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05x07 - The Maltese Airline Bag

Posted: 07/01/23 06:54
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]


I still think we should

have been called couriers.

You're way too caught up

in all that spy stuff.

I'd like you

to deliver this for me

'and I'll pay you $ .'

No problem.

Remember, people who take money

to do something

and then don't do it,

can get in a lot of trouble.

Uh, guys,

I think we're being followed.

Things that you're reading about

in those books just aren't real.

[indistinct chattering]

[music continues]

[theme song]

♪ There's a magic

in the early morning ♪

♪ We've found ♪

♪ When the sunrise smiles

on everything around ♪

♪ It's a portrait

of the happiness ♪

♪ That we feel and always will ♪

♪ Oh eight is enough

to fill our lives with love ♪

♪ Oh we spend our days

like bright and shiny ♪

♪ New dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled by ♪

♪ The changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen window sill ♪

♪ And eight is enough

to fill our lives ♪

♪ With love ♪♪

[dog barking]

[crickets chirping]


'Watch out, Brick.'

'Oh, no.'

'Cobra's. Wow.'

'Brick.. Oh, no.'

'Wow. Way to go.'


This is no way to treat

a bunk mate. Knock it off.

But I've only got

two more chapters to go.

'The hooded terror's

got Brick Mason'

trapped in a pit of cobras.

My flash light's conking out.

Yeah, well, I'm already conked.

It's after midnight.

Now look, if I sleep

through school tomorrow

it's your fault.

He's right, Nicholas,

go to sleep.



Brick Mason never sleeps.

[instrumental music]


'Sir Hillary,

stabbed to death, here?'

Oh, but that's impossible,

Inspector Dickson.

All of the doors..

All of the doors

and the windows

were bolted from the inside.

Oh, I-I appreciate

you using Tommy on the job.

- Excuse me, honey.

- Yeah.

Uh, tell me,

how did it work out?

I wish I had five more like him.

"Stabbed to death?"

- What?

- No, no. It's alright.

She's just trying out

for the Rep theater, you know.

Well, she has greasepaint

in her blood, dad.

I keep hoping for a transfusion.

Well, how is business? Um..

When do I get

my little dividend check?

Well, uh, silent partners

are supposed to remain silent

and not asking

embarrassing question.

You didn't get

the city contract?

No, Anmore Construction

underbid us again.

So, uh, the city has another

project out for bids this week.

I think we got

a good shot at that.

- I'm ready, David.

- Oh, what's in here?

My lunch.

One, two, three, four, five

six sandwiches?

Hey, my job's hard work.

Gotta keep my strength up.

That should hold him till lunch.

- Hi, who's sick?

- Hello.

Nancy, the Dow Jones went up

two points yesterday

and so did her temperature.


David, you are

the monster maker.

Me? What did I do?

You gave Nicholas those

Brick Mason

"Junior G-Man" books.

- I thought he'd like them.

- David.

Oh, I sure did,

when I was his age.

You know, I found him trying

to cram a secret message

into a tube of toothpaste,

this morning.



Oh, well,

Brick Mason said that's

a great place to hide messages.

Brick Mason must have

had dentures.


- Hi.

- Hi.

I phoned the brokerage

and I told them

you wouldn't be in today.

How are you feeling?

Like an ad for

a night time cold medicine.

Only I took brand X.

Well, there's something

for your fever.

And you must remember

to drink a lot of fluids.

Lot's is right,

but what am I gonna do all day?

You could...

curl up with a good mystery.


'Only a couple left.'

What did you do with

all of yours, Nicholas?

- 'Nicholas?'

- Melvin.

You're interrupting

a very important clue.

Did you pass out all those

handbills I gave you?

I put 'em on the car windows

at the shopping center.

You guys really think

you're gonna make money

with a messenger service?

With our notices plastered

all over, how can we lose?

You already lost

what you spent on handbills.

I don't care what he says.

It's a natural.

People are always looking for

somebody to pick up groceries

mail packages, walk their dogs.

I still think we should

have been called couriers.

Nicholas, give it a rest.

You're way too caught up

in all that spy stuff.

Do you ever wonder what

it'd be like to be Brick Mason?

Never. It's dumb.

Things like that

just don't happen in real life.

[dramatic music]

You go on, Melvin,

I'm gonna try and fix this.

You got a safety pin?

Yeah, uh, in the desk drawer.

- You look terrible.

- Thanks a lot.

Is that any way

to talk to a customer?


Well, I wanna hire you

to bring some ice cream,

after school.

I know, it may not be

what the doctor ordered

but at least it'll make

my sore throat feel better.

- How about it?

- Sure.

How much do you charge for

a regular chocolate

ice cream delivery?

A dollar.

How about cents?

- It's a deal.

- 'Great.'

There's some money

on the desk drawer.

Thanks, Nancy.

And, uh, remember, you can count

on M and N. Uh, we deliver.

"But who could've done it?

"Only a ghost could've gotten

through that vault.."



Yes, this place,

right up your dark alleys.

It's full of mysterious

lurking figures..

...sliding panels..

...clutching claw like hands.

Sounds pretty neat.


Yes, if you like graveyards.

They're a good place

to hide dead bodies.

I gotta go,

I'm late for school.


Oh, Nicholas,

you forgot your book.

'"Brick Mason

and The Body In The Trunk."'

[dramatic music]

[engine revving]


I really don't know what we

should do with all about this--

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

Oh, Donna we've got to

figure out.. Oh, hi, Tom.

I didn't expect

to find you here.

Where did you expect to see me?

Oh, well, what I mean is so

bright and early in the morning.

Oh, yes, well, Abby dropped me

off, her car is in the shop.

What can't you figure out?

Right, Tom, right.

Uh, we'll talk later.

Why is everybody

acting so nervous?



You must be imagining things.

[intense music]

[bell rings]

Are you M or N?

- What?

- I'd like to hire you.

"M and N messenger service."

Oh, I'm N for Nicholas

and that's terrific.

I'd like you to deliver this

for me and I'll pay you $ .

Twenty five dollars!

It's very important.

Do you understand?


Now, do you know the corner of

Shadow Hills Road

in Third Avenue?

Yeah, I go by there

all the time.

In exactly half an hour

there will be a man

parked in a small red car

on the North East corner.

You give him the bag, okay?

That's it? No problem.

'Here's a $ dollars.'

Make sure that you deliver it

right away.

Remember, people who take money

to do something

and then don't do it

can get in a lot of trouble.

And you tell the man that

you give it to the same thing.

Okay. You can count

on M and N. We deliver.

You better get going.

He'll be there soon.

Uh, thanks.

[dramatic music]

[music on ice cream truck]

I'll have chocolate, please.

Chocolate, right.


You're not out, are you?

Yeah, yeah, looks like I'm out.

Oh, no, no, here it is.

Here you go.


New job?

[music continues]

[intense music]

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

Hey. Hey, kid.

You, kid. Gimme it.

- I gotta get home.

- Come here.

- Wait here. Come on.

- My ice cream's melting.

[music continues]

Nicholas, this is

really delicious.

Must have been pretty special.

I don't think the ice cream man

wanted to sell it to me.

Oh. Well, it looks like

I'm gonna have to stay in bed.

I'd really appreciate it if

you'd get me some more tomorrow.

Okay, but I think I'm gonna find

another place to buy it.



But he just drove away fast.

So I guess we have

to give back the $ .

I don't know about that.

This is the most money

I've seen in a long time.

Believe me, we have to.

She said I can get

in a lot of trouble.

Okay, but how are you

gonna return

when you don't

even know her name?

I don't know.


Maybe we should look in the bag.

There might be a clue

to her identity in there.

There you go.

Talking like Brick Mason again.

Okay, let's look.

Examine the evidence.

[intense music]

- Oh, it's money.

- I don't believe it.

- It never ends.

- How much?

Must be a $ in here.

More. Million.


'Well, thank you very much.'


Who was that?

That was Mrs. Rogers,

Nicholas's teacher.

Oh, yes, I remember her.

She's a nice lady.

Well, she says that

Nicholas has started

turning in his homework late.

And yesterday,

he fell asleep in class.

Oh, she's a nice lady,

but a little boring.

Tom, it's those

Brick Mason books.

He stays up

until all hours reading them

and he doesn't talk about

anything but mysteries.

Well, he's just discovered

a new excitement

but don't worry,

it won't last forever.

Well, in the meantime,

his school work is suffering

and he's not getting

the rest he needs.

She asked me to stop by today

after school.

Well, maybe.. I mean,

he shouldn't let the studies go

but I did the same thing

when I was a boy.

Who? Brick Mason?

No, my passion was..

I can admit it now.

- What?

- "The Rover Boys."

It was just a phase that

only lasted for a few weeks.

And then, of course, I graduated

to much more mature literature.

Swift was always

one of my favorites.

"Gulliver's Travels?"

"Tom Swift and His Electric

Flying Machine."

His miniature submersible.

And his invincible robot.

And his sensuous grandmother.


Let's check to see

if the money's still safe.


[dramatic music]

Still there.

You know, we agree, right?

We won't tell anybody

about the money.

Yeah, but what if it's spy's

a gangsters or something?

No way, Nicholas.

This is the real world,

not one of your stupid books.

It's probably collected

from raffle tickets

to the ladies auxiliary

league or something.

- 'Right?'

- I guess so.

Nicholas, it will ruin our

messenger service's reputation

if we blow our first big job.

Well, don't you think

we should still tell dad?

Put it this way, Nicholas.

Would Brick Mason blab a

client's confidential business?

Not Brick, never.

Okay, so we'll handle

this ourselves.

That's a lot of money.

I'll bet you the guy in the red

car'll be waiting for you today.

Same place. You'll see. Okay?


Come on,

we're gonna be late for school.

Go tell Ralf to wait up.

Oh, great.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Nicholas, before you take off

to Malta

don't forget the ice cream

you promised to buy me.

- Simon Danger.

- 'What?'

Just something Brick Mason said.

Boy, those two chapters

we had to read from Ms. Rogers

sure were long.

They weren't that bad.

What chapters?

"The Civil w*r,"

you didn't read them?

She's gonna k*ll you.

I didn't hear her

assigning any reading.


'It must have been when

you were, um, taking you nap.'

I wasn't sleeping.

I was concentrating.

Yeah. On the backside

of your eyelids.

- Uh, guys.

- What?

I think we're being followed.

Right, the hooded terror.

Well, look behind us.

Hey, neat window.

We can't see inside.

I think it's probably

the line house slasher.

Or maybe, um...what was

that one you told us about?

Oh, yeah,

the Insidious Dr. t*rture.

Ralph, I'm not playing

Brick Mason.

Come on,

let's take the shortcut.

Yeah. The Hooded Terror

can't drive through backyards.


'You mean it?

Thank you, Mr. Alman.'

Hi, Joannie.

Yes, okay.

I'll be there this afternoon

to pick up the dagger.


Okay, thanks a lot. Bye.

- The dagger?

- I got the part.

- Congratulations.

- Great! Who do you play?

Oh, I play the innocent

young ingenue, of course

who turns out to be a fiendish

m*rder*r, in the last act.

- I knew it all long.

- Perfect type casting.

[phone ringing]

[indistinct murmuring]

Shh. Shh.

Oh, Jerry, good, listen,

would you get duplicates of

both of these columns

for me, please?

Oh, I don't know, Mr. Bradford

duplication is

pretty swamp today.

First thing in

the morning is okay.

First thing in the morning?

I don't think

you'd want it then.

- Why not?

- Don't ask.

[instrumental music]

[typewriter keys clacking]

Donna, what is going on

around here?

- Where?

- Here!

Conversations end

the minute I arrive.

Sneaking glances behind my back?

Now, come on, don't tell me

I'm imagining things.

Okay, I won't.

[indistinct murmuring]

[music continues]

[indistinct chattering]

First there was a guy

from the ice cream truck

and now that van today.

Nicholas, you're just scaring

yourself about nothing.

But I've got this weird feeling

everyone's watching.

Look, that van was probably

on it's way to deliver

something to the school.

It wasn't following us.

Now, how do you know?

Because there it is now.

'Right over there.'

[dramatic music]

Now, hurry up

and finish your lunch.

Lunch period's almost over.

I lost my appetite.


'Nope, I'm not gonna

tell him anything.'

That's up to Mr. Randolph.


Oh, come on, don't worry.

Oh, of course,

I'm gonna stick around.

I'm the only one that knows

where anything is.

I'm sure the one who'll fix up

his office after he leaves.


[instrumental music]


[bell rings]

[indistinct chattering]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

Oh, Melvin. I gotta talk to you.

See those guys,

they were chasing me--

Nicholas, grow up, will you?

No, Melvin, you gotta help me.

Nicholas, I can't mess around

now, I got my judo lesson.

Melvin, don't leave..

[music continues]

[music continues]

Yes, Nicholas?

Mrs. Rogers, I know I've been

a pain in the past few weeks.

So I'd like

to make it up to you.

How do you plan to do that?

Well, I'd like to clean

your black boards.


Let me get this straight

you are volunteering

for detention work?


Nicholas, I'd be happier

if you would just

turn in your homework on time.

Yeah, but, I-I really wanna

do this, Mrs. Rogers. Please.

Oh, if you really wanna do it,

I don't know.

Well, I'll hate it, I promise.



The black boards

could use a good cleaning.

'Go ahead.'

[music continues]

You're not leaving, are you?

I have a meeting.

What if I do a terrible job?

Gee, I never thought of that.

I'll just have to have you

do them again.

Don't forget your book report,

it's due tomorrow.

It'll be done, I promise.

[music continues]

[music continues]

[intense music]



Nicholas, what are you doing?

Mrs. Rogers said

you were still here.

Oh, did you see them?

Are they still out there?

- Who?

- Those men.

They were chasing me.


there's nobody out there.

Do you want a ride home?

And how.

Nicholas, Mrs. Rogers

asked me to stop by today

because she's really concerned

about you.

And so am I.

Look, I know

how important reading is

and I know how much fun

it can be

when you read something

that you really like.

But you just can't

let it interfere

with the rest

of your school work.

Nicholas, did you hear me?

Abby, Brick Mason is lot more

exciting than math or history.

Well, I'm sure he is

but you have to make room

for them too

because they're gonna be

a lot more important

in your real life.

Things that happen

to Brick Mason

happened in real life.

There's this black van--


Brick Mason is fiction.

And the things that you read

about in those books

just aren't real.

[door bell ringing]

- Nicholas isn't here.

- Can I come in and wait?

If that's your idea of having

a good time, go ahead.

[intense music]

[clears throat]

Who are you?

What are you doing on my desk?

Oh, you must be Bradford.

I didn't think anybody was here.

Still here.

Your secretary

wasn't at her desk.

W-what is the meaning of this?

I'm Jay Redding.

Uh, Kramer Polls.

Kramer Polls?

What, are you here to find out

who I voted for in the election?

No. No, not this time.

Uh, nice office.

Are you an interior decorator?

No, I'm Jay Redding,

Kramer Polls.

I came to talk to

a few columnist.

I'd like to ask you a couple of

questions, if you wouldn't mind?

Why not? I'm not working

in anything anyway.


Great for you, maybe.


You think a columnist

should extend his power

beyond the printed page?

What are you talking about?

Well, say a columnist had an

interest in a private business.

Do you think you should try

to influence

certain public officials to show

favoritism to that business?

That's completely unethical.

Aren't you making any notes?

If he tried to do such a thing

you think the paper would be

justified in firing him?

Who are you?

Jay Redding, Kramer polls.

We'll see about that.

I've got some other people to

talk to, so, uh, I'll be going.

W-w-wait a minute.

Level with me, will you please?

Are you my replacement?

Jay Redding, Kramer Polls.

[dramatic music]

Sure, Abby. This isn't real.

[music continues]

- Thanks, David.

- Yeah.

- Hi, Nicholas.

- Tommy, I gotta talk to you.

See, there's these spy sort

of guys and they're after me.

Oh, I'm sure

it's a great joke, Nicholas

but I don't have time to stick

around for the punch line.

I'll catch you later.

David, you'll understand.

You see that

scary looking van over there?

Oh, I see a van.

I-I don't think it's scary.

I think you've just

OD'd on Brick Mason.

Well, David,

couldn't somethings

in those books happen...

just once?

No, Nicholas.

Well, you've read them.

Because they're fun, that's all.

'Look, I gotta go.

Janet's expecting me.'

Oh, don't you wanna hear about

the blond lady in the sunglasses

and the red haired man

with the red car?

Sorry, no time right now

for ladies and sunglasses

and red haired men in red cars.

Nicholas, if you just lay off

the spy novels

for a little while,

you'll make everyone happier.

Including yourself.

Yeah. See ya.

[engine revving]


- Hi.

- 'Um.'

Hi, Nicki, how was your day?

Well, these three guys

tried to kidnap me.

Look, Nicholas, Sandra Sue

kept me awake all night

I'm little too tired

to play this game.

But it isn't a game.

I'll prove it to you. Wait here.

Don't worry,

I'm too tired to move.


[dramatic music]

The money's gone.

Nicholas, where is my ice cream?

I've got worse things

to worry about.



'And then I go.'

But Inspector Dickens sh**t me

before I'm able to claim

my sixth victim.

Your sixth victim,

it's a bad time he sh**t you.

Hey, did you have

a nice day, Nicholas?


I mean, there was no point

in me staying at the office.

What are you talkin' about?

Abby, Eliot Randolph

is going to fire me.

- Probably, tomorrow.

- You're joking.

No! It's the only

thing that fits!

I mean, why else is everybody

looking at me so strangely?

And watching me, and..

Then I overheard

Donna in the office

she was making plans

to redo my office after I leave.

- You were eavesdropping?

- Yes! I had to find out!

And then there was

a strange fellow that

came into my office

to, to look the office over.

Tom, you just misunderstood.

Now listen, this is what

you get see for listening in

on an another person's

telephone conversation.

Especially, when you can

only hear one half of it.

How did you know that?

- Know what?

- Donna was on the telephone.

But I didn't tell you.

You didn't?

Stands to reason, doesn't it?

I don't know.

Well, sure it does, Tom

and there has to be

some explanation.

I mean, you know, you're

just letting your imagination

run away with you, that's all!

Yeah, but you're not

making it any easier for me.


Oh! Hi.

- Hi.

- What's wrong?

Everyone says

it's just my imagination.


Have you ever got that feeling

everyone was against you?

As a matter of fact,

Nicholas, yes, I have.

And everyone's acting weird

and they don't wanna listen

when you try to explain?

- These things happen.

- What do you do about it?


Why, what do you do?

I'm asking you.


Y-yes, you're


...there's got to be

some way to stop it.

Maybe not.

There isn't?

Well, if there is,

I don't know it.

You don't?

Then I'm sunk.

We're both sunk.

No, no, no, wait.

- We're not sunk!

- Why not?

Because we won't

let ourselves be!

This whole think could be

in our imaginations!

- You think so?

- Yes!

It's amazing how, how

a string of, of coincidences

and misinterpretations

can lead us to believe things

that are far,

far from the truth.

Yeah! Maybe I'm just reading

too many Brick Mason books.

- Well, yeah, you could be.

- Yeah, could be.

And maybe Jeremy just put

the money in a safer place.

'And those men who were chasing

me didn't catch me, did they?'


And if they were real crooks

they could have caught me.

Abby couldn't have stopped them.

'So I guess they weren't

after me after all.'

- Hm?

- Thanks, dad.

I guess I just needed someone

to talk it out with.

Oh. Any-anytime, Nicholas.

I'm glad you feel better.

[phone ringing]


'Tom, this is

Elliot Randolph here.'

- Hello, Elliot.

- 'Uh, Tom.'

I tried to catch you

before you left today.

Uh, I wonder if you could

come in a half hour early

tomorrow morning?

- 'Can you do that?'

- Why? What..

I'd rather wait and tell you

when I see you, Tom.

It's important.

Can you be there?

- Yes, of course.

- 'Fine! See you tomorrow!'

[dial tone]


Imagination. Ha!

[dramatic music]

Book bag?

I never saw a book bag!

You mean you didn't

move it to a safer place?

It's really gone?

Nicholas, face it. You're gone.

What would Brick Mason do?

[doorbell ringing]

Is Nicholas home?


'Ah, I don't know.'

I'd like a word

with him if he is.


'Sure, come on in!'

If you'll just wait here,

I'll see if I can find him.

Nicholas, you've got

company downstairs.

Tell her I'm not here!


[instrumental music]

I couldn't find him, is there

anything I can help you with?

Uh, no thanks,

I'm just a customer

of M and N and,

uh, this is mine.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Hi, Nicholas. What's wrong?

The money! It's all here!


- Then why did you take it?

- Settle down.

I told you, I thought the guy

in the red car might come back.

It was worth the shot to try

and deliver the money again.

You weren't here, so I went to

third and Shadow Hills myself.

But he didn't show.

Come on, quick!

Hey, Nicholas, don't come

tearin' in here like that.

- Well, where's the blonde lady?

- She left.

- She left!

- She left.

[dramatic music]

Where's the Maltese

Airlines bag?

She took it with her.

She said it was hers.

She thinks the money's

in there!

Something strange is going on.

Haven't I told you that,

Melvin. Haven't I?


'Good Morning, Tom.'

Good Morning.

Well, should we

get it over with?

Get what over with, Tom?

Do you think

I don't know what is going on

with the Jay Redding

Kramer polls?

Tom, I declare I just don't know

what you're blabbering about.

'Why don't we step into

your office, hm?'

Why? To clean out my desk?

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

for he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪♪


Congratulations, Tom!

What's this all about?

It's not my birthday.

Tom Bradford, I'm both pleased

and proud to be able

to present to you

this year's H. L Mencken Award

for journalism!



Naturally, we all thought

this is an occasion

worthy of celebrating.

We finally decided

to throw you a party.

Everybody pitched in cents

for the champagne.

- Except for Mr. Randolph.

- Ah-ha, cool it, Jerry!

- Our treat, Mr. Randolph.

- Oh!

You are the hardest person

to plan a surprise party for.

Surprise party?

You mean...y-you all knew

about this award except me?

That's what all those

strange looks were about?

And then you overheard me on

the phone about how I had wait

until you left for home,

so I could fix up the office

and of course, I was talking

about the surprise party.

And I knew

what she was talking about

'cause I was on the other

end of the phone.


'And of course,

we knew that Abby had'

'wanna be here with you, Tom.'

I-I, I don't know what to say.

Well, this is

a historic first time

Bradford unable to think

of anything to say!

This is not exactly

what I expected, but I..

...I-I wanna

t-thank you all for..

...f-for wanting to share

this...moment of my life.

'You're wonderful friends!'


'Hear! Hear!'

Hear! Hear!

But terrible conspirators!

[all laughing]

- Cheers.

- Cheers, everybody!



No, Melvin,

I'm not going to school today.

How can I get in more trouble

than I already am?

Nobody believes me.

Nobody helps.

I guess there's only

one way out of this.

And I have to do it on my own.

Just like Brick Mason would.

Now, she's got to know

she's got the wrong bag by now

so she will be back.


I already told you.

The strange lady

with the blonde hair.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[phone ringing]

Bill Clifford, please.


There's a lady to see you.

Alright, just fill this up,

please, Mr. Bradford.

Bidding closes

at o'clock today.

Just let me know

when that's ready.

Thank you.

Ah, Ms. O'Shaughnessy.

- You have something for me?

- No.

No? You said you would

bring it with you!

I thought I had it, I was wrong.

Okay, you have

till o'clock today.

Don't worry, I'll get it.

Don't bring it back here,

it'll look too suspicious.

Be at the rendezvous

in an hour. I'll bring it.

I don't know, there was

an ice cream truck there

I didn't like the looks of.

Don't get paranoid on me,


That's why you missed

the first drop.

Well, I guess after this

all is we do is

sit back and sweat it out, huh?

Well, this is a good bid, Tommy.

I've cut our profit

margin to the bone.

This one we'll get.

[dramatic music]

- That's funny.

- What's funny?

You see that lady that's talking

to that clerk over there?

You mean Bridget O'Shaughnessy?

- You know her?

- Sure.

She's the assistant to the owner

of Anmore Constructions.

You mean the company

that's been underbidding you?

Me and everybody else. Why?

Well, I'm sure that was

the lady that come over

yesterday asking about Nicholas.

She had a blonde wig on but

I'm sure it's the same lady.

Nicholas? Why would she talk..

- Did you say a blonde wig?

- Yeah, and those sunglasses.

Nicholas tried to tell me

something like that.

That there was a lady

a man in a red car..

...with red hair.

Come on.

Go on, Melvin. Go to school.

No way, Nicholas!

We're partners. M and N.


But what if the blonde lady

doesn't show?

Well, maybe we should try

and deliver the money again.

I'm game. Let's go.

No. One of us should stay here.

In case the blonde lady

does show.

And one of us should go find

the red-haired man

'in the red car

at Shadow Hills road.'

I'll go.

Well, you went last time.

That's okay.

Alright, if that's the way

you want it.

But, uh, watch yourself.

Watch myself?

Yeah, you don't know what

you're dealing with, Melvin.

You could wind up

in a cement overcoat

'at the bottom of a river.'

I, I could?

It's possible.

I guess it is your turn.

So Clifford has to be

the red-haired man

in the red car.

Why, Anmore Constructions

must me bribing him.

So that he'll tell them

their competitors bid

and so they can underbid us.

Yeah, that O'Shaughnessy woman

must be using Nicholas

as her bag man.

Pretty shrewd.

That makes

the Bradford's look guilty.

Instead of her.

[dramatic music]

Is Nicholas home?

No, ma'am, but he told me

to wait here for you.

Did he tell you

to give me something?

No, he's taken it with him.

- To the police?

- To the man in the red car!

We're M and N.

We deliver!

Well, a plaque

and a day off are nice

but I think I'd still

rather have a raise.

Hi, Mrs. Bradford, Mr. Bradford.

What are you doing here?

Today's a school day.

This isn't my idea.

It's Nicholas's.

Nicholas? What about Nicholas?

[car honking]

Dad! Nicholas isn't at school.

Is he here?

Well, that's what

we're trying to find out.

Where is he, Melvin?

He's looking for

the red-haired man

in the red car

on Shadow Hills road

'at Third Avenue.'

- Are you sure?

- 'Yeah.'

'And I hope he finds it

before the blonde lady'

'catches up with him.'

She was pissed.

- The blonde lady?

- Why, what's wrong?


'Nicholas maybe in

some kind of trouble.'

You mean cement overcoat?

The river?

Look, don't worry,

we'll try to find him.

Dad, you call the police!

The police?

Why should I call the police?

I don't think you'll have to.

- Why?

- There's a police car!


'And an ice-cream truck!'

[ice cream truck music]


The other job didn't work out?

Mr. Bradford,

I'm not with Kramer polls

and I'm not an ice cream man.

My name is Jay Redding,

I'm an investigator with

'the District Attorney Service.'

Oh! Well, that's wonderful!

Because we have to go to,

what is the address?

- I can show you.

- What's up?

Well, we don't know,

but apparently

Nicholas is in trouble.


'He's gone to deliver

the money!'

Well, then, let's go.

You notify unit three.

Right this way, please.

We suspected for sometime

that Anmore Constructions

was trying to pay off

Bill Clifford.

But we had no proof.

When I saw Nicholas at the drop

point, I thought that the bag

he was carrying

might have the money in it.

That's why I kept

trying to get him.

It had money then

but at school,

it had only books.

- Can I have a chocolate cone?

- Maybe later.

'I must admit when

we discovered that you were'

'a part in your son's

construction company'

we thought you might be trying

to pay off Clifford too.

That's why I was in your office.

'I apologize.'

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

You can count on M and N.

We deliver!

[engine turns over]

[tires screeching]

[intense music]

[police siren blaring]

[ice cream truck music]

- Nicholas, are you alright?

- Are you okay?

Yeah, what's going on?

Oh, Nicholas,

it's a long story!

You were right, Nicholas.

They really are crooks.

- Really?

- 'That's right, Nicholas.'

We couldn't have apprehended

them without your help.

Mr. Redding is from

the District Attorney's office.

I knew you weren't

an ice-cream man, right off!

Excuse me,

I got to go do something.

Uh, here's your dollars.

I really can't except it

since things didn't work out

the way you wanted them to.

I mean, honesty

is the best policy.

Who says?

Brick Mason

and Nicholas Bradford!

[all cheering]

Way to go, Nicholas!

[instrumental music]

Alright, Nicholas!

Nicholas, I think

we owe you an apology.

- All of us?

- All of us.

I'll apologize,

but I still won't believe it.

That's okay,

if it didn't happen to me

I wouldn't believe it either.

Well, we should have listened

instead of lectured.

Now, that I believe.

You know that stuff

in Brick Mason is

a lot more scarier

in real life.

I'm glad it's over.

Are you gonna stop reading

those Brick Mason books?

Is Joannie gonna stop

playing a m*rder*r?

No way!

How come this family

hasn't been committed?

But I do promise not

to let Brick Mason

take over my life again.

Well, I think that's very wise.

Paranoia can be

highly contagious.

Highly contagious!

That's a good point.

Now, neither one of us

has anything to fear.

Back to the old boring routine.

Yeah, work, school..

School! My gosh! I forgot!

- What's the matter, Nicholas?

- My book report was due today!


'You better get to work on it!'

I did work on it! It's finished.

Then what's your problem?

It was in the airline bag.

- Oh, Nicholas!

- Oh!

Boy! Mrs. Rogers

isn't gonna believe this one.

- No way!

- Oh, poor baby.

[theme music]

[music continues]