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02x04 - Blockbusting

Posted: 06/30/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
BILL: I don't know why
we had to come tonight.

[DOORBELL RINGS] The big game is on.

I'm starting to think you
use "The big game is on"

as an excuse when you
don't want to do something.

That's not true.


Hi. Um...


You invited us for dinner.

[CHUCKLES] Are... Are we
too early or something?

Oh, Lillian, I'm so sorry.

I forgot that was today.

- Uh, what... what are they doing here?
- I must have messed up the date.

- Well, they need to go.

Hey, hey, uh, sorry for
the misunderstanding.

Uh, but, um...

- We... We, uh...
- Yeah.

We're wa... We're watching
the big game. [LAUGHS]

No, you don't get to use
the "big game" excuse.

I use the "big game" excuse.

So it was an excuse.

Lillian, stop being petty.

- Cliff, I think we're gonna stay.
- Bill!

ADULT DEAN: My dad may not
have wanted to be there,

but he wanted to be wanted to be there.

Alright, w-well, if
you really must know,

I already have company...
important company.

More important than the
friends you've had for years

that you invited over tonight?

Well, I'm glad you understand, Bill.

No, well, Cliff, let's just...

Well, I brought your favorite rum cake.

Is that the cake you
always make for my birthday?


- Let me...
- Ah!

- Come on in.


BILL: What's the score of the big game?


Bill and Lillian Williams
are our neighbors.

And our best friends.

They just dropped by for dessert.

Uh, this is my frat brother, Terrence.

- Are you...?
- Different fraternity.

The first.

Well, they can't all be perfect like us.

- I know that!


Terrence is a real-estate agent,

and he has a home for sale in Eastdale,

and, well, he's looking
for the perfect Black family

to be the first ones to move in.

Yeah, we're looking for folks

with impeccable credentials
and the right attitude.

So, wait a minute. You all
are thinking about moving?

All the way to the other side of town?

It's a great opportunity.

You know, ever since that
housing act passed last year,

they can't discriminate anymore.

But that's just in housing.

Don't go trying to buy a horse.

That system is still
r*cist as hell, okay?


We'll have access to nicer homes,

better schools, and city services.

And someday, even
Starbucks and Chipotle.

Are you seriously
thinking about this, Cliff?

L-Listen, me and Vivian will be

the Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks...

- Ooh.
- ... of housing in Montgomery.

- Oh.

Can I be the Coretta
Scott King of housing?

Mrs. King was way more
stylish than Mrs. Parks.

You just don't like riding the bus.

Oh, that's true. [CHUCKLES]

I told Cliff... I said,
"Can you put a sign

on the thermostat that says it's broken?

'Cause those white folks are
gonna freeze us out of there."


Did I just hear you correctly?
Are you actually Cliff's boss

down at the Treasury Department?

Well, uh, I wouldn't say "boss."

I head the department,

- but I think we all work together as a team.
- Mm-hmm.

We associate ourselves with
all sorts of important people.

Did we tell you that Bill spent the
summer in New York writing for...

Marvin Gaye?


- What?
- Yeah.

I must say, I am impressed, Bill. Wow!

Bill is very impressive.

Now, after we do our groundbreaking move

into our home, uh, you can sell him one.

Or maybe I can sell him one right now.

- Mm.
- I mean, Marvin Gaye.

[CHUCKLES] I can't wait to tell my mama.


What's happening? Uh, Cliff?

I mean, 'cause I'm just
thinking about it right now

as I'm sitting here with y'all.

Bill is a professor.

His wife runs a
department for the state.

Their oldest son is a
decorated w*r veteran,

and their youngest son
plays Little League baseball.

I mean, that's more American
than most white people!


I think you guys would
be the perfect family

to integrate a neighborhood.

I mean, it would be best
for all of us, obviously.

If we were interested in
moving next to white folks.

- But we're not.
- CLIFF: Terrence, uh,

I told you I coach Little League.

There's nothing more American than that.

- TERRENCE: That's true.
- And which his son stinks at.

- Cliff!

The boy is not good, Lil.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
cause a controversy between y'all.

You are both outstanding families,

credit to our community and our people.

Don't be mad, Cliff.

I'm not mad, Bill.

Should've never let you in the house.

[CHUCKLES] I did it to myself.

Well, we have no intention
of moving anywhere,

so get your lip up off the floor.

You look like I tagged
you out on third base.

Like I did many, many
times in high school.


Do it right... Do it right now, Bill!

- Come on.
- Get the ball. Get the ball.

Oh, I'mma go get the ball.
I'mma go get the ball.

Bill want me to go get the
ball. I'mma go get that ball.

- CLIFF: No, no, no, no!

You stay... stay right there!

- You stay right there!
- LILLIAN: Cliff!

♪ All I know ♪

♪ Ohhh, through the
highs and the lows ♪

♪ I'mma find my way home ♪

Well, I'm just saying, we
shouldn't just tell him no

- without looking into it.
- Why waste the man's time?

Besides, ain't nothing
wrong with this house.

Our cars can't pull through the carport.

The back of the house
is always freezing.

We just gave the attic over
to a family of raccoons.

The raccoons keep the frogs away.

- We have frogs?
- Not anymore.

Look, Bill, I don't see anything wrong

with us finding out the particulars.

We could move to a bigger house

that would allow Dean to go
to a really good high school.

Mm, I guess I missed out on the
"really good high school," huh?

You want to finish up at St. Anne's

with those ugly uniforms and no boys?

- Never mind.
- DEAN: Well, Dad,

you always tell us to
support Black businesses,

and Terrence is a
Black real-estate agent.

I'm not sure I'd even heard
of real-estate agents before,

but I had a bigger point.

Oh, and our new house
would be walking distance

from my junior high,

and right around the corner
from Brad's. It would be so cool.

What's wrong with your
friends on this street?

Suddenly, your white friends are cooler?

You know I am fundamentally
against assimilation.

But if our new house
had a rec room big enough

for me to hold meetings to
fight it, then let's move.

You're not fooling anybody, Kim.

You just want a bigger closet.

Both things can be true.



I can't believe you
might be moving soon.

Well, I mean, someone's gotta lead
racial progress in Montgomery.

And why not me?

You know, if you move
closer to my house,

we could walk home from school together,

watch our favorite shows together,

even the ones that come on at : ,

like "Mission:
Impossible," because, well,

you could walk home afterward.

Why walk home at all?

If you guys are gonna be neighbors,

why don't you just sleep over?

Now, Keisa knew damn well
why we didn't have sleepovers.

Black and white folks had only been

eating in the same restaurants
for a couple of years.

We weren't ready to stay
in each other's houses.

But I could always count on
my friend Brad to be clueless.

You know what?

We don't have to wait until you move.

We could have a sleepover
at my house this weekend.

Well, uh, I mean...

Our moms are right there. Let's go ask.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, this was uncomfortable.

But if that's what
being on the cutting edge

of racial progress felt like,

I guess I'd have to get used to it.

- Mom!
- Hey.

Can Dean come over for
a sleepover this weekend?

Well, uh, Brad...

Of course it's okay with me, but, um,

it's really up to Mrs. Williams.

Um... M-Mom?

Well, I think a
sleepover is a fine idea.

But, uh, we would have to
ask your dad about it first,

and then if he agrees,

we'll call up Mrs. Hitman
and make arrangements.

And this discomfort is how
the current racial makeup

of the Democratic Party began.

I've heard things are... different

at white people's houses.

You know they don't use
washcloths in the shower?

Oh, it's okay. I don't plan on
taking any showers this weekend.

They also don't season their food.

Everything is bland. Ugh!

Bet they'll make you
watch corny TV shows

like "Hee Haw" and "The
Beverly Hillbillies."

I hope so. That Jethro
character is hilarious.

You might as well be white.

Unfortunately, it was neither
the first nor last time

I would hear that.

No matter how much of your
expensive scotch I drink,

- I'm still not interested.
- Okay, okay.

But, uh, you just keep drinking.

I got another bottle to
help change your mind.

Look, Professor, all I'm asking

is for you to look
at the house one time.

- Just one time.
- I only took this meeting

to prove to my wife
that I'm open-minded,

so when I finish this, I'm gone.

Okay. But before you go,

I was hoping you would check out

this map of our dear old Montgomery.

It dates back pre-w*r.

Shows where all the plantations are.


I thought that'd be of interest
to a race man like yourself.

- Mnh-mnh-mnh.
- Mm-hmm.

You buy that house,
you're taking back the land

our forefathers slaved over, Professor.

That's a really strong move.

They do owe me my acres and a mule.

♪ I'm working on a building ♪

♪ Working on a building ♪
♪ And it's a true foundation ♪

♪ And it's a true foundation ♪
♪ I'm holding up the blood-stained ♪

♪ Holding up the blood-stained ♪
♪ Banner for my lord ♪

♪ Banner for my lord ♪
♪ Oh, I never get tired ♪



You made your point.

I guess I do owe it to myself

to at least look at this
house you're talking about.

You won't regret it. You
won't regret it, Professor!

- I promise you, you won't.
- Tell me,

what were you gonna do
if your music didn't work?

Well, there may or may not
be a mule tied up out back.


Mom, Dad, you remember my friend Dean.

We're very happy to
have you in our home.

Uh, thanks.

- Welcome, Dean.
- Oh!

- We just want you to know that Herb and I

are... are so happy that
you and Brad are friends.

You are welcome in our home anytime.

It shouldn't have taken this long.

Okay, well, um, why don't you
boys go get washed up for dinner?

Okay. This way.

Hmm. Feels kind of like my house.


Evil older sister?

This is just like my house.


Brad, that's too much.

In this house, everyone is equal.

We believe in equality.



Hey, that haunted house
movie is about to come on.

- Oh, so is "Adam- ."
- But...

Brad, you chose the board game.

"Adam- " it is.

Everyone here gets an equal opportunity.

- Dean, I see that Brad still has some Kool-Aid,

but you're all done with
yours. Would you like some more?

And if you don't like red,
we also have grape and lemon-lime.

- Um...
- We have all the colors here.

Well, red's my favorite.

Bless Mrs Hitman's heart,

giving me reparations in the
form of unlimited Kool-Aid.

And being I was only ,
that was just fine with me.


Okay, boys, it's time to sleep.

Tuck you in here.

Okay. Mwah! Night-night.

Yuck! Who still gets
sugar from his mommy?





Sweet dreams.




I was up early the next morning
because I didn't sleep very well.

It was the start of an obsession
I would pursue for years...

older women.

Good morning, Dean.

Good morning, Mrs. Hitman.

Can I, uh, help you with breakfast?

Oh, it's almost ready.

I hope you like oatmeal.

Who doesn't? It smells delicious.

Man, talk about having
your nose wide open.


Never really noticed it has a smell.


What are you guys talking about?

Dean's stinky feet?

Hey, good morning, honey. Hi.


- What are you doing?
- Oh, uh, I'm just smelling your mom's perfume.

[CHUCKLES] Smells amazing.

Aw, Dean.

You know, you have always
been the most polite

out of all of Brad's friends.

Hey, honey, go grab some
raisins for Dean's oatmeal.

Raisins are my favorite.

Oh, the lies. The lies!

[CHUCKLING] Oh, Mrs. Hitman.

She knew what she was doing.



Tremendous curb appeal,
wouldn't you say, Professor?

Uh-oh. Seeing those
tight, hateful faces

was like waving a red
cape in front of Kim.


Let's buy it!

This is the perfect spot for me to start

a new chapter of the Black Panthers!

[LAUGHS] Oh, we can have target practice

with our machine g*ns right
here in the front yard!


- They deserved it.
- Yeah, young Angela Davis here is right.

If we're lucky, they won't
be here for very long.

Folks that don't get along
with us are a dying breed.

- What if they don't die?
- Dean has a point.

We all know everyone's
not gonna welcome us.

And that's why it's important
to find families like yourself

who are brave enough to do this work.

See, integration is a
battle that must be fought

with blood, sweat,
and low interest rates.


Come on, soldiers. I think you're
gonna like your new barracks.


Bill, come on, man.

This is the perfect
family home. Am I right?

It is one heck of a house,
and you can't beat the price.

That's right.

Hi, welcome to the open house.

I'm Terrence Raymond from
Davis and Raymond Real Estate.

Kim is calling dibs on the front bedroom

because it has the bigger closet.

You don't even need a closet.

Don't you only have like three shirts?


Hello. Welcome to the open house.

- I'm Terrence Raymond from Davis and Ray...
- Uh, actually, we live across the street.

- Oh.
- The whole neighborhood's been dying to see

what this house looks
like on the inside.

Old Lady Wiswall lived here for years,

and she never had anyone visit.

Oh, is that the original crown moulding?

You know, I believe it is.

- Why don't you go check it out?
- [GASPS] Wow.

BILL: Cliff? What are you doing here?

You're not the only one that
can come to an open house.

That's why they call it an open house.

Well, we just wanted to see
what all the fuss was about.

And also show everyone that
we are the better family

for integration.

You think you're better than us?


Come here, Dean.

- Come on, son.
- [SIGHS] Cliff.


How old is your son?

- ?
- Mine is , too.

All A's, this one.

Huh. Who needs all A's

when your son's gonna
play Major League baseball?


You know what my wife, Lillian,

the accountant with a master's degree,

and I love about that living room?

That there's space for a piano.

Everyone in my family
plays an instrument.

We're all very talented... Very.

Don't y'all like to practice
loud and late at night?

Kim, go stand over there
by the short Long family.

We could raise the average height
in this community significantly.

- [SCOFFS] He's got you there.
- Uh!

Okay, Bill, now that's enough.

Let these people look at the house.

No, it's okay, it's okay.

We're gonna go outside so I can see
where I'mma set up my smoker.

Come on, y'all. And the
whole neighborhood is invited

to taste my delicious barbecue.


[SIGHS] I apologize, Terrence.

I don't usually get worked up like that,

but Cliff has a way of
getting under my skin.

Folks around here have never paid
attention to a family like yours.

They were impressed.

That's progress.

Y'all doing the work
already. Look at that.

Terrence is right, Bill.

Moving into this house
is a real opportunity

to change stereotypes
about Black people.

And I get a walk-in closet.

It's definitely
something to think about.

And it would give some of the
white folks around here a good shock.

Yes! Fight the power!

As long as I get a walk-in closet.

BILL: Dean, stop staring at
the Hitmans' window. Let's go!

So, how was the
sleepover at Brad's house?

Did George Wallace show
up to block his front door?

The Governor didn't show
up, and everything was fine.

Just like at regular people's houses.

- What'd you guys do?
- Well, you know, the usual.

Watched TV, played games.

I mean, Mrs. Hitman let
us stay up really late.

When she tucked us in for
bed, oh, her skin was so soft.


Oh, I mean, uh, looked so soft.

She had on pink lipstick and
a mini-skirt at breakfast.

Hey, stop talking about my mom.

It's like you have a
crush on her or something.

Just paying her a compliment.

And besides, you have
a crush on my sister.

That's different. I actually have
a chance with Kim when we're older.

Okay, but so do me and your mom.

[CHUCKLES] If something
terrible happens to your dad,

I could even marry her.

Then I'd be your father.


That's a little too far, man.

You should take that back, Dean.

- Why? It could happen.
- Take it back, Dean!

Honestly, Bradley,
this is none of your concern.






Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Brad, Dean!

I thought you two were friends.

He has a crush on my mom!

You're going to the principal's office.

Despite Brad's blurting out
our issue to Mr. Norwood,

he didn't tell our moms what
our fight was really about.

Our cross-racial, intergenerational

lustful desires were too
controversial to share.

Not to mention, a little creepy.

[SIGHS] Well, at least
they didn't get suspended.

Yeah, well, the principal
might've shown mercy,

- but I won't.
- Right. Meaning...?

Dean is grounded for two weeks.

Oh. You know what?
Sounds good. Brad, too.


Lillian, can I tell you something?


Um, s-so, your family was looking

at the house in our neighborhood?

Oh, yes.

Girl, Dean swears he could
see you washing dishes

from the second-floor
window. [CHUCKLES]

Well, um, after the open house,

all of the neighbors
were talking, and...

[SIGHS] it seems that your Realtor
is part of a blockbusting scheme.



So you mean he is using us
to scare the white folks away

so that he can get their
homes at a discount.

Yeah, I'm... I'm afraid so.

I just... If your family
was looking at the house,

I just thought that you should know.

Yeah. Well, thanks for telling me.

I'm so disappointed.

Trust me, I get it.

We were the first Jewish family
to move into the neighborhood,

and... what we went through,
you... you don't want to know.

- Well, Bill is gonna blow his top...

... but at least I don't have
to tell him Dean is suspended.

Oh, I'm so happy that
those boys made up.

I know.

I wonder what they were fighting about.

At their age?

Probably some girl.


Okay, okay.

But everything I told you

about the house and its price was true.

I'm not gonna let you put me
in some kind of trick bag, man.

When he was mad, my dad talked like

he was the hero of a
Blaxploitation movie,

even before there were
Blaxploitation movies.

So, I guess now that
you know everything,

you guys are gonna want
to cut in on the deal?

- Terrence, that's not what this is about.
- What?

- It's about the principle.
- That's right, about the principle.

Now, how much of a cut
are we talking about?

I can't believe you're alright
with selling out your own people.

Bill, I don't see it that way.

One of us moving into this
house is still progress.

Not everybody's gonna run away
'cause Black folks move in.

I did not notice the crown
moulding on the ceiling!

Oh, this is a nice house. Come on, now.

There's gotta be a better way
to integrate a neighborhood.

Maybe there is, but I don't
know how to do it. Do you? Hmm?

And this way, at least
everybody makes a tidy profit.

I just want no parts of this.

You know what?

I will give you % over asking price.

That's my final offer.

I thought you came over here to tell him

- we want no parts of this house!
- You right, you right, you right.

I'm... I'm just getting
a little carried away.

- It's such a nice house.
- Come on, Cliff.

So, referrals are out of the question?


You'll find somebody. But me?

I'd rather live in a friendly
all-Black neighborhood,

where we own our own
homes and businesses,

than be used to scare
white folks out of theirs.


I can respect that.

That's right.




- Terrence!
- My dad remained true to his word.

He never sold the house I grew up in.

But by the time I was grown,

most of the neighbors were white.

He avoided integration,

but gentrification got him anyway.


Our experience with
the house on Ivy Lane

did lead to racial progress,

but in a more personal way.

Brad's family came over for dinner.

They were the first white
guests we'd ever had.

You said it's called "challah bread"?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, no!

I made challah bread for dinner.

I'm just kidding. Y'all
know we having cornbread.


Dean, help them with their coats.

- Oh.
- May I take your jacket?

Sure. What a gentleman.


- Thank you so much.
- Nice dress, Kim.

♪ I just met that girl ♪

♪ Whose name is World ♪

Our families proceeded
to have a wonderful time

getting to know each other.

The evening was a total success.


Brad and I tried not to
make fools out of ourselves

- in front of our crushes.
- Thank you.

We totally failed.


♪ Good morning world ♪