san.

I-Pin: Another nice day.

Tsuna: Hey, I-Pin.

Tsuna: Have you seen Reborn?

I-Pin: No, I haven't.

Tsuna: I see. Let me know if you do.

Main: ,Okay!

Tsuna: Thanks.

Tsuna: Sorry, are you okay?

Tsuna: Umm...

Tsuna: Why did he get so scared?

Tsuna: Oh yeah, Reborn!

Tsuna: I guess the Ten-Year Bazooka was the cause.

Tsuna: I could ask Lambo about it, but I doubt he'd know anyway.

Tsuna: Although, we might figure something out if we ask adult Lambo.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Tsuna: Lambo's here, right?

Tsuna: Lambo!

Lambo: Tsuna's so dumb...

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, wake up, Lambo!

Lambo: Lambo is currently out right now.

Tsuna: Wake up, Lambo!

Tsuna: Hey, Lambo, become an adult with the Ten-Year Bazooka for me.

Lambo: What are you talking about, Tsuna?

Lambo: Lambo-san doesn't know anything about the Ten-Year Bazooka.

Tsuna: It's sticking out of your head, isn't it?!

Tsuna: Hey, give me this.

Lambo: No! Boss told me not to use it!

Tsuna: It's totally obvious you've already been using it all over the place!

Lambo: No, it isn't.

Tsuna: Don't say that, help me out.

Lambo: No!

Tsuna: Please!

Tsuna: No way.

Tsuna: Did I go into the Ten-Year Bazooka?

Tsuna: Am I traveling ten years into the future?

Tsuna: Ouch!

Tsuna: Wood?

Tsuna: No, it smells like flowers...

Tsuna: It's completely dark.

Tsuna: Something moved.

Tsuna: Is this... ten years in the future?

Tsuna: So if I really switched with my future self,

Main: ,that means I must exist in this place.

Tsuna: Wh-Where am I?

Tsuna: Is this... a coffin?

Tsuna: Wait!

Tsuna: Why am I in a coffin?

Gokudera: Who's there?!

Gokudera: You're...

Gokudera: You're...

Tsuna: Huh, I know that face.

Tsuna: It couldn't be.

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-

Gokudera: Boss!

Tsuna: I thought so, this is Gokudera-kun's future self!

Tsuna: He's gotten really tall.

Gokudera: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Tsuna: Actually... Ouch.

Gokudera: I'm sorry.

Tsuna: No. I don't know what's going on...

Tsuna: Y-You might not believe this,

Main: ,b-but I accidentally came through Lambo's Ten-Year Bazooka.

Gokudera: I see. So you only have five minutes.

Gokudera: Listen up, boss.

Main: ,Huh?

Gokudera: Once you return to the past, do exactly as I say.

Main: ,Huh?

Gokudera: I don't have time to explain all the details to you.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun's future self...

Tsuna: He's so mature now.

Gokudera: Once you go back to the past, get rid this guy.

Main: ,What?!

Gokudera: He looks like this in this time,

Gokudera: but you should've made contact with him when you were in the th grade.

Tsuna: Who is this?

Tsuna: And you want me to get rid of him?!

Gokudera: You need not hesitate.

Tsuna: Hold on a second here.

Tsuna: By "get rid of him," you mean k*ll him, don't you?

Gokudera: If he wasn't here, then everything that happened with Byakuran...

Tsuna: Byakuran?

Tsuna: Wait a second, why has everything become so serious?

Tsuna: What's going to happen ten years in the future?

Gokudera: And then, just in case...

Tsuna: Uh... There's one thing I'm really curious about.

Tsuna: Why is my future self in here?

Tsuna: Why is my ten-years older self in this coffin?

Gokudera: Th-That's...

Gokudera: Boss!

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun?!

Tsuna: Wh-Why is the usual Gokudera-kun...?

Tsuna: I couldn't hear the truth because of that!

Gokudera: Huh, it's the normal boss.

Gokudera: No, you are ten years years into the future.

Tsuna: No, you're seeing me here ten years in the future, Gokudera-kun.

Tsuna: I just came from ten years ago myself.

Gokudera: Oh, I thought so.

Gokudera: I was thinking of asking adult Lambo about Reborn, and when I got to your house...

Gokudera: Man, that stupid cow.

Gokudera: I'm going to strangle him after these five minutes are up and I go back.

Gokudera: What is this?

Gokudera: It looks like a coffin.

Tsuna: It doesn't just look like it...

Main: ,What?

Gokudera: So ten years in the future, you'll be here...

Tsuna: Umm, Gokudera-kun.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, are you okay?

Gokudera: What is the future me doing?!

Gokudera: Why is the boss in a coffin?

Gokudera: Damn it!

Gokudera: I failed as the boss's right-hand man if I let him die!

Tsuna: Nobody's said I'm dead yet!

Tsuna: I'm trying my best not to think about it...

Tsuna: A-And besides, I think I was told how to keep it from happening.

Gokudera: The guy in this picture?

Gokudera: My future self said that to you?

Tsuna: Yeah.

Gokudera: Okay! Once the five minutes are up and we go back to the past,

Gokudera: let's k*ll the guy in that picture.

Tsuna: That'd be bad.

Tsuna: Once the five minutes are up, we should first...

Tsuna: Huh?

Gokudera: What's wrong?

Tsuna: I'm just thinking I've been here a lot longer than five minutes.

Gokudera: Yeah...

Gokudera: It feels like I've been here longer than five minutes too...

Tsuna: Right!

Gokudera: Yeah.

Tsuna: Then how come we're not going back to the past?

Gokudera: The only thing I can think of is that something is wrong with the Ten-Year Bazooka...

Tsuna: N-No way!

Tsuna: What's going to happen to us?

Gokudera: I'm not sure, but maybe we won't ever be able to go back to the past?

Main: ,What?!

Tsuna: That'd be awful!

Gokudera: Hold on, it's not for sure yet.

Tsuna: What should we do?!

Gokudera: Why don't we have some pastries?

Gokudera: But where we are?

Gokudera: It's also possible that we're not in Japan.

Main: ,What?

Tsuna: We're overseas?

Gokudera: My future self left this behind, right?

Tsuna: Y-Yeah.

Gokudera: Let's see here...

Tsuna: Hold on, Gokudera-kun.

Tsuna: You can't just open it up.

Gokudera: It's no big deal.

Gokudera: It's mine anyway.

Gokudera: What is this mossy box?

Gokudera: It's all dirty.

Gokudera: People still write letters on paper ten years from now?

Tsuna: I'm curious.

Tsuna: What is this?

Tsuna: They look like pictures.

Gokudera: These are G-Characters.

Tsuna: G-Characters?

Gokudera: They're called Gokudera Characters. It's a code I thought up in class when I was in th grade.

On Screen,Gokudera: G-Characters = Gokudera Characters

Tsuna: What the heck was he doing in class?

Gokudera: Let's see...

Gokudera: The Guardians are to gather...

Lal: Thought so.

Gokudera: Who are you?!

Lal: Nice to meet you.

Lal: And...

Main: ,Farewell.

Main: ,Wha-?

Gokudera: An enemy?

Gokudera: Boss, stand back.

Gokudera: I'll handle this.

Gokudera: Die!

Gokudera: I'm not letting you get away!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: What is this?

Gokudera: It's hot!

Tsuna: This is bad.

Tsuna: What should I do, Reborn?

Tsuna: He's not here.

Lal: So I guess you can't fully utilize the ring after all.

Lal: Wasted treasure.

Gokudera: Can't use the ring?

Tsuna: Wh-What are you talking about?

Lal: Don't hate me.

Lal: Die!

Gokudera: Boss, this person is dangerous!

Gokudera: R-Run away, please!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Tsuna: No...

Tsuna: The Deathperation Pills.

Tsuna: I actually never wanted to take these, but...

Tsuna: I don't have a choice!

Gokudera: Boss!

Lal: High density energy that can destroy b*ll*ts like they weren't even there.

Lal: I've been waiting for you to use that Hyper Deathperation Mode of yours.

Tsuna: Why are you after us?

Lal: We're in the midst of an emergency.

Lal: Speed is of the utmost importance.

Lal: I won't be using lead b*ll*ts next time.

Lal: You won't be able to get rid of them with that flame of yours.

Gokudera: They're homing.

Gokudera: Boss!

Tsuna: Those b*ll*ts couldn't have...

Lal: I won't give you a break.

Lal: Any of you who die as easy as this will just slow us down.

Lal: If you want to live, then live!

Gokudera: B-Boss!

Lal: You're only this strong, though tutored by Reborn?

Lal: I'm surprised you actually defeated Xanxus like this.

Lal: I guess that means you're only half a man with Reborn gone.

Tsuna: What do you know about Reborn?

Lal: The Zero Point Breakthrough Revised?

Tsuna: Why...

Tsuna: Why can you use Deathperation Flames?

Lal: I see...

Gokudera: A girl?

Lal: You actually do show some promise, Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Lal: Even if I used all my strength,

Lal: I wouldn't be able to overcome the combat power you have.

Lal: At least, the way battles used to be fought.

Lal: You wouldn't be able to survive with that in this time.

Gokudera: What?!

Gokudera: Wow!

Gokudera: Way to go, boss!

Lal: Notice it already; it's having the opposite effect.

Gokudera: What?

Lal: You're not releasing the Deathperation Flame on your own.

Lal: It's being forcibly sent into the atmosphere by this toy, which runs on the flame.

Tsuna: Th-That's...

Gokudera: Boss!

Lal: Pathetic of you to fall for such an easy trap, Vongola X.

Gokudera: Hold it!

Tsuna: She's right.

Tsuna: I'm just half a person without Reborn.

Tsuna: This wouldn't have happened if he was here.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Lal: Even so, you've passed.

Lal: My name is Lal Mirch.

Gokudera: Boss, are you hurt?

Tsuna: No, I'm fine.

Lal: We went at it a bit too hard.

Lal: It's only a matter of time before they find us.

Lal: Put these on your Vongola Rings.

Lal: They're called Mammon Chains.

Lal: They seal the power of your rings.

Gokudera: Hey, wait a second!

Gokudera: It's not fair to tell us a bunch of confusing stuff right after you attack us!

Gokudera: How do you know about the Vongola Rings anyway?

Gokudera: Who are you?

Lal: We must leave this place quickly.

Lal: It won't be possible barefoot.

Lal: Put those on.

Tsuna: She just ignored us.

Tsuna: But she might not be an enemy.

Tsuna: Wait just a second!

Tsuna: We came from the past.

Tsuna: We've just been getting surprised by everything. We don't know what's going on.

Gokudera: Stop messing around!

Gokudera: Why do we have to listen to you?

Lal: It'd be better for those who can't keep up with me to die.

Lal: I have no time to waste.

Lal: You can figure out what you want to know once we get there.

Tsuna: Get where?

Lal: Your secret base.

Gokudera: O-Our secret base?

Tsuna: In this era? Really?

Tsuna: That means I...

Tsuna: Oh, so is that where Reborn is?

Gokudera: Good, that means the Reborn we know is still in this time?

Lal: Like I know.

Gokudera: That woman pisses me off.

Tsuna: If the baby Reborn isn't here, then the Reborn of this time might be.

Gokudera: That's true.

Lal: Colonnello, Viper, Skull...

Lal: The strongest babies, the Arcobaleno, all died.

Main: ,Wh-What?!

Lal: Of course,

Main: ,that means Reborn's gone too.

Reborn: Next time:

Reborn: Secret Base.