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01x01 - A World Without Books

Posted: 06/30/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
Ferdinand: Now, wear this.

Myne: What is this, Head Priest?

F: Can't you tell? It's a magical item.

M: I'm asking what we're using it for.

M: Please... tell... me...

F: Main's the only one who uses this to tie her hair.

F: And it's not just this hairpin.

F: She has brought us all sorts of creations.

F: But the most surprising thing of all

F: is her passion for books.

F: She treasures literature, and even wrote some picture books for children.

F: Her obsession is clearly abnormal.

F: Just what goes through that head of yours?

F: I shall take a look into your past, Main.

M: Before I was Main,

M: I lived in a distant era as Motosu Urano.

M: Psychology.

M: Religion.

M: History.

M: Geography.

M: Education.

M: Folklore.

M: Mathematics.

M: Physics.

M: Geology.

M: Chemistry.

M: Biology.

M: Art.

M: Health.

M: Language.

M: Fiction...

M: Literature was my life.

M: I loved books—laden with mankind's knowledge in all disciplines—with all my heart,

M: and felt unbridled joy at living a life surrounded by them.

M: But then...

M: On the verge of death, I uttered a silent prayer.

M: "O God, may I be able to read all kinds of books in my next life, too."

Title,Title Card: Ascendance of a Bookworm

Ep Title,Ep Title: Chapter One A World Without Books

Myne: It's so hot... I can't breathe... I can't take this anymore!

Motosu: Yeah.

Myne: It's so hot... Help!

Motosu: Yeah.

Myne: Someone help me!

Mot: Huh? The voice is fading.

Mot: Wait!

Myne: Where am I?

Myne: Are these really my hands?

Myne: Wait, I'm pretty sure I died.

Myne: Am I having some kind of weird, dying dream?

Myne: I'm not dreaming. What's going on?

Myne: What am I doing here?

Myne: Who is that?

Myne: Her hair's green!

M: What? I don't understand what she's saying.

M: Someone's memories are bursting into my mind!

Eva: Main?

M: No! I'm not Main!

M: My name is Motosu Urano!

Eva: Main? Are you all right, Main?

M: I can understand her now!

Eva: How are you feeling, Main?

M: Mom...

Nar: In this moment, Motosu Urano began her life as Main.

M: And that's when I realized...

M: My mother had been just as happy as me when I landed my librarian job,

M: but now I would never see her again.

M: Mom...

M: I'm so sorry.

M: If only I had a book to read...

M: Yeah, as long as I have books,

M: I can deal with things no matter where I am.

M: No. I will deal with it.

M: I just need my books.

M: I wonder where I can find one, though...

Tuuli: Main? Are you okay to be up and about now?

M: Tuuli, my older sister.

M: Oh, I know.

M: Hey, Tuuli, bring me a book.

T: A book?

M: Yeah. I wanna read.

T: What's a book?

M: Huh?

M: Does she not know what a book is?

M: Hang on a sec. How does that even happen?

M: Maybe there are no books for kids in this house?

T: Are you okay, Main?

Eva: Main, how's your fever?

T: Mom, it looks like her head hurts.

Eva: The fever is starting to go down, but I guess you're still not feeling your best.

Eva: Sleep tight until dinnertime, okay?

Eva: Come help me, Tuuli.

T: Sure!

M: Now's my chance to find some books.

M: Books are worth it.

M: Clothes, huh?

M: What even is this?

M: It would've been perfect if there were books in this very room,

M: but I guess it's not gonna be that easy.

M: Time to check the next room over, then.

M: And we've already hit a snag.

M: Whatever. Books are worth it.

M: I made it!

M: Ow!

M: This pain will be my medal of honor!

M: It's open.

M: The kitchen, huh?

M: No books in here, I bet.

M: A storeroom, I think?

M: It's locked. I wonder if it leads outside.

M: I looked all over the house, but I couldn't find any books.

M: Why?

M: Wait, are books really expensive in this world?

M: Even in the history of my world,

M: books were rare and pricey till the printing press made them possible to mass-produce.

M: If you weren't upper class, you would never get the chance to read one.

M: Oh, well.

M: There must be something to read, though.

M: If not books, then newspapers or calendars.

M: Nothing.

M: Nothing.

M: Nothing.

M: Nothing.

M: Nothing! Why is there no writing in any way, shape, or form?

M: How the heck am I supposed to live here?

Eva: We're back.

Eva: Main? Didn't I tell you to stay in bed until dinnertime?

Eva: And look at this mess you've made.

M: I can't find any books.

Eva: What's wrong, Main?

T: Does it hurt somewhere?

M: I can't find any books!

M: I want a book!

M: I want to read!

M: That's all I want!

M: Who can I talk to that'll understand me?

M: Someone please tell me!

M: It's been three days since I woke up as Main.

M: These three days have been hell.

M: Also, life here seriously sucks.

M: The "toilet" is a bedroom bedpan which is then dumped outside,

M: and then "Dad," who I barely even know, changes my clothes.

M: Good grief!

Femininity,SignL: Femininity

Shame,SignR: Shame

M: I have to abandon these things or I'll never last!

M: Now I've given up and even get them to wipe me down.

M: Tuuli thought that was weird, but it made me feel a lot better.

M: And then...

Flashback,T: What are you doing?

Flashback,M: I'm trying to tie up my hair 'cause it's bothering me,

Flashback,M: but it's not working out.

Flashback,T: Well, you do have really straight hair.

Flashback,M: Yeah. If I use a ribbon, it falls right away.

Flashback,M: Oh, right.

Flashback,M: Can I break this?

Flashback,T: That's my doll!

Flashback,T: You know it's important to me! You meanie!

Flashback,M: Uh, sorry.

Flashback,M: I want a hairpin... I guess you wouldn't know what I mean.

Flashback,M: I need a thin wooden stick like this doll's legs.

Flashback,T: In that case, I could make one for you.

Flashback,T: Will this do?

Flashback,M: Yeah! Thanks, Tuuli!

Flashback,M: How does that look?

Flashback,T: Main, no!

Flashback,T: Only grown-ups are allowed to tie all their hair up.

Flashback,M: Really?

Flashback,M: Is this okay, then?

Flashback,T: Yeah, I think so.

Flashback,T: But from here it looks like you've got a splinter stuck in your head.

Flashback,M: Oh, that's fine.

M: Now what do I do about my hair? It feels so sticky and gross.

Eva: How are you feeling, Main?

Eva: Your fever's gone. Do you feel tired?

M: Nope.

Eva: Do you want to go shopping with Mom, then?

M: Shopping?

M: I didn't find any books at home, but there might be a bookstore out there.

M: If there is one...

M: "I won't feel lonely if I have books.

M: I'll watch over the house all you want!"

M: That should get her to buy me some!

M: Yep! I wanna go!

Eva: Oh? Where is all this energy coming from?

M: I know it'll be fun!

Eva: Let's go shopping, then.

M: Cold! Scary! Stinky!

Eva: Get on, Main.

Eva: You can't walk all the way to the market, right? Come on.

M: O-Okay...

M: I see.

M: Main's body is pretty frail, so Mom's always given her piggyback rides.

M: But I'm pretty sure I could handle this easily.

M: Our building has five floors, huh?

M: Wow, this area's full of townhouses.

M: So that's where we get the water from.

M: Amazing! It's like a Medieval European town straight out of all those photobooks!

M: Mom, is that a castle?

Eva: It's the cathedral.

Eva: When you turn seven, you'll get to go there for your baptism.

M: Huh...

M: That's an awfully big gate.

Eva: That's the castle town gate.

Eva: Beyond it lies the lord's castle and the other nobility's mansions,

Eva: but it's kind of a different world to us.

M: What about that wall?

M: The city wall. It keeps us safe inside.

M: Dad's a gatekeeper at the south gate, remember?

M: Oh, right.

M: Gatekeeper, yeah...

M: But if there's a lord's castle, and it's surrounded by walls,

M: then that means this is technically a big city.

M: And yet,

M: I don't see any writing anywhere in town, either.

M: Do they not have a writing system at all?

M: The thought didn't even cross my mind!

Eva: We've reached the market, Main.

W: Can I have three of these?

G: Sure thing!

Boy: Hurry up!

G: Fresh seasonal vegetables. Would you like to try any?

M: I hadn't even considered that they might not have a writing system.

M: If that's true, then they're not gonna have any books!

M: Mom! What's that on that plank?

Eva: Oh, it shows the price, so you know how much you can buy something for.

M: Numbers! They do have a number system!

M: What does it say, Mom?

Eva: This is lyon,

Eva: and that's lyon.

M: Is this lyon, then?

Eva: That's correct!

Eva: I can't believe you picked it up so quickly. You're very smart, Main.

M: What is this stench?

Eva: Main? What's wrong?

M: Dead chicken!

Eva: Main? Hang in there, Main!

M: Mom...

Eva: You fainted all of a sudden. I didn't know what to do.

Eva: Are you okay now?

M: I'm... not okay.

Eva: Oh...

Eva: Oh, dear. I can't get any shopping done like this.

M: No, go ahead. I'll wait here.

Eva: But...

M: Ma'am.

M: Do you mind if I wait here for a while, please? I'm not feeling very well.

M: I promise I won't be any trouble.

W: Oh, my. Aren't you a polite young lady?

W: No problem. Go get your shopping done.

W: You don't want her fainting again, do you?

G: If you're worried, she can wait inside the shop.

G: Nobody's going to kidnap her if she's in the back.

M: I'll be a good girl and wait.

Eva: Thank you so much. I'll be right back.

Eva: Stay right here, okay?

M: 'Kay.

Eva: Please take care of her.

M: It's all too much for me to take in.

M: Thanks for having me.

M: Wait, could that be...

M: Mister! What... What is that?!

G: Oh, it's a book.

M: Yahoo!

M: I finally found one!

M: There are books here!

G: Is this your first time seeing one?

M: Yeah.

M: Hey, do you know a shop that sells books? Where is it?

G: A shop? There isn't one.

M: Huh? There are books, but no bookstores?

G: Books have to be copied by hand, you see.

G: They cost so much money that very few people can buy any.

G: Even this one was pawned off by a noble who couldn't repay his debt.

G: I haven't put it on sale.

G: Only other nobles would even think about buying something so expensive.

M: Damn those lucky nobles!

M: In that case...

M: Please let me hold that book!

Kowtow__In_Japan,Sign: In Japan, this is the most dramatic show of requesting or apologizing

M: I know I can't buy it, so I'll make do with just holding it!

M: I'd like to at least enjoy the sweet scent of ink!

M: I beg you!

G: I don't know why, but I get the feeling that it'd be risky to let you touch it.

M: Please wait.

M: I'll just flip through it, I promise.

G: No.

M: I understand.

Eva: Thank you for looking after my daughter.

Eva: Okay, Main. Let's go home.

M: I didn't even get to hold it.

Eva: I got some raffle fruit, your favorite.

M: Yeah...

Eva: Are you still not feeling well?

M: Yeah...

M: There are no bookstores in this town.

M: In fact, there might be not be any anywhere in this world.

M: I'm not gonna get any books if there are no bookstores.

M: What can I do, then?

M: I'll just have to make them myself!

T: Make?

Eva: Main?

Gunter: What are you going to make?

M: Nothing. Never mind.

M: Forget it. I don't care what it takes.

M: I'm gonna get my books if it's the last thing I do!

M: I won't let this world beat me!

Next_Chapter_Lif,: Next Chapter Life Improvements and Slates

: I see.

: So your obsession for books remained with you even after death.

: This is making my head hurt.

: Please don't say that with a straight face.

: You don't even get to show up until—

: No spoilers, fool!