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03x01 - The Jailhouse Job

Posted: 06/28/23 10:33
by bunniefuu
Thirty seconds, call it.

Two Feds, but five cameras, overlapping 180s, response time 15 seconds.

Hardison? [machine whirring.]

Cameras are watching yesterday's footage.

Locking down which elevator? [snorts.]

Huh? Oh, um, um, yes, I'm I'm a go for elevator one.

Were you asleep? It's very peaceful up here.

- Besides, I sleep better upside down.

- [elevator whirring.]

- [screams.]

Oh! - Are you OK? - Oh, my papers! - That's all right, I got 'em.

Hey, you, you.

You should have some signs up or pylons or something.

I'm so I go, I go, I go.

[chains clanking.]

- Incoming.

- [elevator dings.]

- [Taser whirring.]

- [yelling.]


[lock clicking.]

You know, you coulda just taken the keys off the guy's belt.

Nah, this is faster.


[car alarm blaring.]


What? [grunting.]

Ah! [yelling.]

- [horn honking.]

- Oh! - [tires screeching.]

- [Sophie.]

Get in! - No.

- No? Uh no.

- What do you mean, no? - [Nate.]

It's a horrible plan.

None of it times out and there's no way you can get to the car that fast.

Ah, but you have to admit, it'd be a lot more dramatically satisfying if I'm the one driving the getaway car.

You know they record these calls.


Now, I created a carrier signal for our conversation, but I'm dumping another conversation onto the prison recording system.

- Spanish soap opera? - Oh, yeah, check it out, man, look.

It turns out Pepe's twin brother, Pepi, is actually Guadalupe's baby's daddy.


Seriously? [voices speaking Spanish.]

- He don't want to do it.

- Ah, but I love jumping on elevators.

- I know.

- This is my special elevator rig you got me for Christmas.

- All right, look, Nate, you took the fall for us - After you lied to us He took the fall for us.

You went to jail so we wouldn't have to.

We get that.

So, we're square.

But now, you gotta let us get you out of prison.

- But if we're gonna do that - And not all of us are convinced that we should.

then we have to hit you at your next hearing.

That prison's escape-proof.

Guys, no.

I committed a crime.

I got caught, and now I am gonna serve my time.

Nate, what kind of world would it be if everybody that committed a silly little crime went to prison, huh? - Complete madness.

I - [scoffing.]

- Did you get the kielbasa? - Yeah.

There's an earbud inside it.

Now, listen to me.

In no way, shape or form are you gonna break me out of this prison.

Understood? [Hardison.]

OK, you know what? You know what? Fine, Nate.

We're still out here, we're doing the job.

We help people nobody else helps.

That's important.

You want to stay around and miss out just because you've got to figure out your guilty conscience, that's your loss.

[Nate laughs.]

Yeah, Hardison, I wasn't Wait, Sophie, Sophie, hold Just - Who me? - Yeah.


I don't use the name Sophie anymore.

I use my real name now.

Oh, your real And what is that? You know that they record these calls, don't you? That's Nate Ford, Mr.


This the man you want? - [woman speaks Italian.]

- Yes.

We'll need all his court and prison records, - visitor logs, everything.

- This is a privately run prison.

- [speaks Italian.]

- Corporate facilities do not obey the same rules - as public prisons.

- [woman speaking Italian.]


My employer wishes you to understand, this is not a request.

We will not be providing warrants, paperwork or any other form.

Warden, you will give us all your files on Nathan Ford, or you will find yourself and your company under state, - federal and international investigation.

- I am not a warden.

- [speaking Italian.]

- I am CEO of National Prison Properties.

I built this company, five prisons, from the ground up.

- [speaking Italian.]

- [woman laughs.]



You know what they say, that Rome was not built in a single day.

But it burned in one.

[prisoners chattering.]

- Hey.

- Hey.

Seamus Heaney.

That Irish guy you asked for.

Oh, excellent.

Well, thanks Billy, right? - Uh, yeah.

- Well, thank you.

This could not have been easy to find.

Well, I mean you seemed pretty down.

And we we gotta stand up for each other, right? Yeah.

You're all right, Billy.


Wish the judge thought so.

Hey, I appreciate it.

I think something's happening.

Thanks for your input.

You can move on now.


Wait, wait, wait, wait.


No, no, no, no, stop it.

You don't have to do this.

Don't do this, man, please.


- [Billy.]

Get the knife.

- Come on.

Let's go.


Hey! Hey! [grunts.]

Now, what the hell was that about, Billy? Remember that 88 gangbanger that got beat to death last month? - Yeah.

- Yeah, well, his buddies think I did it.

- Did you? - No, no.

I found the body, all right.

But the guards say nobody else was near him, so now I'm down for it.


Yeah, well, that doesn't make sense.

The warden should have put you in protective custody.

Look, I don't even know why I'm in prison.

- You want to hear what I did? - Yeah.

I drove up to New Hampshire to see my girlfriend, all right.

I had beer in the trunk.

I had crossed state lines.

I I didn't even know that was illegal.

- You expect me to believe that? - Look, I swear to God.

I didn't even have a lawyer for the hearing.

Look, they said it was just a fine.

I plead guilty, next thing I know I'm in here for eight months.

I'm a frickin' accountant, man.

- I - Ah, all right, you're an accountant.

Yeah, uh, no, uh-uh.

Whoa, wait, what is what is that for? - It's kielbasa.

- I know that.

But what are you doing with it? OK, don't, uh Come on, man, that's That's nasty.

In your ear.

That's great.

- Hardison.

- No, no, uh-uh, no.

We extended our hand of forgiveness and you slapped it away.

Now, go away, I'm having some me time.

Wheeee! Please, please, I just want you to check the records of inmate Billy Epping.

- Fast.

- Look, man, who are you talking to? - [beeping.]

- Whoa.


Uh, William Epping's conviction was for transporting liquor across state lines, but his sentence was way longer than anyone's received for that crime since like, the Pilgrims, man.

Talkin' to a frickin' sausage.

It's weird.

Your warden was consulted on the sentencing.

- That's hinky.

- [sighs.]

- What are you? - Now, listen to me.

- We're gonna check this out, OK? OK? - OK, OK.

- Which I'm gonna do.

- All right.

- I'm sorry.

- For what? [groans, exhales.]

- Ah! - Uh, Hardison, uh, why don't you gather the team and, uh, get me background check on the on the warden.

- You stabbed me! - Oh, come on, just a little.

- It's it's fine.

- Nate, did you find us a client in prison? Yes.

We are going to help Billy Epping and maybe take down a warden at the same time.


Stop! Who the hell are you talking to? [stammering.]

I'm gonna pass out.

I'm gonna pass out.

Yeah, just yeah.

How did I get started? Well, hedge funds, actually.

And then a bit of international finance.

But then ten years ago, I hit on this: National Prison Properties.

Get the government out of the justice business.

- Mr.

, uh - [English accent.]



Corporate-run prisons, five facilities, thousands of inmates.

It's tremendous.

The U.


has the fastest growing prison population in the world.

- [beeping.]

- It's like the real estate boom.


Except, of course, the problem with real estate, - you eventually run out of land.

- [Hardison chuckles.]

You never run out of people to put in prison.


We haven't had much success with the private prison concept in England.

Our investment firm has large real estate holdings for construction of facilities You see, any yahoo can lay some concrete and throw up some razor wire.

The profit comes in proper management.

For example, - the big money for us is in prison labor.

- Sorry? Goods and services made by prisoners in America, two billion dollars a year.

One out of every five office chairs and desks made in America, made by convicts.

And those jobs are not going to the Chinese.

- [both laugh.]

- Bottoms up.

[medical machine beeping.]

Man, this really the best plan? Listen, the infirmary's under lockdown.

There's cameras on both sides of the door, extra guards because of the pharmaceuticals.

It's the safest place in the prison, really.

- [door buzzing.]

- [Nate.]

Plus, I uh, I got you a little extra insurance coming right now.

Abernathy, M.


Here's my, uh, C-13-A State Employment Certification.

There's my, uh, processing forms, the A-76/4 You worked prison clinic before? Have I worked? Sir, um, if you'll look on this you can see my history right here.

Framingham, Concord.

Hell, my roommate at Tufts drives a Benz and fixes little girls' noses.

Rich ones, all right? I got shanked by my own scalpel last year in the neck.

- OK, already.

Welcome to Rockford.

- Thank you.

- The guard'll stay.

Yo, Ford.

- Mmm? - Clear out.

- Yeah, uh, give me one minute.

Hey, Billy.



I'm gonna be taking a look at you.


If you do exactly what I say, I'm gonna get you home.

Alive, OK? - Thanks.

- OK.


Ford, come on.

- Let's go.

- Yeah, just - Uh - I need to talk to you.


Oh, God! You all right? What'd you do? Did you do something? What happened? - Your tooth? Your mouth? - It's like a sh**ting pain through my Let me see this real quick.

Ooh! Hold up.

Yeah, that's an infection.

- It's just a sh**ting - You know, I can take you down to dental.

I can take care of this right now.

Will you give me one second, we'll be right back.

- Thank you.

- I have to go with you.

You have to go with us? Well, come on.


Make sure you get your earplugs though because I'm gonna be sawing through some bone and, uh, the "zzzzzz" is really loud.

And you're, uh and the burning flesh and stuff, so I'll try to have Or we can just Well, you know what, it's fine, just right in here, sir.

Please have a seat.

It's just in case the guards come in.


Where's the infirmary manual? [light buzzing.]

- [drill whirring.]

- [Nate chuckles.]

That's, uh, for the for the guards, right? You know what I usually do, Nate, to people that run a con on their own team? Almost get people k*lled because they're out of control? Are we OK, Eliot? [beeps.]

Adam Worth, IV.

Harvard Business School, old money, political dynasty in the state.

His daddy was a governor, his uncle was a attorney general and his brother is the congressman.

Adam here even took a couple of early runs in office, but couldn't get elected as a dogcatcher.

That's why he got into business.

Hardison's working him.

OK, first we have to figure out how to nail the warden and whatever scam he's running here.

Second, we gotta get Billy out of here in case things go bad.

Told you, this place is escape-proof.

- [computer beeping.]

- Twenty-first century prison.

Fewer guards, more tech.

Infrared cameras, motion sensors, lockdown doors.


Does Parker have any ideas? She's working with - Sophie.

- What was that? - I I didn't I - Little pause there.

Sophie told us her real name.

I'm not allowed to say it in front of you.

- Seriously? - Mmm-hmm.

Her and Parker, they're running the judge.


How could you possibly think that the Santa Clara case was decided? - Oh! Excuse me.

- Oh, that's all right.

- Oh, pardon me.

- I mean, it's absurd.

I mean, no other case has come so close to almost destroying democracy - At the time, - as we know it.

Honestly, I don't even know what they teach you in law school these days.

Keycard and checkbook.

Keys and appointment book.

Ooh, and this, safety deposit box key.

Ooh, I love a secret.


Yes, yes, this is Mrs.


I'm calling about my account.

Ooh, yeah.

Account number zero-zero-one-eight- three-four-five.

- [beeping.]

- Yes, I got a call about my safe deposit box, that a payment was due.

Billy Epping.

And more.

A lot more.

All sent to Rockford Correctional.

Two years ago, Judge Melvoy got a safe deposit box right around the time he started sending people down for hard time.

And I'm talking citizens, not, you know, people like us.

Yeah, well, Judge Melvoy's not the only one.

Four judges opened safe deposit boxes at the same time.

There I mean, there are hundreds of cases here and these are just the ones that we found.


Records I pulled off of Worth's computer show that each time an inmate checks in at Rockford, their judge gets an email.

Now, it looks coded.

I'm thinking Cayman Islands bank account? Hardison, private prisons have a contract with the state, just like any company that provides a service.

Now, do they have to maintain a headcount? Mmm-hmm, yeah.

You see, Rockford can't drop below 70 percent occupancy.

If they do, they lose their state funding.

No state money, they close.

- And they came very close two years ago.

- Hm.

So private prisons are like the hotel business: they live and die on occupancy, headcount.

Now, Worth wasn't going to lose a hundred million in profit just 'cause he didn't have enough hard cases to fill the prison.

So he puts a few judges on the arm to send him non-violent offenders, - easy prisoners to supervise.

- Yeah, but why these people? Because they're citizens.

'Cause they're honest, middle-class citizens.

These are the people They don't want to cause any trouble, they can't afford a lawyer, so if some judge sends them away, well, yes, sir, they were taught to trust the courts.

They believe in the system.

So? Nate? What you got? Well, Worth makes money sending innocent people to prison.

I have just the thing.

Lovely suit.

Uh, thank you.




You're gonna have to change that, Mr.


You'll only be wearing American from now on.

Here's my card.

Well, this doesn't happen every day.

No, it does not.

You'll remember this day.

This is the day you became a United States senator.

[telephones ringing.]

- It's busy.

- Well, it is an election year, Mr.


Which leads me to my little problem.

[laughs, sighs.]

Senator Camp.

- He's a lock for re-election.

- He was.

So, Mr.

Worth these are from my sources at the Globe.

They want to run the story this week.


Remember what I showed you, just try some different different shapes and, um, that pout that we talked about.

Ooh, no, not that one.

I didn't show her that.

Just open, maybe open your mouth.


Kind of.

Just, you know, just relax.

- Try one up, one down.

Maybe - [growls.]

Ooh, yeah, sh**t that.

Ooh, I like that.

It's gonna work.

OK - Yes.

- She's good.

- I could work with that.

- Whoa, oh, whoa.

- [Sophie.]

Parker? - Why am I looking away? Senator Happy Pants picked the worst possible time to get caught.

The deadline for filing for the next election is Friday.

This story leaks, he resigns, I've got less than 72 hours - to find me a candidate.

- I have considered running, - but I don't have any campaign people.

- Huh.


Adam Worth, a self-made man who's dedicated his life to keeping criminals away from our children.

Tough on crime, tough on spending, tough for you.


Sample polls have you without even running a single ad.

Women aged 18 to 49 just eat you up with a spoon.

Wanna see your campaign posters? Worth's on the hook.

And I gotta give it to you, Nate, nobody can read a mark quite like you.

Ah, come on, he tried to run twice and failed.

It had to have been eating away at him.

Now, find me a way out of this place.

Billy showed me where he found the first dead g*ng member.

- Blind spot, no cameras.

- A nice coincidence.


And Hardison checked the incident reports.

All of them happened in camera blind spots.

Places convicts wouldn't know existed.

- Guards.

- [Eliot.]

They k*lled them.

Accident, and, whatever.

They let Billy here find them, - wouldn't be the first time.

- [Nate.]

Can we use the blind spots? I really want a back door out of this place.

No, Nate, I can't access those cameras from here.

They're dumb, they run straight to the server.


Yeah, and they could have upgraded the motion sensors and infrared since these plans.

You're gonna have to map it out, old school.

Lockdown bolt.


Lockdown bolt.

[computer whirring.]

Motion sensor.

[indistinct chatter.]

And heat sensor.

Nate, if you could see this, you would not be encouraged.

Yeah, I see it.

Yeah I hope Sophie has more luck with the warden.

Who's Sophie? You remember, we're not supposed to use her real name with Right.

Nate hasn't earned it yet.










The average Senate race in America costs eight million dollars.

You can buy a Senate seat cheaper than a house on Beacon Hill.

The trick is to come out strong.

If you have, say, quarter million dollars of your own money in a campaign fund when you announce, I promise you will clear the field of all the other candidates.

- I'm going to be a senator.

- If you're serious.

We already have a federally approved account set up.

You just have to transfer your funds into it.


- Let's do it.

- I knew you were the right choice.

And you'll be matching my funds.

Miss Lucas, I need to know that we're partners in this.

A quarter million from me, a quarter million from the party.

You put in your money first, then I put mine in.

I need to know that you're serious.

Of course.

It'll be done this afternoon.

Just wait until you see our money go into the account, - and then transfer your funds in.

- Very good.

Oh, sorry, this is your office.


All right, we cut that wire.


No, no, look, once a lockdown is called, all these sensors go hot and those door bolts drop into place.


I got it.

The furnace room.

There's no sensors because it's too hot.

They crawl straight down along the heating pipes until they reach the sewage system.

- [chuckles.]

- Now, Parker, it's 150 degrees in there.

The average human can withstand that for 27 seconds.

- What? Come on, like - Worth is on the hook, - but with 250 of ours as a buy-in.

- Ouch.

Did I say ours? I meant what's left of your life savings.

Yeah, we took it out of your account.

Any luck here? - No.

- Yeah, yeah, got it.

B corridor, through to the kitchen, into the freezer, into the freezer air exchange, into the machine tunnels, which will lead me to the roof - or the parking lot.

- [Hardison.]

You gotta beat the lockdown door to the corridor.

There's a thousand pounds of pressure on that bolt.

There's motion sensors in the kitchen.

And infrared in the machine corridor.

All to get to the roof or the parking lot where you'll be trapped and probably brutally gunned down.

Got a way out of that? I'm working on it.


My bank just called.

The state party put $250,000 into my leadership fund.

I just moved in my matching funds.

- Well, congratulations, Senator.

- [laughs.]

That means I need the entire operation cleaned up.

Squeaky clean.

So whatever your guards are doing for side income, it stops.

- There's gonna be a lot of grumbling.

- Then fire them.

What's the use of being non-union if I can't fire people? - Are there any loose ends? - The Epping kid.

If the state decides to investigate that g*ng m*rder.

Put him in front of a grand jury, they're gonna like him.

The cover story could come apart.

This is what happens when you don't take care of things yourself.

My guys were just supposed to rough the gangbanger up.

Things got out of hand.

So make sure this time.


Tomorrow, turn off the cameras, go in the infirmary and k*ll Epping.

Case closed.

No g*ns.

Make it look like a prison hit.

k*ll the cameras.

[monitor beeps.]

Ah, Mr.


Welcome back.

Thanks for seeing me again.

I fly out tonight, - but my shareholders had a few more questions.

- [phone rings.]

Supervisor Worth.

[Italian accent.]


Worth, thank you for your help.

I was thinking, you should take a close look at Nate Ford's visitor logs.

Especially the video.

- Would you excuse me for just a moment? - I It's just [beeping.]

- Nate, the cameras just went down.

- OK, where? The whole system.

They faked a reboot.

It's down for five minutes.

Eliot, get ready! They're coming for Billy! [steam hissing.]

[speaking Spanish.]

- Push in closer.

- Yes, sir.

[Spanish continues.]

Parker, please tell me you're in Hardison's new van.

- Yeah.

It's really nice.

- Did you bring it? Wait, are we doing that now? Yeah, we're gonna break out right now.

Yes! Sophie, I need you to help guide me through it.

We're on the count.

Nate, when they call lockdown, every door in the prison seals tight.


How ya doin'? [grunting, shouting.]



- Look at me.

Look at me.

- [grunting.]

- A little sloppy.

- New glasses.

- [door opens.]

- Hey, I am an accountant, OK Come on, come on, go, go, go, go, go! [groaning.]


Call lockdown.

Copy that.

- [alarm blaring.]

- [PA.]


We are in lockdown.

- Lockdown in five, four, three - We're not gonna make it! - [PA.]

two, one.


- [beeping.]

Newspaper folded eight times can support a ton of weight.

Come on.

[both panting.]

[phone rings.]

First Boston Independent Bank, how can I help you? Yeah, this is Adam Worth.

I want to close an account, move money out of it right now.

- [Sophie.]

Which account, sir? - $250,000, the Worth Campaign Fund.

I'm sorry, sir, for a transaction of that size, you're gonna have to come to the bank in person.

That was Worth.

I stalled him, but he's on his way to the bank as we speak.

Ugh, Mr.

Barrington-Jones, I, uh, I have to go.

- What is that alarm? - A lockdown.

- Bellows, what's going on? - Here you go.

Billy Epping is on the run.

And I think that Ford guy is in on it.

- [guard.]

Let's go.

- Look, I don't have time for this.

Uh, call me tomorrow and, uh, we'll reschedule, please.

No, if Don't forget your dry cleaning.



Hold on.

- And three, two, one.

- Oh! - OK, go, do what I told you.

- All right.

Good luck.

- [steam hissing.]

- [alarm blaring.]

- Motion sensor.


- [Nate.]

Steam's filling up now.

Motion sensor beat.



Ah! And heat sensor cleared.

Last stop.


- No reports from any of the patrols.

- Get me the cameras! Exteriors, show me the roof.

No way.

- [g*ns cocking.]

- [helicopter blades thwacking.]


Come on! [all shouting.]

[phone rings.]

We are still on lockdown! I've got men in the ventilation system, I've got K9 teams working the exterior fence.

- What's happening at the bank? - I don't know.

This smells like a setup.

Sir, you got here just in time.

Someone else attempted to close this account out earlier today.

But I still have it, right? All my money in the account? Yes.

And the rest? There's still another $250,000 in the account.

Yes, all of it.

I'll take all of it.

There! It's Ford and Epping together! Is that vehicle still out there? Come on.

[g*ns cocking.]

[g*ns cocking.]

Epping! - Oh, sorry, sir.

- I say.

There's an escapee and we're checking all the cars.

My name is Lester.

Lester Barrington-Jones.

I've had a meeting with your warden.

This is um uh, my secretary.




OK, sir, look, I need you to clear out 'cause we're busy here.

- Of course.

Uh, of course.

- OK.

Hey, let's go.

Yeah, yeah.


See, I like this.

- I like when we pretend to kiss.

- Pretend? Hey.

An escape? I've got news crews, I have a governor on my call sheet, every contract I have is in jeopardy.



Detective Captain Bonanno, Massachusetts State Police.

I think we have a lead.


Thank God.

If we catch him before the weekend, maybe we get out of this in one piece.

We have security video of Nathan Ford abandoning his getaway vehicle.


I know that parking lot.

That's my bank.


Actually, that's your car.

Is there a good reason you drove away from your prison in the middle of an escape attempt? - [stammering.]

Well, I was - Uh, this is my favorite part.


He - He stole my dry cleaning! - Yeah, it fits him really nicely.

Which is odd, because I've met Nate Ford.

And he's a good four inches taller than you.

So what, you just happened to have a custom-made suit in your backseat perfectly tailored for your accomplice.

- Don't forget your dry cleaning.

- [grumbles.]

Accomplice? [stammers.]

Now, wait a minute.

Epping is his accomplice.

They escaped together.

Well, you got two problems with that.

First, if you're referring to William Epping, he's still inside this prison.

And second, while Nate Ford was changing clothes in your backseat, you were inside the bank clearing out your account.

Yeah, that's right.

The one he put a quarter million dollars into for the bribe, remember? What, did I say ours? I meant what's left of your lifesavings.

Yeah, we took it out of your account.

Yes, all of it.

I'll take all of it.

Yeah, the only thing we found in your car was this list of state judges.

Well, that, uh that could be anything.

I don't know, Nathan Ford is a very bad man.

I think we better get some warrants and talk to these judges.

They, uh they could be in trouble.

Give me your hands.

Let's go.

Tell me, Mr.

Worth, what kind of guy makes money letting guilty people out of prison, huh? Get him out of here.

- [inmates yelling, cheering.]

- Hey, hey! And where do you think you're going? [inmates cheering.]

You busted, ese! That's right! What have you done to my apartment? I'm the landlord and this place was vacant and we needed an office.

Now, I got staggered flights on Air France.

Nate, I put you on a train to New York and you fly out on Air Uruguay.

Air Uruguay? What are you talk? Yeah, your passport has you as Juan Ford, coffee merchant.

- Now, look, we all rendezvous in Paris and then - Juan Ford.

[woman speaks Italian.]

- I would prefer wine.

- Good for you.

- How did you know? - That some third party was in play? Come on.

The entire plan depended on Worth finding out Sophie was bent.

He was supposed to panic.

I mean, we were about to tip him off, but I called him first.

Ah! Look, a guy with my rep, who stings corrupt millionaires, winds up in a private prison run by a corrupt millionaire? I mean, how long did it take you to put that together? Huh? This wasn't just a jailbreak, was it? It was an audition.

You're as good as they say.

Possibly too good.

I need you to take down Damien Moreau.

Damien Moreau? Are you out of your mind? Nobody touches Moreau.

Nate, Moreau finances the Sicilians, the Russian Mafia, the Columbia cartels Not only that, he moves money for the North Koreans, stolen artifacts for Iraq, - nuclear materials for Iran - Moreau is the Big Bad.

He is the Central Bank for International Crime.

Nate, these files are CIA, FBI, uh, Mossad, Japanese Security.

So who is this woman? - You're not the police.

- I'm not the police.

Moreau buys the police.

He buys politicians.

And no law enforcement or intelligence agency can touch him.

You have six months to take down Damien Moreau.

She wants to hire us to go after Moreau.

- [all chattering.]

- Guys, guys, guys! Just wait a second.

This is not a job.

If you bring me Damien Moreau, you can walk away and nobody will chase you.

[Nate sighs.]

And if I fail? You come stay in my prison in Rome.

Thick walls a thousand years old.

And we still use chain for such a bad man.

What about my team? They lead dangerous lives.

Thieves die all the time.

Now, that you should not have said.

I don't know.

You seem highly motivated.

- She's blackmailing us? - Eh, she's, she's She's sort of maybe, uh uh, yeah.

Sucks to be on the wrong side of that, finally.

Right now they have the leverage, so what we have to do is we have to get it back.

You can't go straight at a guy like Moreau.

He'll vaporize us.


So, what we do is, we do like we've always done in the past, is we do jobs that help people.

Only this time some of them are gonna lead us right to Moreau.


I mean, I do have a pretty big client list waiting for us to check out.

- Oh, we back in business.

- [Parker chuckles.]

[Nate sighs.]

So, how's that going for you? This, uh Thanks for asking.

Yeah, it's, um, good.

You know, what I realized is, is that, uh, I tried being a drunk honest man, a sober thief.

So I'm gonna try being a drunk thief.


Try that for a little while.

You're not gonna try to save me, are you? You're a thief now.

You can save yourself.

Whatever you say, Dominique.

Hm? Caroline.

Eh Miriam.


I'll get it.

I'll get it.