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03x05 - The Gift from the Blue-Robed Priest and Going Home

Posted: 06/30/23 09:23
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Toward the end of the Spring Prayer,

Narrator: Main and her companions were att*cked.

Ferdinand: Over half of the people who att*cked the carriage

Ferdinand: were not farmers from Ehrenfest.

Main: But then who...

Ferdinand: Viscount Gerlach's land connects to other domains.

Ferdinand: Erecting a God of Darkness barrier around the carriage

Ferdinand: would require a decent amount of mana.

Ferdinand: Perhaps they are middle-class...

Ferdinand: but there is definitely a noble leading this.

Main: And you think it's a noble from another domain.

Ferdinand: There is someone else who carried this out.

Flashback,Damuel: I sensed some mana from the forest just now!

Ferdinand: Considering Damuel sensed mana back there...

Ferdinand: They must be Devouring soldiers.

Main: Devouring... soldiers?!

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ep Sign: Chapter Thirty-One The Gift from the Blue-Robed Priest and Going Home

Gil: Welcome back, Lady Main.

Main: Thanks for watching over the place, Gil.

Delia: I'll get your bath ready immediately.

Main: Thank you, Delia.

Fran: Lady Main.

Rosina: Please let us thank you.

Main: Why are you being so formal?

Fran: If you were to measure the worth of farmers and gray-robed priests,

Fran: the ones who would be considered more important are the farmers

Fran: because of their crops and taxes.

Rosina: And yet, you saved us, Lady Main.

Fran: We were able to live a bit longer because of you, Lady Main.

Fran and Rosina: Thank you kindly.

Main: During the Spring Prayer, Nicola and Monika got put in the kitchen,

Main: and ended up helping Hugo and Ella, which livened up the kitchen a bit.

Main: Head Priest, I'm here because I am told that you summoned me.

Main: Lord Sylvester.

Ferdinand: Have a seat.

Main: All right.

Sylvester: Main.

Sylvester: You're going to be my guide.

Sylvester: It'll make it easier to look around.

Main: Um... A guide to what, exactly?

Sylvester: First, the orphanage. Next, the workshop.

Sylvester: I'll have to look at the forest the orphans go to, as well.

Main: Uh...

Wood,Sign: Confiscation

Wood ,Sign: Confiscation

Sylvester: How dare you work those orphans for your own desires?

Main: Please just don't go confiscating anything!

Ferdinand: Don't worry, Main.

Ferdinand: I will also be accompanying you to the orphanage and workshop.

Ferdinand: I knew I'd have to see them one day.

Sylvester: I figured it be messier than this, but it's surprisingly clean.

Main: Head Priest, Lord Sylvester, this is my attendant, Wilma,

Main: who also manages the orphanage and takes care of the children who haven't been baptized yet.

Wilma: Thank you for visiting our humble orphanage.

Wilma: We are truly honored by your visit.

Ferdinand: Ah... The attendant who created those magnificent drawings.

Ferdinand: Continue your good work.

Wilma: Th-Thank you very much...

Sylvester: Main.

Sylvester: What is this?

Main: Those are game cards called karuta.

Ferdinand: You have not told me about those.

Main: They are not for sale, so I did not report them to you.

Ferdinand: Is that the truth?

Main: Yes.

Main: I gave Mister Benno the rights,

Main: but we'd have to draw pictures for every single card,

Main: so they can't be mass-produced.

Ferdinand: Hm...

Ferdinand: Then why did you make them?

Main: So that my attendants can learn the alphabet.

Main: I had a set made for the orphanage at the workshop at the same time.

Sylvester: Did you also make this so they could learn the alphabet?

Main: Yes!

Main: We're trapped indoors during the winter with nothing to do,

Main: so I made sure they had books to read, or could play games with karuta or playing cards,

Main: and now they can read and write.

Main: They can even do a little arithmetic.

Main: I had read the scriptures so that I could make these picture books,

Main: and thanks to them, I was able to learn the names of the gods and the divine instruments.

Ferdinand: Main.

Main: Yes, Head Priest?

Ferdinand: We can discuss this later.

Sylvester: where do you make the toys?

Main: Toys are made by hand in the winter.

Main: The creation of paper and picture books takes top priority at the Main Workshop.

Sylvester: But the toys seem more interesting and profitable.

Sylvester: Why prioritize paper and picture books?

Main: Because I want them.

Sylvester: So you're doing whatever you want.

Main: Really? You're going to try to scold me about that, Lord Sylvester?

Ferdinand: This doesn't change the fact that both of you are the causes of my headaches.

Main: This is Master Benno from the Gilberta Company

Main: and his dapla apprentices, Leon and Lutz.

Main: They are in charge of the items created in the Main Workshop and the restaurant.

Main: Please treat them kindly.

Sylvester: Oh? Lift your faces.

Benno: Thank you.

Benno: May we be blessed that the Goddess of Water, Fruhtrane, guided our meeting

Benno: pure and true...

Main: Master... Benno?

Sylvester: Benno, I'd like to talk to you about the restaurant.

Sylvester: Come.

Benno: As you wish.

Main: I wonder what's up with Mister Benno.

Ferdinand: Main.

Main: Yes?

Ferdinand: What is this contraption?

Main: That is the new printing press!

Main: They take these metal letter types and create sentences.

Gil: Lady it's done.

Main: Mhm.

Main: We will now print.

Main: We can print many pages at once.

Main: We are currently using this rubbing pad to transfer the ink onto the paper,

Main: but with an actual printing press, we'll be able to print even more pages at once.

Main: Isn't that amazing?

Ferdinand: This will change history...

Main: Huh?

Ferdinand: Main.

Ferdinand: I now have a mountain of questions to ask you,

Ferdinand: and things I'd also like to tell you.

Main: Fran should be giving him reports... I wonder what he wants.

Main: Mister Benno, what did Lord Sylvester say to you?

Main: Ow! Ow!

Benno: This is all your fault!

Benno: Argh... Damn it!

Main: What did I do?

Benno: What's certain is that a hell of an opportunity just fell in my lap.

Benno: I have no idea if it's gonna work out, though.

Main: I have no idea what's going on, but do your best...

Main: Dwat huwrts...

Main (Narration): The next day,

Main (Narration): Lutz and some others led him through the forest.

Main: That's a shure!

Sylvester: Amazing, isn't it?

Sylvester: I hunted it down.

Gil: Lord Syl was amazing back there!

Lutz: Yeah! He managed to hit it in one shot, even though it was so far away!

Main: Lord Syl, eh?

Main: Maybe he likes kids, surprisingly.

Sylvester: Go ahead and feed that to the orphans.

Rico: Yay!

Main: Thank you kindly.

Sylvester: I hadn't had this much fun in a while.

Sylvester: Main.

Sylvester: This is a token of my gratitude.

Main: Thank you kindly.

Main: Is this... a magical item?

Sylvester: It is a type of one, but you won't be able to use magic with just this.

Main: Then what is it used for?

Sylvester: It'll act as a protective charm when you need it.

Main: A protective charm?

Sylvester: Turn around. I'll put it on you.

Sylvester: Have you never received an accessory from a man before?

Sylvester: Move your hair out of the way.

Main: I've had someone put a hair accessory in my hair before.

Sylvester: There.

Sylvester: Make sure you keep that on you at all times. Understand?

Sylvester: If you're ever in trouble, press your blood seal upon this black stone.

Main: If I'm in trouble?

Sylvester: Yes.

Sylvester: I promise I'll come save you.

Main: Lord Sylvester...

Sylvester: Got it?

Main: Ow...

Sylvester: No, you're supposed to go, "Pwee."

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ferdinand: With books made from parchment,

Ferdinand: in order for a single book to be completed,

Ferdinand: it takes the hard work of many workshops and artisans.

Ferdinand: But that's not the case with your book.

Ferdinand: The text, pictures, and printing can all be done in one workshop.

Ferdinand: Once your printing press is complete,

Ferdinand: it'll be possible to mass produce these books in very little time.

Ferdinand: Which means that everyone who had earned a living making books

Ferdinand: will not be in the same situation any longer.

Main: And that's why you said history would change...

Ferdinand: How did your world change

Ferdinand: once books went into the hands of farmers and townspeople?

Main: There were instances where people brought down the ruling class,

Main: and the people started their own government.

Main: There were also leaders who spread information beneficial

Main: to their agenda in order to incite their people.

Main: But...

Main: If you're asking me how things will change or how some people may take advantage of this...

Main: I don't have an answer for you.

Ferdinand: It would all depend on how this is used...

Ferdinand: How troublesome that we don't know

Ferdinand: how this will turn out because the effects will be too far-reaching.

Main: We can't expect the same thing that happened in my world to happen here.

Main: This is a world that can't function without nobles who can use magic.

Ferdinand: It's true that it's possible to rule with magic.

Ferdinand: But there's no guarantee of how that will play out.

Ferdinand: What is certain is the pushback from the nobles will be grand.

Ferdinand: Do not print for a while.

Main: Huh? But why?

Ferdinand: Many households that lack wealth make a living by copying books.

Ferdinand: If your printing starts to spread, lesser nobles will hold a grudge against you.

Main: Are you saying that nobles have a vested interest?

Main: Very well. How long should I wait?

Ferdinand: Until you are adopted by Karstedt.

Ferdinand: If a commoner were to step into noble territory, they would instantly be crushed.

Ferdinand: But if you were a high-class noble who received permission from the lord

Ferdinand: to print for the sake of the do you will not be crushed easily.

Main: So two more years...

Ferdinand: How about it, Main?

Ferdinand: Perhaps you should let Karstedt adopt you at once.

Main: Huh?

Main: N-No!

Ferdinand: Are you unsure about having Karstedt as your adoptive father?

Main: Of course not.

Main: I think Lord Karstedt is a wonderful person.

Main: But...

Main: I'm just now realizing how much trouble I've caused my parents

Main: because books were all I had on my mind.

Main: You're the one who made me realize that I need to treasure my current family.

Main: So I want to stay with my family as long as possible!

Ferdinand: If you are that determined, my hands are tied.

Ferdinand: For the next two years, just make a few children's books here and there.

Main: I understand.

Main: By the way, Head Priest.

Main: What is your relationship with Lord Sylvester?

Ferdinand: What do you mean?

Main: You seem a bit too familiar with...

Main: I mean, you two seem rather close.

Ferdinand: It's better that you don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong.

Main: I see...

Main: Then if you'll excuse me.

Ferdinand: I'm not done talking to you yet.

Main: Huh?

Ferdinand: Contact your family.

Main: Huh?

Ferdinand: You may go home.

Main: Okay!

Delia: Are families that nice to have?

Main: For me, I feel like I belong there.

Main: It's where I'm most at ease.

Delia: Huh...

Tuuli: Main!

Gunther: We came to get you!

Main: Dad! Tuuli!

Fran: See you again tomorrow, Lady Main.

Damuel: Try not to go out alone.

Main: Yes, I won't.

Main: I'm home, Mom!

Effa: Welcome home, Main.

Main: Wow, you look like you're going to pop any second.

Effa: The baby is going to be here any day now.

Effa: They might have been waiting for you to get home.

Main: Your big sis is home now.

Main: Whoa, they kicked me.

Gunther: I'll go get the midwife!

Tuuli: I'll go get some water!

Main: Mom, remember. Hee hee hoo. Hee hee hoo...

Main (Narration): Once someone is in labor, women from around town come to help.

Main (Narration): The men pluck and carve chickens, and prepare for the naming ceremony.

Main (Narration): That seems to be the custom in this world.

Main (Narration): I asked Lutz to tell the church that I wouldn't be able to go to the cathedral for a while.

Fran: Then I'll report that Lady Main was holding a celebration

Fran: for someone in the lower part of the city who has helped her out.

Lutz: Thanks. Also, if you could...

Fran: I will not tell Delia about this.

Delia: A celebration?

Main: Please let them be born without any problems.

Gunther: Please be born without a problem this time.

Main and Gunther: Please just be well—

Tuuli: Dad! Main!

Tuuli: He's born!

Gunther: Effa!

Main: Mom!

Effa: He's a healthy baby boy.

Main: What's his name? Do you have one for him yet?

Gunther: Yeah. It's Kamil.

Main: Kamil...

Main: Kamil... It's your big sis.

Main: Oh, no! He started crying.

Effa: Well, that's what babies do, dear.

Main: I'll only be able to be with Kamil for the next two years.

Main: To make sure that Kamil doesn't forget me,

Main: I'm going to make lots and lots of picture books.

Jenni: Sadly, the high priest currently isn't here because he was invited

Jenni: to visit by a giebe in the south.

Delia: I see...

Delia: In that case, please tell him that someone Lady Main knows in the lower part of the city

Delia: was celebrating something.

Jenni: I will.

Jenni: You move much more elegantly now, Delia.

Delia: I'm just copying Rosina.

Jenni: I see...

Jenni: Is Rosina well?

Jenni: This takes me back to when I was serving Lady Christine.

Jenni: Back then, I would dance every night

Jenni: as Rosina played her harspiel.

Jenni: Then Wilma would draw that.

Delia: Rosina continues to play her harspiel every day.

Jenni: I see. So she is still living the same life.

Delia: Jenni?

Jenni: Oh, I have good news, by the way.

Delia: What is it?

Jenni: We are going to have a visitor very soon...

Jenni: And I hear that this noble likes little children.

Delia: I see. He likes little children...

Jenni: Make sure you look more presentable.

Delia: Thank you, Jenni.

Delia: If this noble takes a liking to me and I end up as his mistress,

Delia: I might be able to leave the cathedral.

Jenni: That noble...

Jenni: Doesn't like normal children...

Jenni: He's apparently looking for a child with the Devouring.

Next_Chapter ,Caption: Next Chapter The Abandoned Child of the Cathedral and Making Colors

Main: Hey, Dad.

Gunther: What is it, Main?

Main: You said, "Please be born without a problem this time," right?

Main: What did you mean by that?

Gunther: Ah... Well, our first child miscarried.

Main: Huh?

Gunther: The boy we had next died within a year of his birth.

Gunther: You and Tuuli made it just fine,

Gunther: but our next child didn't survive the winter, either.

Gunther: And the one after that...

Main: What?! You mean it was that hard to have a baby?!

Main: We offer thanks to the gods!

Main: We thank the kindred of the Goddess of Water, the Goddess of Childbirth Entrinduge,

Main: for her blessing and protection.

Gunther: For her blessing and protection!