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01x20 - The Proposal

Posted: 07/01/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
- [announcer] Anne Jeffreys

as Marion Kerby,

the ghostess with the mostest.

Robert Sterling as George

Kerby, that most sportive spirit

and Leo G. Carroll, host

to said ghosts, as Topper.

[lively music]

- You sure you know what

you're doing, Cosmo?

- Henrietta, you ask me that same question

every time I take a picture of you.

- [Marion] And not without reason, Topper.

- The last one you took made

me look like a lump of dough.

- Turn your head a

little more to the left.

- [George] Better still, take

your head off all together.

- Now, watch for the birdie.

- [audience laughs]

- [screams] What's that?

- That, that, that's an eagle, dear.

National bird of our country.

- I know but where did it come from?

- Oh, under the hood, producing

it suddenly is guaranteed

to give the customer a

look of pleasant surprise.

- [Marion] It's no use George,

the man's got more excuses than Alibi Ike.

- Stop that.

- I didn't do it,

they went on by themselves.

- [George] Ya haven't

got half enough light.

- Must have been a short

circuit, now hold still a minute.

- This'll give the

picture a little variety.

- [Katie] Excuse me, ma'am.

- Well, that oughta

make a nice action shot.

- There wasn't enough light anyway.

- What time would you like dinner?

- As soon as we finish here, Katie.

- Very well.

- Must be a loose connection.

- Oh, for heaven's sake Cosmo,

leave the lights alone

and take the picture!

I can't hold this pose all night!

- [George] Ya haven't

got half enough light.

- Cosmo, you're blinding me!

The fuse, you blew the fuse!

- [Marion] Now be quick Topper.

- She never looked lovelier.

- [audience laughs]

[whimsical music]

- How do ya like it?

- Fabulous.

Should've put more onions in it, though.

- George Kerby.

- Hm?

- Look at me, don't you

notice anything different?

- Putting on a little weight, aren't you?

- George Kerby.

- You said that before, dear.

- Any other man looking at me would say,

"Marion, you look absolutely

ravishing in your new hat".

- Oh, is that a new hat?

- Yes, it's a new hat.

- Wear it in good health, dear.

- Can't you even pay

me a teeny compliment?

- What's eating you?

- I go out of my way

to make myself beautiful for you

and you don't even know I'm alive.

- Well, you're not, are you?

- [audience laughs]

- Topper darling, thank

heavens you're home.

- What's wrong now?

- Oh, it's George.

He's insufferable, he's insulting,

he's boring, he's unmanneredly

and he's unbearable.

- Lover's quarrel?

- He doesn't even

know the meaning of the word love.

I loathe him, I despise him.

Topper darling, on your way

to the bank in the morning,

would you return this to

the millinery shop for me?

- It's right on your way.

- But Marion...

- Well, all you have to do

is put it back in the window.

They probably won't even

know it was missing.

- [Henrietta] Cosmo!

- [dramatic music]

- Cosmo, what is that?

- Erm, a box.

- I could have sworn it was floating.

- For me?

- Yes dear,

- it was floating for you.

- Oh!

Oh, I love a surprise!

Oh Cosmo, it's beautiful!

I never knew you had such

good taste in millinery.

- [George] You know, on her it looks good.

- I'm gonna show it to

Katie, thank you, darling!

- Topper I want my hat back,

get my hat back from Henrietta!

- You asked me to take

it back to the shop.

- Well I've changed my

mind, I want that hat.

- How honey, don't make

any trouble with it,

he's already given it to her as a present.

- And why can't you be like him?

You never bring me presents,

why can't you give me a hat?

- Here.

- But that's my hat.

- It looks better on Marion.

- Oh,

I don't want your old

second-hand presents.

- Oh now do please stop

this childish nonsense.

Hey, where are you going with my hat?

- I'm going out to show it to Katie.

- What?

- [audience laughs]

- Cosmo?

- Yes, dear.

- [yawning] Aren't you tired?

- Yes, dear.

- Why don't you go to bed?

- No thank you, dear.

- I'm not a bit tired.

- [audience laughs]

Besides, I want to see

who committed this m*rder.

- All right dear but

don't stay up too late.

- Oh, it couldn't have been him.

- [audience laughs]

- Good night, dear.

- Please get off my book.

- I'm not on your book.

I'm on your lap. [sighs]

- Well, my book's on my lap.

- Cosmo darling,

- don't argue, I'm unhappy.

- What's the matter?

Have you been squabbling

with George again?

- Topper, he doesn't understand me.

- Well, why don't you go

and explain yourself to him?

- [audience laughs]

- Let me finish my book.

- I know what I'm going to

say would sound shocking

but well, I'm thinking of leaving George.

- Not thinking of

leaving him here, I trust?

- I don't think you realize

how serious this is.

- Oh but I do, oh let's have

no more of this nonsense.

George is your husband,

for better or worse,

for richer or poorer,

until death do you part.

- Oh I know all that but...

- What did you say?

- I didn't say anything.

- You're doing all the talking.

- Until death do us part.

- Topper, George and I...

- [George] Come on, Neil.

Stop wobbling like that, will ya?

- Oh but darling, the

difference in our ages

- means absolutely nothing!

- Marion, darling...

- Topper! Well, I never

would have expected it of you.

- Now look here...

- Man of your age,

reading those trashy

ten cent mystery novels.

What do you think of my lush hound?

Not only kills a bottle of cognac

but tries to play the undertaker, too.

I caught him burying the bottle.

Hey Marion, this dog is

gonna have a monstrous thirst

after all this cognac,

wind out a batch of martini

so he can sort of taper off.

- You and your intoxicated friend

can attend to your own

affairs, Mister Kerby.

- Do we know this woman?

No, well then you go over

and kiss your uncle Topper

and I'll mix a batch of Martini.

[Neil barks]

- Please take this beast away.

- Marion, call him off.

- He's Mister Kerby's dog,

- not mine.

- Hey,

what is all this Mister

Kerby business, honey?

- You will please address

me by my maiden name,

- Miss Cook.

- Miss Cook?

- Marion, what's come over you?

- Until death do us part.

Don't you see Topper, George

and I aren't married anymore.

- We're not?

- This is ridiculous.

- Why, not in the least and I'll thank you

to move out of our room, my room.

- Oh don't thank me, thank you.

- What do you mean?

- So, we're no longer married?

- Now just a moment you two.

- No.

- Splendid, in fact bully,

just answer me one thing:

- Who gets custody of the dog?

- Hm, he's yours.

As a matter of fact, I don't care

if I never see either one of you again.

- Well that's fine, I know somebody

who will be delighted to take us in.

A cute little red-headed ghost.

Met her in the movies one night.

[clears throat]

- Ooh you two-timing,

I've always suspected you.

- Marion, just a minute.

- If you so much as look

- at another ghost, I'll...

- Oh gee,

it's wonderful to be single again.

So many opportunities, no more excuses.

- Ha ha!

- Oh!

- My book!

- George, come back here!

- Cosmo, what's that

book doing in the fire?

- It's burning.

- [audience laughs]

- Yes but why are you burning it?

- I, uh, I, I just finished it.

[audience laughs]


- What are you doing in there?

- I'm trying to sleep.

- That's Henrietta's chest.

- Well I hope I don't have

to sleep here tomorrow night.

- Don't tell me Marion really went

through with all that nonsense?

- She certainly did, she

kicked me out of the room,

insisted that I start

courting her all over again.

Oh, she didn't by any

chance send you up here

- to find me, did she?

- She did not

and I wish you wouldn't drag

me into your domestic quarrels.

Last night, she cost me a mystery novel

that I was dying to

finish, now I've got to

go and buy another copy.

- Cosmo, what am I gonna do?

- Well, you better go

and marry that red-headed spook.

- Oh, I just made her up

to put Marion in her place.

- Yes and look where it's put you.


- What are you laughing at?

- I'm not laughing at you.

- I can't court Marion again.

- Hmm?

- Why not?

- Well I'm a married man!

- [audience laughs]

- At least, I was.

- What are you reading?

- Some letters

from me to Henrietta

when I was courting her.

You know, you could very well

use some of my technique.

- I'd wind up being married to Henrietta.

- You could do worse.

- I did

but somehow I, I love the witch.

- Let me have a look.

- Hey, steady on, George.

- Those letters are personal.

- [laughing]

- What's wrong?

- Henrietta, my own,

when we are apart, everything

seems dark and dank.

- What's the matter with that?

- It's very poetic.

- Marion, my own,

when we're apart, life

seems dark and dank.

No dank you, your technique

won't help me any.

- Not with you, you're

completely insensitive.

- Well, I guess I'll have

to start courting Marion

all over again, I worked it once.

Maybe if I gave her the old

cave man treatment, huh?

And you say I'm insensitive,

oh, oh, brother.

[mysterious music]

- Cosmo, where did that book come from?

- The usual place dear, drug store.

- But you burned it.

- This is another copy.

- You mean to say you

bought a second copy?

- Yes, I wanted to see how it ended again.

- I must say, you're not very economical

and you're not very observing, either.

Cosmo, don't you notice

anything different?

- Putting on weight, aren't you?

- Cosmo Topper.

- Yes, dear?

It's the new hat you gave me

- for a present.

- Oh, well,

- wear it in good health, dear.

- Cosmo Topper,

can't you take your nose

out of that book long enough

- to pay me a tiny compliment?

- What did you say, Henrietta?

- I got all dressed up today

and tried to look my best

hoping you'd take me to lunch somewhere.

- Topper, make her give me my hat back.

- Cosmo, wouldn't you like to take me out?

- No, no!

- [audience laughs]

- You needn't be so vehement about it,

I had no idea it would

be so distasteful to you

to spend Saturday

afternoon with your wife.

- Now look what you've done.

- She's perfectly right.

All you husbands ought to learn

to give your wives a lot more attention.

- If you hadn't reached for the hat...

- I hope she makes you suffer.

I hope she finds a

handsome, charming gentleman

- to take her to lunch.

- Preposterous.

- Don't you believe it, look

how I'm making George suffer.

- Oh he's suffering all right and so am I.

- I want to read.

- Topper,

you don't suppose he's serious about that,

- that red-head, do you?

- Oh it's quite possible.

- If I thought...

- If you thought,

if you thought, you'd never

have started this thing,

telling him he's not your husband,

throwing him out of your room.

Cosmo Topper, I never expected

to hear that from you!

Suggesting that I share

my room with a man

who's practically a stranger!

- Oh for pity's sake,

I'm tired of both of you.

- And you needn't take out

your bad temper on Neil.

- What's he doing here?

- He's a very literary dog.

- Always has his nose in a book.

- [audience laughs]

Come Neil, before the nasty man bites you.

- [George] Is Mrs. Kerby home?

That's no way to treat a gentleman caller.

[door bell rings]

- Someone's playing tricks.

- [audience laughs]

- [George] Tell Mrs. Kerby,

Mr. Kerby is calling.

- [Cosmo] What's the matter, Katie?

[whimsical music]

- There's no one at the door.

- Oh that must be George.

- He's coming to court me.

- [door bell rings]

- All right Katie, I'll answer it.

- How do I look?

- You look ravishing.

- Oh why thank you, sir.

- [audience laughs]

- [George] Good afternoon.

- Look at that.

- Rah, rah, rah!

- It was all alone!

- Well, why not, you've

heard of flags flying,

- haven't you?

- Yes.

- Well...

- But I never heard

- of flags ringing.

- [audience laughs]

- Have you a lady living here

by the name of Mrs. Kerby?

- She resides here but she isn't living.

- In there.

- Topper listen,

I have to humor her, she's very serious

about this courting bit,

would you please announce me?

- Very good, sir.

Your college, madam.

- Hiya baby, give daddy a hug!

- Err how do you do, Mr. Kerby?

- Hm, oh, oh, I beg your pardon,

I forgot, you're looking

radiant Mrs. Kerby.


- Oh come now.

- You've met Mr. Topper,

- haven't you?

- Oh Mrs. Kerby's told me

so much about you, all unpleasant.

- All right, well now that you've played

your silly little game,

perhaps you'll go away

- and let me read.

- Topper darling,

the young man and I want to sit in here.

Would you entertain Mr

Kerby while I get my coat?

[playful music]

- Hey, hey what are you up to?

This is the middle of the day!

George, George, what the

deuce are you up to now?

- Oh you don't have to

bother entertaining me! [laughs]

[audience laughs]

- Put on that light.

- What's the matter?

- Did you lose something?

- Yes, my temper!

- Topper, mustn't throw books at dogs.

- Neil, come back here, Neil, Neil!

- My book!

- Where,

- where's Topper?

- Went out to see a dog

- about a book.

- [audience laughs]

[intriguing music]


- Don't you dare!

- What did I do?

- Neil dropped my book

- in the incinerator.

- [audience laughs]

- Where's Marion?

- Marion?

- Marion, where are you?

- [door bell rings]

- If that's no one again,

they're gonna get a piece

- of my mind.

- [audience laughs]

- Where's Mr. Topper?

- Why, why he's, he's...

- [Cosmo] Is that you, dear?

- Oh, you've got company.

- That will be all, Katie.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Well Cosmo,

- I hope you're satisfied.

- I always have been.

Why, what's wrong?

[audience laughs]

- If you'll assist me, Mr. Topper.

- I will explain to my husband.

Cosmo, where did you get this hat?

- At the shop dear, at a hat shop.

- I passed the shop and they

accused me of taking this

from the window, of shop-lifting.

- They didn't bring charges, just asked me

to collect the money, forty-six dollars

- and fifty cents.

- Oh a bargain.

- So you admit you took it!

- I can explain everything, dear.

Here you are officer and

a little something extra

- for your trouble.

- Thanks.

I'm sorry, lady.

- Well Cosmo, I'm waiting

for your explanation.

- Well you see, they told me at the shop

that the hat was a steal and I suppose I,

well I guess I misunderstood them.

[audience laughs]

- You expect me to believe that?

- No, I guess I don't.

- All I can say is,

it's bad enough you're stealing things

but when I get arrested for it.

- Excuse me ma'am but I found

this in the incinerator.

- Katie, put that back, I want

things where I can find them.

- Why it's that book

again, you can't afford

to buy me a hat but you can

buy books and burn them!

- Katie, you can have this hat!

- Why thank you, ma'am.

- Henrietta, Henrietta!

- [door bell rings]

- Ah cut that out!

- [audience laughs]

[intriguing music]

- Oh, oh Marion, Marion!

- For me?

- No, they were for Katie

but as long as you have them,

- you can keep them.

- Well I...

- Won't you come in?

- Thank you.

- Marion, don't you think

I've been courting ya

- long enough now?

- Well now let's see.

You started this afternoon...

- Yes, I think so.

- Oh, lamb chop.

- But wait a minute, you

haven't proposed yet.

- Oh all right, oh all right.

- [audience laughs]

- Marion...

[suspenseful music]

Leave that alone, can't

you see him proposing?

- Marion...

- [audience laughs]

Cut that out!

- [ Marion] Oh, forget about the pillow

and go on with the proposing.

- Well are you or are you

not going to marry me?

- Katie has on my hat!

- What kind of an answer is that?

And pay attention to

me when I'm proposing.

- Well you needn't yell

at me and you could

be a little more romantic, too.

- Oh all right, Marion, I love you.

I've always loved you,

even when we were married.

- Oh George.

- [audience laughs]

- That was beautiful.

- Then you'll marry me?

- No, George.

- Well why not?

- You're too much like my last husband.

[audience laughs]

- Okay, I'll fight back.

- [audience laughs]

- Ask Mister Topper if he'd

care for some more coffee.

- Yes, ma'am.

-Mister Topper sir,

Misses Topper asked me

to ask you if you'd care

for some more coffee.

- Tell Misses Topper no thank you.

- Yes, sir.

Misses Topper, Mister

Topper told me to tell you,

- "No, thank you".

- You may take this away.

- Yes ma'am.

- [audience laughs]

- Excuse me, sir.

- [audience laughs]

- There goes our interpreter.

- [audience laughs]

- I have nothing to say to you.

- Henrietta, aren't you

being a trifle unreasonable?

- After all...

- Me, unreasonable?

You, you hat-stealer,

you book-burner.

- Henrietta!

- Get off my lap, will ya?

- You and your wife

- have got me into a fine mess.

- Me and my wife

have got me in a fine mess, too.

- What have you got there?

- Your love letters.

I've tried everything else on

Marion, maybe this will work.

- I thought you found them revolting?

- I do but I'm desperate.

Henrietta, correction, Marion, my own,

when we're apart, life

seems dark and dank.

- Oh George, that's the

most beautiful thing

you ever said to me.

[upbeat music]

- I forgot my sewing.

Cosmo, what are you

doing with those letters?

- I was just reading them, dear.

- You were?

Oh, Cosmo!

Read them to me.

- Henrietta, my own, when we're apart,

- life seems dark and dank.

- [Marion] Topper, Topper,

- we're gonna be married!

- That's nice.

- Nice?

- [audience laughs]

It's beautiful!

[audience laughs]

- Cosmo, what are you doing?

- [audience laughs]

- I'm feeding the birds, dear.

- They're hungry.

- But the fuse.

- Well that's to keep away the cats,

from the birds.

[audience laughs]

The picture I took of you last week.

- Oh!

Cosmo, who is this?

I repeat Cosmo, who are these people?

- Oh that, that's the

man who developed them

and his wife, they

always put themselves in.

It's their trademark.


[lively music]