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03x72 - Expulsion Crisis

Posted: 07/01/23 16:03
by bunniefuu
On Screen,Caption: School-wide Science Test

Tsuna: I don't know any of this...

Reborn: Good grief.

Man: That's odd.

Man: Why can't it be found?

Man: Anything from years ago should be buried on the school grounds...

Hibari: Hey.

Hibari: What are they doing?

Kusakabe: They appear to be looking for a time capsule buried years ago.

Kusakabe: It was buried on the school grounds,

Kusakabe: but they can't seem to find it.

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Expulsion Crisis

Tsuna: This sucks.

Tsuna: He's already handing back our science tests from yesterday.

Tsuna: I was totally clueless...

Tsuna: And our teacher's the tricky Mr. Nezu.

Nezu: What is a test?

Nezu: Tests are a part of life!

Nezu: Midterms.

Nezu: Finals.

Nezu: Tests to advance a grade or go to a new school.

Nezu: For a driver's license.

Nezu: For certification.

Nezu: You must take tests!

Nezu: Moreover, you cannot enjoy life without passing said tests!

Hana: He's ranting again.

Nezu: As a person who has taken elite courses

Nezu: from a top-level middle school to a top-level high school,

Nezu: finishing at the pinnacle of a top-level university, Tokyo University, I must be right!

Nezu: And now, I will pass back the tests.

Nezu: Hypothetically speaking...

Nezu: Let's assume that a student scored in the s and lowered the class average.

Nezu: I would predict that he would become a burden on the education system!

Tsuna: I have a bad feeling...

Nezu: I shall announce...

Nezu: the name of that lowly student!

On Screen,Caption: Tsunayoshi Sawada

Guy: points!

Guy: So it really was Loser Tsuna!

Tsuna: D-Don't look!

Nezu: The only thing that should matter to you is getting good test grades.

Nezu: Move from a good school to a good society.

Nezu: People who cannot become elite have no right to live!

Nezu: Got it, Sawada?

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun!

Nezu: Hey! You're late!

Nezu: How dare you show up now!

Gokudera: Huh?

Tsuna: H-Hey.

Tsuna: You shouldn't scare the teacher.

Gokudera: Right. What is it, boss?

Nezu: I see.

Nezu: So that's how it is.

Nezu: Hypothetically speaking...

Nezu: Let's assume that a student has no problem with being tardy.

Nezu: That student would be sure to hang out with other failures,

Nezu: for birds of a feather flock together!

Gokudera: Hey! I won't let you insult the boss!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun! Hold on!

Yamamoto: Gokudera, stop it.

Gokudera: Shut up!

Gokudera: I won't stand by while he makes fun of the boss!

Tsuna: S-Sir...

Tsuna: Are you okay?

Nezu: You're all...

Nezu: Expelled!

On Screen,Caption: Principal's Office

Nezu: Expel them!

Nezu: Principal! You should expel them all!

Principal: Now calm down, Mr. Nezu.

Nezu: How can I calm down?!

Nezu: They used v*olence against me!

Nezu: Me, an elite alumni of Tokyo University!

Tsuna: No way...

Tsuna: He fell on his own...

Yamamoto: We didn't do anything at all.

Nezu: Shut your mouth!

Nezu: You probably got a pathetic score, like Sawada!

Nezu: Yamamoto, points.

Nezu: Gokudera...

Nezu: points...

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun's really smart.

Tsuna: But Yamamoto...

Yamamoto: I guessed a bunch right this time.

Nezu: Y-You imbeciles must have cheated!

Yamamoto: Huh?

Gokudera: Why would I do something dumb like that?

Principal: Indeed, Mr. Nezu.

Principal: What proof do you have of such...

Nezu: Any student who defies a teacher could never score !

Nezu: People like you could only score this high if you cheated!

Nezu: But I'm willing to forgive you at this point.

Nezu: Only scum tell lies!

Gokudera: I just said I didn't cheat!

Kyoko: Are they really going to be expelled?

Ryohei: Hey, Kyoko.

Ryohei: I came to invite Sawada to boxing practice.

Ryohei: Do you know where he went?

Kyoko: Ryohei!

Kyoko: Actually, Tsuna-kun...

Ryohei: What?!

Nezu: Regardless!

Nezu: They should be expelled!

Principal: B-But...

Nezu: Mr. Principal!

Nezu: As you can see, they used v*olence against me,

Nezu: an elite, to cause me injury!

Nezu: They would have interfered with the studies of other students

Nezu: if I had ended up in the hospital!

Nezu: And they even cheated!

Nezu: Letting such students do as they please will only have a negative effect on the other students!

Nezu: They should be expelled at once!

Yamamoto: Ah, your right arm.

Nezu: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Nezu: My arm!

Tsuna: N-No way...

Ryohei: Hold it right there!

Ryohei: Is it true you're going to expel those guys?

Tsuna: Ryohei!

Tsuna: He's gonna make this more complicated!

Nezu: Who are you?!

Ryohei: The captain of the Boxing Club!

Ryohei: Ryohei Sasagawa!

Ryohei: Sawada's talent is vital to our team!

Ryohei: Please don't expel him!

Nezu: What are you saying?!

Nezu: Students are supposed to focus on studying!

Nezu: I'll have you expelled if you defy me!

Ryohei: What was that?!

Gokudera: You've been blabbing on and on for too long.

Yamamoto: You're not making any sense!

Tsuna: Everybody, calm down.

Kyoko: Please wait!

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan.

Nezu: What is it, Sasagawa?

Kyoko: I beg of you.

Kyoko: Please don't expel my brother and Tsuna-kun and everyone else.

Nezu: What?

Principal: I have to say that it's rather rash to expel somebody so suddenly.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Nezu: Hypothetically speaking...

Nezu: Let's assume that a lovely maiden has come on their behalf.

Nezu: I am not heartless enough to deny her request.

Kyoko: That means...

Nezu: But I cannot forgo the expulsion so quickly.

Nezu: Sawada will have to take a retest tomorrow.

Nezu: His fate depends on the result.

Tsuna: A retest?

Gokudera: Sweet deal, boss!

Yamamoto: That's great.

Nezu: However!

Nezu: If he fails again, you'll all be expelled!

Tsuna: Huh?! No way!

Gokudera: How does that work?

Nezu: You haven't been cleared from the suspicion of cheating.

Nezu: If the two of you really scored and ,

Nezu: then help Sawada study!

Nezu: I'll accept that you didn't cheat if he passes the test!

Gokudera: Fine by me.

Ryohei: I'm getting extremely fired up!

Tsuna: Can we really manage this in one night?

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Kyoko: Do your best.

Tsuna: I guess I have no choice.

Gokudera: There you have it.

Gokudera: Now we begin the "the boss will absolutely pass tomorrow's retest" camp!

All: Yeah!

Tsuna: I don't know if this'll work out.

Gokudera: What are you saying?

Gokudera: Put your mind to it and the test will be a cinch.

Yamamoto: Well, it'll work out if your guesses are right.

Ryohei: Study to the limit!

Haru: I'll help Tsuna-san too!

Tsuna: Uh, why is Haru here?

Kyoko: I called her.

Kyoko: She's smart, you know.

Bianchi: I'll make a snack for you.

Tsuna: Bianchi's here?!

Tsuna: Hey, we can't let her cook!

Reborn: Do what you want.

Reborn: I'm going to sleep.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: Aren't you supposed to be my tutor?!

Tsuna: He fell asleep already!

Gokudera: Got it, boss?

Gokudera: The reactants and products in a chemical equation should

Gokudera: have the same amount and type of elements.

Yamamoto: Okay?

Yamamoto: You should go with the flow when taking a test.

Haru: This is the inside of a carp's body!

Gokudera: {\an}This is known as the law of conservation of mass.

Haru: Look! It's a study-aid!

Yamamoto: {\an}You just go "whoosh" and "bam" and it's all done.

Tsuna: Uh, I won't learn anything if you all teach me at once.

Ryohei: Work to the limit!

Ryohei: I'll cheer you on!

Kyoko: Jeez, Ryohei...

Haru: Oh, everybody's sleepy.

Haru: I thought this might happen, so I brought coffee.

Haru: Drink some of this and you'll feel like it's morning!

Haru: I'll go grab some cups.

Lambo: It's so loud that I can't sleep.

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Look out!

Lambo: Looks fun!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants in!

Gokudera: You!

Yamamoto: Whoa!

Haru: Lambo-chan!

Kyoko: That's dangerous!

Ipin: Lambo! No pranks!

Bianchi: Here's a snack.

Kyoko: Bianchi-san!

Kyoko: Huh?

Yamamoto: What?

Ryohei: So extreme!

Lambo: Lambo-san's sleepy.

Ipin: I-Pin's off in dreamworld.

Gokudera: Sleeping gas?!

Haru: Eek.

Haru: It's a chemical reaction between pizza and coffee...

Tsuna: Like that's even possible!

Mom: Oh my. Everyone fell asleep together.

Mom: I'll let them nap a bit longer.

Teacher: We can't find it...

Teacher: Should we bring in a professional?

On Screen,Caption: Principal's Office

Nezu: Expel them!

Nezu: Honestly!

Nezu: An elite like myself has come to school on a holiday,

Nezu: yet you have the nerve to sleep in and show up late for the test?!

Nezu: I'm at a loss for words!

Tsuna: This sucks...

Kyoko: Sir, we're sorry!

Kyoko: But I beg of you!

Kyoko: Please let him take the test again!

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Nezu: No!

Nezu: A promise is a promise.

Nezu: Now, Mr. Principal!

Nezu: Expel them!

Principal: Still...

Nezu: If we don't deal with them,

Nezu: they'll have a negative effect on the good students of Namimori Middle

Main: ,who are headed on an elite course!

Principal: H-However...

Reborn: What a wonderful way of thinking.

Tsuna: Reborn?

Nezu: Wh-Who are you?

Principal: Oh, Professor Borin.

Nezu: Professor Borin?

Nezu: I've never heard of such a man.

Nezu: I can't tell what he's thinking.

Nezu: His eyes are deep as the ocean...

Tsuna: Uh, I think that's because he isn't thinking about anything.

Reborn: As I expected from Mr. Nezu, said to be the face of Namimori Middle.

Reborn: You're absolutely right.

Nezu: Am I that famous?

Reborn: Yes, of course.

Reborn: Your strict approach to handling students is model behavior for a teacher.

Nezu: Please, you're too kind.

Reborn: It's only natural to punish students who don't keep promises.

Nezu: Yes, yes.

Nezu: That's right.

Reborn: Students who don't know how to study should be expelled, instead of wasting

Main: ,the time of an elite like yourself, Mr. Nezu.

Nezu: That's right. That's right.

Tsuna: What's Reborn saying?

Tsuna: He's gonna get us all expelled.

Reborn: However, there are other skills besides academics.

Nezu: Well, that's true.

Reborn: It's possible for a person who does poorly academically to excel elsewhere.

Nezu: Well, I'm sure there are such cases.

Reborn: How about a test involving something besides academics?

Nezu: That might work.

Nezu: Huh?

Reborn: Rejoice, you all.

Reborn: Mr. Nezu is going to give another test.

Kyoko: What a relief...

Tsuna: Reborn...

Tsuna: But what kind of test will it be?

Nezu: This guy pulled a fast one on me...

Nezu: Mr. Principal.

Nezu: I happened to overhear something about

Main: ,difficulties in finding a time capsule buried on the school grounds years ago.

Principal: Yes, we've found the others,

Principal: but we can't find the one from years ago.

Principal: Why did you mention that?

Principal: Let's allow them to deal with it.

Principal: If you find that capsule from years ago, which should be buried on the school grounds somewhere,

Principal: I'll forgo the expulsion.

Tsuna: Really?!

Gokudera: Okay! We'll find it!

Yamamoto: Yeah!

Nezu: But if you don't find it before the sun sets,

Nezu: you'll be expelled for sure!

Tsuna: What?! Before the sun sets?!

Gokudera: Don't worry, boss.

Yamamoto: It'll work out.

Ryohei: Extremely!

Tsuna: Y-You sure?

Tsuna: But how are we going to look for it?

Tsuna: The school grounds are too big.

Gokudera: Don't worry, boss.

Gokudera: I have a good idea.

Gokudera: You can count on me!

Ryohei: Sounds promising.

Yamamoto: Just what we'd expect from him.

Tsuna: So what's your idea?

Gokudera: I'll use these to blow up the ground!

Tsuna: You can't do that!

Kyoko: Wow, fireworks?

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan still thinks they're fireworks...

Haru: This is where I come in!

Kyoko: Haru-chan!

Tsuna: What's with the outfit?!

Haru: These are the mole family costumes I wore during last year's graduation party.

Haru: It was my fault that Tsuna-san was unable to take the retest!

Haru: I vow to find the time capsule!

Lambo: Lambo-san'll dig too!

Ipin: A family of moles are very close!

Tsuna: Just watching them is making me irritated!

Gokudera: Boss, let's get to digging.

Yamamoto: I'll join in.

Ryohei: I can't wait!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun, let's do our best.

Yamamoto: Where do we start?

Tsuna: Guys...

Nezu: Dig all you want,

Nezu: but you won't find that time capsule from years on the school grounds,

Nezu: because they began burying time capsules in the courtyard at that time.

Nezu: Blame the principal.

Nezu: It's his fault for forgetting about it.

Nezu: Struggle all you want.

Nezu: You'll be expelled!

Tsuna: It's no use...

Gokudera: My arms are numb.

Yamamoto: This is pretty rough.

Ryohei: But this is nothing compared to training.

Haru: I'll do whatever it takes to find the time capsule.

Lambo: Lambo-san's hungry.

Ipin: I'm taking a little break.

Tsuna: The sun's starting to set.

Tsuna: I guess it was impossible to find the time capsule.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan's working so hard to help me.

Tsuna: But I...

Tsuna: I...

Reborn: Hibari.

Reborn: The school may get a little messy.

Hibari: That's fine.

Hibari: As long as it's restored by tomorrow.

Reborn: Sorry about that.

Reborn: Appreciate the help.

Reborn: Don't waste Kyoko's feelings.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Re-Born!

On Screen: ,Re-Born

Tsuna: I'll search for the time capsule like my life depends on it!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Ryohei: So extreme!

Kyoko: Do your best, Tsuna-kun.

Nezu: Wh-What is that power?!

Tsuna: Where's the time capsule?!

Nezu: No! That direction is...

Nezu: What are you people doing?!

Gokudera: We're looking for the time capsule!

Nezu: That doesn't mean you can destroy the school grounds!

Nezu: And this is the courtyard!

Nezu: What if the capsule from years ago pops out?!

Kyoko: Huh?

Yamamoto: What was that?

Nezu: No, uh...

Nezu: In any case!

Nezu: Mr. Principal! You should immediately expel people who destroy school property!

Tsuna: This is the time capsule from years ago!

Nezu: L-Look!

Nezu: He dug up something unrelated!

Nezu: Stop him at once!

Tsuna: This is the time capsule from years ago!

Tsuna: This is from years ago!

Tsuna: Where's the capsule from years ago?!

Tsuna: This is completely unrelated!

Nezu: Stop! Don't open it!

Gokudera: This says... Dohachiro Nezu.

Gokudera: Science...

Gokudera: points?

Yamamoto: Japanese, points.

Ryohei: He scored points in Math.

Haru: in Social Studies.

Nezu: Th-That's...

Principal: Mr. Nezu, what is the meaning of this?

Gokudera: You said you graduated from a top-level middle school, right?

Gokudera: With these grades?

Nezu: Th-That's...

Reborn: Dohachiro Nezu, age .

Reborn: Graduate of Namimori Middle.

Reborn: He then went from a fourth-class high school to a fifth-class university.

Reborn: It took him eight years to graduate.

Nezu: H-How do you know that?!

Yamamoto: So the stuff about being an elite...

Ryohei: It's a lie?!

Tsuna: There it is!

Tsuna: The time capsule from years ago!

Gokudera: You did it, boss!

Kyoko: But if we found it in the courtyard instead of the school grounds...

Ryohei: You also lied about where the time capsule was!

Reborn: I believe you said only scum tell lies.

Tsuna: Mr. Principal! We found the time capsule from years ago.

Tsuna: So we won't be expelled now, right?

Principal: Of course not.

Kyoko: Isn't that great, Tsuna-kun?

Tsuna: Thanks.

Tsuna: It's all because of you, Kyoko-chan.

Haru: Yes, yes.

Haru: I worked hard too!

Tsuna: Thanks, everybody!

Reborn: Okay. Time to clean up.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: What do you mean by cleaning up?

Reborn: You have to restore the school grounds today.

Reborn: Or Hibari will bite you to death.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Hibari-san!

Tsuna: It's impossible to fix this today!

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Capricorn Making good on a promise will be the key to better fortune.

Lambo: ...will be Capricorn.

Futa: I'll write that in my Book of Rankings!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Col: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Pisces Your dreams may come true if you talk about them.

Lambo: ...will be Pisces.

Kyoko: Can I celebrate by having two whole cakes?

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Reborn: And the top sign...

On Screen,Caption: Cancer Good fortune will come if you participate in a contest!

Lambo: ...will be Cancer.

Romario: Ahh, sorry. I'll be representing the Cancers.

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

On Screen,Caption: See ya next time!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Mother's Day.