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02x65 - Conclusion!

Posted: 07/01/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: The culmination of the final battle between Tsuna and Xanxus is upon us.

Xanxus: What good are feelings like love?

Gokudera: What a guy...

Bel: Cool stuff.

CherbB: Master Xanxus. We must hold council to determine if you are qualified for the ring.

Xanxus: Sh-Shut up.

Xanxus: If I'm not, I'll just eliminate anyone standing in my way!

Bel: I agree %, boss.

Bel: Let's do it.

Mammon: All according to the original plan.

Gokudera: Are you blind?

Gokudera: It's two on five.

Gokudera: You're the ones in trouble!

Mammon: Two on five? Think again.

Mammon: You'll be facing dozens more than what you see here.

Mammon: Fifty true Varia members will be here shortly.

Ryohei: What did you say?!

Corn: If that's how you want it, we're joining Tsuna!

Corn: Let us out, maggots!

Dino: There shouldn't be any problem at this point.

Basil: I shall also fight!

CherbB: Understood.

Main: ,In that case, the Varia team will be disqualified,

Main: ,and the infrared barrier around the spectators will be disabled.

Corn: Let's go, maggots!

Reborn: Wait.

Reborn: It hasn't been disabled.

Mammon: Fools.

Mammon: We altered it.

Mammon: We planned to eliminate them while they're still caged.

All: What?

Shamal: So they were one step ahead?!

Corn: Outta the way!

Corn: I'm breaking through!

CherB: It's useless.

Main: ,It's designed to detonate if att*cked from within.

Corn: What?!

Reborn: We can't make a move.

Goku: Then we'll have to do this ourselves!

Chrome: Master Mukuro?

Chrome: Someone's coming?

Bel: Nice timing.

Bel: We've been waiting.

Varia: We have a report.

Varia: All other Varia squads have been destroyed.

Varia: He's too strong...

Varia: A man as fierce as a demon is headed this way.

Lancia: Bouja Reppa!

Chrome: That man...

Chrome: He's the one Master Mukuro was talking to this whole time...

Main: ,H-He's...

On Screen: ,Target Conclusion!

Lancia: Don't get me wrong, Vongola.

Lancia: I didn't come here to save you.

Lancia: I came to thank you.

Tsuna: Lancia-san?

Ken: Why is he...

Mammon: L-Lancia?

Mammon: Why is he here?

Bel: Who is he?

Ken: He's a cold-blooded Mafia k*ller, known to be the strongest in Northern Italy.

Ken: Is he that great?

Chikusa: He is.

Reborn: When he's fighting by his own will instead of another's, he doesn't hesitate.

Bel: So that's how it is, huh?

Bel: Okay, let's finish this now!

Yamamoto: Not happening.

Tsuna: Yamamoto...

Mammon: All right then...

Chrome: You're not getting away.

Hibari: Hey.

Main: ,It's over now.

Ryohei: No you don't!

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: You okay?

Tsuna: Yeah, thanks. I'm all right.

Gokudera: Okay.

Bel: Yeah, we're screwed.

Mammon: Boss, I think it's over.

Xanxus: Worthless scum...

Xanxus: Damn it...

Xanxus: Damn it all!

Xanxus: I'll send you all to hell!

Squalo: Do you think Xanxus would've given up on being the boss

Main: ,if he knew the secret of the rings?

Dino: I don't know.

Squalo: Like hell he would've!

Squalo: He would've let his rage burn brighter and destroyed them and the rules!

Squalo: Those kids are part of our world now.

Squalo: Someday, they're going to regret it. They'll wish they had died here.

CerbB: Master Xanxus,

Main: ,we are declaring you disqualified and taking the ring.

Xanxus: Cer...vello...

Main: ,Just like you wanted...

Xanxus: Happy your prophecy came true?

CherbB: I'm sorry, sir, but this was neither our wish nor a prophecy we made.

CherbB: It was all decided from the start.

CherbB: You have fulfilled your role.

Xanxus: Damn that old man...

CherbB: Thank you for your cooperation.

CherbB: With this, the ring tournament is at an end, and we will announce the victor.

CherbB: By virtue of Master Xanxus' disqualification,

CherbB: the victor of the Sky battle is Tsunayoshi Sawada.

CherbB: Thus, the inheritors of the Vongola Rings will be

CherbB: Tsunayoshi Sawada and his six guardians.

Reborn: Well done.

Reborn: You can go home now.

On Screen,Tsuna: Safe Victory

Tsuna: Guys...

Basil: Master Sawada!

Gokudera: Boss!

Ryohei: Tsuna!

Tsuna: I don't remember what happened after that.

Tsuna: I just slept like I was dead.

Tsuna: Oh, right...

Tsuna: It's over.

Tsuna: It wasn't a dream.

Tsuna: It's over...

Tsuna: Ouch!

Tsuna: My whole body's a wreck!

Lambo: You all have Lambo-san to thank!

I-Pin: Lambo is too wild!

Tsuna: Nice. I've got the day off.

Lancia: Thanks for having me.

Tsuna: Lancia-san!

Tsuna: Th-Thank you for yesterday.

Tsuna: But why are you here?

Lancia: We'll talk about that later. Get them!

Fuuta: 'Morning, Big Tsuna!

Lambo: Yo!

Lambo: You overslept! It's snack time already!

Nana: Get changed, Tsuna.

Reborn: We're going out.

Main: ,What?

Tsuna: Where to?

Reborn: A party!

Tsuna: A party?

Lambo: Party, party!

Lambo: Lambo-san loves parties!

I-Pin: Everybody parties! Everybody parties!

Nana: Did you forget what happened yesterday?

Nana: It's a reason to celebrate, right?

Tsuna: Huh? Yesterday?

Tsuna: No way... Does my mom know about the ring tournament?

Nana: Lambo-san was finally discharged from the hospital.

Tsuna: Oh, right, that...

Reborn: We're all meeting at Yamamoto's place.

Tsuna: Yamamoto's place?

Tsuna: Um...

Main: ,H-Hello...

Dad: Welcome, Tsuna-kun's party!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Goku: Boss!

Yamamoto: Hey, good to see ya.

Tsuna: Guys...

Fuuta: Everybody's here.

Haru: Tsuna-san, congratulations on winning the sumo tournament!

Main: ,Huh?

Tsuna: Uh, thanks...

Tsuna: Oh yeah, we told the girls it was a sumo tournament.

Dad: You've got the place to yourselves today!

Dad: Eat up and have fun!

Haru: Deluxe!

Lambo: I'm the star of the show!

Nana: Now, Lambo-kun, pace yourself. There's plenty to go around.

Cornelo: Don't stuff your face, maggot.

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: We told the others we're celebrating the stupid cow leaving the hospital,

Main: ,and you winning the sumo tournament,

Main: ,but it's actually a victory party for the ring tournament!

Tsuna: Yeah...

Gokudera: We did it!

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Ryohei: Yup.

Tsuna: Ah! You're all wearing the Vongola Rings?!

Reborn: We sent them to Hibari and Chrome too.

Reborn: Here's yours.

Tsuna: But it burns!

Reborn: No, it doesn't. Ever since it melted Xanxus, it's been quiet.

Tsuna: I don't care! I don't want it!

Tsuna: It's too dangerous!

Reborn: You told Xanxus you're going to be the boss, didn't you?

Tsuna: Did not!

Tsuna: I said I wouldn't let him be the boss!

Dino: Man, you just don't know when to give up, Tsuna.

Tsuna: B-But Dino-san...

Tsuna: I just wanted you to know Vongola IX is in stable condition.

Tsuna: R-Really?

Tsuna: That's good...

Dino: Well, it means you're not going to be Vongola X just yet, so you can relax.

Main: ,Huh?

Tsuna: No, um...

Tsuna: I don't ever want to join the Mafia!

Dino: Even though the kid's all pumped about it?

Lambo: This ring was in the garbage can.

Tsuna: Liar!

Gokudera: I think he's going back to the hospital.

Yamamoto: Calm down, man. Lambo worked hard this time.

Gokudera: Man... Well, whatever.

Main: ,Boss, let's spend the day talking about the future of the Family and having fun!

Tsuna: That doesn't sound fun at all!

Tsuna: Besides, I'm not gonna be a Mafia boss, even in the future!

Haru: And now, we're going to present the award!

Tsuna: Award?

Kyoko: To commemorate your victory in the sumo wrestling tournament!

Haru: Kyoko-chan and I made it together!

Main: ,Come again?

Haru: Here it is!

Tsuna: A championship belt?

Kyoko: Congratulations, Tsuna!

Kyoko: We're celebrating that today too.

Haru: Congratulations to Tsuna-san, the greatest champion!

Tsuna: Thanks.

Lambo: Lucky Tsuna.

Haru: We've got stuff to celebrate you leaving the hospital too, Lambo-chan!

Lambo: Hooray!

I-Pin: Lots of toys!

Lambo: They're all mine!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun, congratulations, really.

Kyoko: Good job.

Tsuna: Th-Thanks.

Kyoko: Can you tell me more about it?

Tsuna: W-Well... Where do I start...?

Tsuna: I know!

Tsuna: The good luck charm you gave me...

Bianchi: If you have time to flirt, you have time to eat.

Tsuna: That's definitely poison cooking!

Gokudera: Sis! A sneak attack?!

Gokudera: Where were you hiding?

Bianchi: Are you so happy to see me after all this time, Hayato?

Tsuna: She still doesn't get it...

Shamal: Come on, Hayato.

Shamal: You know I don't treat guys.

Shamal: More importantly... Bianchi-chan!

Bianchi: Zip your lips!

Dad: Hey, I told you not to bring in outside food.

Lambo: This looks better on Lambo-san!

Fuuta: Don't do that, Lambo.

Fuuta: That's Big Tsuna's.

Lambo: Shut up, dummy!

I-Pin: Lambo, wait!

Tsuna: Geez, he's out of the hospital for a minute and this is what happens?

Kyoko: Here, Ryohei!

Ryohei: Thanks, Kyoko.

Haru: Really?

Hana: And then...

Fuuta: So this bird is Falco, huh?

Shamal: Bianchi-chan!

Bianchi: Shut up already!

Nana: Shrimp next, please!

Main: ,Coming right up!

Dino: Sushi's good, eh, Reborn?

Lambo: Come and get me!

I-Pin: Wait!

Tsuna: Wait! Wait up, you two!

Basil: Master Sawada! Reborn-san!

Lancia: Vongola...

Tsuna: Y-You can't go back to Italy without saying goodbye.

Basil: My apologies. I was suddenly called back,

Basil: and you all seemed to be enjoying yourselves.

Lancia: I'm not good with goodbyes.

Tsuna: Huh? Lancia-san, what about that huge steel ball?

Lancia: Oh, that?

Lancia: I couldn't get it through customs.

Lancia: I'm having someone transport it for me.

Tsuna: I-I see.

Reborn: Lancia, Chrome said you were sent here by Mukuro, is that true?

Lancia: No, I haven't talked to him since then.

Lancia: I was able to leave the prison rather quickly.

Lancia: But the day before the Sky battle, I did have a weird premonition.

Lancia: Maybe the fact that he possessed me for so long made me sensitive to his thoughts...

Lancia: That'd be ironic.

Tsuna: Lancia-san...

Lancia: Don't worry, I'll never forgive him.

Lancia: But if I can help you out, I'm happy.

Basil: Will you continue your journey to the homes of the families you k*lled?

Lancia: Yes. All I can do is spend the rest of my life atoning for my crimes.

Tsuna: That's...

Ranchai: Right...

Ranchai: Let me give this to you.

Main: ,Huh?

Ranchai: It's from my boss.

Ranchai: It's not as nice as the Vongola Rings, but...

Tsuna: I-I can't take something so important!

Lancia: Don't worry.

Lancia: I want you to.

Basil: This is from me.

Basil: I don't know if they'll work for you, but use them if you have to.

Basil: This is as far as you have to see us off.

Lancia: Yeah.

Tsuna: But...

Basil: Go back to the others.

Lambo: Hey! Wait for me!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants to go on the picnic too!

Tsuna: Lambo, wait!

Lambo: Picnic!

Tsuna: There's no picnic!

Tsuna: They're both going back to Italy!

Lambo: Italy?

Basil: Goodbye...

Basil: Be careful.

Lambo: Bye-bye!

Tsuna: Geez, Lambo...

Reborn: You're really obnoxious.

Reborn: By the way, what did you get from Basil?

Tsuna: Oh, let me look.

Tsuna: Deathperation Pills!

Lambo: Tsuna!

Lambo: Taste Lambo-san's new special attack: Yo-Yo Wizard Shot!

Lambo: You're so weak!

Tsuna: I'm glad he's safe, but I think he's gotten even more annoying...

Reborn: Bouja Reppa!

Lambo: Hold... it... in!

Reborn: You're too annoying.

Lambo: How dare you, Reborn!

Lambo: No mercy from Lambo-san now!

Lambo: Die!

Tsuna: Wait!

Gokudera: In the end, I didn't get to eat a thing...

Dad: Come by any time! I'll give you a discount!

Haru: Thank you so much!

Yamamoto: Okay, see you at school.

Kyoko: Where's Tsuna-kun?

Ryohei: I haven't seen him in a while...

Tsuna: Hey...

Tsuna: I'm here...

Gokudera: What are you doing up there, boss?

Tsuna: Save me!

Reborn: You need more training!

Tsuna: And so,

Tsuna: everyone's still a bit crazy,

Tsuna: but it feels like the battle we were fighting until today never happened.

Tsuna: I heard my dad and Vongola IX are going to talk about what to do with Xanxus.

Tsuna: Actually...

Tsuna: Why do I have to write my dad a letter?

Reborn: It's writing practice.

Reborn: Did you forget that I'm a tutor?

Reborn: Besides, Iemitsu...

Iemitsu: Nana... Nana...

Reborn: He keeps calling out for Nana at the hospital.

Tsuna: Then make my mom do it!

Reborn: Either way, you have to do the homework that piled up during the ring tournament.

Tsuna: It can't possibly be that much...

Reborn: These days, even the Mafia needs to study to get by.

Tsuna: I'm not going to join the Mafia!

Reborn: Shut up.

Reborn: Grow up a bit, will you?

Tsuna: Ow-ow-ow! Uncle, uncle!

Reborn: You're going back to those hellish days with me.

Tsuna: You don't get to decide that!

Reborn: Well, I'm going to sleep!

Main: ,Hey!

Reborn: No sleeping for you until you're finished.

Tsuna: But you're allowed to?!

Tsuna: That's not fair, Reborn!

Tsuna: He's asleep already?

Tsuna: Listen to me!

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Capricorn A long white scarf is good luck!

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

Lambo: ...will be Capricorn.

Main: ,I'll write this in my Book of Rankings!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Col: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Cancer A new mechanical pencil is lucky.

Lambo: ...will be Cancer.

Gokudera: Ahh, sorry. Yeah, I'm the guy representing Cancer.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Virgo A good memory will improve your learning capability!

Reborn: And the top sign...

Lambo: ...will be Virgo.

Futa: All right, boss!

Main: ,I'll give it my all!

On Screen,Caption: See ya next time!

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Shivering Ghost!