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03x01 - The Beginning of Winter

Posted: 06/30/23 09:19
by bunniefuu
Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ep Sign: Episode The Beginning of Winter

Main: The end of autumn.

Main: Right around the time where the farmers come to sell their harvest...

Main: I was...

Ferdinand: that's enough.

Main: Okay!

Ferdinand: The Dedication Ceremony is coming up soon.

Ferdinand: Reserve your mana for now.

Main: Understood, Head Priest.

Ferdinand: How are preparations for your winter stay here going?

Main: Th-They're going great.

Ferdinand: Judging from that look on your face, you appear to have a lot more work to do.

Ferdinand: It will start snowing soon.

Ferdinand: As I stated before,

Ferdinand: you not being able to come here because of a blizzard will be an issue.

Ferdinand: Hurry along with the preparations.

Main: Okay...

Lutz: I think books is about all we can do with what we have.

Main: That's plenty.

Lutz: Don't worry. We'll get them made and sold by the time of your winter stay.

Main: I really wasn't planning to sell the scripture picture books.

Main: This is all Mister Benno's fault.

Flashback,Benno: You're going to hole up at the cathedral?

Flashback,Benno: Then you'll need a dressing gown, a visiting dress, a nightgown,

Flashback,Benno: and street clothes, as well as some thicker socks.

Flashback,Benno: As for your undergarments, make some that are high-quality.

Flashback,Benno: Buy the fabric from my shop and have your mother or Tuuli sew them for you.

Flashback,Main: I'm not exactly planning on having anyone see me in these undies,

Flashback,Main: so they can probably be a bit worn out.

Flashback,Benno: How stupid are you?! That's not the issue here!

Flashback,Benno: You get sick easily enough as is!

Flashback,Benno: Make sure you dress warmly!

Flashback,Main: And I'm telling you I'm not going to be able to get all of those things.

Flashback,Benno: Mmhm... In that case...

Flashback,Benno: You should sell this book!

Main: So yeah, I sold my soul.

Benno: I'm Benno from the Gilberta Company.

Benno: I've come to fill out the necessary paperwork to sell this book.

Freida: Oh, Main? It is you, Main!

Main: Freida.

Freida: Hello.

Main: It's been a while.

Freida: I was worried when I heard that you went to the cathedral,

Freida: but I'm happy to see that you seem well.

Main: Thanks for worrying about me.

Main: How are the pound cakes selling?

Freida: Quite well, actually.

Freida: The nobles have taken quite a liking to them, as well.

Freida: I'd be happy to buy more recipes from you if you have any.

Freida: At a reasonable price, that is.

Main: Say, Freida...

Main: Look. I finally made my book.

Freida: What?

Freida: This is a book?

Freida: Indeed, it is a book.

Freida: But is it just the inside?

Main: That paper is the cover.

Main: We're going to have one of the studios we're working with create a cover

Main: made out of leather the way we want it, too.

Freida: how much is this book?

Main: Huh? Um...

Benno: That'll be one small gold coin and eight large silvers.

Benno: Are you going to buy it?

Freida: Yes, I will, actually.

spirit,Sign: Commercial Spirit

Main: Compared to these two, I'm definitely not cut out to be a merchant!

Freida: I must say, this is the best purchase I've made in quite a while.

Freida: your next picture book should be about the seasonal gods and their kindred.

Freida: I have such a hard time remembering the gods' kindred.

Main: Sure...

Main: I promised Freida I would make a book about the kindred,

Main: and left the Merchants' Guild behind.

Benno: Who knew we'd encounter a pest like that?

Benno: At least we'll be able to sell the book now.

Main: R-Right...

Johann: Please wait!

Johann: Young lady from the Gilberta Company!

Main: Oh, Johann.

Benno: Who's that?

Main: He's an apprentice blacksmith.

Benno: Ah... Did you need something?

Johann: Miss, please!

Main: Huh?

Johann: Please become my patron.

Main: Patron?!

Johann: I'm going to become an adult next year.

Johann: So I need to find a patron out of my customers who believes in my skills

Johann: and can financially back me.

Johann: And I need to make what this patron wants me to make within a year.

Benno: This is what blacksmithing apprentices must go through once they become an adult.

Benno: If they succeed, they will be considered a professional.

Main: You're pretty skilled, Johann, so I'm sure you'd find a patron pretty easily.

Johann: Most of the customers don't really seem to like my work.

Johann: Because... I'm so particular about the finer details.

Main: Come to think of it,

Main: when I asked Johann to make me tools to make my picture book...

Flashback,Johann: I've never had anyone request such a fine, thin, and small blade before.

Flashback,Johann: What are you going to use it for?

Flashback,Johann: You won't be able to cut anything with a blade this small.

Flashback,Johann: You're going to cut plant-based paper?

Flashback,Johann: And this is that plant-based paper...

Flashback,Johann: If the paper's this thin, the blade will have to be thinner, too.

Flashback,Johann: And the shape of the blade will have to change depending on how you're going to cut these.

Flashback,Johann: How am I going to make a blade so thin and small?

Main: I guess you have a point...

Main: But you've really helped me out because you're so particular.

Johann: You're the only one who says that about my work, Miss!

Main: Huh?

Johann: You're the only one who'd ever consider being my patron.

Main: Um...

Johann: Please, Main! No, Miss Main!

Benno: Hey.

Benno: If you truly want her as your patron, shouldn't you be calling her Lady Main?

Benno: Anyway, she's a minor.

Benno: She won't be able to be your patron without permission from her parents or guardians.

Johann: So that's a no?

Benno: You basically wasted your time.

Main: Please wait.

Main: So as long as I have cosigner, I can become his patron, right?

Johann: Huh?

Benno: What are you plotting?

Main: Mister Benno, I have something I want Johann to make for me.

Benno: Now what?

Main: The things I want him to make if I become his patron are...

Main: metal letter types!

Johann: Metal... letter types?

Main: Yes!

letterpress,Sign: Met

Main: Metal letter types!

letterpress,Sign: Metal

letterpress,Sign: Metal Letter

letterpress,Sign: Metal Letter Types

Main: Welp, I guess you twisted my arm!

Main: For my precious little metal letter types,

Main: I'll give you a long explanation without you even asking for it!

type,Sign: Letter Type

Main: Letter types are basically letters carved backwards into blocks.

Main: Essentially, they're like stamps of individual letters.

Main: A long time ago, they were made by carving wood,

Main: but by molding them out of metal instead, mass production became possible.

Main: when you line these letters up on the page of a book, it's called a letterpress.

Main: Then you set the letterpress and print.

type ,Sign: Letter Type

Main: When you print using a letterpress, it's called...

type ,Sign: Letterpress

Main: You guessed it. Letterpress printing.

type ,Sign: Letterpress Printing

Main: So historically, books could be mass produced

Main: because of the introduction of letterpress printing,

Main: but letterpress printing became more widespread because of metal letter types.

Main: Which means that the production of metal letter types is the cornerstone of my ambitions!

Main: It's the super-ultra-miracle-important first step!

Main: Man... I haven't gotten to say something so worthwhile forever.

Main: If the letter types differ in height, the letters will be uneven during printing,

Main: so I'd like the size and the height of all the letter types to be exact.

Main: I think if we have each of the vowels and each of the consonants that'll be enough.

Main: Also...

Johann: U-Um...

Benno: Well, she's basically always like this...

Benno: But she'd be a great patron when it comes to getting paid.

Lutz: If you don't think you can keep up with Main's crazy ideas,

Lutz: you should hurry up and find another patron.

Main: It's going to require very delicate work, and there'll be a lot to make...

Main: What do you think?

Johann: My request stands.

Johann: Please become my patron.

Main: Mister Benno, I'm counting on you to be my cosigner.

Johann: Yes, please!

Benno: Oh, all right. I give you permission as her guardian.

Johann: Thank goodness you're such an understanding father!

Main: Huh?

Benno: What?!

Main: He's not my father!

Benno: There's no way that she's my daughter!

Johann: Huh?

Lutz: The master is single.

Johann: Huh?

Benno: If I was her father, I would never raise her as an air-headed,

Benno: unguarded girl who doesn't think about her actions!

Main: What are you talking about?

Main: If you were my father, I would've run away from home already!

Benno: As if you're that delicate!

Main: I wouldn't even last here a day because you're so obnoxious!

Benno: Who are you calling obnoxious, huh?

Main: I'm home.

Main: Oh, how cute!

Tuuli: I know, right?

Effa: That's what a noble's undergarment looks like.

Main: Hm... I guess I wouldn't mind anyone seeing me in these.

Tuuli: Huh? What did you just say, Main?

Main: Oh, uh... I just mean they're lovely.

Effa: We just have to prepare a few more of these by the time of your winter stay, right?

Main: Yup. Thanks, Mom.

Tuuli: I'll help, too.

Main: Thank you, too, Tuuli.

Gunther: I'm home.

Main: Welcome home, Dad.

Gunther: Here's a gift for you, Main.

Tuuli: You bought them again?

Main: Hey, they're tanie!

Main: I love you, Dad!

Gunther: I love you, too, Main!

Tuuli: And he bought raffle fruits yesterday, too.

Tuuli: Dad's spoiling Main way too much.

Effa: I can't really blame him.

Effa: Soon, she'll be away on her winter stay, and we won't be able to see each other.

Tuuli: At this rate, I think Dad is going to have a harder time than Main is.

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Main: The scriptures picture book sold by the Gilberta Company

Main: started selling among the rich who had connections with nobles.

Young Employee: Er, excuse me, sir... Would you like to purchase that?

Man A: Yeah.

Man A: Here it is.

Wolf: There's no doubt about it...

Wolf: It's ink.

Man A: According to the foreman,

Man A: the child from the Gilberta Company knows how to make ink.

Flashback,Main: I'm looking for oil-based ink.

Flashback,Main: Do you have any that aren't for parchment?

Flashback,Bierce: Ink is ink. There's only one kind.

Flashback,Main: Wait, please!

Flashback,Main: The ink that everyone makes...

Flashback,Main: is it made from the extracting the dye from plants...

Flashback,Bierce: {\a }Hey, where did you hear that from?

Flashback,Main: Um... Do you really not make any other kind of ink?

Flashback,Bierce: Other kind of ink?

Flashback,Main: I-If you don't, that's totally fine! Sorry!

Wolf: Other kinds of ink?

Main: What did you want to talk about, Mister Benno?

Benno: The Ink Guild's gotten involved.

Main: Here we go. Vested interests.

Benno: I figured they would, but... It's going to be a hassle.

Benno: What do you want to do?

Main: I think we can sell our method of ink production and also abandon making any more ink.

Main: You don't want any more enemies, do you, Mister Benno?

Benno: Hm... And it has nothing to do with my main business.

Benno: If you'd consider that, it'd be helpful.

Main: Then I guess we're set.

Lutz: I've brought some tea.

Benno: You've still got a ways to go.

Main: But he's improving little by little.

Main: It's good, Lutz.

Mark: Sir, you have a guest from the Ink Guild.

Benno: All right. go see Corinna.

Main: Huh?

Benno: The head of the Ink Guild has connections with nobles,

Benno: and there are plenty of terrible rumors about him.

Benno: You should avoid him at all costs.

Main: While negotiations with the Ink Guild were going on,

Main: I was getting fitted for some new ceremonial robes,

Main: since my other ones were ruined trying to subjugate the trombe.

Otto: Corinna, you need to get some rest.

Otto: Seriously... Corinna, you're pregnant,

Otto: but you're getting upper-class noble work.

Main: S-Sorry...

Corinna: Otto.

Corinna: How many times must I tell you that I don't appreciate you nagging me about work?

Otto: I'm just worried about you, Corinna.

Corinna: That's no excuse to complain in front of a customer!

Otto: Now, calm down...

Corinna: You're always the one upsetting me.

Otto: It's not good for the little one in your belly if you get upset.

Main: I see they're as close as ever.

Wolf: I signed it.

Benno: Lutz, take this contract upstairs and get a signature.

Lutz: It's good that you stayed up here, Main.

Main: What do you mean?

Lutz: The head of the Ink Guild's been looking for you.

Main: Huh?

Lutz: He said, "The one who mentioned a different way to prepare ink was a child.

Lutz: If they're here, bring them out."

Lutz: I don't like the look in his eyes.

Lutz: Way worse than the guild master.

Lutz: More importantly, let me see your hand.

Main: Okay...

Lutz: What do you think you're doing?! Let go of me, you jerk!

Main: Ooh, they kicked!

Corinna: They're full of energy, aren't they?

Benno: Lutz had a run-in with a strange man.

Main: What?

Benno: They're probably from the Ink Guild.

Main: Is Lutz okay?

Benno: Yes. Mark is seeing him home now.

Benno: You need to stay here until someone comes for you.

Main: Okay.

Tuuli: Main!

Main: Tuuli!

Benno: Trying to find out more information and seeking out Lutz are both unnatural things to do.

Benno: There's no doubt that this is the work of the Ink Guild,

Benno: but I'm not exactly sure what their motive is.

Benno: If we're going to prioritize safety,

Benno: we might want to have Main start staying at the cathedral now.

Tuuli: What?

Benno: They won't be able to get to her, if she's there.

Tuuli: But starting her winter stay right now is...

Gunther: what do you want to do?

Main: I don't want to be away from all of you,

Main: but I'd regret it even more if something were to happen to any of you,

Main: so I'll go to the cathedral.

Tuuli: Main...

Main: It should start snowing soon, anyway.

Gunther: All right.

Fran: Understood.

Fran: I will inform the head priest as well.

Main: I'll tell everyone else.

Fran: Lady perhaps you should not tell Delia.

Fran: Delia still has connections with the high priest.

Main: Wait, still?

Fran: Considering Delia's situation,

Fran: it would be rather difficult for her to completely cut ties with him.

Main: It's so that she can continue to survive here...

Fran: We will go ahead and take Lady Main into our care.

Gunther: Take good care of Fran.

Fran: Of course.

Gunther: make sure you don't cause too much trouble for everyone.

Gunther: And make sure you tell the head priest everything.

Gunther: No good comes out of not communicating with your boss.

Main: Boss?

Main: Okay.

Tuuli: We'll come visit you on breaks,

Tuuli: so make sure you behave until then, Main.

Main: Yeah... I'll be waiting.

Ferdinand: Make sure Main stays in her room until we can get more information.

Fran: As you wish.

Fran: Also, Main's family has mentioned that they would like to come see her.

Fran: I'm sure that Lady Main will be lonely,

Fran: so I would be grateful if you would allow this.

Ferdinand: That's fine.

Ferdinand: The bigger problem would be if her mana were to go berserk

Ferdinand: from her not being able to control her emotions.

Ferdinand: I'd like to avoid doing the Dedication Ceremony in that manner as much as possible,

Ferdinand: because she will have to face the high priest there, no matter what.

Fran: Right.

Delia: What?

Main: It's a long story, but I'm going to be staying at the cathedral starting today.

Delia: What exactly is this long story?

Main: I can't really talk about it right now.

Main: I hope you'll understand.

Tuuli: Do you think Main will be okay by herself?

Tuuli: We should have brought her these, too.

Rosina and Delia: Good night, Lady Main.

Main: Good night, Delia and Rosina.

Main: I immediately became homesick just after a day.

Gunther: The nobility can piss off. I'm going to protect Main.

Wolf: If this is an order, I will see it through, but this is quite the request...

Wolf: This will require a bit of preparation...

Next_Chapter ,Caption: Next Chapter The Story About Winter Stays and the Future

Main: It's finally about to start!

Main: We offer the gods our prayers!

Ferdinand: I hate to bring down your mood when you're so excited, but this is not a book.

Ferdinand: A proper book has words that are handwritten on pages of parchment.

Ferdinand: They include detailed illustrations,

Ferdinand: and the leather covers are decorated with gold or jewels.

Ferdinand: These magnificent pieces of art are what you call "books."

Main: But I want to make books more affordable and get them out to the masses!

Ferdinand: A proper merchant would want to raise prices and keep as much profit for themselves.

Ferdinand: You are not fit to be a merchant.

Main: I don't need to hear that from you.