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02x11 - Trombe and Battles

Posted: 06/30/23 09:17
by bunniefuu

F: Main sets out to battle at the knight order's request.

F: Your part comes after the knight order takes down the trombe.

K: Schicicoza, Damuel.

K: You two guard the priestess.

: Sir.

M: Head Priest, members of the knight order,

M: I pray for your safety and success.

Sc: Those blessings were utterly meaningless.

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ep Title: Chapter Twenty-Five Trombe and Battles

M: Meaningless?

Sc: Using mana on blessings when you're already short on it

Sc: is nothing but an act of folly.

D: Schicicoza, what are you saying?

D: There is a huge difference between having Angriff's blessings and not.

D: We don't have that many people this time, either.

Sc: Hmph. What's wrong with calling a fool a fool?

M: His eyes...

M: He's got the same look as that blue-robed priest.

D: Schicicoza, you...

M: I apologize if I've displeased you.

M: I won't do it again.

D: Don't take his words to heart.

D: With our numbers, your blessings and the mana they provide will be a big boost.

F: Hear me, Ruler of the Heavens.

F: The King, the God of Darkness...

D: It begins.

F: The father of the whole, wide world!

F: Heed my call and grant me thy holy power.

F: Rend the evil that steps out of line, take its power,

F: and bestow my w*apon with thy blessings.

K: Thy blessings!

M: Their weapons turned black!

M: Can you explain that, Fran?

Fr: No... This situation is a first for me as well, so I'm not familiar with it.

D: Apprentice Priestess,

D: that happens to weapons given the God of Darkness's divine protection.

D: If you imbue them with mana and attack,

D: it'll drain double the mana from the enemy for you.

D: You can't take down a trombe without that.

M: I see there are nobles who interact normally with an apprentice priestess, too.

D: Not many people can see the knights fight first-hand.

D: You should observe carefully.

M: Thank you kindly.

D: At first, we'll whittle down the trombe using arrows.

D: Look, the one in the blue cape is Sir Ferdinand.

M: Whoa, it's like he's a horseback archer!

M: The Head Priest is so cool!

Fr: Lady mind your speech.

D: Duplicating arrows that way requires a lot of mana.

D: And Sir Ferdinand, who can do it over and over, truly is amazing.

M: Yeah!

D: I wish he'd return to the knight order already.

M: What? Return?

D: Don't tell anyone I said that.

M: Understood.

M: Since he's so slender, high-strung, and suits desk work so perfectly,

M: I never imagined he was a former knight.

M: But I guess the head priest can really do it all!

D: It's starting to work.

D: Can you see the trombe turning black?

M: I can, yes.

M: Oh, a limb fell off.

K: Now!

K: Attack!

All: Sir!

K: We've felled enough limbs!

K: Now for the trunk!

All: Sir!

K: Finish it!

D: It's almost over.

M: I was worried about fighting such a terrifying monster.

M: I'm glad that it seems we've suffered almost no casualties.

D: It seems Sir Ferdinand's presence this time made it easier to deal with the limbs.

Sc: Damuel, why are you being so friendly with a plebeian?

D: A plebeian?

Sc: Don't you know?

Sc: That's a plebeian.

Sc: And as a plebeian, she wears the blue robes granted only to nobility.

Sc: Talk about a puffed-up fool.

Sc: The nobles may have dwindled in number,

Sc: but that doesn't justify granting a plebeian blue robes.

Sc: I don't understand what Sir Ferdinand is thinking.

D: Don't be silly, Schicicoza.

Sc: It's true.

Sc: The high priest laments the fact, too.

Sc: He can't believe that the order in the cathedral is being destroyed for one plebeian.

Sc: Why don't you say something, plebeian?

Sc: Can't open your cheeky mouth without Sir Ferdinand around?

D: Stop this, Schicicoza!

D: We're meant to guard her!

D: Her status means nothing until we finish our mission!

Sc: Quiet, Damuel.

Sc: Know your place.

Sc: Don't you tell me what to do.

M: This is scary!

Fr: Lady Main!

M: Fran!

Fr: Lady Main!

M: Don't move, Fran!

M: Weren't we told to endure it, come what may?

M: We mustn't let this escalate!

Sc: Let me teach you something, plebeian.

Sc: In situations like these, you're meant to apologize for your retainer's misconduct.

M: I apologize for my retainer's transgressions.

Sc: What's with that look?

Sc: How dare you, plebeian? Perhaps I should gouge out your eyes.

Sc: Messer.

D: Don't, Schicicoza!

D: The apprentice priestess is meant to conduct the ritual!

Sc: Shut up.

Sc: You don't get to order me around, lesser noble.

M: No!

Sc: That's the way. Plebeians should shrink away in awe and fear of us nobles.

M: Head Priest!

M: Ouch!

Sc: That's what you get for suddenly standing up, you fool.

M: Why?

Fr: Lady Main!

D: Where'd all this trombe come from?

Sc: It's your fault for standing up...

D: I'll get you out, Apprentice Priestess!

D: Hear me, ruler of the heavens. The King, the God of Darkness.

D: The father of the whole, wide world.

D: Heed my call and grant me thy holy power.

M: I-I can't breathe!

D: Rend the evil that steps out of line, take its power,

M: Lutz!

D: and bestow my w*apon with thy blessings.

M: Help me!

L: Certainly. We'll have this arranged for you right away.

M: Help me, Lutz!

L: Main?

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Eyecatch: Ascendance of a Bookworm

D: ...bestow my w*apon with thy blessings.

: I... can't breathe...

D: I'll get you out now, Apprentice Priestess.

D: The protection isn't working?

F: Fall back, Damuel!

F: what's happening here?

M: Blood.

M: My blood activated the trombe.

F: Your blood?

F: I don't believe this.

F: You were supposed to guard her, you imbeciles!

D: We're terribly sorry!

F: There is no point fighting them off if the wound remains open.

F: Entwaffnung.

F: Rot.

F: Make sure you don't cry.

F: Tears contain mana as well.

M: Okay.

M: My wound...

F: I used the mana only to close it, not heal it.

F: Using my mana above trombe is suicidal, but it'll have to do.

M: Head Priest, please use those arrows to get rid of the trombe.

F: I deactivated the divine protection, so I can't use weapons anymore.

F: You can't change a w*apon's form once it's imbued with blessings.

F: Help should arrive shortly.

K: Sir Ferdinand? Why the distress signal?

F: You're late!

K: What's all this?

K: Karstedt, the incompetent guards you chose let this happen.

K: Save Main at once! Hurry!

K: Sir!

K: Men, take your positions!

All: Sir!

K: Chop it down!

F: Karstedt, don't even scratch Main.

F: You'll turn her into bait.

K: Right!

K: It's tough...

K: One more time!

All: Right!

F: You're the only one with a knife. Hurry up and get her out.

D: But the protection didn't help earlier.

F: I've closed her wound. The trombe won't activate anymore.

D: It worked this time!

K: Be careful, Damuel.

K: Damuel, Apprentice Priestess, how did this happen?

K: I've never seen Sir Ferdinand so angry.

D: Well...

K: Are you all right?

M: No. Please get my retainer.

K: Where is the apprentice priestess' retainer?!

Fr: Lady Main!

Fr: She's feverish.

F: Unsurprising. She was entwined by all those trombe limbs.

F: She must've lost quite a lot of mana, too.

F: Have her drink my potion.

Fr: Please drink this, Lady Main.

M: Ew... What is this?

Fr: A potion the head priest blended.

Fr: It should help quell fatigue and recover mana.

M: Is that so?

Fr: Are you all right, Lady Main?

M: Wow. The fever's fading away.

F: Schicicoza, Damuel.

F: If you have anything to say for yourselves about this mess, speak up now.

Sc: I see no reason to defend myself.

Sc: She's a plebeian.

Sc: That's all that matters.

F: How about you, Damuel?

D: Well...

K: We need information.

K: Speak your mind.

M: This is how a class-based society works.

M: But I'm sure the head priest will believe me.

M: Sir Ferdinand, Sir Karstedt.

K: What is it, Apprentice Priestess?

M: Should I tell you what happened,

M: would you guarantee my safety?

K: What do you mean?

M: Should I tell the truth that inconveniences a member of the nobility,

M: would you drag me around by the hair or try to gouge my eyes out?

K: What?

K: You did that to her?

Sc: It's a groundless accusation.

Sc: This plebeian stood up when she didn't have to and hurt herself.

K: Damuel, you saw what happened, didn't you?

K: Tell the truth.

Sc: I'm not sure he really saw it, actually.

D: Our status is too different.

D: When Schicicoza told me to know my place,

D: I couldn't stop him anymore.

D: I'm terribly sorry!

F: That's right. You must never forget who ranks above.

F: By the way, Schicicoza,

F: who holds the highest rank of all of us here?

Sc: It is you, Sir Ferdinand.

F: That's right.

F: And I gave you my orders.

F: "Make sure the apprentice priestess receives nary a scratch"!

F: If you considered our ranks, it should've been obvious what you needed to uphold.

F: You're the one who needs to know your place!

Sc: But... But that's a plebeian.

F: The girl you hurt is no mere plebeian.

F: She's an apprentice priestess who was granted blue robes

F: with the lord's permission due to her abundance of mana!

F: Know that voicing any complaints with that decision is dissent against your lord!

F: Not only did you two disobey orders and abandon your duties,

F: you hurt your charge and disgraced the knight order.

F: Don't think you're going to get off lightly.

F: The lord will sentence you in due time.

F: Karstedt, you chose incompetent men as bodyguards,

F: and failed to discipline your recruits.

F: As commander of the knight order, you will be held responsible.

F: You will be punished in due time, too.

K: This mess has truly exposed my lack of leadership in the knight order.

K: I profusely apologize for causing you the trouble of having to step in.

F: we need to finish up the ritual while the potion is still effective.

M: Right.

F: Come with me.

F: Here we go.

F: Listen, Main.

F: Show them you're truly worthy of wearing those blue robes.

F: If the knight order recognizes your importance, that will act as a shield for you.

M: Got it.

M: But it's my first time. I'm not sure if this will really work.

F: No need to worry.

F: I'll set up a foil for you.

F: Huh?

F: I don't fight battles I can't win.

Sign: Next Chapter Dreamlike World

M: My first ritual is coming up.

M: Isn't this nerve-wracking, Head Priest?

F: Then you can drink another vial of my potion.

M: There's that disgusting potion again!

F: Well, I did sacrifice the taste.

F: But it worked right away, did it not?

M: Yeah, but the taste matters. Please improve it.

F: And how will you make it worth my while?

M: I feel like the head priest's thought process is starting to resemble Benno's lately.