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03x04 - The Invitation

Posted: 06/29/23 15:47
by bunniefuu

- [GERALT] Ciri!


[CIRI] I'm not afraid of him anymore.


[GALLATIN] The only human who's
gained my loyalty so far is you.


[CIRI] You'll pay for this.

[DISTORTED] Nilfgaardian scum.

- Oh...
- I've known you since your voice cracked.

Never seen you sleep past dawn.

[CAHIR] My lord.

I wanted to welcome you back myself.



I have a mission for you.

I... I, um...

I didn't expect an assignment so soon.


Well, you did what I asked you
to do without hesitation, and then...


Then you cleaned up your mess.

That is all the proof I need
to know that you are ready.

All necessary supplies are at your
disposal. Weapons, transport, men...


But we must move quickly.




This is ambitious.

Francesca will not be an easy target.

Perhaps we should enlist Frin...

[EMHYR] Fringilla?

What became of her?


She is dead.

[SIGHS] And you are here.

[SIGHS] You said you knew a
good leader when you saw them.


How do you know you're
doing the right thing?

When you have finished this
mission, we shall have...

everything that we want.

We'll be able to knock the
North over with a feather,

and I'll have my daughter by
my side, where she belongs.

Let go of the questions.

Embrace what we have done together.


You leave today.



[YENNEFER] My plan is to
open with a traditional ball.

- Is it me, or is she like a bad fungus?
- [YENNEFER] Then spend the next two days

strategizing a Northern
alliance against Nilfgaard.

An alliance led by a traitor will only

serve to fan the flames of division.

- Aye.
- Aye.

Let her speak.

She says she's here
to help. I believe her.

We must set our differences aside

to create a stronghold
between Verden, Kaedwen,

- Temeria, Aedirn, Lyria...
- [CHUCKLING] Oh, come on!

- And Redania!
- Redania acts in their own interest

with complete disregard for anyone else.

A posture Yennefer
understands intimately!

Redania has the most
powerful army in the North.

Foltest's soldiers, Henselt's,

their combined forces are still shy
of what Vizimir could provide us.

We believe Philippa Eilhart
can deliver her king.

- "We"?
- [VILGEFORTZ] And who is "we"?

Yennefer has my full support.

- Of course she has your support!

[YENNEFER] If I may...

I would like to thank all of you.

Not only for your cooperation now...

but for your forgiveness of the past.

This conclave is my first step on
the path of regaining your trust.

If we are to unite the Continent,

and let me be clear, we have to,

we must first agree.

No more division.

No more secrets.

We can all be our best selves.

For the Brotherhood.


Like a fungus.

I felt his hand grab my shoulder.


Specters aren't supposed
to do that, right?


There's a theory that the monoliths
are conduits to other spheres,

and your power is the key
to opening those conduits.

In Kaer Morhen, you portaled us

to the same sphere
the Wild Hunt inhabit.

And left the door open on my way out.


[SIGHS] Great.

- So now we have to go Aretuza?
- Mm-hmm.

I thought you said it wasn't safe

because of what you saw in the castle.

It's the best option for all of us.



What happened?

Why don't you wanna go there?

[SIGHS] Because it's filled
with catty women who...

who gossip, and get sloppy drunk, and...


And I said some things
to Yennefer that I regret.

She'll forgive you.


What if I'm just not good enough?


- Your power is beyond measure.

- It's your job to say that.
- Ciri.

This isn't my area of expertise.

Perhaps you're struggling because
you're scared of your abilities?


if you truly embrace who
you are and your power...


... you'll be able to
access it whenever you wish.

[CIRI] Hmm.

[GERALT] And close all doors behind you.


[YENNEFER] Invitations are
going out across the Continent.

We expect responses within the day.

[TISSAIA] You know, for
someone who disdains politics,

you do excel at it.

It's just personal agenda
wrapped up in a different package.

If this is what it takes to
keep us all safe, it's worth it.

The Council already
agreed to the conclave.

You can drop the groveling now.


- This is new.
- Mmm. It's a gift from Vilgefortz.

He says it's for protection.
I say it's for love.


I can feel it.

Somewhere, Philippa is rolling her eyes.

You know, I never understood
what happened with you two.

You were so close.

There's nothing to understand.

The friendship just ran its course.

Then I think I'll deliver my
invitation to her in person.

Groveling is the sincerest
form of manipulation.

[TRISS] Tissaia.

Another novice has gone.

Elizabet. Her room is empty.

[TISSAIA] All the rooms are empty.

I told the novices to relocate
to Loxia for the conclave.

- I'm sure she is fine.
- But there was blood.

- What if she's hurt?
- Well, then, we need to get less clumsy novices.

Um, Yennefer, I hope your
ward can carry herself.

Geralt is bringing Ciri.

He told me everything that
happened at Kaer Morhen.

Thank you.

She's the reason I'm doing all of this.

- Hey!

- Hi.


- I haven't seen you since, uh...
- Since...

- Too long.
- Yeah.


You here for the conclave?

Uh, officially, yes.

Unofficially, you're here for
the great reading material.

Oh, so are your...

clandestine library excursions
far more exciting than this?

Exciting isn't the word.

[SIGHS] I've been tracking the
novices who've gone missing this year.

Yeah, three or four in my year
got scared they couldn't hack it.

I know these girls. This
feels like something else.

All of them are half elven.
This can't be a coincidence.

[ISTREDD] What are you thinking?

- I think they've been taken by force.
- Something's been bothering me.

I traveled with the Scoia'tael for
a while, trying to help the elves.

Instead, I watched
them instigate the same

cycle of v*olence that victimized them.

Now, the book I'm looking
for, the Book of Monoliths,

it holds the key to
traveling between spheres.

I thought if I had it,
I could break that cycle,

offer the elves safety
away from the Continent.

But someone at Aretuza beat me to it.

What if the person who's
kidnapping those girls

is planning to use
the book to banish them

for good?


- [MAN] Got some more boxes...
- [CIRI] Chain ferries are slow.

[GERALT] Riding back to
Gors Velen would take longer.
Besides, the passage has
already been arranged.

[MAN] Gonna take my head off!


Well, if it isn't my favorite
pocket-sized princess. How are you?

- How are the lessons going?

Tread lightly around the magic lessons.

He's not actually
talking about my lessons.

He's talking about
your lessons in smiling.

- Work in progress.
- [JASKIER] Yeah.


- Why are you not on board yet?
- The ferryman won't cross.

He's convinced there's
a monster in the water.


Can we go around the gulf?

- [JASKIER] Adds two days to our journey.
- Besides, we're witchers.

Is that so?

Judging by the time
of year and the depth

of water in this part of the North Sea,

I doubt it's anything that dangerous.

- Maybe a kelpie...
- Ciri...


We've been focusing so much on my
magic. What about my hunting skills?

My ability to protect myself.

I wouldn't want that to rust. Would you?

[GERALT] If we k*ll your monster,

will you accept that as
payment for the passage?

Ah... You've got yourself a deal.


Lessons paying off!



came upon you, witcher.

That beast's been a
right pain in my arse.

Put me out of commission.

Between that and the Wild
Hunt ridin' again... [SCOFFS]

You're far too old to
believe in fairy tales, Obin.

You sound like my wife.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Right up in the sky above
that tower on Thanedd.

Came down on the ground. They were here.

Real. Powerful.

What do they want here?
What do you think it means?

The Wild Hunt is an omen for w*r, missy.

No one's ever seen them ride amongst us.

This is different.

Humans against halflings.
Dwarves against elves.

A full-on bloody
m*ssacre. No survivors.

But perhaps best to leave fortune
telling to the soothsayers, hmm?

[MAN] No more on the ship!

- Looks like a peaceful day to me.


Oh, you are f*cking kidding me.

- Who is that, Jaskier?


Wow. That was...


- Good to see you again, Valdo Marx.
- Well, hello, Johan.

- Jaskier. Good.
- Lovely to see you.

[OBIN] Mr. Marx, a pleasure to meet you!

Me... me and the wife are big fans!

- Oh, the pleasure is all mine, good sir.
- Ah!

My troupe is in a bit of a rush.
How much for us all to cross?

For you... oh! Half price!

Half f*cking pri... Are you kidding me?

- Ooh... ooh...


The day just got better.


[VALDO] That G was sharp.

- [MAN] Sorry.

[VILGEFORTZ] We appreciate
the urgency of the conclave,

and the stakes for everyone involved.

The Council will create a secure portal

to get you safely to Redania and back.

If the rogue mage is somehow tracking
you, you'll be well camouflaged.

What makes you so sure they're a "he"?

Women can be arseholes too.

What is your agenda here, Yennefer?

Aside from helping your
crumbling organization

regain some semblance of control

before Nilfgaard destroys the Continent?


Tissaia will always protect you.

But every time you leave a mess
behind, she's the one who cleans it up.

I won't let her get hurt again.

So if you have some hidden cause,

if you're here to use
her and abandon her again,

tell me now.

I've hidden nothing.


I couldn't if I tried.

She knows me at my core.


And I know her too.

She's softer now.

More trusting.


For what it's worth,

I'm happy to see the person
she's become around you.


Your kindness is



The procession has started,
and your portal awaits.

Let's go.



[APLEGATT] I'll get to the
Navy's Commander in three days.

[DIJKSTRA] Make it two. The fate
of the Continent is resting on it.

Do you have it memorized?

A head of gold and an arse of iron.

Get on your horse and prove it.

I've consulted our networks.

Rience is a mystery in Nilfgaard too.

All communication goes through
the woman without a voice.



You seem nervous. Worried we're wrong?

Oh, our intelligence is sound.

So it's personal?


I simply want definitive answers

before we crash the Brotherhood's
party and start pointing fingers.

What's the word here?

Well, our position has
been strengthened by the...

influx of sympathy for our queen.

Even King Demavend is
proposing an alliance.

Soon, all the Northern Kingdoms
will be fighting at our behest.

[CHUCKLES] Well done.




Judging by the size and
frequency of the ripples,

I suspect it's an aeschna.

An aeschna's skin is rough
and covered in spikes,

and difficult to penetrate except for

a tender patch on the top of its skull.

If we lure it into proximity,
we can strike from above

without any harm or damage to
the ferry or anyone on board.



Bet you wonder what I'm doing
in this part of the Continent.

You would lose that bet, Valdo.

Me and the troupe are
playing an exclusive gig.

Party of the century.

Upper echelon only.

I was personally requested by
the witch Sabrina Glevissig.

She admires both... my
instruments. If you catch my drift.

- That's not the only thing she'd catch.

If only you had one of
these... you could join me.


The pity is entirely yours, Valdo.

I... have... been... asked
to do a very important job,

very important... very
important, uh, uh... stakes,

personally requested by the
witch Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Heard of her? Much more important
than your witch. She blew up Sodden.


[OBIN] Have no fear!
We've a witcher on board.

Fear? A churlish cad
whose name I do not know.


You all right there, Jorma?
Need a new pair of breeches?


Let's talk about why you're
struggling with your magical abilities.

Your pride in my
witchering skills really

would have been a better conversation.


I thought if I learned magic...

it would make me a better leader.

Maybe my grandmother was right.

Maybe it's better to govern
with steel and steel alone.


As a witcher,

I will accept coin from someone,
no matter where they're from.

Nations are invisible lines
that people assign meaning to.

A life, however...

A life has real meaning.

It's warm skin and a beating heart.

It should only be
taken as a last resort.

Righteousness can easily become rage.

Justice can easily become scorn.

If you want to be a queen,

be a queen.


I think you'll make an excellent one.



[VIZIMIR] We are gathered here today

to honor the memory

of my beloved Queen Hedwig.

To many, Queen Hedwig was
a stern and distant figure.

But to me, she was as large
in stature as she was of heart.

- I'd like a word.

- Is this really the time?
- [VIZIMIR] Though you were barren...

You'd have made it harder
for me if it wasn't.

[VIZIMIR] ... in many ways,
you were a mother to me.

I was expecting Tissaia to send
a liaison for your little party.

If I'd known it was you, I would
have fire-proofed this place.

- [VIZIMIR] ... and indeed...
- So you're aware of the conclave.

We're Redanian Intelligence.

We're aware of what you
ate for bloody breakfast.

Look, I know you haven't
been on good terms

with the Brotherhood lately.

But Redania, of all kingdoms,

can appreciate the
gravity of the situation.

[VIZIMIR] Dear brother...

- The need for us to unite against Emhyr.
- [VIZIMIR] ... know you will be there...

- How is your hunt for Rience going? Hmm?
- [VIZIMIR] ... join us in a bedchamber...

- Nice speech.
- [VIZIMIR] ... quite close to our own.

- Show me yours, I'll show you mine.
- But let us think of him no more.

For now, I cry vengeance on
those Nilfgaardian scoundrels!

- We will march into battle...
- [YENNEFER] ... I understand that...

- [PHILIPPA] Sometimes we are blind to...
- ... led by the memory...

- of my queen's steely countenance...
- We both...

- And we start today!

Right now! Go. Prepare.

In your homes!


- Traitorous elven mage.
- She was just leaving, Your Highness.

I came here to offer my
deepest condolences, my king.

And to assure you that the
incident at the abbey was misguided.

Serving nobility is a
mage's greatest purpose.

I also wanted to invite Philippa

as an honored guest at
the Conclave of Mages.

Which she has no inclination to accept.

In times like these, monarchs
need more reliable protection.

Like the Brotherhood offers.

Completely unnecessary, my lord.

[YENNEFER] Just look at
your darling wife's fate.

I insist she attend.

And Dijkstra.

And Radovid. I won't
take no for an answer.



[TROUPE MEMBER] How is this...



This is not to insinuate in any way

that I'm in acceptance
of this particular path,

but what will you do if I go to Aretuza?

Go after Rience again?

This is bigger than Rience.

Because of what you saw in that castle?

[VALDO] Again. Be better!

You know you can trust me, right?

I'm still piecing it together myself.

- [VALDO] One, two, three!

♪ A jinx upon that minx ♪

♪ Her rough hijinks ♪

- ♪ That did perplex me... ♪
- For f*ck's sake.


♪ A hex upon my ex ♪

♪ The lad did vex ♪

♪ And so distress me ♪

♪ A pox upon that ox ♪

♪ Who did accost ♪

♪ And so depressed me ♪

[TROUPE] ♪ All I'm dreaming of ♪

♪ Is a spell of love ♪

♪ From the Gods above ♪

- ♪ To heal my heart... ♪
- Would you mind being quiet?

- You're gonna disturb the aeschna.
- ♪ A witch's brew to bring back... ♪

- Shut up!

You're going to disturb the aeschna.

That's the point, my dear. And
are you quite sure it's an aeschna?

I heard a song about one, and
they definitely can't swim.

We'll know when we find it.

Best keep our enemies close.

I couldn't say.

I am beloved by all and have no enemies.

- [VALDO] Boris!
- Swords!









Ciri! Sword!





I thought it would
have gills like a zeugl.

Now you know.

I prefer the balance of
your sword, by the way.

It is a finer sword.

- [VALDO] Slowly.

[GERALT] Monster hunts are never easy.

And you adapted at every turn.

I'm proud of you, Ciri.

Now let's find Yennefer.





- [GERALT] Yennefer.


Where are we?

Where's Ciri?

- We don't have much time.
- I thought she was with you.

What happened?

- What's wrong?











[TRISS, MUFFLED] What do you think...



- Are you all right?
- The portal, it was... it was corrupted.

like it... it was intercepted.

Don't be dramatic.

Tor Lara's been emitting
strange frequencies lately.

Retrograde nonsense.

No, I was... I was att*cked.

An illusion.

It was stellacite ruins and...

a black sea, I...

- I need to talk to Tissaia.
- No.

Something is going on
here. Something sinister.

I know you want this conclave
to bring us together, but...

you need to be careful
who you can trust.

Don't we all?



Let me.




Bringing Ciri here,

it's a bad idea.

But Ciri's power is neither good or bad.

- Her choices will shape her destiny.
- That's not what I meant.

[WHISPERS] It's her blood.

Yes, she's elven.

So am I. And do you know
when I was most dangerous?

When I was desperate.
And powerless. And alone.

And that will not happen to
her. Not as long as I'm around.




- [CIRI] It's not too late.

We could go somewhere remote.
Live off the land, slay beasts.

Look, Ciri...

In that castle, I found young women who

were part of some horrific experiment.

Their bodies melted into a mound
of flesh, and veins, and blood.

Only one of them survived.

Her name is Teryn.

And she believes that she is you.

- What do you mean?
- They've implanted your memories

into her head.

Whoever Rience is working for,

their ultimate plan
is to manipulate you.

And those women, they're
using them as test subjects.

There's nothing I want more than
to return to our normal life, but...

We have to protect more of
these women from getting hurt.

And find the mage who's behind this.

That's why we have to go to Aretuza.



I'm not dead!

- Ooh, surely we are needed elsewhere.
- Mmm...


I'm okay, actually.

Gregor, I'm empty.

What? You can't get
more ale for a fortnight?

I just said I'm parched.

This is a bloody tavern. What
the f*ck do we do without ale?

Aretuza has drained us dry.

Every bloody mage in
the world will be there.

- You know how that lot f*cking drink.
- Boy, don't I.


at least I'm not a mage.

That's just the start of our problems.

The roads aren't safe for the caravans.

I'm hearing boats are goin' missin'
up and down the western coast.

- w*r is in the air, Gregor.
- You say "boats"?

[GREGOR] Who keeps
filling these with flowers?

Will this shut you up?

We'll have to see.

Whilst he tells me about the boats.

- [WOMAN] ... head injury!
- [BORIS] I forgot. Across the hair, it...

[VALDO] Boris! You're on pitch!

[YENNEFER] So, the intrepid
explorers have arrived.

You look like you had
quite the adventure.

You stink. Vile.

- What happened to you, Yen?

Are you all right?

- I'm fine. I'll tell you later.

[GERALT] Yes, we have
a few things to discuss.

[JASKIER] Hello again, witch.
I know you were too embarrassed

to invite a big name like me to
headline at the, uh, conclave thingy,

but I just wanted to let you know I'm...

[LOUDLY] I'm happy to do the other,

very important job that you requested.


You'll be looking after Ciri tonight.

- What?
- [JASKIER] I mean, I was vamping, come on.

I shouldn't have left.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have given you
a reason to leave. I'm sorry.

Let's never do that again.


Jaskier, if you would.


Ooh, yes. Uh, yeah,
absolutely. Come on, kiddo.

Why don't you tell me all about
how you slayed the sea monster

all on your own whilst Geralt sat
around on his arse all afternoon, eh?

[AS YENNEFER] "Oh! What the hell
were you thinking, fighting monsters?"

- That's not what she's saying.
- Now, that is the role of poetry, Ciri.

To say what others cannot utter.

[AS GERALT] "Oh, you fed her to the
magical lion's den. I trusted you."

- You're just making this all up.

Meh. That's also the role of poetry.

[AS YENNEFER] "At least
she was in disguise there."

"Not clanging stupid swords

when I told her not to
draw attention to herself."



[AS GERALT] "Funny, I
wonder how she learned

such complete and utter
disregard for authority."

That was a good one. [LAUGHS]

- "You're unbelievable!" [LAUGHS]
- "You're delusional!"

"I forgive you for your various
foolish words and deeds.

Your lack of faith and hope.

For your obstinacy. Doggedness.

For your sulking and posing,
which are unworthy of a man."

"I forgive you for being a wily witch

who rarely listens and even
more rarely admits to being wrong.

Who is stubborn, and
stuck-up, and self-righteous.

Let's never do that again."

Oh. Oh! Oh yes, take me."

[AS GERALT] "Do that thing
with the tongue that I like."

"Oh, you mean this? Bleugh, bleugh!"

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Is there
a unicorn nearby, by any chance?"

- "Oh!"


Come on, you deviant.



Give me all your money.


- Oh, come on! Every time!

- Wh... Ah... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Ha-ha!

I thought we were playing for fun.

I assure you, it truly is
a delight taking your coin.

Yeah, I'm sure you do.


Um... I'm sorry you're here
with me. Instead of at the party.

Oh, I'm not.

Valdo's off-key warbling
would make my ears bleed.


Besides, I'm better off here.

Playing nanny.


You don't have to do that.

You don't have to prove what
you're going to be in the future.

My two orens?

I think you're pretty
all right right now.


That's the nicest thing
you've ever said to me.


Ah, it's all part of my hustle.

Just wait until this next hand.

I'm going to mop the floor
with your royal arse, milady.


Now I'm tired.

[WHISPERS] All right.

♪ For if your goal be paradise ♪

♪ A life with your true love ♪

♪ Ponder all your wants in life ♪

♪ And make a little sacrifice ♪




Uh... Uh, if... if anyone is out here,

I need you to know that I am... armed.

I tried to knock. It,
uh... it didn't go well.

What are you doing here?

My brother asked me to accompany
Philippa and Dijkstra to the conclave.

Why is everyone invited to
that f*cking event but me?

Dijkstra wants me out of his way.
Philippa wishes me to draw you out.

- Get information.
- And what do you want?

The only good part of
this mess was meeting you.

I've slipped away from
my security detail.

You're in no danger, I promise.

Yeah, well, that force
field that blew you back,

it, uh... lasts till dawn.

- Let them try it.
- I'm scared, Jaskier.


Just saying that makes
you braver than you know.

That's it. That's what
makes you so special.

You don't just see people.

You see the best in them.

May I?


Yeah. Yeah, all right.

♪ Keep your words on ice ♪

♪ Your gaze lights the fire ♪

♪ They say, "Keep on
playing nice," but... ♪

♪ I have no desire ♪

You learned my song.


My... my playing's
shit, and I did have a...

Maybe that's something we can work on.

I can't take you inside. I'm sorry.

Then take me here.

- [ELF YELLS] Incoming!
- [ELF ] Archers!

- [ELF ] On my right!
- [ELF ] Yah!

- [ELF ] Through there! Move up!

Is this the price for my life?


The contrary. This is an
offering for your compliance.

- Provisions and weapons.
- [FILAVANDREL] What of Gallatin?

[CAHIR] He attempted a coup.

And abandoned his post when the
White Flame chose to back you.

Liar. Gallatin would never do that.

Emhyr asked you to join his
search for Cirilla of Cintra.

- What is she to you?
- She is the one who was prophesied.

Hen Ichaer.

A savior of the elves who will
lead them to their rightful home.

- What is she to you?
- She is a princess

who deserves to be in her rightful home.

There is a way to both get what we want.

But it will require cooperation.

[DARA] He's using you.

It's what they do. He can't be trusted.

What of Fringilla?

Did she abandon her post as well?

There seems to be a theme
among your allies, Cahir.

Why should I trust you?

Because it's the only choice you've got.

Your people have lost enough.

Don't let them lose you too.


This is our first mission as allies.


For the White Flame.

For the White Flame.

[APLEGATT] I hereby bring official
word to the King's Navy of Redania.

By order of Sigismund Dijkstra,

reinforcements are required
at Aretuza at first dawn.

Reinforcements are required
at Aretuza at first dawn.

Reinforcements are required...



I never knew these
tunnels were under Aretuza.

[ISTREDD] The elves created
secret passages everywhere,

and clearly... you
didn't sneak out enough.

No. I stayed above
ground like normal people.

- Well, you said we needed privacy.
- It's Yennefer.

- She was att*cked in the portal.
- att*cked? What happened? Is she okay?

Yes. But those novices aren't.

We keep talking about a rogue mage,

but the enemy is here,
Istredd. Among us.

Yeah, the person who took
the Book of Monoliths.

We can test that theory. Yen
had stellacite dust on her.

What are the chances your book does
too? A locator spell could show us.

Take my hand.

Repeat with me.






- Holy shit.
- Oh shit.

- You saw that?
- Yeah.

It was you. The illusion.

But it was dead inside.
It was trying to k*ll me.

[GERALT] Sounds like it almost did.

It didn't have a
chance. I obliterated it.


It's all connected, isn't it?
Everything that's happening.

Whoever's backing Rience is here.

And they know we're close
to sniffing them out.

- Who uses illusions...
- Hates me...

And has a history of
experimenting on young women?

[BOTH] Stregobor.

We have to be smart. It'll
be our word against his.

He won't have any words,
because I'm going to k*ll him.

Geralt, if we strike
first without solid proof,

we'll only throw the
mages and Northern Kingdoms

into further suspicion.

And division.

And hand Nilfgaard the
Continent in the process.

If Stregobor is behind this,
he's a traitor to the Brotherhood.

They'll do far worse to
him than even you could.

You're asking me to play at politics.

I'm asking you to play along.
Let this unfold at the conclave.

We will not let him hurt Ciri.

I promise.

No one will get to her with
the spell I put on the cabin.

She'll be safe until the morning.


And I have you.

The real you.

In the flesh.

He can't hurt us.



[DIJKSTRA] Are you sure about this?


We get our answers. Then we act.

[TRISS] Are you sure about this?

We do this together.


- Are you sure about this?
- Not in the slightest.

[GERALT] No one told
me I'd have to dress up.

[YENNEFER] I'm sorry. Can you
not tolerate a little discomfort?

Lilac and gooseberries.

Now that, I can tolerate.

Are you sure about this?

[SIGHING] Are you?




[JASKIER] ♪ Keep your words on ice ♪

♪ Your gaze lights the fire ♪

♪ They say, "Keep on playing nice" ♪

♪ But I have no desire ♪

♪ Why waste our words ♪

♪ When lips were made For
extraordinary things? ♪

♪ It's not a want, it's a need ♪

♪ It is paying no heed ♪

♪ To what others say to sing ♪

♪ The greatest songs are made up ♪

♪ Of unspoken words of love ♪

♪ Of them, I've had enough ♪

♪ With you, I have enough ♪

♪ With you, I am enough ♪

♪ I am ♪

♪ Enough ♪