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02x60 - Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough

Posted: 07/01/23 15:54
by bunniefuu
Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: The final match for the Vongola Rings, the proof of the legitimate Vongola successor,

Reborn: is the Sky battle, between Tsuna and Xanxus. The fight has quickly turned

Reborn: into a fight with the lives of all the Guardians on the line.

Hibari: Nice dodge.

Hibari: Aren't you... supposed to be a genius?

Levi: Get in my way and I'll k*ll you.

Gokudera: The boss is fighting...

Gokudera: I'm not gonna let you make any extra noise while the Sky battle's going on.

Gokudera: I don't have time to play with you.

Gokudera: Die!

Reborn: Leviathan was defeated by Gokudera's Rocket b*mb.

Reborn: Meanwhile, Hibari was fighting Belphagor.

Hibari: I'm bored.

Hibari: Let's end this.

Bel: These knives play a cutting waltz.

Bel: Not a single soul has ever escaped.

Bel: This is the end!

Hibari: Your knowledge is like that of a weak animal struggling to survive.

Bel: Go!

Hibari: I suppose I'll just have to knock them all down.

Bel: U-Uh-oh...

Hibari: Are you ready?

Bel: Pass!

Bel: I'm passing.

Bel: I don't have a problem with getting all serious,

Bel: but now isn't the time for my head to get whacked.

Bel: Since this is a group battle,

Bel: I'll go grab the other rings.

Bel: And with all the damage I've inflicted, I'll consider this my win.

Bel: Okay?

Bel: Bye-bye!

Reborn: As for Tsuna and Xanxus...

Reborn: He intends to hit him with that.

On Screen: ,{\an}Nakayama Surgery

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough

Bianchi: Not a single sound...

Bianchi: That just shows how perfect the Cervello's illusions are.

Bianchi: Are you sure about this, Reborn?

Bianchi: Haru!

Haru: Bianchi-san.

Haru: Is Lambo-chan all right?

Bianchi: Y-Yes, he's sound asleep.

Kyoko: That's good to hear!

Bianchi: Kyoko...

Both: The truth is that we have a secret to tell you!

Bianchi: A secret?

Bianchi: A secret, you say?

Bianchi: Could these girls have learned about the battle for the rings?

Kyoko: Yes!

Kyoko: We've been...

Haru: ...working on a plan!

Bianchi: Plan?

Haru: Yes!

Kyoko: A plan!

Bianchi: What kind of plan?

Both: Well... Well...

Both: Come tomorrow...

Bianchi: Come tomorrow...?

Kyoko: Come tomorrow, Lambo-kun should be released from the hospital!

Haru: So we wanted to hold a party to celebrate!

Ipin: Party!

Ipin: I love parties!

Futa: Please help us out, Big Bianchi!

Bianchi: What? A party?

Bianchi: What's that bag?

Haru: Oh this?

Haru: We actually wanted to make the party decorations here!

Futa: We can make wonderful decorations with all this stuff!

Ipin: Leave the paper-cutting to me!

Kyoko: O-Of course, we'll be careful not to wake Lambo-kun.

Haru: But we thought it might be better if Lambo-kun woke up

Haru: to a room full of cheer, instead of an empty one.

Kyoko: So we wanted to ask you if we could work here.

Bianchi: Oh, so that's what it was.

Kyoko: {\an}Hmm?

Haru: {\an}Eek?

Bianchi: Ah, never mind.

Bianchi: I like that kind of optimistic thinking.

Bianchi: But...

Bianchi: I still don't know if we'll be able to celebrate.

Bianchi: No, it's fine.

Bianchi: They'll all come back with smiles on their faces.

Bianchi: I'm sure of it.

Bianchi: Right, Reborn?

Lussuria: I don't want to die here like this...

Lussuria: No!

Lussuria: Hey.

Lussuria: Don't just lie there.

Lussuria: Do something!

Ryohei: I'd love to...

Ryohei: but I can't move either...

Lussuria: No!

Basil: Th-That's...

Basil: Master Sawada!

Shamal: Why is he releasing flames over there?!

Col: Wasting flames could cost you your life, maggot!

Xanxus: Frustrated after realizing you have no chance of winning?

Basil: No...

Basil: Master Sawada is raring to go!

Reborn: That's right.

Reborn: Calm down and figure out the timing.

Basil: Ah!

Basil: The Deathperation Flame has begun to change!

Xanxus: That irregular, knocking flame...

Xanxus: It couldn't be...

Xanxus: It couldn't be!

Xanxus: The Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough!

Col: The Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough?!

Col: Is that what he was training for, maggot?

Reborn: How does he know about it?

Shamal: Xanxus' expression has changed.

Xanxus: I won't let it happen!

Xanxus: You won't get away!

Xanxus: You're pathetic!

Col: He's moving at a completely different speed, maggot!

Reborn: Xanxus still had this much power left?

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: He won't be able to focus.

Shamal: But what is this Zero Point Breakthrough he's so intent on stopping?

Col: It's no good, maggots!

Col: He doesn't have the energy left to fly away!

Ken: Hey!

Ken: Just use your special move already!

Chikusa: Ken, calm down.

Ken: How can I stay calm?!

Ken: And why can't we see what's going on inside the gym?!

Chikusa: Are you worried about Chrome?

Ken: N-Not at all!

Ken: We just can't get in touch with Mukuro-san if she isn't around.

Ken: Th-That's all!

Chrome: Master Mukuro...

Chrome: Answer me...

Chrome: Boss...

Mammon: This wouldn't be a problem if I could focus my mind...

MAmmon: Do they know that illusionists are weak to physical pain?

Xanxus: A wasted effort.

Xanxus: Get lost!

Xanxus: Scoppio D'Ira!

Shamal: At this rate...

Col: ...he'll be hit!

Basil: Master Sawada!

Futa: Okay! Here's the next batch!

Kyoko: I-Pin-chan's amazing!

Haru: She really is!

Ipin: You can count on me!

Futa: Let's keep the pace up, everybody.

All: Okay!

Haru: Eek?

Haru: What's wrong?

Kyoko: Oh... It's nothing.

Kyoko: I had this funny feeling...

Bianchi: Reborn...

Nana: Honestly...

Nana: How could Tsuna and Reborn-kun go out so late?

Nana: I have to have his father give them an earful the next time he's home.

Nana: No, since he came home...

Nana: Oh, darling...

Nana: Um, gosh!

Nana: Where is he loitering around anyway?

Nana: Honestly, the second I take my eyes off him...

Nana: Oh no!

Nana: The milk I bought for Lambo-kun...

Nana: Ah, hold on.

Nana: I should get a towel!

Nana: Everyone...

Nana: Please come home soon...

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Chrome: Master Mukuro...

Mammon: What's going on?

Lussuria: No!

Lussuria: What? What?

Lussuria: What was that expl*si*n?

Lussuria: I don't wanna... I don't wanna...

Lussuria: I don't wanna die!

Ryohei: Shut up.

Ryohei: When I hear that voice, I can't...

Ryohei: I can't... I can't muster my strength!

Bel: The boss is working hard.

Bel: As for me...

Bel: Squalo and Gola Moska are gone.

Bel: Levi was taken out.

Bel: Only Lussuria and Mammon are left.

Bel: I don't want to listen to Lussuria's whiny voice.

Bel: It'd be a good idea to get Mammon in my debt.

Bel: That settles it.

Shamal: What happened?!

Basil: Master Sawada!

Col: The Deathperation Flame...

Shamal: Damn it!

Xanxus: Did he die?

Xanxus: Stupid scum.

Xanxus: You were in such a hurry to bring death upon yourself...

Xanxus: with those stupid monkey tricks.

Xanxus: Actually, on second thought,

Xanxus: scum like you could never pull off the Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough.

Xanxus: Scum should stay in its place...

Xanxus: and burn to ashes.

Basil: That's...!

Col: Can it be?!

Xanxus: What?!

Col: He did it, maggots!

Ken: He's up!

Chikusa: So he's okay...

Basil: Reborn-san!

Reborn: Yeah, he succeeded.

Reborn: The Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough!

Xanxus: Damn you...

Col: What's going on?

Col: I thought for sure Tsuna took a direct hit, maggot!

Reborn: He neutralized Xanxus' Flame of Fury

Reborn: by being in an inverse Deathperation state.

Col: Inverse Deathperation, maggot?

Reborn: Yeah, it's also called the negative state.

Reborn: For the Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough,

Reborn: the normal neutral state is considered the zero point.

Reborn: A Deathperation state with flames blazing is considered positive,

Reborn: so this refers to the other side: the negative state.

Shamal: Negative?

Shamal: You mean he's even less Deathperate than when he's in a normal state?

Reborn: That's right.

Reborn: And the emptiness absorbs the enemy's flames to neutralize damage.

Col: But why was he emitting that irregular flame, maggot?

Reborn: He was jumping between a positive state and the zero point

Reborn: to figure out the timing for going negative.

Reborn: That's why he was fine after taking Xanxus' Scoppio D'Ira.

Xanxus: So that's the Zero Point Breakthrough the first Vongola used...

Tsuna: That's right.

Xanxus: This is brilliant.

Xanxus: I don't know who taught you that, but I've got news for you...

Xanxus: That's not how the Zero Point Breakthrough works.

Xanxus: That wasn't even close to the real thing.

Xanxus: Just think about it.

Xanxus: This is supposed to be the Vongola's special technique.

Xanxus: How could it allow the user to take so much damage?

Basil: Thy words mean nothing!

Ken: Sawada!

Ken: He's just a sore loser!

Reborn: No, he's right.

Basil: Reborn-san.

Reborn: Tsuna was worn down after his body was unable to completely absorb

Reborn: the Flame of Fury.

Reborn: Even with this move, he still has no chance of victory.

Basil: This cannot be...

Reborn: Plus, there's too much risk.

Reborn: Inverse Deathperation is a dangerous state which exhausts your life force.

Reborn: If you miss the timing of the enemy's attack, you'll take a direct hit.

Basil: Impossible!

Basil: Did we not train precisely to make this technique work?!

Basil: All that we did was for this technique...

Reborn: That's one way to look at it.

Reborn: But it's not necessarily correct.

Basil: What?

Basil: Meaning...?

Reborn: The Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough

Reborn: is mostly known as a technique used by the first Vongola,

Reborn: but there's a state of inverse Deathperation which

Reborn: has to be reached to correctly pull it off.

Col: State?

Reborn: Even if Tsuna were to reach that state,

Reborn: it's possible that the resulting technique would be different from the first Vongola's.

Basil: I-I cannot believe that!

Basil: Have we failed?

Basil: Why, then, did Master Sawada train so intensely?

Basil: For what purpose?

Basil: What was it all for?

Ken: I can't take this anymore!

Chikusa: What are you gonna do?

Ken: I can't count on these people!

Ken: If they can't win, then we're taking Dokuro and getting out of here!

Chikusa: The second you touch a sensor, they'll be disqualified and it'll be all over.

Ken: What should I do, then?!

Ken: What do I...

Chikusa: Ken...

Reborn: Have faith...

Reborn: In our training...

Reborn: In the power of the technique developed by the first Vongola...

Reborn: And...

Reborn: In Tsuna!

Reborn: Have faith in Tsuna's power.

Reborn: But the Zero Point Breakthrough was the first Vongola's technique

Reborn: and should never have been seen.

Reborn: So why was Xanxus talking like he knew the real Zero Point Breakthrough?

Xanxus: It's over, scum!

Xanxus: I'll blast you to dust!

Tsuna: Don't miss.

Xanxus: What?

Tsuna: I'll pull it off next time.

Basil: Master Sawada!

Reborn: The Blood of the Vongola.

Reborn: Tsuna's super intuition has found something.

Xanxus: You won't change anything by trying over and over.

Tsuna: Zero Point Breakthrough Revised!

Dino: Hurry!

Dino: Get him in, quickly!

Main: ,Okay!

Dino: We're running late.

Dino: Let's go!

Romario: But boss, he isn't well enough for us to...

Dino: I know.

Dino: But we need him to spill everything... Everything he knows.

Reborn: And here's what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Aquarius Join a choir or band.

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

Lambo: ...will be Aquarius.

Dino: Enzio's happy too.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Sagittarius Great luck with presents!

Col: Number two for next week...

Lambo: ...will be Sagittarius.

Ipin: So moved!

Ipin: Very grateful!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Leo Shiny accessories bring good luck!

Reborn: And the top sign...

Lambo: ...will be Leo.

Ken: Lucky me!

Ken: Be happy for me!

On Screen,Caption: See ya next time!

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Zero Point Breakthrough Revised.